Valterion: The Space/Arch? Mage

Chapter 110: Jumper

Chapter 110: Jumper

Location: Magicon Empire; Magicon System; Terra; Imperia; FBC

I arrive right when coach Zero calls the start of the match. Alec is playing defense, just like he said. The other team gets to start, and so Alec has to do his job right away.

He’s quite quick on his feet, despite his broad frame. He rushes for one of the opposing offensive players and tackles him right before he can play the ball with his bat. Somehow Alec managed to get his knee up while doing his tackle and hits the ball with it. It flies straight up, where Alec’s jumper appears, and kicks the ball toward one of the waiting catchers.

Unfortunately, their counterattack is stopped soon after, and Alec is forced to act again. This time, he’s out of range, as the opposing jumper tricked him with a quick double teleport. The other defensive player is busy covering one of the other offensive players. This leaves one offensive player wide open, and the ball flies right in his direction.

Alec bellows in rage and rushes for his own goal. The goalkeeper is already concentrating on closing off all the angles the offensive player might attack. Instead, the opposing attacker smirks and uses his bat to send the ball slightly above and to the right of the goal.

The goalkeeper stretches, but she’s not tall enough. The ball flies past her, and the opposing jumper appears in mid-air, already swinging his bat.

That’s when Alec comes flying by after he jumps the final distance. Again, he’s much more agile than his frame would suggest. He basically flies at least two meters and collides with the jumper’s bat right as he is about to hit the ball.

Instead, the ball continues on its trajectory until one of the catchers moves in to bounce the ball back forward. Alec and the jumper tumble to the ground and after checking if the other young man is okay, Alec gets back up and stands guard. He moves his hand through his short-cropped silverish hair and allows a slight grin.

I think that move with the jumper is what impressed coach Zero enough to ask him to stay for later. He winks when he sees me after the game, and I give him a thumbs up.

Then, about twenty minutes later it’s finally time. It’s my turn now. I’m also playing on the field, coach Zero supervises, and take a look at my teammates. I’m not impressed, but at least they look confident.

“Come here, please, guys,” I call out, and we form a small circle.

“Does anyone of you know the Group Call spell?”

Unfortunately, no one knows it and I sigh.

“Okay, then we have to play without much coordination… I can be practically everywhere. Just get me the ball somewhere, and I will take care of it.”

One of our defensive players frowns. “That’s your plan, really? Haven’t you seen how many prospective jumpers tried to lead the game just to fail miserably? The role isn’t the hardest for nothing… I’m not wasting my chance of joining the team on a wannabe jumper who overestimates herself.”

I must have sounded too confident… The guy sounds stubborn as well. I don’t think there is anything I can say to change his mind.

“Fine, you do your way, and I do mine. You’ll see that I didn’t overestimate myself.”

He grumbles but nods. Then we form up on the field and coach Zero calls the start of the match. The other team has the first move and one of their offensive players kicks the ball straight up toward one of the catchers – a classic move, one I’ve anticipated.

I quickly cast a Teleportation spell. As this is all line of sight, I don’t need any coordinates from Clara. I reappear right next to the upward-moving ball and hit it dead center with my bat. The other team is so surprised by my quick movement, that everyone just stares and the ball shoots right into the goal.

One-nil for my team, and we’ve barely played for ten seconds. That’s one way to start a game, I’d say. A quick glance at coach Zero shows a good poker face. She doesn’t show a single emotion. I guess, I have to continue with those fancy moves.

For the next attack, I decide to take it slower and let my team lead the defense. The guy who was annoyed with me does an adequate job and manages to secure the ball pretty quickly. Unfortunately, he then tries to pass the ball diagonally across the field toward one of our attackers.

It was a very obvious move, which is easily intercepted by a combined move of the enemy’s jumper and controller. A single catcher bounces the ball up toward a second one, which then shoots the ball into our last third close to the sidelines. There, the jumper appears, already mid-swing and swats the ball toward our goal.

It bounces from the ground right before our goalkeeper, which irritates him, and he misses his catch. That’s where I come in again! Another teleport moves me to the goal line, and I save my team from conceding a goal. I kick the ball toward one of our catchers and nod at our controller. She nods back. She understands!

What follows is a series of rapid teleports across the whole field. Our controller lines up the catchers in a straight line toward the enemy’s goal and I jump around them, while we pass the ball back and forth. Right next to the goal, I feint, and instead of shooting myself, I do a sneaky pass toward one of our attackers who rushed close to the door. She jumps up and manages to swat the ball down into the goal, unhindered – two-nil!

The pattern continues, and in the end, we win with a comfortable four goals while the others didn’t manage to score. If it weren’t for their goalkeeper, the score would have been a lot higher. So it comes as no surprise when coach Zero asks her to stay behind. Then she turns to me.

“That was one of the most impressive jumper performances I’ve seen in a very long time. Well done! You may stay behind as well. As for the rest of you, I wish you good luck next year. You may go.”

Caroline Octan, coach Zero just praised me! I almost do a silly dance, but manage to restrain myself. Instead, I thank the coach and move toward the sidelines together with the goalkeeper, while wearing a very broad grin.

A big hand lands on my shoulder. It’s Alec. “What a performance, Sara! I take back all the doubts I had earlier. That was insane!”

“Thanks, Alec. You weren’t half bad either.”

After that, we watch the remainder of the games together. Alec takes me now much more seriously. I think my performance left a mark on him.

Anyway, a few more students get selected to stay behind and about one and a half hours later, the final match concludes. Coach Zero calls everyone they asked to stay behind together, and we form up before the coaches.

We are now about fifty people left. That’s still too many, and it doesn’t even consider the other four tryout sessions. The real fight for team slots hasn’t even begun yet!

Coach Dalton speaks up. “Alright, you’re the ones who showed the most potential today. That means you get the chance to compete for one of the 36 open team slots next Saturday. We will do a repeat of today’s matches to determine the lucky ones. But there is a twist. Just like in real matches, you won’t be confined to the standard team lineup anymore. So if you have ideas about improving your game, bring those tactics to me or coach Zero in the following week. We will then look for suitable teammates for you. Who knows, maybe you’re not the only ones with a certain idea. Now, off you go. We see you in a week, and good luck!”

Our own tactics! That’s going to be interesting as I’ve already got an idea in my head that I want to try. I just have to convince my teammates, as it is a bit risky. Maybe I find them beforehand?

I look at Alec. That could work. Maybe I could get Drew the controller aboard as well. That would be a solid foundation for a team. “Hey Alec, do you have a moment?” I ask when he is about to leave.

He shrugs. “Sure…”

We step aside, and I keep an eye out for Drew. I don’t find him. “Clara, can you notify Drew, please.”

She immediately catches on to my idea. “Sure, just one second… Done… Oh, he’s a fast one. He’s already on his way.”

Just seconds later, I spot Drew moving through the crowd. He’s heading straight for us and tilts his head when I spot him.

“Do I know you?” He asks and moves a hand through his messy brown hair.

I shake my head. “No, not at all. I’m Sara, this is Alec.” Now Alec looks at me with a curious expression too.

“I know this is a bit sudden, but what coach Dalton just said got me thinking… If they allow us to try our own tactics, it’s best if we talk about them beforehand and in the best case even try them.”

Alec nods. “That’s true… I think I know what you’re planning. I’m in!”

Drew takes off his glasses and starts cleaning them, absently. “I’m taking you want to team up? Let’s say I’m interested. I’ve seen you playing, that was impressive. That’s why I agreed to your AI’s invitation. What’s your plan now?”

How the hell did he connect Clara’s message to me playing on the field? Just what did she send him? A picture of me or what?

I shove the thought away and grin in return. “Exactly! It would be even better if we had a full team right away, but well. I didn’t see anyone else who impressed me as much as the two of you. Anyway, I’ve got an idea for how to play next Saturday, but it’s a bit risky. Still, I think between the three of us we could pull it off.”

Drew puts his glasses back on. “Interesting. I like risky ideas, and I can already think of a few on my own. But let’s put this discussion somewhere else in case the others listen in.”

“Good idea,” Alec agrees. “Some others are already looking at us. Also, I might be able to help with some other people for our team if you trust my judgment…”

They both look at me with expectant expressions. Right, I’m the Space Mage. “Alright, do you want to eat or go somewhere more secure?”

Alec shrugs. “Your choice.”

“I could use something to eat… And I think a table with a privacy curtain is secure enough,” Drew replies.

I nod at them. “Alright, you’re ready?” Then I whisper to Clara. “Can you get me the coordinates for the burger restaurant I visited with Randolf?”

They both nod their consent, and Clara provides the coordinates. Then I grab them with the Teleportation spell, and we vanish.

A fraction of a second later, we reappear inside the same jump room I used to meet with Chris. Then we walk straight ahead toward the restaurant.

“I’ve put in a reservation under your name,” Clara says right before we reach the entrance. I thank her silently and greet the employee at the entrance. “Hello, sir. My name is Sara Green, I’ve just put in a reservation for three people.”

“Good day, Miss. One second, please.” He looks at something on his interface, then nods. “Right this way, please.”

We follow him inside, and he leads us to a table close to a window. After ordering, I activate the privacy bubble, and we begin to talk.

“Okay, Sara let’s hear your great plan,” Drew starts and Alec nods along.

I decide to just tell them without much fanfare. “I want to play without a goalkeeper.”

“You what?” Alec almost screams. “Are you crazy? Do you want to lose?”

Drew stays silent and looks out of the window. He seems deep in thought. I take the moment to address Alec.

“Think about it. We could play with an additional offensive or defensive player. Or maybe a hybrid role if one of those exists in our year. Sure, our goal would be more exposed without a keeper, but between me and Drew, I think we could manage quite nicely. You saw my game. I saved the ball more than once. Drew did the same with his catchers…”

I’m interrupted by Drew. “She’s right… That could actually work. Here, take a look. That’s the Kalupi Dolphins from 56 years ago. They did the same and it won them the title. Their jumper was exceptional though.” He looks at me in the end as if he is judging me.

“I can do it,” I say with conviction and Alec nods slowly.

“Alright, I give you the benefit of the doubt for now. But we do have to test it out before Saturday, I’m not going to the tryouts with some untested and risky tactics.”

“Absolutely,” Drew and I agree at the same time.

“Good, now I mentioned that I might be able to fill out our team slots… I wasn’t sure before, but now that you mentioned your plan, she might be a perfect fit. There was this girl on Tuesday’s tryouts. She struggled a lot with the rigid team compositions but still managed to get a spot on tryouts. I think she might be a real hybrid. She was everywhere on the field, and she’s extremely fast. I think if we can get her aboard and fill up the remaining slots with two offensive and one defensive player, we’ll have a solid squad.”

I look at Drew who nods. “That might work. Can you contact her?”

“Yeah, absolutely. I had to ask her for her contact. You know what I mean when you see her,” he winks.

I can’t help it and start laughing. “Alright, then talk to her and invite her to our training game… You guys free on Monday evening?”

They both say yes, and we talk a bit more. Our food arrives soon after, and we enjoy a nice meal. After that, we tell each other goodbye and go our separate ways.

Gravity Ball college team, here I come!

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