Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 38 - Unexpected Message

The president’s suite fell silent for a moment as Elzbeth looked at the data brought by Ron, a tad more seriously this time. Still, she remained a bundle of cheerfulness, swinging her legs and swaying her head in rhythm to an imaginary tune in her mind.

Suddenly, she looked as if she were conflicted, her expression tensing up as she pondered about something.

She slouched slightly on the chair and reached for a drawer on the desk, opening and rummaging desperately through it. “Ah, here it is!” She exclaimed with a revelation, pulling out a juice box with a peach design drawn on it.

Elzbeth removed a plastic straw from its side, plunged it into its respective hole, and sipped contentedly. “Pah! So tasty!” Her delight was palpable, and Ron smiled gently at the sight. The little girl resumed her reading, without stopping her cheery swaying, and drinking from her juice from time to time.

After a few minutes, she looked up at Ron with an inquisitive stare. “So then, what’s the problem?” Her tone hinted at a bit of confusion. The gentleman knew her thoughts were likely on a higher level than the issue at hand.

“Well, he has behaved so far, but that can change at any moment. I was thinking we should keep tabs on him, but he’s… uncannily perceptive, and has made it clear that he is displeased by the surveillance—unsurprisingly.” Ron voiced his concerns, taking out his handkerchief to wipe his face. He seemed to have been mulling over the issue.

Elzbeth tilted her head to the side, humming playfully. “Hmm. Cameras and drones could work if he doesn’t know much about machines! It would depend on what kind of world he’s from.” She paused, tilting her head.

“But I’m getting a funny feeling that he would notice them anyway!” She giggled to herself, her whimsical tone matching her demeanor. “I guess he can feel auras or something like that, but there’s no waysies he’s keeping an eye on every citizen!” She smiled with a confident look, her eyes narrowing to a squint, resembling a fox’s cunning gaze. Ron arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by her words.

Elzbeth grabbed the desk and used it to propel her chair, making it spin around a few times in place. “I’m sure he’s strong! That he can fight dragons and stuff without breaking a sweat! But I’m smarter than him—my brain is unparalleled!” She boasted, her small body exuding an air of greatness.

“Let’s just use one of our own strengths: the numbers we’ve carefully amassed!” She laughed with enthusiasm, her visage appearing and vanishing as the chair rotated.

“Put a team of… dunno, a thousand people! They don’t need any skill or experience—the more average, and the less they know, the better!” She started, her brain delicately threading an idea.

“We have enough workers to fill that quota without issues!” Her small figure suddenly appeared as she jumped from the chair, her frilly dress dancing while she playfully skipped through the very air. The sight was mythically adorable, to say the least.

“Divide them into groups, and never, ever schedule them for the same day or hour unless it makes sense! Set different routes that will ensure they cross this Ascaloony guy, even if only for a brief moment!” She kept prancing around, soaring ever higher as she stepped on non-existant steps.

Ron was used to these moments, yet was captivated every time by the fantastical image of Elzbeth’s playfulness. She stopped abruptly, and began to descend slowly and gracefully, her dress undulating around her like gentle waves.

“And there you have it! A surveillance network that he won’t be able to detect, unless he memorizes every, single, presence, all day looooong! Hahaha!” She boldly stated as her feet carefully planted themselves in the ground. Looking up at Ron, who was clearly much taller than her, she smiled with child-like innocence.

Ron was completely awestruck by her simple yet brilliant solution. Maybe a thousand was too much, but If he set up enough people they would have less trouble keeping tabs on Ascalon, especially if they disguised the workers as everyday commuters, bar patrons, or whatever other role that would fit the situation and place. He could even get informants right in The Chalice!

They wouldn’t have to act discreetly either, just like any average citizen going about their daily routine. Ascalon could be incredibly perceptive and careful, but memorizing a random pattern of a multitude of people? Unlikely. It was a perfect idea, and Ron felt a wave of relief wash over him.

He smiled gently at Elzbeth, who had started humming and swaying in place, already distracted from the situation. “I’ll put your plan into action right away, Ms. Elzbeth. You’ve saved us a lot of trouble once again. Thank you.” Ron spoke with respect, his warm gaze reflecting his feelings of gratitude.

Elzbeth looked up, her eyes narrowing as her smile curled into a smug grin. “Hehe~ you should ask me for help more often! You know I’m always here!” She exclaimed, suddenly dashing off and running in circles around Ron.

The gentleman made an effort not to follow her with his gaze, knowing he’d probably get dizzy if he did. “That’s only because you don’t leave your room, Ms. Elzbeth.” The girl suddenly stopped, the cheerful air around her vanishing as she looked at Ron, pouting.

He felt a sting of pain in his chest, his expression turning sour as he furrowed his brows in regret. “I’m sorry, Ms. Elzbeth. I know you don’t like when I broach the subject, but… don’t you want to go out, even if only once a week? Or a month?” He asked, his voice brimming with worry as she tried to persuade her.

She simply turned her back to Ron and walked to her bed. “I don’t like it outside… everyone’s dumb.” Elzbeth spoke with a muffled voice, her eyes glimmering slightly as ugly, sad memories flashed in her mind.

She climbed onto her bed, her dress ruffling as she moved. “But Ms. Elzbeth… you nee-” Ron started to plead with her, his brows furrowed into a concerned expression, but her voice rang abruptly, cutting him short.

“No! I don’t wanna! Leave!” She screamed with frustration, hugging one of her humongous stuffed animals and burying her head in its chest.

Ron knew there was nothing to be done once she retreated to her ‘sanctuary’; she had successfully closed herself off. He felt deep anguish bubbling up, knowing that, once again, he had hurt her. “I’m deeply sorry, Ms. Elzbeth. Excuse me.” The gentleman's voice was met with silence. Sighing heavily, Ron left the room. The girl remained alone, as she was accustomed to, and sobbed in her solitude.

Ron walked back down the same corridor, trying to focus on Ascalon’s matter, though his heart ached at the scene that had repeated itself over, and over again. The elite guards watched him go, knowing what had transpired and also used to the routine. None of them voiced their thoughts, as it was not their place.

Back in the presidential room, Elzbeth lifted her head from her fluffy plushie, and looked at her desk with an intense stare. A piece of paper started to float in the air, advancing toward her hand. She looked at her depiction of Ascalon, and wondered what it would be like to have her own adventures, just like those wanderers.

It was but a fleeting, silly thought—one that brought her pain, as she was shackled to that room, and forever would be.

“...and while I wavered, the pegasi battalion came to my aid. It was a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.” Ascalon’s voice gently echoed through the backyard, as he recounted one of his many adventurous tales to an unexpectedly large audience.

Lilithra had started asking him questions about his titles, and one thing led to another, ending up with him sharing some of his feats. Somehow, Ascalon’s sole listener grew into a group as random passersby were enraptured by his vivid retelling; mostly younger kids, and a wild Selorien that had suddenly appeared.

The elf felt right at home, sprawled languidly across two of the outdoor chairs, while the group of four children sat cross-legged on the ground around Ascalon. Lilithra was among them, her eyes sparkling as she listened intently.

And there was one more: an adolescent boy with fiery hair, who had approached them with suspicion in his eyes but was now clearly entertained. He had been the most talkative one, eagerly asking about details and providing interesting remarks.

“That gave me goosebumps! They were real bros, after all!” He spoke with energy, his red eyes burning with excitement as he clenched his fists and trembled in place. He was really immersed in the stories, and Ascalon found him thoroughly amusing.

“Well, they were mostly women, but yes.” Ascalon replied with a smile as some of the kids giggled.

“A bro is a bro, doesn’t matter the gender!” The youngster declared proudly, puffing out his chest with confidence.

Ascalon nodded a few times in agreement, acknowledging the point. “That is true; in the battlefield, my comrades were all like brothers and sisters to me, after all.” Ascalon added as the boy crossed his arms and nodded, closing his eyes in a thoughtful expression of understanding.

It was then that a deeper, more older voice rang across the backyard. “I wasn’t expecting the outdoor café to turn into a playground! But it’s well past playtime now.” Raphael laughed as he approached them, while Lilithra looked back and realized just how late it had become.

“Whoa! The sun is almost gone! Kids, you should head home~!” Exclaimed Lilithra, getting up from the ground and brushing off some dirt from her legs. The younger crew let out sounds of complaint and disappointment, but ultimately stood up and began to leave, waving at the kind storyteller and his friends.

Ascalon chuckled as the red-haired boy rose up and stretched his arms above his head. “I’m no kid, but I’m also leaving! This was fun, Ascalon; I’ll come back again.” The nameless youngster smirked, before sprinting away with a methodical, trained rhythm.

Ascalon took note of his movements, recognizing the boy was quite athletic. It was a shame his name remained a mystery. As the unusual guests left, Selorien yawned and lazily corrected his posture, now occupying only one of the chairs.

“Time sure flew by… I don’t even remember when I got here. You should write your stories into a book, Ascalon. They’re hella interesting.” The elf remarked, while Lilithra nodded with a joyful expression, seemingly in agreement.

“Hmmm.” Raphael thoughtfully contemplated, thinking he had missed something quite peculiar. “I feel out of the loop, but oh well. Dinner will be ready soon, kiddos.” The older man said with a laugh as he turned back and headed toward The Chalice.

Ascalon considered Selorien’s words, and joined his friends in following Raphael. An enjoyable supper followed, during which they discussed various things, and helped Raphael get up to speed in regards to Ascalon’s stories. The older man seemed impressed, and even asked to be included next time.

“Oh right, I turned away a lot of pesky journalists and excited fans today…” Raphael suddenly blurted, the trio of friends looking confused for a moment.

“Ah!” Lilithra exclaimed as realization hit her.

Lucio had told them to be prepared for ‘unwanted attention’, and she now fully understood these words, though it wasn’t something Lilithra was looking forward to. Selorien clicked his tongue in annoyance, and Ascalon simply watched over them. They were going to be fine, he thought.

After the meal, they all resumed their usual routine, with Selorien leaving The Chalice and everyone else heading to their respective rooms. The day had been quite the rollercoaster, from Ron’s visit and the confusion it ensued, to the laid-back afternoon with Ascalon sharing his past.

Ascalon remained awake, laying on his bed as he looked at the wooden ceiling of his room. Recounting his tales had brought back some pleasant memories, and at the same time, a sting of regret; a feeling that he could now freely show in the solitude of his room. He thought about the people back at Excadia, wondering how they were faring.

He turned to the desk beside his bed, and picked up the emblem of his company of knights. He let it dangle above him, appraising it with a sentimental look in his eyes. It seemed to almost sway by itself, though it was probably his drowsy gaze. Just what had become of his homeland, and to the realms he had sworn to protect?

Ascalon kept trying to push back these doubts as the days went by, but it was no surprise that they would resurface now. Even if he was enjoying his time in New Lumingard, it wasn’t as if he had completely forgotten about his old friends, his sworn brothers, or even some of his mere acquaintances.

He couldn’t simply forget how he had abandoned them at the hands of hideous demons, even if against his will. Ascalon felt remorseful, like a betrayer. His thoughts then shifted to Lilithra, and he took the chance to look for a justification, reminding himself that he had some higher purpose in being there. Yes, he could do nothing for Excadia, and needed to focus on witnessing the ‘demon’ girl’s journey.

It was a convenient excuse, and he knew it was a flimsy one, but it helped him ease a little, nonetheless. Still, he chuckled at the thought of Lilithra being a ‘demon’, as she was probably fretting about leaving her Guild or something similar at that very moment. A smile spread across his cheeks as he recalled her cheerful visage, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Meanwhile, Lilithra was doing exactly as Ascalon thought. She was rolling on her bed while hugging a bundle of plushies, indecision clouding her mind. Captivated by Ascalon’s tales, her entire day had disappeared in a flash, and thus, the matter of the Guild had remained unfinished.

But she couldn’t focus at all! Her mind was filled with grandiose scenes of Ascalon vanquishing enemies, or riding mythical creatures into battle. Just how could she remain composed?! She felt full of energy and enthusiasm, and about to run off and pursue adventure!

But she held back, of course, as she knew she was getting a bit too excited. She stopped her rolling motions, and buried her face on her pillow, trying to suppress her restlessness. “Ughh~ What do I do…?” Lilithra groaned, thinking about the Guild once more. If only she had the courage and the means to open her own Guild right now… but she knew she wasn’t ready. It wasn’t a simple matter, after all.

She sighed deeply in resignation, and decided to try and sleep, but the sudden sound of her phone ringing clashed with her plan. Her curiosity welled up as she picked up the gadget, knowing that the sound meant a text message.

Lilithra rarely received those, especially at such hours. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion while she inspected the unknown number, and then looked at the contents with a slight feeling of anticipation.

“Hello, is this Lilithra? It’s Lyra, from the Fluffy Warriors Guild. We met at the Howling Chasm.

I’m sorry for the sudden message and the late hour, but I’ve been meaning to send this message the whole day.

I need your help, please.”

Lilithra’s face turned into a mix of concern and surprise, the cryptic message leaving her with a sense of mystery and urgency. Just what could Lyra need help with?

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