Chapter 90: The Unknowing Paradox

"Gemini. Is that you?"


"What are you doing, Gem?"

"Making our dream come true. We're going to become number one."

"Not like this Gem, never like this. I look up to you for how caring and honest you are. It breaks my heart to see you like this."

"This is some trick. An illusion."

"I can only show you what's in your heart. This is what was hidden down."

"What have I done? This is all my fault. Aoi, I'm sorry!"

"It's alright, Gem; I'm here."

Gemini snapped to finding herself in a hospital bed. She tried moving only to find herself chained to the bed. There was no scanners or TVs in the room. All there is was a bed and a table. Blurry images rushed through her mind, holding her head in pain; she squinted only for it all to stop. It all faded away. "Gemini!" Goro gasped, rushing in. "You're finally awake. I never thought you would."

"Where am I?" She spoke blankly.

Goro sat on the edge of her bed, adjusting himself. "We're in a self-isolated facility. After Alton defeated you, you were taken in here. Do you remember that?"

"I can't say that I do. To be quite honest, everything is drawing a blank."

"Everything? What do you remember?"

"My name is Aoi? No? Gemini, I think. My sister, she's dead, correct?"

Goro nodded cautiously. "She died seven years ago. You found her in the forest, remember?"

Again, Gemini shook her head, now looking even more conflicted as she began twirling her fingers. "I'm sorry, I'm only drawing blanks. If that's true, I feel horrible that I forgot that. If you don't mind me asking do I know you?"

Goro flinched, looking dazed as he began licking his lips, trying to think of something to say. "Gemini, please tell me you know who I am?"

Gemini began to giggle nervously. "Who are you?"

Stepping back, he was interrupted as the door opened. Goro turned, startled to see one of the CEOs of V.I.R.A.L Kurt. "As expected, the lovesick bird would be here. I'm glad, though, won't have to repeat myself."

"What are you doing here?"

"To tie up loose ends. Gemini Fujisaki, I see you're well."

"She, she lost her memories."

"Well, of course, she did. The Garden influence has been purged from her mind. Any memories before then were also destroyed. She'll most likely never get them back."

"How do you know that?"

"Because we were the ones behind the purge."

Goro flinched, snapping. "You bastard, how could you do this to her?"

"I think you are missing the point here, Revert." Kurt chuckled. "If we didn't make sure measures, then I'm afraid all we could do is kill miss Fujisaki here. Anyone who is allied to the Garden cannot be allowed to live."

"So, you're not even afraid to admit this Garden is more than a legend anymore?"

"Of course not, we for the record, have always been well informed about our old enemy. We cannot allow ourselves to repeat history, after all. We just tend to keep this public knowledge."

Now, even more, fearful Goro glanced at Gemini before building up the courage to speak up. "Just how much do all of you know?"

Kurt scoffed, shaking his head. "Quite a lot, actually. We are well aware that Vanguard was using the seed of the Garden to create mental overloads. We knew of the isolated incident off the coast of Rhinefield. After all, we sent the streamers to investigate the village where Acceptance had been running experiments. We gained all the information we needed when Team Rhapsody dealt with the stage of grief. We also knew from the very beginning Vanguard's partner Rodger was under the influence of the Garden's Bargaining. We've known every step the Garden took and are quite prepared for its next big plan.

Moreover, we have already tracked down the other puppets that Bargaining has already taken control of. Serval is key members of V.I.R.A.L. But of course, this is not new knowledge to you anymore."

"You knew everything from the start? All of it, you knew you were sending us to our deaths, and you told us nothing. You could have easily put an end to Vanguard's reign, yet you stood by? Why?!"

"To test you all of course, when the time comes, and the Garden is on our doorstep, we'll need Antihumans to fight for us no? Last time we fell because we were clueless and not prepared. And it showed very quickly just how weak many of you truly are. If you couldn't even handle a mere pawn of the Garden, how would a foot soldier do? Or one of the five stages? Or perhaps the Gardeners themselves? Clearly, very few of you are prepared. That is why we saved your friend here."

"You've been using us this whole time. You're a God damn psychopath you hear me!"

Kurt raised his hands ushering Goro to quiet down. "There is no need to pick a fight Revert, we are not your enemy. Choose the right path, and we can be good allies. We only want what's best for Victoria. Raising soldiers is our best course of action. Disguising such feats through an internet trend which brings people together with all sort of powers was what we believed would be our best course of action. Bringing together the outcasts, the past villains and wannabe superheroes together to compete for the top spot. Doesn't that sound exciting?"

"It sounds barbaric," Gemini whispered. "A plan cooped up by a madman."

The comment got a chuckle from Kurt as he adjusted his tie. "I guess you aren't too far off their Paradox."

"Why tell us this? We could easily tell the world. Expose V.I.R.A.L for what they truly are."

"You could. But you won't." Kurt dominated sending a chill through the room with each breath. "Without us, the world would still be sick. We are the ones who gave the light back to the world. Without us, there would be chaos and unrest. We are the ones who keep the peace. Without us, your friend here would be dead. We are the ones who can save others from death. You could take us out the picture pretty easily, yes. You might think you're doing the right thing at the moment as well. It may seem that way, but tell me. When the Garden grows into our reality, and you have no way in stopping it you will soon realise ridding of us was the worst mistake you could ever make. You'll understand soon enough Goro. V.I.R.A.L is Victoria's salvation."

Kurt began to leave as Goro gritted his teeth. "And what the hell do you want us to do?"

"We saved Gemini for a reason. When you are ready to carry on that dream of hers. Become the best streamers you can be. The best, like your life, depends on it. Because it just does."

"You act so proud and mighty now yet Alton was a shock to you all yes?" Gemini interrupts getting Kurt's attention. "He's an ally to the Garden, and you didn't know."

Kurt frowned, scratching his head annoyed. "Why you aren't wrong there, I suppose. No matter how secure we think we are, the Garden is always bound to slip through the cracks. The child of the Garden was unexpected. We had our suspicions after Sunset peak, but not even we were prepared for such turn of events."

"What about Alton then?" Goro questioned uncertainly.

"Don't you worry your little socks about Alton? We shall deal with him. Ourselves." Kurt threatened, leaving the two alone. Entering the hallway guarded heavily with security he began to walk ahead only to stop finding the entire area disappear in its place was a prison cell Kurt found himself in. On the other end was a man wearing a mask which morphed and warped with the room. He was tall and had long blonde hair in a ponytail, he also wore a court jester outfit matching green and orange. The bells on his boot began to ring as he held a harp in his hand playing distorted sounds to himself. Kurt looked around amused. "Are you trying to impress me, Henry?"

The mask twisted and turned into a skull, smiling. "Not at all. I just feel most comfortable speaking to you like this mister CEO. How does it feel to be behind bars like I once was?"

Looking around, he shrugged. "Couldn't tell you. I assume you have your answer if you're here to see me."

The jester took one step back bowing. "Why, of course, I've already weaved my way into Team Rhapsody's mind. They have not a single idea what's at play. It's all rather exciting if you ask me. Planting the seeds for my great performance."

"Then I have your answer."

"Team Rhapsody, they truly interest me. Especially that one member. Ooh, her aura and aroma intrigue me. I am very fond of such power."

"She? You don't mean Alton?"

"Oh no, he's simple. Rather dull and lifeless. No, my next piece shall be around the albino girl."

"Scarlett Dawn?"

"Scarlett Dawn. Such a fitting name. I can sense such power coming off her. It's almost radioactive. I do look forward to picking her mind apart piece by piece: so many powerful streamers, such little time. For you fine sir, I can do this for free. You can even put me back in that cell your standing in now. Just allow me the privilege of having my fun with Team Rhapsody."

"I see. That faith I had in you wasn't for nothing then. I assume your plan will be set in motion for the competition in a few weeks?"

"Oh, mister CEO, my plan was already set in motion the moment you approached me. I am going to have so much fun." He boasted as his mask began to glow. "Keep watching."

The entire cell vanished as Kurt found himself back in the corridor with serval guards looking at him oddly. Looking down, he saw a small drop of blood on the floor, pressing his hand against his cheek a fresh smudge was engraved into his palm. He gave off a slight chuckle. "Watching we shall Henry Truman. Or better known as. Eyes over reality."

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