Chapter 89: The Past Repeats Itself

The world is changing once again. The age of heroes is but a distant memory long forgotten to the masses. Today we live in a world of streamers, people with superpowered abilities climbing the ranks for the sole purpose of becoming the number one streamer. Fame and fortune are up for grabs to those who seek it. The number one streamer is behind bars, his fanbase crushed, and the mad Paradox defeated, all thanks to the streamers and, most notably, the upcoming Team Rhapsody. With two major victories on their belt and the top spot closer than ever before, however, a mighty blow has hit the group hard with the death of one of their own. Percy Misharp was killed fighting for the will of the people, a hero among streamers. The group is now torn, and a wound has edged in, one which might only grow with time. With their sudden popularity growth, this had only gained them more attention as forces from the shadow begin their move to put an end to Team Rhapsody once and for all…

This day was inevitable, although many of them would never want to come to this point. The funeral for Percy was nothing less than heartbreaking for many people present. Some were still struggling to come to grips with the events not even a week ago. Everyone remained silent during the burial as Team Rhapsody, Alice, Goro, and Harmony were all there to see Percy off. As the coffin was lowered into the ground Zinnia, fell to her knees, crying. Gale looked away, gritting his teeth as Alton stared blankly as Scarlett held his shoulder in comfort. It didn't feel entirely accurate to Alton; he wasn't nearly as affected as Zinnia or anyone else. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he felt empty. Like the death didn't affect him whatsoever. The idea kept flooding his mind over and over, one he had forgotten too long ago. If he doesn't do anything, it will happen again.

It wasn't long before the speeches took place, and although Zinnia had started preparing one, she just couldn't bring herself to finish it. That left a few others. Iris had trained one; however, Alton wasn't listening. He was too far gone with his thoughts to pay attention. Memories of the past, him standing in this spot too many times. It was almost a natural thing for him at this point in time, which he would never admit. He only came back to reality when Iris was done, helped down by her sister. "Can I say a few words?" Alton spoke up as the speeches were over. No one was against the mishaps as he took to the front, standing at the podium. "I didn't have any sort of speech planned or anything; truth be told, I wasn't going to say anything. But I feel like you must know what Percy was like, how we saw him till the very end."

Adjusting his tie, he looked at the crowd nodding. "When I first met Percy, my thoughts were so mixed. For first impressions, he ticked every box for bad impressions. He was a loudmouth brat who was beyond annoying and didn't shut up about his obsession with Vanguard. My first thoughts were to immediately get rid of him as soon as I could. But that quickly changed over time. I got to see the real Percy first-hand. Percy Misharp was a hero, the best damn Hero I've ever seen. He wouldn't think twice about saving people. He wanted to make such a good impression he would put his life on the line every time. Saving not only my life but many others in both Team Rhapsody and all of V.I.R.A.L We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that dumb kid who was too good for this world. Percy was a true hero we need more of that. We need more people like Percy. As the leader of Team Rhapsody, I won't allow this to happen again. I promise you all, Percy's death will mean something."

The coffin was fully lowered as the ground was buried, ending it all for good. Emil squatted down with a handful of dirt as he sprinkled it over the grave tutting to himself in anger. "Why did it have to be that stupid idiot? Who decided he deserved to die?"

"This world is truly a cruel place that I will admit. No one can begin to understand why these turns of events happen. We can only accept them and move on."

"Accept them? Give me a break, Percy is dead. How can we just sit there and accept that?" Emil fired back at Scarlett.

"Just stop it you two, we aren't here to bicker over nothing again…" Zinnia whispered.

"Sorry, of course." Scarlett nodded bowing. "We're here for Percy."

Gale nudged Zinnia pointing. "Isn't that Percy's mother?"

Zinnia took note running to her. "Mrs Misharp. Mrs Misharp."

Percy's mother turned to them with a faint smile. "You must be the girl my son used to talk all the time about? Zinnia right, Percy really looked up to you. I'm happy to see he wasn't completely crazy."

"I just wanted to give my respects. I'm so sorry for your loss Mrs Misharp, Percy was a good kid."

She turned to them nodding. "I apricate you all coming out today. It would mean a lot to Percy. I also wanted to thank you."

"Thank us?" Gale questioned.

"Of course, I was so worried about Percy for so long. Ever since his father died at the Vanguard rally, he was so distant from me. He attached himself to that man as the only father figure he would need. His obsession was worrying. Constantly sneaking out at night to try and be just like that horrid man. I could never get a word out of that boy on the best of days. I was so scared he hated me, but once he joined your group, he broke out of his shell. He would come home from school, bombarding me with stories about streaming. He would have such a positive look on his face that I was just happy that he found a place to call home. Even if it was only for six months, Percy had never been happier. He would never have been like that with me. So, thank you."

"I am sure he loved you very much, mam," Scarlett informed. "We sometimes just have a funny way of showing it."

"I know. Even when he pushed me away, I loved him from the bottom of my heart. All mothers love their children that much. I'm just grateful in his last days he got to do what he loved."

"He saved many people, if it wasn't for him, I don't think we could have won that battle."

She smiled, giving Zinnia a hug. "And I couldn't be prouder of him. Please keep doing what you do. You've touched so many lives, Percy included. Don't stop ever helping people. You're the heroes this country needs right now."

"I promise mam, we will do all we can to live up to Percy."

"I am glad. It was very nice meeting you all. Thank you once again."

Team Rhapsody watched her leave as Zinnia took long deep breaths. "I'm ok. I'm ok now."

"You did well Zinnia," Gale spoke cheerfully. "He'd want us to move on."

"I know we should. But…"

"Take all the time you need Zinnia; Team Rhapsody is here for you. Always." Scarlett stood by.

Zinnia smiled, wiping her eyes. "That's all I could ask for. Where is Alton?"

Emil glanced over his shoulder, seeing Alton standing far away, looking down on another grave. "What is he?"

Scarlett crossed her arms nodding. "Zinnia, go to him. It's probably best for you to be there."

Although confused she wasn't going to say no. Wondering up to Alton, she felt a sudden drop in temperature getting closer to him. She soon was able to see her own breath as part of the grass was frosty. "Alton?" He didn't respond as Zinnia got closer standing next to him. "What are you?" She stopped midsentence, looking over the grave Alton was at. The actual gravestone was chipped and cracked frozen over. The flowers dead frozen in time. Reading it, she gasped quietly. "Lily Brantley, wait. Is that-."

"My mother. She perished alongside the residents of Sunset peak six years ago. I never found her body. I didn't have time. If you dug this grave up, it would just be empty. That's the worst part about this."

"Maybe she is still alive."

Alton shook his head. "My mother is defiantly dead. After all, it was me who got her, and all of Sunset Peak killed. That can never be overlooked."

Zinnia glanced around seeing two more graves in similar conditions also frozen over. The names read Destiny Lee and Marco Hill. The names didn't ring any bells, but the engraves after did. Streamers of Hero's might. "Alton, these people are they-." She stopped seeing Alton looking distort as his hand was trembling. He bit his lip looking away. "Alton…"

"It's happening again, Sam. It's happening all over again. The Garden. The everlasting winter. History is repeating itself. I can't lose it all again." Alton mustered looking up as his eyes were frozen by his tears. "I will protect them. No matter what, this time will be different."

Zinnia didn't say anything. She didn't even try and comfort Alton. All she could do was stare at her broken friend in disbelief as a bitter chill ran down her spine, leaving her petrified. She looked back at the graves knowing all too well what this all meant…


Some time had passed, and Team Rhapsody had just left the cemetery, as they did, none of them noticed reality change. The flowers and signs for Percy all vanished. The graveyard was rotten and forgotten, showing its true colours. Percy's actual grave was dug up and the coffin inside empty. A figure stood by the trees watching the whole event without anyone's knowledge. He gave a smug cackle flipping Percy's streaming pass around. "Team Rhapsody, huh? This is going to be so much fun."

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