Valterion: The Space/Arch? Mage

Chapter 109: College Team

Chapter 109: College Team

Location: Magicon Empire; Magicon System; Terra; Imperia; FBC

Friday is my free day, at least as long as I’m not needed for my taxi duties. But that should still be a few months off. The groups need to learn their theoretical stuff first and plan their journeys after all.

This means I finally have time to check out the Gravity Ball field here on campus! I’m all alone, as the others either have classes or aren’t that interested in Gravity Ball, at least not in playing the sport themselves.

Not that I care… It’s been too long since I’ve played, and the absence of my friends won’t stop me here. Thomas always said I’ve got the talent to play in professional teams. Let’s see if this turns out true. College sports are very close to the professionals, or so I’ve read.

Thanks to Clara, I now know that this week has been full of tryouts for the first, second, and third college teams here at FBC. Today isn’t different, so I exit my room after eating breakfast and say goodbye to Alina who is in her room studying.

I decide to walk instead of teleporting and take the elevator to the ground floor. I already have put on my sports clothes consisting of dark shorts and a baggy tank top with a sports bra underneath. That way I don’t have to carry anything with me and can immediately start playing if the coaches ask for it.

I greet a few familiar faces along the way and before I know it, I stand at the entrance to the sports section on campus. It’s like a big open field right in the middle of all the college towers around me. Besides the four Gravity Ball fields, other grounds allow to practice basically every kind of sport. There is even an outdoor gym with weights and everything.

I of course ignore all of it and head directly to the Gravity Ball fields. I’m a bit early, as today’s tryouts don’t start for another thirty minutes. Still, there is already a small crowd waiting. I join them and say hi. I don’t know anyone of them, but who cares?

A few of them look just as eager as I probably do. Others are more subdued, but I can still feel the tension in the air. The conversations are mostly about different professional teams. A topic I can’t speak much about, unfortunately. My time here in The Empire has just been too short.

I arrived mid-season, and now it’s summer break. I barely had time to watch any games in between. I don’t even have a favorite team yet… That is just embarrassing. I hope no one asks me about it.

From the few games I managed to watch, I’m inclined to support the Nua Panthers, as they are, well my home-ground team and they are quite good. In fact, they won the title this year, and that’s where the problems start: Sara Green isn’t from Nua… So I can’t say I support the local team. Combine this with my lack of knowledge of the other teams and the recently won championship of the Panthers, others might come to a horrifying conclusion: They could see me as a fair-weather fan! And that is something I can’t bear being called.

Fortunately, I’m in luck, and no one asks me about my team preferences. Instead, they ask about other things. The boy next to me leans over. “Hey, I’m Alec. What position are you trying to get if I may ask? I’m aiming for defense myself.”

I look at him. He’s extremely broad. Almost broader than he is tall. Like a square. I suppress a chuckle. It’s obvious that he wants to try out for defense. His question is a good one and reminds me of the times I played with Thomas.

Back then we always played one on one. That way we had to control the catchers on our own while using the bat as well. In a sense, this was harder than the team version.

Here, teams consist of seven players. Six are with bats, while the seventh sits at the sidelines and controls another six catchers. This person is called the controller. Other positions are naturally goalkeeper, defense, and offense. Depending on the coach’s tactics, a different number of players play each role.

There is one more position. It is the hardest to play, and the most popular among all positions. Still, the number of really great players playing this position can be counted on two hands. It requires something like a sixth sense for the gameplay, as this position has to be in the right place at the right time. This is what makes it so hard. This position is called the jumper. It’s also the only position that requires a Space Mage in the Mage leagues. Why should be obvious with that name. Naturally, it’s the perfect position for me.

I grin at Alec. “Hi Alec, I’m Sara, nice to meet you. I’m trying my luck on the jumper. I’m quite confident though.”

He scoffs. “Everyone is confident until they learn that jumper isn’t for them. It’s not for nothing that there are hardly any teams with good jumpers out there. Hell, some teams even discarded the role and play with an additional offense or defense player.”

He’s right of course. Even the Panthers played the last five games without their jumper as he was injured during a game. While he was right patched up with healing spells, the rules still call for a recovery break after an injury.

I decide to wink at Alec. “Just wait and see. I’ve got this.”

I do have a plan, but it also depends on the coach to trust me… If everything works out, my team will have an insanely strong advantage.

Said coach or better coaches arrive just at this moment. They are quite different. While the tall woman looks almost as broad as Alec, the man is small and lithe.

I gasp, as do all the people around me. I recognize them! The woman is Caroline “Zero” Octan, one of the greatest defensive players of the past 150 years. She retired ten years ago and started her career as a coach. How did I miss that she is one of the coaches here? And then there is the man. His name is Angus Dalton. He was one of the better jumpers before he retired. He is a local player who played for the Terran Spartans for most of his career.

This is insane! I just have to get a spot in one of the teams. The things I can learn from them… I look around and my stomach drops a little. When did so many people arrive here? There are suddenly several hundred people waiting next to the playing fields. I gulp and Alec’s hand lands on my shoulder.

“Hah, not so confident anymore?”

I glare up at him and swallow my anxiety. “On the contrary. Now I know just how impressive I have to be!”

“Hah, we’ll see.”

Coach Zero and coach Dalton both stop at the edge of the closest playing field and turn around. Zero clears her throat and magically enhances her voice. “Welcome to the last tryout of the week, students. In case you don’t know me,” she stops and winks. “My name is Caroline Octan, but everyone calls me Zero. That means coach Zero for you. Next to me is my dear colleague coach Dalton.”

Dalton gives a short wave before speaking up as well. “We’re both the head coaches of this year’s college team here at FBC. This means we’re responsible for picking the best of you for the three teams we’re allowed to send to the student league. As you can see, with just three teams our spots are extremely limited. So do your best and show us what you’ve got.”

Zero takes over again. “Also, if you don’t get selected, don’t despair. We’ve got more coaches here on campus who happily help you get better if you want. Then you might have a shot at the main teams next year. Now, let’s get started! You’re quite a big group today. Best if we don’t waste time. You all know the five positions. Please form up at the corresponding sign.”

She waves her hand and projections of the five roles appear behind her. Alec immediately heads for the defensive group as a lot of other people do too.

I look all the way to the right where the projection for the jumper is visible. A small group of nervous-looking students is already standing there. I put on a mask of confidence and join them. Then we all wait until every student has found their group.

Of course, the offense and defense groups are the two biggest. The third biggest is the jumper group, despite the difficulty of the role. Everyone wants to be the star of the team! The controllers are close behind and lastly, there are a few people who want to try out as goalkeepers.

Coach Zero addresses the group again. “Alright, now that everyone has joined a group we can start. We’ll be doing short matches of five minutes each across two of the playing fields. Both coach Dalton and I will be watching those games. If you catch our interest, we ask you to stay behind. Otherwise, you may leave if you want. Teams will be formed at random with the standard configuration of one goalkeeper, one controller, two offense and defense each, and a jumper. You’ll be notified on your interface when it’s your time to play. Now, enjoy the games and the first teams may enter the fields!”

She turns around and enters the first playing field, where she stands on the sidelines, waiting for the first teams. I catch coach Dalton giving a lazy wave at the edge of my vision. Then he vanishes and reappears on the second field. The first group of students quickly enters, and the coaches give the signal to start.

The first game was… Unimpressive. I mean, they didn’t play badly, but it was bog standard. Like they played every move by the book. It was just boring. Where is the struggle? Where are the surprising moves that can cause unexpected goals? The game ended in a draw of all things. Who wants to see a draw? The coaches seem to agree and dismiss every single team member. Their faces fall when they leave the fields. A few of them even leave altogether. They’re missing the passion for the game! I would never leave even if I didn’t get selected for the squad.

While the next teams enter the field, I decide to take a look at the other one as well. Unfortunately, the pattern continues, and I switch fields every other match. Sure, the coaches select a few people sometimes, but I still think they are rather unimpressive. Maybe the coaches saw some potential in them, who knows?

I know I sound a bit arrogant, but it’s just true. My fourteen-year-old self would have wiped the floor with everyone and that while playing solo. Add in my new teleportation capabilities and yeah…

That changes in the ninth match. I’m currently at coach Dalton’s field and watching another unimpressive team enter the field. Then I catch sight of their controller. He’s a small guy and even wears glasses. Who wears glasses anymore? But it’s the glint in his eyes that catches my attention. It’s the same glint I saw in the mirror this morning. This unwavering confidence of making it into the team. I have a feeling that I’m going to be impressed for the first time!

The teams line up and the first difference I notice is the controller. Other than the others, he doesn’t sit down on the controller chair on the sidelines. Instead, he sits down cross-legged right next to his team’s goal. Then he closes his eyes. Suddenly, his whole team looks at him with slightly wide eyes. Then they start grinning and begin to nod.

I think he just cast a Group Communication spell! It’s the first team I see to do this. If they manage to communicate silently, that will give them an extreme advantage. The team forms up and signals their readiness. The guy positions his six catchers in a half circle right around the hovering ball in the middle of the field.

It’s a stark difference compared to what the other team’s controller is doing. She has all the catchers spread out across their half of the field.

Coach Dalton whistles and the game starts. One of the guy controller’s team kicks the ball straight up, and one of the catchers bounces it off again. The other catchers form a circle around the ball and continue to bounce the ball around while slowly moving toward the goal. The offensive players get into position on the sidelines and wait for a pass that never happens.

Instead, the opposing team’s jumper teleports right in between the catchers. He is too late though, as the controller guy bounces the ball straight ahead right before the opposing jumper arrives. That was some impressive timing!

The ball flies straight for the goal, where the goalkeeper gets ready to strike the ball away with his bat. That is when the other jumper appears right next to the ball and only gives it a slight nudge with his own bat. It’s enough, and the ball flies right past the goalkeeper and into the goal.

The opposing controller tries her best to get one of her catchers into position, but guy controller must have anticipated it, and crashes one of his own catchers into hers. Doing so is allowed, and as the catchers are rather sturdy, both are still intact after the crash.

The effect is immediate though. Girl controller’s catcher misses the ball, and it arrives inside the goal. First goal for team guy controller. There are cheers all around the field and I quickly join in. That was an impressive move!

Coach Dalton seems to agree and pauses the game after barely one minute of playtime. “That was very impressive, Drew! You can stay behind after the game, now continue!”

For the first time, the guy controller, no, Drew grins. Then he nods in determination and the game continues. In the end, Drew’s squad completely wipes the floor with their opponents, but Drew is still the only one who gets selected to stay behind.

I return to the other playing field, as I see Alec entering it in the corner of my eye. Let’s see how he does!

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