Varocia : From Gamer to Mentor

Chapter 5: Status

Looking at his Status, Olgan felt a surge of excitement mixed with confusion. He paused for a moment to analyze his stats.

In this game-like world, the Guild System served as a clear form of identification, marking him as a citizen of the Blazane Empire. Intriguingly, it seemed he could join two more guilds as well. He made a mental note to explore the Guild Interface later.

Currently, he held no Title nor Class, which surprised him. No title like "Transmigrator"? He thought, feeling a twinge of disappointment. As for his Class, it was unclear whether the previous Olgan had simply lacked one or if his own transmigration had caused this.

Seeing his Level at 1 led him to lean toward the latter assumption. There's no way the previous Olgan stayed stuck at Level 1 for eighteen years, right?

His HP and MP appeared low for a Level 1 character compared to many games he had played before. His HP was still recovering from a severe head injury, while his MP, nearly double that of his HP, surprised him.

The Attribute Point likely represented the points gained with each level, which Olgan guessed would be one per level-up. With only one point available currently, he assumed this was standard.

As for his actual stats, he felt overwhelmed. While the calculations seemed straightforward, the implications were far from clear at a glance.

His Strength had an extra point, which he tentatively attributed to either an equipment bonus or a passive skill, assuming this world adhered closely to game mechanics.

Ten total type of stats felt like a lot, but it made sense given that this was a real world now. In typical RPGs, three or even two stats sufficed to build a character, but a real-world system would need to encompass far more complexities. There might even be hidden stats beyond those displayed on the Status Screen.

His eyes widened as he noted the astronomical value of his Spirit Stat compared to the others. After a moment's reflection, he understood why. Spirit must be linked to the soul, he thought. Transmigrating into this dying body likely strengthened his soul significantly.

He speculated that the reason his MP was nearly double his HP might stem from his high Spirit. Regarding the calculations, he could only conclude that the final figures disregarded any fractional parts, which aligned with his Vitality Stat—despite being at 3.95, it remained rounded down to 3.

The Reset Point, he guessed, was what Edith had utilized earlier. Perhaps it was a means to reset one's stats, and she might have poured her Attribute Points into Vitality to save herself. But that was just a hypothesis—he wouldn't treat it as fact until confirmed.

The Effects were self-explanatory: he indeed felt slight dizziness, and the previous Olgan's memories had vanished.

To save Edith the trouble of explaining everything from scratch, Olgan pondered for a moment before deciding to show her his Status Screen. In his mind, there was nothing to hide, and the potential benefits outweighed any risks.

He detailed his understanding of each item while inviting her to clarify anything he might have overlooked.

Edith smiled, her expression brightening. "Your understanding is quite impressive, especially considering you don't remember the System."

Evidently, both Edith and Lenna seemed more relaxed and less vigilant after seeing his affiliation with Blazane and the Severe Memory Loss listed under Effects. However, they appeared surprised by his Level and Spirit.

Edith furrowed her brow in thought. "Your Level is perplexing. You appear to be around my age. Even without hunting monsters, it's unlikely you would remain at Level 1 with only 0.09% EXP."

"Walking, running, eating, sleeping—everything contributes to increasing your EXP. If you'd lived normally until eighteen, you would likely be at least Level 5 by now."

"And your Spirit Potential... it's exceptionally high! On average, people have a Potential value of about 5 each, but your Spirit is triple that!"

"Oh, Potential is a fixed Stat that you can only gain through natural growth or training. Spirit is the hardest to increase, with no known methods for training it. The Qessence Kingdom in the Northern Continent is rumored to have the secrets regarding that."

As Edith explained, her excitement grew, her voice rising in pitch as she explained more, but she quickly composed herself after realizing.

"Ahem... Anyway, the only explanation I can think of is that during your fall, your memory wasn't the only thing damaged—your soul was affected too. Surviving the ordeal likely strengthened your soul, significantly boosting your SPR Potential. It's unlikely, but it may also have made your Level regressed.

"From your earlier insights, I'd like to clarify what each number on your Stats means. The first box indicates your assigned stat from the Attribute Points you gain with each level up. Everyone starts with 1 point in each Stat at birth.

"The second box represents your Potential, which you can increase by discovering training methods. For example, you can boost Stamina simply by walking or running, though there are more effective methods available.

"The third box shows your Percentage Stat, which reflects any buffs, both positive and negative, and also passive effects from Skills or Equipment. It's difficult to exceed 100%—most people fall below that due to various reasons. For instance, wearing heavy armor can severely reduce your Agility if you are not accustomed to it.

"I'm uncertain why all your stats are fixed at 100%, especially after your fall. They should have decreased, but perhaps your damaged soul is the reason? I can't say for sure.

"And that plus 1 in your Strength stat likely comes from a flat bonus due to a Passive Skill or Equipment. In your case, it appears to stem from that leather bracelet," she concluded, gesturing toward the dirtied accessory on Olgan's left arm.

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