Varocia : From Gamer to Mentor

Chapter 4: The Game World: Varocia

"Thank you once again for saving us," the princess said, her smile veiling a shadow of sadness, likely a remnant of the Reset she had performed earlier and the lost of her comrades from the attack. The blonde knight bowed slightly, a gesture of gratitude, yet her eyes remained sharply fixed on Olgan, brimming with vigilance.

"It's nothing," Olgan replied, his tone humble as a smile graced his lips.

Now that he stood closer, Olgan couldn't help but notice their striking beauty, marred only by the over-the-top asymmetry of their armor, which triggered his artistic sensibilities. He fought to suppress the twitch of his eyelids as he took in their appearance.

The princess's long, wavy hair cascaded to her waist, a captivating blend of grey and white that appeared strikingly natural. Her blue eyes radiated a blend of kindness and sharpness, as if they could pierce his very soul. The fractured steel of her armor was divided into hues asymmetrical of grey and white, reminiscent of an anime or a gacha game character, yet she felt palpably real before him—no trace of alienation in her presence. She stood slightly shorter than him, around 170 centimeters tall.

The female knight, who stood at 175 centimeters tall, sported a long, golden ponytail and cold, dark green eyes. Her armor resembled that of a typical medieval knight, save for its unique golden sheen with hints of black, which, combined with its over-the-top asymmetry, triggered Olgan's artistic instincts once more.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Edith Magect Calantha, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Magect," the princess announced, her right hand resting over her heart in a salute, though she did not bow.

"I'm Lenna Magect, the princess's personal bodyguard," the blonde knight added with a slight bow, her expression still unfriendly.

Princess? Olgan thought, confusion washing over him. Am I within a dukedom? He pondered before introducing himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet Her Highness and her bodyguard. I am Olgan Tenia," he said, bowing at a steep angle of forty-five degrees.

Truthfully, he had no grasp of the etiquette surrounding nobles nor royalty, which made his movements and words feel awkward.

Seeing him unfazed by Edith's status seemed to heighten Lenna's scrutiny of him.

Before they could continue, Olgan spoke first. "Um… I must confess, I sustained a brain injury moments ago and have lost my memories, save for one."

As he spoke, he revealed the Luminous Night Sapphire, laying bare the truth of his recent ordeal, omitting only the Earth's soul that had taken over the previous Olgan's body.

Lenna's skepticism was evident, while Edith wore a sympathetic smile tinged with sadness.

"From a certain perspective, your situation may be worse than mine post-Reset," Edith said gently.

Though he had his guess, Olgan still chose to ask, "Excuse me, could you explain what the Reset is?" He enquired with formal courtesy.

Edith's eyes widened in surprise. "You've forgotten about the Reset? Do you remember anything about the System?"

Olgan shook his head. "No, Your Highness, I don't recall anything."

She smiled at him, an understanding glimmer in her gaze. "Then, as part of my gratitude for saving our lives, allow me to explain the basics of this world to you… but first, we must honor our fallen knights," her voice turned somber at the last words, echoing Lenna's deepening sorrow.

He contemplated offering his help, but unfamiliar with the customs of this world, he chose to observe as they buried their comrades, one by one, praying over them and retrieving items that might identify their identities, brining them back to their families.

"Excuse us for the delay," Edith said as she approached him alongside Lenna, a gentle smile returning to her face.

"It's alright," Olgan replied softly.

They began walking northeast, the same direction as their original carriage route.

"This world is known as Varocia, a Game World," Edith explained. "Some refer to it as the System World, but 'Game World' is more widely accepted among the intelligent races.

"We are currently situated in the Magect Dukedom, part of the Blazane Empire, located in the southern area of the Southern Continent."

"And about the Reset you inquired about," she continued, "it's best to first explain the concept of Status."

While Edith spoke with calm voice, a hint of skepticism still lingered in her voice, as if she remained unconvinced by Olgan's claims of memory loss. Although cases of amnesia were not uncommon in this world, the phenomenon of someone forgetting the existence of the System was a rarity for both Edith and Lenna.

"First, try saying the word 'Status' using the Voice of the World. Everyone instinctively knows how to speak it; you should be able to as well," Edith instructed.

Olgan steadied his breath and uttered the word, "Status."

Before him, a shimmering blue holographic box materialized, igniting a spark of excitement within him, reminiscent of a video game.

Eagerly, he scanned his own Status:


Name: Olgan Tenia
Race: Human
Guild: 1. Blazane (Rank: Citizen) 2. None 3. None
Title: None
Class: Novice
Level: 1 (0.09% EXP)
HP: 12/15
MP: 28/28
Attribute Points: 1

Strength: [1] x [5.12] x [100%] + 1 = 6
Vitality: [1] x [3.95] x [100%] = 3
Constitution: [1] x [3.25] x [100%] = 3
Dexterity: [1] x [6.71] x [100%] = 6
Agility: [1] x [4.23] x [100%] = 4
Perception: [1] x [3.92] x [100%] = 3
Stamina: [1] x [6.24] x [100%] = 6
Intelligence: [1] x [4.37] x [100%] = 4
Wisdom: [1] x [7.23] x [100%] = 7
Spirit: [1] x [15.39] x [100%] = 15

Reset Point: 1

Effects: 1. Slight Dizziness 2. Severe Memory Lost

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