Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 67


Hey everyone!

We're back with a new chapter and with something new: TNBS has received its very first fananart(T ∇ T) It makes us really happy to know someone felt that a character from TNBS was worth making fanart of and we'll always be grateful.

The incredible artist behind this piece is Harui-aidhaniart and you can find her on instagram @ai_asteri

We've also featured her artwork on Alicia's glossary page on

Thank you Harui, everyone and we hope you all enjoy this week's chapter!

As early as the morning, the tingling sensation of aura and mana imbued Esuela dio sa de.

Of course, being an institute of arts and magic, that was a given, yet the amount of power was far from the usual.

At that moment, students were already vigorously training, for the sports festival would soon be upon them.

Schools always try to showcase their prestige through their student's growth. A good example would be EDSD’s events, such as their cultural festival that highlighted the students’ creativity.

Likewise for the sports festival that proudly presented the students' power and abilities.

In response to these events, all kinds of beings from different backgrounds would go and watch for various reasons.

For merchants, nobles, and other curious eyes, their foremost intention was to make connections and relationships with those students.

While with the commoners, just being able to witness spectacular battles appealed to them.

Of course, this was all possible as the students themselves wanted those events. Not only was it fun, it was also a way for them to garner attention.

With the high spirits flooding the campus, it was not unusual for some to seek other places to train or be in peace.

Such was the case for six young adventurers who by then were occupying a noble’s training grounds.

Like their peers, the protagonist’s party was also honing their skills, with some of them sparring against each other, even under the heat of the sun.

Andrew with a swift circular movement swung his mana imbued wooden sword towards Note, who in turn parried it with ease.

He then countered with a forward slash, using the momentum of Andrew's movement as the gap.

Yet Andrew's quick reflex and aura of intention manage to turn his body and parry the silver slashes.

"You're really a cheat, Andrew." Teased Note.

It was no secret even for the other Kingdoms, that Andrew, son of the Sunheart couple, the so-called Magic Swordsman, managed to awaken both aura and magic.

Normally, that would have brought forth conflict as other Kingdoms would surely try to get on his side, yet due to the guild's backing, Andrew was able to live his life the way he wanted to.

Still, since he was quite famous, they were cautious as they knew it was still possible for their party to be targeted by anyone who’d deem them a threat.

Especially Loknar’s warning words that still lingered in their minds. That was why they were always training to protect their friends and loved ones.

"Calling me a cheat when you casually brushed it off like nothing." Replied Andrew, smiling.

Note just grinned at his words as they continued on with their bout. Yet upon throwing several slashes and parries at one another, the two finally paused to catch their breaths.

The young knight sheathed his sword as sweat trickled across his face, all before he said,

"Man, I was really hoping to teach that damn elf a lesson."

Andrew only laughed as he knew Note was pertaining to Rizaul, who was currently sparring with a different person.

"Again Riz!"

Rizaul wanted to rest yet with Viola's plea he pushed forward once more.

Like their friends, they too were sparring with vigor.

It was clear for Viola that her ability to cast offensive spells was already exceptional, yet she was slow to respond when it came to being attacked.

That is why Rizaul, the fastest among them, was the first person she asked.

As he ran and initiated his aura-filled strings, it scattered and lunged towards Viola.

She then without missing a beat, summoned blades of light that acted as her shield, destroying the strings upon impact, all before targeting Rizaul.

The half-elf smirked and watched the light blades intently, before it bounced off of his hidden aura filled strings, shooting towards the caster and just barely missing.

Viola also smiled as she casted her blades away, and immediately after, laid on the grass.

"Good job." Said Rizaul as he handed her a bottle of water.

“I really still have a long way to go.” Replied Viola as she took a sip from her drink.

She then stared at the horizon that was wide and spacious, far from what she used to see.

“Thank you for agreeing to train me Riz.”

“Not at all, thank you as well.” Rizaul replied in a murmur, which Viola couldn’t make out.


Yet instead of replying, the half-elf just shook his head. He couldn’t get himself to admit how he was bothered.

As for him, compared to his friends, he thought his skills, especially his aura seemed to be average.

That was why when Viola, a wielder of violent mana, asked him to train her, he happily accepted. Afterall, he wished to know how he could win against someone who had far more power than him.

‘It’s still not perfect but if I can somehow reflect attacks with my strings, I could do more.’ He thought with determination.

While all of that was transpiring, Namiku and Rinca were just having some tea as they watched their friends.

Currently, they were all at the field of Arigare's mansion in Taglagas. Even though Andrew’s secret was already known, they still wouldn't show it to everyone nonchalantly.

As for that reason, they would often choose that place to train.

“I hope you won't go easy on me Rinca." Teased Namiku.

"I wouldn't dare." Replied Rinca with her icy smile.

Yet what she got was a response she didn't expect. Namiku just nodded with hints of sadness in her eyes.


The fire of youth had enveloped Taglagas, yet not all were actually burning from it.

One of whom was Naell who was currently at the library reading books. He was with his usual companion Owly, who looked at him in disbelief for not training.

He knew Naell was dead-butt lazy but he was still baffled. Oftentimes seeing your peers fueled with energy would lead to yours being filled as well.

Yet Naell, for whatever reason, deviated from that logic completely. Sensing the young owl’s stare, the listless young master then asked,

• What? •

• Dude, the sports festival is coming up, HOOT. •

Naell could only regret the things he’d said, as Owly’s words were becoming more and more earthly.

• I just said that one time, Owly, how can you pick that up??? •

Yet Owly was not having it as he knew Naell was dodging the question.

• Again, the sports festival is coming up, HOOT! •

• So? •


Naell was serious this time. He knew that Owly was well aware of his laziness, so why bother asking him a question when he knew the answer to begin with.

Still, in the young owl's defense, Naell had a habit of performing well, as he didn’t want to disappoint his family.

• You plan on losing, HOOT? •

Naell then realized Owly was just trying his best to hide his intention; he was just worried about him. This made him smile cheekily which in response made Owly embarrassed.

• It’s up to you if you want to make a mess for yourself, HOOT! •

As much as he wanted to tease Owly more, he knew it wasn’t the right time as the book he was reading was already on the good part.

• Don’t you worry, I’ll do my best to not undo your seal, I know you hate fixing that stuff up, lazy bird. •

Owly was in shock, thinking Naell misunderstood him even at those lengths.

Instead of berating him, Owly with a look of disdain, took off and headed to Rinca’s mansion. On the other hand, Naell was left oblivious to what had just transpired.

After some hours, Naell decided to head back to the dormitory. Being alone for the first time, he could not help but feel more relaxed.

He thought of how tiring it was to watch the students scattered within the school. Training, laughing with each other's company and just being with one another for the entirety of the day.

Yet as tired as he claimed to be, every inch of him at that moment felt invigorated and awake.

He then realized, had he not changed throughout the months he had been there, he truly would feel drained just by watching from afar. By then he had already accepted that having company wasn’t really that bad.

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