Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 Adventure mission

“Accept my request, then all your requirements here in the future will be fulfilled free of charge. How? Do you agree?” The lazy voice described an irresistible temptation.

“How do you feel like selling yourself?” He frowned inexplicably and thought for a while. Although I heard that it can be modified for free, the “nothing to do, no evil or thievery” handed down from the ancestors is vividly remembered. Why inexplicably had to think more.

“Oh? The kid is very smart. I am more and more interested in you. Yes, my request is to do things for me when you are free. You are a challenger, right. Then your task cycle for each round After that, there will be free time. My request is that you can do things for me during this time. The reward is that you can toss the body freely with me. It’s free!” After the lazy voice finished, he was enveloped in darkness. The figure walked out of the darkness step by step.

A red cheongsam with a phoenix pattern outlines a large number of fascinated devil figures, and the long black hair that is mopping the floor emits a little bit of starlight. Dan Feng’s eyes, crescent eyebrows, beauty moles, and a lazy smile created a charming appearance. For a while, why inexplicably stunned. The woman looked at He inexplicably in dementia, smiled slightly, and stretched out her hand to prop up He inexplicably chin.

“How? Promise my request. From now on, you can remodel your body as you want, design it as you want. It’s all free.” The beautiful woman’s lips slightly opened, telling the beautiful temptation.

“Okay!” He inexplicably fell into a state of dementia and naturally couldn’t control himself, so he could only agree to it blankly.

“Haha. Good boy. Then, the contract is established.” The glamorous woman stretched out her jade finger and sketched a few times in the void, and a peculiarly shaped icon emerged from the void. With a stroke of the beautiful woman’s finger, the strange icon flew to Ho’s inexplicable forehead and disappeared into it.

“You!? What did you do to me?” He woke up inexplicably and jumped up from the chair instantly.

“Relax. It’s just a proof of the establishment of the contract.” The glamorous woman said lightly.

“Contract? I don’t remember what contract I signed with you!” He frowned inexplicably, thinking hard. But to no avail.

“Look. There are records.” The glamorous woman stretched out her jade finger and stroked in the air, and a picture appeared. What was playing inside was the image that He was inexplicably fascinated just now.

“This? That’s not me! You control me!” When He inexplicably saw his demented expression at the time, he didn’t know what was going on? I saw He jumped up inexplicably and rushed towards the glamorous woman. The glamorous woman didn’t seem to expect He inexplicably to jump up suddenly, and she was thrown to the ground by He inexplicably. The glamorous woman looked at He inexplicably pressed against her with an expression of disbelief.

“Pump… I was thumped?!” The glamorous woman said blankly.

“Quickly terminate the contract with labor and management! Labor and management are quit.” How inexplicable in the rage would detect the abnormality of the glamorous woman. When He inexplicably reached out and grabbed the collar of the glamorous woman, he was suddenly driven into the darkness by a powerful force.

I don’t know how long it took, the glamorous woman slowly stood up, clutching her collar. After finishing her dress a bit, she once again became the glamorous woman who charmed all beings when she first saw her. The glamorous woman looked down at He inexplicably lying on the ground, she stretched out her hand and patted and turned back to the darkness.

“You’re awake.” Xun’s voice brought Ho inexplicably back the focus, who had just awakened.

“It’s here? Oh! My head hurts.” He moved a little bit more inexplicably, and there was a burst of pain in his head.

“I have to say that you are really courageous. Well, you still have a lot of fate.” Xun sighed.

“Huh? What?” Why inexplicably endured waves of headaches, asked suspiciously.

“That woman. When you saw that woman, all of our programs except the core program were forcibly closed. We did not actively let go of the interface. No one could invade our system. But that woman did. Do you know how terrible it is? Without realizing it, our program was forcibly shut down.” Xun’s dark surface glowed with chaotic red and blue light, which made people seem to be in extreme fear.

“Don’t make trouble! Your AI intelligence will also feel fear?” He inexplicably stroked his forehead with his right hand, and slapped the speed with his left hand.

“Hey! Anyway, I am also in line with your emotions. You have to cherish, cherish.” Xun tumbling in the air for a few times, ran back and noisy in his ears.

“It’s annoying! Headache! Don’t make trouble.” He waved his hand inexplicably, closed his eyes and endured the headache.

After a while, He opened his eyes when he felt the headache gradually disappeared inexplicably. He inexplicably discovered that the room he was in was not his own small room.

“Where is this place?” He inexplicably rubbed his eyebrows and asked Xiang Xun.

“Still at the old castle. Huh? Someone has come. I continue to pretend to be dead.” Xun seemed to tremble, and quickly lay motionless on He inexplicably shoulders. At this time, a knock on the door sounded.

“Guest, it’s impolite.” As soon as the voice fell, the black long straight maid opened the door and walked in slowly. “Guest, you are awake. The master ordered you to go back if you wake up. Your body has been modified.” The black long straight maid said slowly after bowing.

“Oh, good.” He rubbed his eyebrows inexplicably and got up from the bed. After putting on his shoes, he left the castle accompanied by the black long straight maid.

“Guest, since your first step out of the castle, we are considered colleagues. My name is Lian. Please advise me a lot in the future. In addition, the task assigned by the master has been sent to your body system. Please go back. Pay attention later.” He inexplicably took the black long straight maid, that is, Lian’s passage through the dark alley again and returned to the equipment area. Seeing the constant flow of people in the equipment area, He inexplicably felt like yesterday.

“I said the master. What should I do now? I was inexplicably signed that messy contract. What should I do in the future?” After a while, Xun, who pretended to be dead, began to become active again. Just scream.

“What can I do? Take it. I can’t do anything now. Just bear it for the time being. Go back and see what the body is talking about.” He walked quickly along the way and quickly returned to the place where he was teleported. “Can the legend go back here?”

“Yes. But I have something to tell you. In fact, in the equipment area and the entertainment area, you can ignore the legend of the location and go back.” Xun said cautiously.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier!” He inexplicably slapped Xun into the wall angrily when he heard this.

After a wave of fluctuations in the surrounding space, He inexplicably returned to his small room. Before he could stand firmly, He inexplicably opened the door and ran into the warehouse. After going down the stairs in three steps and two steps, He inexplicably finally came to the renewed vf-3 nihility, oh no, it’s not right. It should be called the vf-3gn version of nothingness. There is not much change in the overall structure of the Void. The only difference is that there is a backpack on the back. It is not so much a backpack, it is better to say that it is a gn solar stove. The solar furnace was fixed on the back of the void by a pair of movable mechanical arms. It forms a delta pattern with the original thermonuclear engine. Seeing this inexplicably, he immediately turned on the system and started to inquire about the modified nihility. As a result, He inexplicably dared to surprise.

The original 30 machine gun was replaced with a gn particle submachine gun. Due to the small portability of the gn submachine gun, an additional one is configured and installed on the forearm c of both hands. The position of the original 30-machine gun was replaced by a gn cannon. In addition, in the space vacated by the reintegration of the energy system, small missile components have been added, which can be loaded with as many as 100 pieces. Inexplicably, the more I look at it, the more frightening he gets. Modification to this program is more than 100,000 points. Who is that glamorous woman? He actually has the ability to modify his body to this level without his permission!

“Who are you?” After He climbed into the cockpit inexplicably, he saw a message that the sender’s pattern was the glamorous woman.

“If you see this message, then you have seen the modified body. Now that you have seen the results, then go and complete the mission I gave you. The content of the mission has been sent to your body system. Go. The rest will go and see for yourself.” Before the words fell, the glamorous woman’s head disappeared.

Open the task file in the system. The content is that he will board the fuselage tomorrow and set off from the spaceport, after passing through the transfer station-the world gate, to a planet with the code gst93. Although he hasn’t had a complete concept of interstellar voyage yet inexplicably, judging from the hints on the mission map, the destination is quite far away. Can the Vf-3gn Void after this modification alone do it?

“Take the task. Now you have a good rest. It seems to be a slightly relaxed journey.” The mysterious Xun ran out of the place without knowing it, and said after checking the task.

“Are you sure?” He asked inexplicably.

“Probably. I found something just now. About that woman.” Xun said in a rare serious tone.

“Talk about it.” He inexplicably thought for a while and continued to ask.

“No one knows the woman’s real name. But everyone who has been in contact with her called her the Scarlet Witch.” He quickly and slowly said what he had found. “What is her origin? No one knows. The only thing she knows is that this woman uses various promises to seduce everyone who strays into her territory. Once the contract is established, she will get the price she wants, The entrant will also get the result he wants, but at a huge price. According to the above, you do get the result you want, but you pay the price of freedom. This is the result of my analysis.” Xun finished After a few words, he returned to He Inexplicably shoulders and continued to play dead.

“Is it the price of freedom? I still lost it without even knowing it.” He thought for a while and said with a mockery.

Finally, after checking the newly born Void, He inexplicably closed the cockpit and forced himself to sleep after returning to the small room. Going to go tomorrow!

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