Unlimited Isekai and Other Unfortunate Magic

[-11-] Second Try

Dave's world lurched violently, as if the very fabric of reality had snapped like an overstretched rubber band. He found himself hurtling backwards through a kaleidoscope of sensations, each fragment more vivid than the last. The warmth of the Healers' Hall, the taste of mead on his tongue, the sound of laughter - all of it rushed past him in a dizzying blur.

With a jolt that knocked the breath from his lungs, Dave found himself back at the Cambria Snail Cafe, his hand releasing its grip on Cedez's dark, fur-covered fingers. The foxgirl smoothly pulled her leather glove back on, the blue gemstones scattered across its surface in an intricate, fractal snowflake pattern catching the falling rays of sunlight.

Dave gaped like a fish out of water, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to process what had just happened. His eyes darted left and right, taking in the familiar sight of the bustling Adventurers Gate, the snail-shaped cafe, and the amused expression on Cedez's face.

"Hrmmm," Cedez's voice cut through the fog in his head, "that was certainly... interesting. How do you feel, my hero?"

Dave felt a distinctive sense of déjà vu wash over him. He'd been here before, had this exact conversation. His mind reeled, trying to reconcile the vivid memories of his time in the Healers Hall with the reality of sitting at the cafe table.

"I... what... how?" Dave sputtered, his voice hoarse as if he'd been screaming. He gripped the edge of the table, anchoring himself to something solid as the world seemed to spin around him. His lungs ached, filling with blood, his legs and arms featuring a thousand throbbing cuts courtesy of the Felislice.

"Sooo?" Cedez grinned. "Are you satisfied with your wish? Come on, use your words. How do you rate your wish out of ten?"

Dave ignored the foxgirl as he shoved all of his soul points into Vitality. He closed his eyes, drawing upon the lessons of Master Sylphaera. He visualized his body as a complex network of energy pathways, focusing on directing Vitality to specific areas.

"Lungs first," he thought, picturing the damaged tissue knitting back together. "Then arteries, veins, muscles..."

As he worked, Dave could almost hear Master Sylphaera's voice guiding him. "Concentrate, apprentice. Feel the flow of life energy. Direct it where it's needed most."

Minutes ticked by as Dave focused intensely on healing himself. The pain in his chest eased, his breathing becoming less labored. It wasn't enough to completely rid him of the Felislice Kiss, but he felt marginally more functional.

Dave opened his eyes, his breath coming easier now. He found Cedez staring back at him.

"Come on," she prompted, leaning forward on her elbows. "Don't leave a girl hanging. How was your little trip forward in time?"

Dave's mouth opened and closed a few times before he managed to croak out, "That... that was real? All of it?"

Cedez's tail swished behind her. "As real as you wanted it to be, hero. Though I must say, I'm a little hurt you didn't try to woo me in your future vision. I thought we had something special."

Dave's face flushed, memories of the Healers' debates about his love life flooding back. "Wait... did you see all of that? Were you there?"

"I sorta was and wasn't," Cedez replied. Then she began humming Wonderwall.

"What the hell are you?" Dave demanded. "Why don't you have a Kitlix?"

"I'm... different," Cedez shrugged.

"So, you sent me on a... what? A vision quest? A time travel adventure?" Dave said.

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy your little romp in the Healers Hall? Who knew our dashing necromancer had such a talent for the greener side of magic?"

"So you were watching," he concluded.

"Not exactly watching," Cedez mused, tapping a gloved finger against her chin. "More like... sensing. Existing simultaneously within and without the flow."

Dave crossed his arms.

"Oh, don't be such a grump. You got to experience an entire day in the life of a healer! Make new friends, learn new skills, even got a kiss from a cute antlered girl. Not bad for a freebie, if you ask me."

Dave felt his cheeks flush at the memory of Terri and the others. "That's not... I mean... Look, can we focus on the important stuff here? Like, oh I don't know, the fact that you apparently have the power to send people through freaking time?"

"Time, alternate reality, potential future," Cedez waved a hand dismissively. "Potato, po-tah-to. Precognition is weird. The real question is, what did you learn from your little adventure?"

Dave opened his mouth to retort, then closed it again. What had he learned? His mind raced through the events of the "day" he'd experienced. The healing techniques, the camaraderie of the Healers' Hall, the insights into the world of Arx...

"Can you do that again?" He asked. "Am I in a time loop now?"

"Do I look like a freaking genie to you?" Cedez asked.

"I don't know what you are," Dave confessed.

"Do you want our souls to shatter?" Cedez arched an eyebrow. "Because that's how you shatter your soul, by demanding too many magical solutions to your problems. You're one day ahead of everyone else, be merry!"

"Can you send me forward again or no?" Dave demanded.

"I can... just not today," Cedez shrugged.

"What exactly are you, and how did you do... whatever that was?" Dave repeated his questions, trying to pry more information out of the foxgirl.

Cedez's silver-blue eyes twinkled with mischief, but there was a hint of something deeper, more ancient in their depths. "Oh, my darling hero," she sang. "I'm simply a princess in training."

"A princess? In training? What does that even mean?"

"It means exactly what it sounds like," Her eyes flicked down to the chair Dave was sitting on, and her nose wrinkled slightly. "I'll tell you more tomorrow, if you're still alive and free by then to enjoy my latte."

Dave opened his mouth.

"You're bleeding all over my nice cafe chair, please get that sorted," Cedez cut him off before he could pester her with more questions, her voice turning cold and sharp. "Don't get collared again and don't get forced into a full-time Healer position. Don't sign any contracts. Don't attract attention of the City Watch. If you see someone like me, don't talk to them. Do we understand each other?"

Dave frowned, barely paying attention and suddenly becoming acutely aware of the pain radiating through his body. He looked down and saw that his tattered clothes were indeed soaked with blood, and a small puddle was forming beneath his chair. The wounds from the Felislice were very much real and present.

"Shit," he muttered, the world tilting alarmingly. "I need... I need a healer."

Without hesitation, Cedez called out, her voice carrying clearly over the bustling city entrance. "Healer! We need a healer at the Cambria Snail Cafe!"

In a few seconds, a familiar figure appeared from the direction of the city gates. Master Sylphaera, her vine-like green hair and white-green robes swaying with each step, approached swiftly, flanked by two Watchmen. Dave felt a surge of relief at the sight of her.

"What seems to be the problem?" Sylphaera asked, her emerald eyes scanning Dave's injuries.

Dave's head spun as he struggled to focus on Master Sylphaera's face.

"Please," he gasped, his voice weak, "take me to the Hall of Healers."

One of the guards, a burly man with a thick, dark beard, stepped forward. "Come on, bud. Let's get you to the Hall. You look like you're about to keel over."

As the guard helped Dave to his feet, supporting most of his weight along with his bag of bugs and Felislice, Dave glanced back at Cedez. The foxgirl's eyes sparked with an emotion he couldn't quite decipher. She gave him a small wave as he was taken away.

The journey to the Hall of Healers passed in a blur of pain and disorientation. Dave found himself in a familiar white, gothic room, its vaulted ceilings and intricate stonework exactly as he remembered it.

As they passed through a corridor, Dave spotted a familiar face – Apprentice Dumpich. His heart leapt with recognition, but Dumpich's violet-brown eyes slid right past him, showing no sign of familiarity.

Sylphaera guided Dave to a stone slab in the center of the room. "Alright, let's get you fixed up," she said, her Kitlix beginning to glow with a soft green light as it jumped on Dave. “So what cut you up so bad, Mr. Level Four Adventurer?"

"Wait!" Dave declared. "I... I can heal myself. I just need to borrow a Vitalix Kitlix."

Sylphaera's emerald eyes widened in surprise. "Don't be ridiculous. That's not how this works. You're clearly delirious from blood loss."

"I'm not delirious," Dave insisted, pushing himself up on his elbows. "I'm a healer! I can wield a level thirty four Kitlix!"

"Nonsense. Your ID and my Orty," she gestured to her Kitlix, "tell me you're only level four. There's no way you could handle a high-level Vitalix."

"Look, I know it sounds crazy, but please, just... just look at my Aura. You'll see that I'm telling the truth."

Sylphaera sighed, exasperation clear in her voice. "Fine. If it will calm you down so we can treat you properly." She closed her eyes, concentrating on perceiving Dave's Aura.

For a moment, the room was silent save for Dave's labored breathing. Then, Sylphaera's eyes snapped open, a sharp gasp escaping her lips. She took a step back, her gaze fixed on Dave.

"This... this is impossible," she muttered, more to herself than to Dave. "Your aura... it's like nothing I've ever seen. Green, yes, but behind it... there's..."

"Nothing," Dave said. "I know."

Sylphaera considered his request. After what felt like an eternity, she spoke. "Seventeen silver," she said firmly. "You pay seventeen silver, and I'll let you try to touch the Kitlix. If you fail to attract a level 34 green, I keep the silver. Deal?"

Dave's face fell. "I... I don't have any silver," he admitted. "Can you put it on my tab?"

"Sure." Sylphaera nodded. "Your healing would go on your tab anyway. But I am warning you, if this is some sort of trick..."

"It's not," Dave assured the Healer. "I promise."

Sylphaera's lips pressed into a thin line. "Apprentice!" she called out suddenly, her voice echoing through the chamber. "I need assistance!"

"Yes Master Sylphaera?" A moment later, a familiar face appeared in the doorway.

"Apprentice Dumpich, help this... patient to the Kitlix room," Sylphaera instructed. "And keep a close eye on him."

Dumpich nodded, moving to Dave's side. "Can you walk?" he asked, offering his arm for support.

Dave nodded, gritting his teeth against the pain as he stood. "I think so," he managed, leaning heavily on the apprentice.

As they made their way down the corridor, Dumpich spoke in a low voice. "So, what's this all about? Master Sylphaera seems pretty worked up."

Dave hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "It's... complicated," he said.

Dumpich raised an eyebrow but didn't press further. They entered the familiar room housing Kitlix of various colors and sizes inside of a large glass bowl.

Sylphaera entered behind them, her posture tense. "Token, please," she said.

Dave handed over his token to her, his heart pounding with anticipation. He watched as she approached a small alcove in the wall, where a cyan-tinted Kitlix rested. The creature stirred as Sylphaera brought the token close.

"Burnix," Sylphaera commanded, "adjust the balance. Healer's Hall charge. Minus seventeen silver for Vitalix Kitlix rental for... one hour."

The Burnix Kitlix chirped in response, its tiny paws reaching out to touch Dave's token. There was a brief flash of light as the Burnix spun around the token, and when Sylphaera handed the token back to Dave, he saw that the numbers had changed: [-17S, 10Co].

"There," Sylphaera said. "Now, let's see if your claim holds any water."

Dave took a deep breath, steadying himself. He could feel the eyes of Sylphaera, Dumpich, and the Kitlix handler on him as he approached the glass bowl on the pedestal. His hand trembled slightly as he reached out, hovering just above the bowl's rim.

"Here goes nothing," he muttered under his breath.

Kitlix of all colors within the large bowl began to stir, their crystalline bodies sparkling with interest. But one in particular, a vibrant green Kitlix, perked up right away and rushed to Dave, pushing the others aside as it formed six legs.

Dave's eyes widened as he recognized her.

"Healy," he said, a smile spreading across his face.

The Kitlix trilled happily, leaping from the bowl onto Dave's outstretched hand and scurrying up his arm to perch on his shoulder. The bond between them was instantaneous and familiar, as if they had never been separated.

[Connection Reestablished: Vitalix Kitlix Familiar: Healy]

a message appeared on his wrist.

Green flames ignited around Healy as she started to work on Dave's cuts.

A collective gasp echoed through the room. Dave turned to see Dumpich and Sylphaera staring at him with wide eyes and open mouths.

The familiar warmth of Healy's crystalline body sent waves of comfort through Dave, easing some of the pain from his wounds.

"This... this isn't possible," The Kitxlix Handler stammered, his eyes darting between Dave and Healy. "I don't understand..."

Sylphaera stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. "What are you stammering about, Gaius?"

Gaius ran a hand through his hair, his voice quavering. "The bond, Master Sylphaera. It's already there, fully formed, as if this Kitlix already belongs to him!"

Sylphaera looked between Dave and Gaius.

"I don't recall ever performing the bonding ritual for this man. Look at her behavior! She's acting like she already knows him!"

Sylphaera's face had contorted into a mask of suspicion and anger as she rounded on Gaius.

"Gaius Flintosh!" she bellowed, grabbing the man by his robes. "Have you been performing unauthorized bondings on the side? Is that what this is?"

Gaius's eyes widened in panic. "N-no, Master Sylphaera! I swear on her Divine Shadow, I've never seen this man before in my life! Why would I tell any of you this if I was cheating Healer's Hall?!"

Dumpich, who had been watching the exchange with increasingly growing interest, piped up. "Maybe the Kitlix is just really friendly? Like, extra super friendly to... Dave here?"

Sylphaera shot him a withering glare. "Apprentice Dumpich, Kitlix don't just 'become friendly.' The bonding process is a complex ritual. You can't just pick up a random Kitlix and start casting magic with it!”

"Right, right," Dumpich nodded, undeterred. "But what if... what if this guy is secretly a Kitlix whisperer? You know, like how some people can talk to plants or animals? What if Dave is a... Kitlix binder like Sir Gaius? Eh? Eh?"

Dave couldn't help but smile at Dumpich's wild theories, recalling the many drinks they shared yester... no during a day which no longer existed.

Sylphaera released Gaius with a frustrated sigh. "That's not possible, Dumpich. I scanned this Iron's Aura myself. There's only green and... darkness there."

Dave retreated to sit in an alcove, focusing on using Healy to heal his affliction and cuts as the Healers argued.

Dumpich pressed on. "Okay, but hear me out. What if he's actually a Kitlix breeder? Or maybe he's got some sort of Kitlix-attracting pheromones?"

"Kitlix breeders can't heal themselves, apprentice!" Gaius declared. "Look! That level thirty four Vitalix is glowing! She's healing him, working at her full potential!"

Both of the healers stared at Dave.

"Hey, Gaius, where do you even get all these Kitlix anyway? Especially the high-level ones?" Dumpich asked.

Gaius adjusted his wire-rimmed glasses, seemingly grateful for the change of subject. "Well, the smaller, lower-level Kitlix are bred here in the Hall. I have a specialized breeding chamber where they can divide when they're well-fed and happy."

"And the big ones?" Dumpich asked.

Gaius's expression grew somber. "The higher-level Kitlix, like the one currently bonded to our... guest, typically belonged to healers who have passed away. When a healer dies, their Kitlix returns to us, and we care for them until they choose a new partner."

"Oh! Oh! I've got it!" Dumpich exclaimed, bouncing on his toes. "What if Dave here is actually a time traveler? Maybe in some alternate future, he was a master healer, and now he's come back in time with all his knowledge but none of the levels!"

Sylphaera looked like she was about to burst a blood vessel. "Apprentice Dumpich, if you don't stop spouting nonsense this instant, I swear by her Divine Shadow that-"

"No wait, that's stupid. I got it! Dave is an amnesiac healer adventurer!" Dumpich exclaimed, his long ears twitching. "He must have been bonked on the head by some nasty dungeon monster, fell into a coma, lost his Kitlix, and now they've found each other again! It's like a... heartwarming reunion tale!"

Dave couldn't help but smile at Dumpich's wild theories. Healy jumped from one spot to another, closing up cuts and mending bruises, working with Dave like a single organism, like an extension of him, a 5th hand made entirely from magic.

"Apprentice Dumpich, your imagination is running wild again. This is a serious matter, not some fanciful tale from one of your adventure novels!" Sylphaera snapped.

"But Master Sylphaera," Dumpich insisted, clearly undeterred, "think about it! Dave here shows up all beaten up, clearly been through some rough stuff. He's got the skills and knowledge of a healer! And now his long-lost Kitlix recognizes him! It all fits!"

"Does it?" Sylphaera asked.

The Kitlix handler, stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I suppose it's not entirely impossible. Kitlix do form deep bonds with their Healers that become slightly disrupted when their partner is sleeping. If this one belonged to Dave in the past, it might explain the instant recognition. A Kitlix and her Master can theoretically be hurt enough for the bond to mostly fail.”

Sylphaera's emerald eyes narrowed as she scrutinized Dave. "This is all far too convenient. We need a proper investigation! I'm going to call the City Watch to sort out all of this nonsense!"

Dave's heart sank. He knew he couldn't explain the truth without sounding completely insane or revealing his 'necromantic' abilities.

This definitely wasn't the path he wanted to go on.

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