Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 The Witch’s Mission (Part 1)

Bustling crowds of people in groups of two and three are constantly marching along the national highway, and the scene outside the huge floor-to-ceiling glass on one side is large, small, or square, or uniquely shaped space warships according to the space port. The instructions line up to enter the channel. In the distance, you can see the light spots constantly appearing. Sometimes there are two or three light spots, sometimes in a dense series, constantly illuminating each other ups and downs.

“This is the space port?” He exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at the space warships outside the huge French windows.

“What a fuss. It’s embarrassing. Hurry up! It’s almost time for you as arranged.” Quickly sneered at the inexplicable fuss.

He inexplicably ran hurriedly and finally drove the vf-3gn void to the prescribed sailing channel according to the staff’s guidance before the prescribed time arrived.

“Challenger 663. Hello. This is the Cosmoport Guidance Tower. Guidance 776 is for you.” An image of a girl with a wonderful appearance appeared from the display.

“Hello. Huh? Are you a catwoman?” He was inexplicably focused on the pair of fluffy ears on the girl’s head in the picture.

“Ah. Yes, yes. We are the Tata clan. That’s what you call Catwoman.” She seemed to be inexplicably frightened, and the ears on the girl’s head began to tremble sharply.

“Really? Then can I leave?” He smiled inexplicably.

“Oh. Yes. Channel 63, heading 311. Thirty seconds after leaving the port, it will enter the jumping state. The timing of departure will be handed over to the pilot. Please confirm.” The cat-eared girl quickly re-entered the state of work and arranged the sailing matters in an orderly manner.

“Understood. The timing of departure is confirmed, VF-3gn Void, so inexplicable, let’s go! Besides, I think your cat ears are very cute.” He Inexplicably said to the cat eared girl in the picture a second before the launch. When the cat-eared girl reacted, He inexplicably had already begun to jump.

“Tsk tusk. He was still dying for Lin Mingmei before, but now he is talking about a strange girl. Are you worthy of Lin Mingmei?” Xun jumped up from Ho’s inexplicable shoulder and directly confused Ho’s inexplicable face.

“Did I? It’s just a friendly way.” He inexplicably wiped Xun from his face and placed it on the top of the display.

“I can see clearly! I will sue at that time!” Xun Niubi said caulkingly.

“Yes, yes!” He inexplicably dealt with Xun twice at random, then looked at the colorful light pattern outside. Once upon a time, the vision of space in my youth was realized in this way at this moment. The changes in the world really caught him off guard.

“I am about to leave the jumping channel. The countdown begins, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. I have left the jumping channel.”

When the outside scenery changed from the colorful light pattern to the endless darkness, why inexplicably knew that he had arrived at the key location of this mission—the world gate.

The huge world gate is quietly suspended in space. Three giant beads of the same size as the earth occupy three parts of the world gate in the form of triangles. Countless lines are entwined in an exquisite pattern to form a frame that supports the world gate. In the center of the world gate, there is a giant spiral nebula emitting golden light, mysterious and deep, which makes people unconsciously indulged in it.

“This is the world gate?!” He shook his head inexplicably, letting himself break free from the intoxicating spiral nebula.

“Yeah. This is the World Gate. Isn’t it spectacular? The Void is like sand beside it.” Xun said triumphantly.

“Is this a masterpiece of the supreme race?” He suddenly thought of the supreme race inexplicably, as if there was no one else.

“Oh, smart. I thought of it all at once. That’s right, all the world gates in this universe are precious legacy left by the highest race. Please enjoy the predecessors’ blessings with a pious and grateful attitude. Time is almost the same. Now. Go through the world gate.” Xun praised He inexplicably smart, and after a little talk about the world gate, he immediately began to urge He inexplicably to continue the mission.

He inexplicably dare not care, under Xun’s urging, He inexplicably manipulated the VF-3gn type void through the world gate. Unexpectedly, the scenery on the other side of the World Gate really surprised He Inexplicable and Xun.

Why inexplicably, the dark and deep cosmic scenery that he was in just now, passing through the gate of the world, is another scene. The universe is no longer endless darkness, but is full of unstable red and blue spots. The universe is no longer deep and tranquil, but blazing white light everywhere, extremely unstable matter.

“This? This is? The end of the universe?! Fuck. We won the first prize!” After a quick analysis of the astronomical data outside, he couldn’t help exclaiming.

“What? The end of the universe?” He inexplicably looked at Xun who was spinning around before his eyes inexplicably.

“There is no time to say. What you have to do now is to go to your destination and complete the task as soon as possible. Then go through the world gate and return to the ultra-dimensional fortress as quickly as possible. Now, let’s go!” Without a word, it merged with the airborne system of the Void. “I have marked the route. What you have to do now is to complete the task as quickly as possible. I will be responsible for the route. Quick! Quick!”

“Understand. Go ahead at full speed.” He inexplicably quickly pressed a few buttons, and the gn solar furnace installed on the back of the void began to diffuse gn particles around.

“The gn particles output 50%.”

“70% effort.”

“90% effort.”

“100% effort.”

“Sit firmly.” Why inexplicably his eyes burst out, before his words fell, the Void, under the combined action of the thermonuclear engine and the gn solar furnace, exploded at an unprecedented speed. The gn particles form a circular inclusion on the surface of the void, enveloping the void in it.

“This is the gn particle shield? Yes. Then the speed should be even higher.” He inexplicably looked at the stars in the cockpit, stretched out his hand and tried to touch it.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t do this. This universe is already in an extremely unstable state. Any logic is almost invalid. It’s best not to mess around at this time. Let me order to move forward.” Xun is suspended in the airborne system. Above, a super core processor is rapidly evolved to merge with it. “I’ll leave it to you now. Really. Change shift.”

“Understood. Really began to calculate peripheral mutation data.” The familiar cold and harsh voice sounded again.

“Really? Are you finally willing to come out?” Ho inexplicably flexibly avoided the meteorite flying around, glanced at the evolved super core processor and asked.

“Long time no see. Don’t say anything else. Now listen to my password.” The real voice fluctuated slightly, and it immediately returned to its original coldness.

“Okay.” Without saying a word, He inexplicably agreed to the real request.

“After 15 seconds, on the left side, maintain the horizontal inclination of the body at 90° and pass quickly.”

“Count down to five seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Implementation.” He gave an order, and He inexplicably immediately moved according to what he said. After passing through safely, He looked back inexplicably curiously. I saw that the airspace that I had just passed through was torn apart by the sudden spatial cracks.

“This? What’s going on?” He asked inexplicably, his eyelids jumped.

“The scene of the end of the universe. The unordered universe can no longer be summarized by any logic. Next, I will try my best to calculate the abnormal changes in the course. Master, please speed up and hurry.” The truth just fell, and the dark surface burst into blue light. Now, there was a slight buzzing sound mixed in.

“Calculate with all your strength?” He inexplicably pushed the putter to the end, and the Void once again increased his speed, constantly shuttled in the zone mixed with various asteroids and meteorites.

“The front left is abnormal, and the nose is pulled up after 20 seconds.”

“Countdown. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.” He pulled the fuselage up inexplicably, and out of curiosity, the Void made a barrel rolling action. He inexplicably saw the vision below.

Below the Void is an asteroid five kilometers in diameter. I saw the asteroid split into two sides by an unknown force. One side of the asteroid was inexplicably quickly melted until it disappeared, and the other side began to spin frantically. It seemed that the body began to grow larger, but soon it was unable to bear too much. It spins quickly and breaks into pieces of meteorites.

“This? It’s too nonsense.” He cursed inexplicably with his scalp numb.

“Can’t understand? Then move forward quickly. Complete the mission and leave this universe.” After hearing the inexplicable curse, he replied flatly.

Inexplicably, He inexplicably arrived at the mission location along the way according to the route marked out and the warning from time to time along the way.

This is a dead planet. Because the changes in the universe have led to the destruction of the planetary ecosystem, this dead star has no life at all. After inexplicably driving the Void around the Death Star, He scanned the global system and marked the mission location.

He looked at the coordinates inexplicably, and then began to land on the mission location. At this moment, the Death Star ushered in the visit of life again. It’s just that this visitor of life is just a passerby before his death.

“What quest is there in such a ghost place?” He inexplicably looked at the strange rocky peaks around him and said secretly.

“Unintelligible. According to the data, the Scarlet Witch is synonymous with mystery. All of its actions except for itself, no one can know the purpose of the action.” Zhen sketched out a picture in midair, which was full of analysis of the Scarlet Witch. .

“Oh. Forget it. Now I am also forced to work for someone.” Why inexplicably didn’t want to entangle the topic with that witch too much.


“Here.” The Void came to a cave after traversing many strange rocky peaks. The huge cave mouth seemed to devour the world like the big mouth of a giant beast. An inexplicable chill arose in Ho Mo Ming, who was driving the Void.

“The mission target is in the cave. Go in. I have turned on the life detection system.” A laser was sent to the depths of the cave.

The Void transformed into a half-human form and entered the cave at cruising speed. The searchlights on both sides of the cockpit cut through the darkness in the depths of the cave. Under the shining of searchlights, strange rocks that were stranger than those outside were unfolded before He inexplicably.

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