Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 68

The day of the sports festival had finally arrived. Visitors from all over Mundo had eagerly come to witness EDSD's event.

"Welcome all to our annual sports festival." Said Earlteria Gem, the principal of EDSD.

Loud cheers and applause filled the entirety of the school. So much so that some guy hiding--- reading a book flinched at their booming roars.

• Urgh.. Let's go home. •


The guests had quickly flocked to the arena located at the northern side of the campus.

A wide stadium used only for sport festivals made this event far more momentous. Those who were able to finally step inside were awed by its beauty.

Its medieval feel permeated the air, due to both the classical interior and finely-grained sand on the spacious centermost floor.

At the center was a well-maintained enclosed platform with tiered chairs circling the battleground.

Yet as large as the battle area was, even more so were the number of students participating that year.

With that in mind, the arena had been divided into smaller subsections, creating an area for multiple duels to take place within the span of the event.

Note sulked as he observed the sun coming in from above the open arena. The entire battlefield seemed to be in a natural spotlight because of this.

"...I can't believe all I can do is watch you guys for the entire festival." He complained, knowing fully well just the first round lasted for three whole days.

Winning three duels meant a person would be able to proceed. On the other hand, just one defeat would mean your chance of qualifying would be over.

Upon the qualifiers' end, the divided arenas would be cast down, and the original spacious battlefield would be restored for 1v1s.

At that moment, the bleachers were already halfway full. Students of all levels had seated, wearing either battle attire, or their uniforms.

Yet much more noticeable was the lack of students from the higher years.

"I guess they won't watch much either... The seniors' workload must be insane."

In truth, students in their higher years did have the option to submit a participant of their own for the finals.

Yet often they didn't necessarily participate, which led to some calling the sports festival, the freshman's event.

"We wish everyone the best of luck, and whoever wins may eat freely from the canteen for---."

Earlteria looked at her ring upon saying those words, and watched as golden numbers formed around the ring.

"A day and no more!"

The students laughed at her fun gimmick while the teachers could only smile wryly at their goofy headmaster.

Still, there was always an exception, as far from the stadium's energy stood a listless student with an owl atop his head.

That owl was of course Owly who felt like ordering his human to win the championship. Yet in truth, he already knew that the thought was impossible.

"I heard that this year's festival has the most visitors."

"Well considering the rumors, I'll be more surprised if it isn't."

Every once in a while, within the endless streams of chatter and noise, some topic would be brought up by bystanders around the participants who were eye-catching for them.

Ranging from the only daughter of the King aka the strongest Martial Artist, to the student who wielded both aura and mana, that festival, had one of the most promising lineups there ever was.

[ I'm waiting for young master Lesjon, the future Marquis of Star. They say he's like his grandfather. ]

[ Don't forget young master Septh. I've heard his aura's akin to a named martial artist's already. ]

[ I... honestly wanted to challenge princess Namiku, but I'm afraid she might find it insulting. ]

[ Heh, and I was about to challenge young miss Rinca myself, but can you imagine me dueling with someone so noble-like? ]

[ Yeah... we're just adventurers afterall. ]

The chatter didn't stop there as more murmurs seemed to reach Naell's ears.

[ What about the son of the Witch of Winter? ]

[ The Baron's son? He's less intimidating but... I don't know. I heard he's got some kind of attitude problem. ]

[ That's scarier huh? ]


[ I heard that too, I think he even got beaten up for harassing some lady. ]

[ Talk about trash hah---aAH! How'd a feather get in my ear?! ]

The young owl snorted as they walked past the idle gossipers.

• Pfft, Someone's talking about you, HOOT. •

Naell could only laugh dryly at the young owl's tease. He was busy trying his best to navigate his way through the crowds blocking the path to the dormitory.

• No use in going back, why not just watch and join your classmates, HOOT! •

The Sports festival had actually been divided between two categories; individual duels and the team competition comprising different sections and year levels.

Naell was lucky enough to only be an official participant in the team competition. Further, only if they managed to win and head to the finals, would his participation be needed.

Yet in truth, he couldn't help but feel guilt. He imagined what would happen if he ended up being a mere onlooker for the solo duels.

Afterall, word of his choice to abstain would certainly reach Beryldot, and more importantly, his family.

That was why in the end, Naell decided, out of the good will left in his heart, that he truly didn't wish to let his family down.

'It would be best to at least make it into the finals.' He sighed, recalling how he decided his opponents on a whim.

Unlike the team competition where roles were assigned to each member of the team, the solo duels required all its participants to have their pre chosen opponents, wherein both parties consented to partake in the duel.

To Naell's fortune, he was sent a lot of requests, with most of these being from adventurers who were around the same rank as him.

That also played into his favor, as in order to progress, judges would have to gauge that your opponent was in no way inferior to your abilities, thus making sure all students would pick an opponent that wasn't really below them.

Nevertheless, Naell thought it was tiresome to pick out of the pile of students, hence he randomly chose all his partners the following day.

Only now did he realize it was a blunder.

'I don't remember who I chose...I should really stop deciding things when I'm half awake.'

• Hey, HOOT! •

• What? •

• Let's watch, HOOT. •

• Go by yourself. •

• No, you'll come with me, HOOT! •


Naell didn't want to reply but Owly's butt had been wiggling on his face.

• Hey, HOOT! •

'This bird should really go on a diet.' He thought without speaking aloud.

• Let's go, HOOT. •

Patiently Naell just took a deep breath watching the crowds of people grow larger and larger. Sighing in defeat, he moved the wiggly butt atop his head and followed the crowd to the arena.


As the battle began in every field, a student who was famous for being one of Lesjon's lackeys, Troye Aster had a hard time catching up with the green haired half-elf.

'Think, think!' He thought in frustration. His stylish gray hair seemed to mimic how tense he felt at that moment.

Not only was he showing an embarrassing performance, a noble such as himself had the pride to not lose to a mere commoner.

Of course, it was his idea to challenge Rizaul as there was a subtle animosity towards Lesjon's follower (one-sided) and the protagonist party (doesn't know).

Andrew Sunheart, not long ago was hailed as the magic swordsman, a title bestowed upon him by some adventurers upon seeing his martial arts and magic.

That was something the followers of Star minded, as they were known for being the magic knights.

Yet they couldn't openly challenge him as Lesjon himself didn't mind.

Not to mention, Sarah Star was a known associate of their party, dispelling some heat between them.

Still, as students were young and at times far more hot blooded than adults, they were more unreasonable. Hence, as Troye saw the opportunity, he grabbed it.

Yet out of respect for Lesjon, whom he thought should be the one to defeat Andrew, he asked Rizaul Kekoy, a rising famous adventurer.

The half-elf was also known as one of Andrew's best friends. So he thought, if he could defeat him, he would surely impress the Star family.






Troye was now feeling anxiety and remorse. Not only was his earth magic unable to match Rizaul speed, it was also not strong enough to withstand his attacks that were fast and sharp.

The royal eyed elf with his aura-filled arrows, strings that acted like a web, and agility that far exceeded his opponent, was outclassing him.

"Do not mock me!" Angrily he said, but it was not meant for the surprised Rizaul. It was actually directed at himself.

With a heavy thump on the field, his staff began glowing brightly and soon the grounds where they stood crumbled.

Huge spikes then formed randomly, some were thick enough to impale a beast, others were as thin as a needle, yet sturdy nonetheless.

The arena began applauding as that was a showy move that was quite smart to do.

Troye of course levitated, far enough to see the field. A part of him was worried that he had impaled the elf.

Yet he knew somehow, Rizaul had escaped that large-scale magic.

His guts were right, Rizaul was standing on what seemed to be his strings.

As soon as Troye saw him, a smile formed on his face, and with a loud swift chant, he bombarded him with his earth magic; mana infused rocks that showered like rain in his direction.

Most thought the elf was in a pinch, yet just like before, the earth magic was just too slow.

In truth, Rizaul actually did get distracted by his yell, which is why he momentarily stumbled.

Yet before the ground could impale or devour him, the strings he laid out on the walls of the arena acted as his web and as a space he could stand on.

He then began maneuvering with strings, using it to accelerate himself by attaching it onto the spikes or wall then pulling himself closer to his adversary.

They were all impressed with the battle. There was an amusing contrast between Troye who didn't give up, and Rizaul, who was filled with innovative tactics.

Rizaul's gaze as he dodged was calm and collected. His movements were so swift and agile that his hair seemed to be dancing in the wind.

As the battle ensued, it was apparent that Troye was already drained from using too much mana. He was breathing ruggedly as he wasn't able to rest.

"He's good, but it was all just a gamble." Said Casper as he watched a duel with his friends, fiance, and the unwilling Naell.

By then, Owly was with Note who was watching the battle more closely with the protagonist's party. Naell however, had managed to escape from Owly as he said "he would train".

Yet celebrating early was his downfall as Casper saw him returning to the dormitory. Without any second to waste, he called onto him, grabbing his shoulder all the way back to the arena.

"It's true that mana regeneration is faster than aura, but in a battle, your opponent wouldn't wait for you to rest."

As Wendy spoke, it was as if Rizaul heard her. He then began moving faster than before, making most of the people applaud in shock.

None of them had anticipated that he was reserving his aura for that kind of moment.

"Since your friend knows that your classmate is exhausted, he'll finish this."

Septh said, and instantly with a swift kick, Rizaul shattered the student's mana shield, his last line of defense. Thus inevitably making Troye Aster surrender from the duel.

The applause was loud as Professor Suna with a proud smile announced,

"Rizaul Kekoy from 1A-2 is the victor!"

As his orange hair waved, his eyes locked onto Mony and sneered. Some students and professors alike, laughed and sighed upon seeing them.

"They're at it again..."

"Yup she's furious alright." Replied Septh to Casper's words.

Mony's eyes were pretty cold as she stared back at the snickering Suna. Yet Wendy's take on that matter was quite different as she smiled gleefully and said,

"Awww aren't they cute?"


Septh could only whisper to Casper as a response to Wendy, but it was loud enough to be heard by all of them,

[ Your fiance is being weird again! ]

Yet instead of a normal response what he got was a lovey-dovey one,

"Awww isn't Wendy cute!''


As both began flirting subtly, Septh, to appease his sanity, turned to Naell for help,

"Those two are being weird right? Right?"

Yet instead of comfort, what he got was a dozing Naell, who instead of being excited from the fight that included his friend, was already heading to dreamland.

"...I should really just go with Lesjon."




After the fight, Rizaul was greeted by his friends and classmates who were also waiting for their duel. Owly HOOTed with praise as he telepathically said,

• Good job, HOOT! •

On the other hand, Namiku was pouting and saying how ridiculously fast he took the 3 fights.

"You always make me catch up to you Riz." Declared Andrew with a grinning face.

The half-elf replied with a smile as he went and sat with them.

"Well, now I'll be waiting."

Note then immediately complained to them saying,

"That's unfair, you guys are seriously making me jealous!"

Yet what really ticked him off was Rizaul's smile that had hints of mockery when he looked at him.

Rinca sighed when she saw the interaction but then quickly smiled upon hearing Viola giggle.

The battle continued on with all the fields bombarded with aura and magic. Some fields like the one Rizaul just fought were being fixed momentarily.

It wasn't that hard for the school to fix the field as the arena was specialized for this kind of event, yet there were exceptions.

"Nice and clean yet again! They're really good at fixing stuff." Said Namiku whose first match was so intense that the field she was placed into almost got destroyed.

Luckily, her opponent surrendered long before she could truly enjoy the match.

"I almost thought you wrecked the field, Princess." Rinca said smiling and in a way, teasing Viola.

In her second match, Viola also managed to almost delete her surroundings. The field was instantly destroyed upon the impact of her light magic.

"Geez, Rinca..."

Viola blushed and was hugged by Rinca as the noble said,

"I'm kidding."

Before they could further tease Viola, loud cheers were heard upon Lesjon's entrance. The young master of Star with his ruby cold eyes and jet-black hair seemed uninterested.

That made his opponent, who was a known B-rank adventurer quite irritated. He was there afterall to make a name for himself.

Sensing his gaze, Lesjon spoke in the manner of a noble. Like his appearance, his voice was apathetic.

"Thank you for the invitation Mr. Cleave."

"Oh so you remember me, Young master." He declared loudly, recalling their trip as the royal blood's escorts.

"Of course. If I didn't, you wouldn't be here today."

With Lesjon words, Cleave began laughing and thought how this truly would make him more famous.

"Then, let us start."

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