Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 1187

Chapter 1127 Exploded! He exploded! !

The primordial transcendence was beaten on the ground by the giant beast, who lived up to expectations.

If the primitive transcendors in their heyday fight fiercely with the giant beasts, it is hard to say whether they will win or lose, but the transcendors in this form of self-mutilation will only be destroyed by the giant beasts.

The direct result of the confrontation between the two figures is that the entire world within the wall has begun a devastating collapse.

The crazy beast cannot be resisted by the crippled transcendant. Only the ultimate can fight the ultimate.

Countless existences watched the battle with solemn expressions, they watched the primitive transcendence being beaten, and the terrifying power displayed by the giant fierce beasts, their faces showed deep anxiety and fear.

Downey looked gloomy, observing this rare battle.

“The Primal Transcendant has no power to fight back…” Downey looked at it solemnly.

He watched the primitive transcendence being hit by the giant fierce beast again and again, and he was constantly caught by the claws of the giant fierce beast, and then squeezed fiercely.

The transcendant roars and roars with rage, and the attacks that fall on the huge monster beasts are not painful at all.

The gap is too big.

This is also fortunate that the Primal Transcendant is an ultimate existence. Although self-mutilation has caused the strength and specifications to fall to the level of Almighty Four, it is still the ultimate in essence, immortal and immortal.

Even if it was a giant fierce beast, it would blow up the Primordial Transcendant at best, but it was still unable to kill it.

If it was replaced by Downey rushing up to face the giant beast, he would be killed in minutes.

The tyranny of the giant fierce beast caused the entire world in the wall to be filled with blood mold, and countless worlds were unable to carry the slightest power released by the giant beast and the transcendant, and they collapsed on the spot.

Countless life forms quickly died out, and countless universes exploded.

The realm of gods even began to spontaneously disintegrate, and even the two worlds of heaven and **** were irresistibly affected and crumbling.

In the hell, the endless family has already begun to act, trying its best to shield the dark invasion from the monster beast, and it is more difficult to resist.

Hell, born on the dark side, is easily disturbed by giant beasts.

“I need to contact those guys in heaven, and let this monster continue to wreak havoc, everything will be killed.” Death gritted his teeth and said gloomily.

Even if he always likes to put on a casual appearance of death, he feels the heavy pressure.

Too powerful, this kind of real ultimate existence, death also felt a great sense of depression.

Although she claims to be with God, it does not mean that she really has the power to wrestle with God…The beast is the character who can wrestle with God.

“I can only contact those avatars of God…” Death pursed his lips and sent a message to heaven.

Other gods don’t know, but death knows that the entire heaven, this world full of holiness, is the closest place to God in this almighty universe.

It is the place that attracts the attention of God the most.

Just look at the few **** trumpets that are sleeping in heaven. Where can there be so many vests of ultimate existence in other worlds?

God’s Eye, God’s Voice, Great Craftsman God, New God, etc. In the previous incident where the Ten-dimensional people attacked heaven, the great craftsman God shot and killed the Ten-dimensional people in seconds, and this allowed the world to understand the true horror of heaven.

In this terrible situation at present, it is only to find the God trumpets in heaven to cooperate.

The paradise at this time has long been exhausted by this terrible incident.

The trumpets of the gods all woke up, looking at the terrible figure of the beast, frowning.

“I have been contacting God, but I have not received a response. Maybe God has some other arrangements for this monster.” The Great Craftsman God said lightly.

“Then what shall we do?”

“Primitive transcendants are not opponents. Sooner or later, this monster will come to the door. Our heaven has stood on the opposite side of the darkness since its birth. The beast will definitely attack us…”

“Keep it going, no matter how bad the situation is, keep it going, and keep heaven.”

The trumpets of the gods exchanged, looking at the ferocious beast with indifference.

They were noncommittal about the message of joining forces from death, and if they did not join hands, it was nothing more than delaying time. It is absolutely impossible for a few strong ants to kill such a crazy monster.

Only let the real God do it.


“Or, the Primal Transcendence can get his full power back from the cleaner.”

The Transcendence Protoss closely supervised this unprecedented ultimate battle. Seeing the inexhaustible Transcendant being rubbed repeatedly on the ground by the giant fierce beast, he immediately became as excited as a chicken blood.

From the hands of the two to the beating of the original transcendant, it was only a few moments, and the battle became one-sided.

The Transcendent Protoss was ecstatic, they watched with excitement as the existence that created them was beaten by the beasts, and their hearts were as happy as eating honey.

What made them more satisfied was that they saw that the elements of the main universe also launched an attack on the monster beast!

This is wonderful. The molecular people of the main universe have awakened their memory. They are the first to awaken among the many molecular people, and they are also the individuals who hate transcendent Protoss. This kind of serious threat can only be wiped out as soon as possible.

The great beast will help them achieve their wishes.

The transcendent, the cleaner, the molecular man, the three almighty four begin to besiege the monster beast. They are so small that they are constantly moving around the unbelievably huge monster beast, frantically swaying a powerful attack that can destroy countless multiverses.

Beams of light roared and bombarded the giant dark beast, which had exhausted their full strength to attack, but even so, the giant beast still showed a senseless appearance, stretching out its claws. Pat the three guys like a fly.


The three powerful existences of the Ultimate Almighty Four were hung up and beaten by the giant fierce beast. Their desperate attack was almost neutralized. Faced with the dark attack from the giant beast, they could only passively resist and barely guarantee their own immortality-oh, Only the transcendant can never die. The cleaner has the supernatural power of the transcendant, so the specifications are more transcendent, barely able to support it for a while.

The worst is the molecular people.

This pinnacle man is just a super bomb developed by Transcend Protoss. In terms of characteristics, he is much worse than Transcendant and Cleaner.

Every time they resist the attack of the monster beast, the elements will always suffer a severe damage that cannot be repaired.

“Damn, where did this ghost come from?!!!”

The molecular man dragged his broken body, almost exploding in anger.

Since he completed the transformation from Owen to molecular, except for the battle against the Transcender, he has never been deflated! Even the surpasser, under the premise of a joint cleaner, he only beaten him twice!

But now… this huge monster that did not know where it came from can actually crush them and beat them, which is a shame!


The molecular man stretched out his hand to blast out a beam of light, trying to manipulate the constituent particles of the giant beast. This is his instinct as a molecular man. But what makes the molecular man feel bad is that his ability affects the beast , It didn’t work at all… He couldn’t detect the existence of any particles in the giant fierce beast at all.

This is disgusting.

The super monster in front of me seemed to be not made of microscopic particles at all, but a strange shape constructed in a field that was completely inaccessible to other molecular people.

The elements bite the bullet and use all their power to attack the giant fierce beast, but they can’t make wounds to the opponent at all.

At most, it can disperse the deep darkness a little bit. The speed at which he disperses is not as fast as the recovery speed of the darkness itself…

That increasingly dense darkness swarmed from all directions, swallowing countless worlds, and constantly compressing the living space of the three of them. Unprecedented in history, the elements clearly felt the threat of death… No, it should be said that it is more terrifying than death!

The endless and endless darkness, if dragged in by that ghost, the elements felt that the consequences would only be more painful than death.

The huge paw stretched out, and the purple paw gripped the molecular person fiercely, and then he squeezed it fiercely without waiting for the molecular person to cry in pain.


The elements exploded on the spot. The explosion was so fierce that it overturned the entire world inside the wall, and countless worlds were swept in by this explosion and completely annihilated.

The entire world within the wall, except for heaven, hell, Cybertron, and a few universes, the world without the Almighty Four Asylums was blown up and turned into dust in the aftermath.

“Huh? Strange guy…”

The giant fierce beast rubbed its paws, and the reptile blew himself up just now before dying, causing it to have a slight numbness…This is so strange to the beast.

“Good job!”

The Transcendent Protoss also suffered heavy casualties in this big explosion, thanks to the fact that they had known the characteristics of the elements and escaped long ago.

The remaining members of the transcendent Protoss group congratulated each other with joy. They were fortunate to see that the most hostile elements to them were killed.

This is a good start, isn’t it? One of the elements is dead!

“These **** tools, if you don’t accept our control, you should die! We transcended the Protoss to create them, but they want to destroy us!”

An ivory king roared and snarled, crazy, no one knew how bad they were being forced by the elements, revising the origin countless times, and struggling on the boundary between life and death countless times, which has already exhausted them.

Only by letting the ultimate existence roll up their sleeves can they break their terrible fate that is doomed to extinction!

“Although we don’t know why the compatriot we sent out failed to bring back the upside down person, let alone what happened to him and died, but at least the result is the most correct. This is what we want to see.”

Another ivory king watched this scene with great satisfaction.

As for how many worlds the giant fierce beast has killed, how many people beyond the Protoss family have been killed… Do you need to care about such trivial things? Are you joking? What made the survivors who transcended the Protoss even more ecstasy was that the other elements all over the super-large universe also appeared one after another, throwing themselves into the battle against the giant beast.

In the few remaining worlds, heaven, hell, and Cybertron star were silent for the time being, but in those remaining universes, numerous molecules emerged, one by one, roaring and fiercely rushing to the giant beast.

When these elements faced the terrifying giant beast, none of them had the emotion and behavior of fear and withdrawal. They furiously slew the giant beast one by one, in a complete mess.

As I said before, the characteristic of molecular people since their birth is that everything is exactly the same, from origin to strength to character to thinking, maintaining absolute the same, coupled with the extremely violent and arrogant temperament of the molecular people, under madness. It is a matter of course to organize a group to brush a copy of the giant monster.

Dozens of frenzied elements swarmed at the giant beast.

These dozens of molecular people are a group that has been continuously copied from the super universe since this period of time.

Dozens of Almighty Four Kills went to the giant beast, and the united transcendors and cleaners struggled to resist.

The scene was once incomparably magnificent, and there was nothing in the entire Almighty Universe that was more fierce than the battle in the world inside the wall. A random beam of light that covered everything could blast the Almighty Universe out of a gap.

The enthusiasm of the giant fierce beast came up. First, it smashed the cleaner with a paw, then looked at the primitive transcendence, and said: “Your power has been divided, so you can’t be my opponent. Tell me what you know. Everything, who am I, what is the meaning of my existence?”

It’s a pity that the Giant Fierce Beast asked the wrong person completely, and the last thing it shouldn’t be to ask the Primordial Transcendant, a guy with a big nerve and a spine.

The original transcendor knows a fart! He is self-mutilated, already crippled, and has no ability to insight into the origin and meaning of the monster this monster.

“What are you that you don’t even know yourself, where do I know?”

The Primordial Transcendant repaired the cleaner at hand, and repaired the many undead members, which was nothing to him.

Although he is the Ultimate Almighty Four in terms of combat power, he is equivalent to the Giant Fierce Beast in terms of internal quality, and is of the same level.

The giant fierce beast sneered, pained the killer, and continued to mutilate one individual after another, and then the Primordial Transcendant kept biubiubiu firing lasers to repair them.

This fierce battle, in full view, has become an alternative battlefield with a strange style of painting.

Nanny and blood increase The Giant Fierce Beast is a little annoyed, and roars, the thick darkness floods, and the Transcendence is wrapped and destroyed, but the Transcendant can always be restored in an instant, and the Giant Fierce Beast is completely killed Don’t die him.

“It seems that the situation has stabilized.”

Downey, who sits on Cybertron, watched the battle silently, and when he saw that the scene had fallen into a stalemate for a short time, he knew that it was time to get involved.

Downey slowly got up, picked up the cannon standing next to him and hung it on his waist, and walked out of Cybertron.

This was the best opportunity. It was the best opportunity for Downey to step into the ultimate level and explore the ultimate mystery.


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