Triple Strength

39. Jern: Tabitha

39. Jern: Tabitha

I am feeling a bit fucking jealous of Wiremu right now. He has two specific trainers in his specialties. I know I have had awesome chances as well and he brought me through the mountains. He also gave me his Darksteel ore and I now know how much that is worth. But still.

He got to fight a monster, and the loot! Ok, it is mainly the loot, I can do without the fighting part. The fight was fascinating. Not the way he described it at breakfast, but the actual fight. A person with high stealth and a Shadow affinity might have just been nearby watching. In case they needed help of course. I am pretty sure Koza and Velikan knew I was there, although I don’t know how. Those two are scary. He is going to get Koza to teach him Monster Lore.

I have a job when we get to Jern, probably. I have been testing my shadows and the darksteel ore and discussing it with Ulfhidr. We haven’t got very far, Ulfhildr thinks it needs to be smelted into Darksteel first. I probably have enough in the two ores to make a pure Darksteel knife. This is rare and insanely expensive. Darksteel is usually added to other types of steel to add properties because there is never much of it. I haven't decided what I am going to do with it yet.

Ulfhildr’s family, Kinfolk is a better translation, sponsored this prospecting expedition and will be responsible for organising the auction to come. After the auction is when the bulk of our money will be distributed to us. It will probably take four months or more to arrange for an auction of this much high quality material. Ulfhidrs Kin will need to store all this in the meantime which means increased security. There are plenty of wannabe thieves around. They will, probably, hire me as a trainee merchant and security adviser. My Thief class is getting me this job. Hence the rush to learn dwarvish.

I am really looking forward to settling down for a while in a small city and reassessing my goals. Ulfilder and her cousin will help me work on the Darksteel. Her cousin Elof is an enchanter and has had experience with people with affinities. This is a good gig for me at least until the auction. I haven’t told Wiremu yet.

I am leading Rocky. I have had plenty of time to investigate the Troll Hide, claws and teeth he got. I am still learning the value of monster parts, but that will come. Ulfhildr’s Kin has a trading house where they sell their blacksmithing goods as well as miscellaneous goods and services. Their trading arm was called the Sølv Emporium and was headed by a Master Trader which was pretty impressive. Then there were various departments headed by Journeymen traders with associated juniors. They had two regular caravans running routes through the Kirghiz Kingdom and one that went south to the Barbarian City states. They tried to avoid the Nystad Empire as there were too many tariffs on foreign traders and the Empire dominated the trade and controlled the prices. Some goods you could only sell to the Empire, legally that is. Then there was the paperwork. The Empire had a form for everything and only licensed traders could operate. It was too hard for the Sølv Kin to be bothered.

I was going to have to get used to the Royal Raha’s rather than the Imperial Crowns I grew up with. The Kirghiz Kingdom named their coins the Raha, they followed the general concept of Copper bits, then Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Cargonite which was what the coins were made of. And the ratio was still 10 to 1, i.e 10 Copper makes a Silver etc. The Raha’s were slightly smaller than the Crowns and called different names and were worth slightly less. According to the Empire anyway. They were still called Bits, Copper, Silver, etc. by the common folk, but they were Raha’s not Crowns.

From talking to Ulfhildr and Thyrrni, the buying power of each coin is similar to what I am used to. A mid level crafter would earn about a silver a day. A mid level house would cost about 1 Cargonite.

Ulfhildr estimated that with the goods and gems and what the Sølv Emporium might purchase we can expect about three Platinum each when we get back and the rest would need to wait to see what the auction would bring. This means that most of the normal goods, and probably most of the deep iron was worth at least 40 Platinum (or four Cargonite) and then there is the Rock Serpent on top. Ulfhildr didn’t want to estimate what that was worth, but probably at least another 3 or 4 times that.

I was a bit shocked. I would be able to buy a house, a good house, from this trip alone. That was staggering for me who never thought I would be doing more than renting rooms. I was missing my brother Warren at this point. Finally, some good fortune and he is not here to share it.

I won’t buy a house because after the auction I will probably want to explore the Kirghiz Kingdom and I need to stay ahead of Longstrider. Yeah, I know that with this windfall I could pay him back, but why should I? He would probably want more than crowns anyway. He would want jobs and to tie me back into his network, especially if, or rather when, he found out about my affinity. I would definitely be moving on after the auction.

I think Wiremu is planning to join the Mercenary Guild and start taking contracts, maybe forming a team. Joining a team probably, as he has no experience in negotiating contracts. I might be able to do that for him and maybe go on the odd contract too. That might be a good side gig.

This travel business is boring. We are now about 2 days out from a village and then there is a road to Jern. At this point I would like to be attacked by bandits just to relieve the monotony. We won’t be of course, because Koza and Velikan are out scouting and will probably remove any threats before they are even close. Wiremu is with them again today.

I have been practising my Spatial Awareness on the Spiritually enhanced materials in the mules saddle bags. I have also been practising my Spatial Awareness against Wiremu’s Manipulate Status. It got both our skills to Apprentice. I have more penetrating power against physical objects and he can now change two things on his status and it is stronger. When I checked he was now showing Level 2 Prospector, Level 11 Miner, Level 8 Hunter and no Spy at all. That is a more normal looking status. The Quarry Worker was definitely a stand out item.

I took Wiremu’s advice and asked Erik to test my Confuse Status Skill and it's also now at Apprentice level too. It gave me a point in Spiritual Strength. That is a useful attribute for me now as a lot of my shadow abilities rely on it.

Cold resistance is at 14 now and it is noticeable. I am please with it despite the torture to get it there. I did get another point in Mental Strenth for the torture. I am just glad we have moved away from the stream and so the torture is abated for now.

Morning sparring has given me another level in Unarmed Combat. I am faster than most here, but my Physical Strength is too low.

I am also practising my Intimidating Aura as I will get a good boost at Journeyman Level. I have been practising control, both in the distance it is from me and the level of intensity. I figure that keeping it at about a 5m radius and so low that it is a feeling of unease, will go under most people's awareness and keep away all but the intentional people. I am not quite there yet, but am hoping that practising in the village may get it there. There is an added bonus with having my Aura on, as it also keeps away the insects. No more mosquito bites for me soon.

We were finally stopping for the night. Wiremu came in all excited. He had just learned Monster Lore. Apparently when his Hunter class finally got to 10, he should get offered Monster Hunter as a specialisation. He had no idea what special skill it would come with or if there was anything he could do to influence it. There was no Trainer or Mentor even a Scholar here, so he couldn’t ask. Koza had shared his Skill, but he had promised to keep it secret.

The news that excited me was that we would reach the village the next day. The bad news was it was not big enough to have an Inn. They do have one of their farmers brew ale, and we could vary our diet, but we had to cook it ourselves. Wiremu will hunt tomorrow so we can swap meat and fur for vegetables. Sounds like a good deal to me.

We approached the village in the late afternoon. It was just a collection of huts with a wooden palisade around it. We would be camping outside the wall as there wasn’t room for all the mules inside. I helped Ashby trade for vegetables, herbs, grains and ale. Ulfhildr was part of the trade as she went and maintained a lot of farm equipment. Then I found a quiet spot and practised my light touch with my aura on the unsuspecting villagers. Some people reacted violently to it and looked actively for danger. Others just moved away, which was the intended result. The Aura did not level.

That night we had variety in our diet washed down with ale. It was a good night. Unfortunately the village was by a river and we started the morning with a torture session. Jern was four days away and the road followed the river. I really wanted to mount Dusk and I bet we could have been there by nightfall. However, a slow plod beside the mules was the way to go. After all, these mules were carrying my fortune.

On the third day Thyrrni was told to run ahead and let the kin know we were coming and prepare the secure yard and a feast. We were met at the gate by two senior Kin and several additional armed warriors from the Sølv Emporium. There were many smiles and greetings all round. Entering Jern was nothing like entering an Imperial city. Nobody checked the goods. The entry fee was waived as we were part of a known trading house. Nobody asked to look at my papers. It was very relaxed and startlingly so. I noticed Koza came into the city but there was no sign of Velikan.

We were led through the main streets. Jern was a smallish city. It had a stone wall and most buildings were stone, as you would expect from a mainly dwarvish population. There weren’t any dwellings over two stories and when I commented on this, Ulfhidr laughed and said Dwarves preferred to build down rather than up.

The Sølv Emporium had a compound to one side of the main trading area. One side fronted the main road, which was their main shop front. We were led down a side road and into a yard. The mules were led down a ramp into a staging area below ground, out of sight. We unloaded the mules and they were led off to some adjoining stables. We helped move the goods to an empty strong room two more floors below where it would be sorted over the next few days. Erik and Thyrrni would oversee it for us and work with the clan. Ulfhildr, Lars and Ylwa were the clan members on the team. We unloaded our gear and were shown where we could stable Dusk and Rocky. We were welcome guests of the Sølv Emporium for the short term.

We were shown to a visitor suite which was only one level below the ground and in fact had small high windows that would let in natural light. The family areas were not generally lit at all as everyone had darksight. The areas that did have light were for guests or Sølv traders of different races without Dark Sight. Or they were for the young.

I was worried about Wiremu without Darksight. When I asked him he said he had actually chosen it. It made sense to him. At Apprentice level it would work with Farsight, and it would look funny if he was a miner without it. With his affinity he could also see himself spending a lot of time underground.

That night we feasted. True dwarven ale and all the kin in the city were there. And they had hot pools to get clean in! Apparently there was an underground stream that was diverted. I am not sure how they heated it.

It was a late start the next morning, and first on the list was clothes. Wiremu only had fur left and my clothes were all ragged. We shopped initially at the Sølv Emporium as they would extend us credit until the first payment was assessed. That should be in a couple of days. We both picked out two sets of sturdy and warm clothes. I also found a jacket that looked good. I think Wiremu really liked his wolf skin cloak.

Ulfhildr had taken us under her wing and showed us around the city. According to her we would not find better quality metal work outside the Sølv Emporium, but Wiremu was looking for a Bowyer to get a decent bow and a leather worker for his troll skin armour. We collected Rocky and his loot and went to the leatherworker first. The Leather worker was excited to see such goods and Wiremu organised a full set of armour and boots with troll ribs as reinforcements. They would take the remaining hide and bones as majority payment if he wanted. He wanted them to use some to make me armour too, but I wasn’t going out monster hunting and I had different equipment in mind. Wiremu was a hard person to dissuade. They would make me boots designed for stealth, but that was all. I also knew the value of the hide and what do you mean it will be only part payment? You should be paying Wiremu 10 gold on top and off we went bargaining. Wiremu kept two ribs to talk to the Bowyer and walked out with 20 Silver. He slipped me a few as a thank you. They were going to be several hours taking Wiremu’s measurements and discussing design so I left them to it and took Dusk for a run outside of the city. I actually did a circuit of the city looking at the terrain and the walls. Always best to be prepared for an exit if needed.

I met up with them again at dinner. They hadn’t got to the Bowyer, but he was pleased with the design for the armour. It was going to take two days just to cure the hide, even with their Journeyman skills. Then the leather would be another two days and then they can start on the Armour. It will be ready in 8-10 days.

The next morning I let Ulfhidr take Wiremu to see the Bowyer while I browsed their weapons and toys. I chose three good quality steel knives which were concealable. One for each boot and one in a neck holster. I looked at replacing my truncheon and got a good solid one, then I saw the nunchaku. Two solid batons, joined with a short chain. They would take some training which the emporium could arrange for a fee, but they would work with the Blunt Weapons Skill and special hits like knockout strike. I took a set and arranged for the training. They would be great. I picked up a set of lock picks and other specialised equipment for my class. I was then browsing with nothing to do while I waited for Wiremu. They took till lunch time. Men and their bloody shopping.

Most of the team went off to their families after the first night. Only Ulfhildr, Lars, Ylwa and Koza were around. We saw Erik and Thyrrni coming and going as they worked through the goods with the Sølv traders.

The next morning I had my job interview with the senior Trader and their Security Chief. They put me through my paces. I was not up to speed in my languishing Merchant Skills. Security wise I spotted all the test anomalies they had set up, thanks Spatial Awareness. My trapping and alarms would need a bit of work. The fact Spatial Awareness could penetrate walls, floors and ceiling was of great interest. We went down to the vault and tried it there but I couldn’t penetrate the vault yet. I got the job. I start next week. They will train my merchant so I am up to speed, but my main job in the shop is for people carrying strange equipment and or casing the place. I will also do night shifts on a roster. They expect to have attempted breaches once it becomes known what they are storing.

I was rapt. Wiremu knew I was having the interview. This afternoon I hope Wiremu and I will start looking for a nearby place to rent. A small two or three bedroom place nearby would be good. We would pay for the horses to be looked after at a nearby stable Ulfhildr recommended.

We got paid the next day. Three Platinum, six gold and five silver each. That was a fortune, basically an annual salary for a mid level craftsman. I picked up my Gold and Silver and would collect my Platinum the next day when I could open an account at a local bank. We were recommended to the Jern Treasury as a reliable place with offices or affiliates throughout the Kirghiz Kingdom.

Wiremu wanted to join the Mercenary Guild as soon as he could. It would cost four Gold for annual membership. This would get him access to the Guild Trainers, traders and crafters as well as the discounts. He could then start to look for a team and maybe simple solo jobs.

We went together after lunch and were browsing the job boards and checking the place out while we waited for a counter to become free. I was keeping a spatial awareness on Wiremu, and then I suddenly sensed him raise the hood of his cloak and turn and walk out. That was really weird. I went to see what he had been looking at.

It was a job advert on the Bounty Hunter board. It read:

Mercenary Contract issued by the Nystad Empire.

Wanted: Wiremu Hunter

Description: Human male, 1.8m tall, fair complexion, brown hair, brown eyes.

Has a bonded Snake.

Wanted for: Spying, Murder, Attempted Murder, Escaping custody,

Injury of an Imperial Investigator, Damage of Imperial Property.

Status: Quarry Worker, Hunter, Spy. but known to use a status manipulation skill.

Bounty: Four Platinum if alive or 1 Platinum if dead

To collect the bounty, deliver the live person, or evidence of his death to the Garrison at Kirsk.

Last known location Western Kirghiz.

What followed was a hand drawn likeness of Wiremu, which was recognisable.


End of Book 1

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