Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 1186

Chapter 1026 Transcendant VS Giant Fierce Beast

The giant fierce beast has no temper at all.

For the first time in its life, the Giant Fierce Beast was tossed with a piece of paper and had a terrible sense of powerlessness.

This damned piece of paper has no less specifications than it. The Giant Fierce Beast clearly realizes that no matter how much power it uses, it cannot destroy this piece of paper.

In the end, it has exhausted all fields of existence, how can it be “dead”? If it doesn’t exist, even if it is a giant fierce beast, there is no way to cause damage to the main watcher.

What’s more, even the giant fierce beast itself does not know that its main watcher is a peculiar existence that can be monitored by even God. It is the most terrifying kind in the ultimate level, a giant fierce beast equal to God, principle The upper level is half a level lower than the main monitor.

These, the Giant Fierce Beast does not know, this is the information field that it has never involved, but even if it knows, it will not care about such boring things.

It just wants to know what it is and what it means to exist.

If a **** looks down from the Almighty Universe, he will see a behemoth with a hideous figure, beating fiercely against a piece of paper, repeatedly beating.

Then the behemoth finally gave up, and it didn’t have a temper to be tossed about by this paper’s indifference.


“Master Watcher, I will be back!”

The giant fierce beast uttered cruel words fiercely, and the terrifying body sat on this piece of paper.

The family of monitors on the paper, on the contrary, has fallen blood mold. They are constantly being corroded and destroyed by the dark power permeating from the giant beast. Their weak strength is simply unable to resist the inadvertent escape of the giant beast. Remnants of power.

It was really humble and ridiculous.

The monitors who claim to be noble births can only greet death miserably and desperately, enveloped by the power of darkness, and plunged into permanent darkness.


Suddenly, Giant Fierce Beast noticed a peculiar flaw on this piece of paper.

This is a very unreasonable thing. There will be a flaw in the ultimate existence of the main watcher? As the ultimate existence, it has already encompassed all areas, and such things as flaws are simply impossible to appear.

“what is this?”

The giant fierce beast stared fiercely with its pupils, and at a glance, the entire world inside the wall was completely exposed to the giant fierce beast’s eyes.

In that vast wall of the world, any subtleties are reflected on the pupils of the monster beast, countless pasts, countless lives, and countless memories have all been learned by the beast.

The special world inside the wall successfully attracted the attention of the beast.

It saw the primitive transcendence, and saw a fleeting figure, but because it concealed in time, it couldn’t let the monster beast see the whole picture.

However, this is enough, it is enough to have a primitive transcendence.


The giant fierce beast suddenly stood up, and the entire Almighty Universe trembled for a moment.

At this time, an ivory king resisted the fear in his heart, walked out of the world inside the wall, and came to meet the terrifying beast.

This ivory king shoulders the heavy responsibility of flicking the giant beast, the heavy responsibility of saving the entire transcendent protoss, and the heavy responsibility of guiding the giant beast into the world inside the wall.

Although the king himself was totally unwilling to come into contact with giant beasts, he couldn’t help it.

The moment he walked out of the world inside the wall, his smooth scalp exploded, and a super monster with no end in sight was looking down at him. The cruelty and ruthlessness in his pupils made the king of ivory an instant. Lost the ability to think.

“A humble bug crawling out of its flaws…”

The giant fierce beast opened its blood basin and murmured, then stretched its paw, intending to pinch the bug to death.

This flaw located on the body of the main watcher successfully attracted the attention of the beast.

“Great master of darkness…”

The ivory king screamed and shouted loudly.


he died.

The giant fierce beast casually retracted its claws, moved its figure, and leaned toward the flaw.

As for what the reptile that was pinched to death wanted to express… Sorry, the Giant Fierce Beast was completely uninterested, and didn’t want to waste its precious energy listening, just pinched it to death.

At this moment, a terrifying shadow finally came, and an unimaginably huge figure suddenly appeared on the periphery of the Wall of Origin.

Countless gods felt the fear from their hearts, raised their heads, and looked at the wall with solemn expressions.

They have seen the terrifying black shadow, and the whole world inside the wall is in this darkness.

“Hahaha! I finally got out of trouble! Almighty Universe, I can finally explore the Almighty Universe outside the wall!!!”

There was a frantic voice, an existence who had just broken free from the suction of the Wall of Origin, laughed wildly, arrogantly, and rushed into the huge gap that was hit by Downey when he returned.

The ancient **** bumped in.


There was no more. The first time he passed through the wall of origin, he suddenly lost all signs of life and died completely.

This second person who has not figured out the situation is so fresh and refined, it is really amazing.


The whole world inside the wall suddenly became gray and dark, and all the light quickly faded and was replaced by darkness. At this moment, the various light systems that should have been complete and complete, at this moment, all became shaky, coming from the extreme darkness of the world outside the wall. Replaced all of this original.

Fortunately in the realm of gods, the most terrifying thing is that in the world of Wan Tianyi, the bright stars in the universe suddenly became dimmed in the darkness. The countless lives that rely on stars to survive, even more. Under the influence of the cold winter, they didn’t even know why the burning star suddenly became so gray.

Boom! ! !

There was a terrible loud noise, and a paw full of solemnity and awe, grabbed it, and slammed through the wall of origin from the outside to the inside.

The hideous claws grabbed the wall inside the wall in this way, and the claws easily pierced into the wall of origin. The countless deities around were in front of the giant claws, quietly disappearing in smoke.

The giant fierce beast came to look at it, and with such a cold attitude, broke into the world inside the wall.

Countless beings were watching silently, even the Almighty Four, frowning, looking solemnly at the arrival of this behemoth.


The giant claws lightly tore, and the wall of origin that had stood for countless years collapsed suddenly!

From that gap, a pair of fuzzy eyes emerged, and the giant fierce beast greedily stared at this special world inside the wall.

“That’s it! That’s it! The dark existence we once observed in comics… it’s finally here!!!”

Surpassing the Protoss collective up and down, as excited as a chicken blood. They looked excitedly at the super giant beast that came. Although they had not been able to see the full picture of the giant beast, it was just a paw that came in, the paw that slammed on the wall of origin. The whole world inside the wall trembles.

They surpassed the Protoss and were the only group that felt excited and excited about the arrival of the beast.

Although they lost another ivory king, there are only nine ivory kings left, but all the sacrifices are worthwhile.

Rumble! ! !

There was a terrible loud noise. The wall of origin that collapsed steadily became the prelude to the arrival of giant beasts. The endless darkness that slowly exhausted was the foundation of the signs of extinction.

A majestic figure that can kill the lower life in situ by just looking at it, comes from the world outside the wall, crosses the wall of origin, and enters the world inside the wall.

The darkness that was so dense that it could not be dispelled completely enveloped the wall, everything was covered by darkness, and there was no light anymore.

“It’s finally here.”

Downey looked up, staring at the terrifying darkness and coercion that poured in from outside the wall, and whispered in a low voice.

He slowly got up and took a deep breath.

In this major incident, there is really no turning back. There is an ultimate existence who rolls up his sleeves and ends. Who can change it back?

Even if Downey had the ability to be immortal, once he was killed by a giant fierce beast, it would really be over, and he would never be able to resurrect.

“To the monster beast, I am just a small character equivalent to the paramecium. As long as I don’t jump, it won’t notice me… This is my opportunity to find a way to watch the battle of the monster beast, and then pass Copy my cannon.”

Downey pondered, this is a huge adventure, a gamble, if you fail, you will lose everything, and if you succeed, you will have the opportunity to replicate the ability of the tenth level.

It would be great if the incredible people were there… Downey sighed. If he could put the incredible people in the cannon, Downey wouldn’t even have to risk participating in it. He just had to watch the monsters slaughter other existences from a distance, then take a look, It can replicate the attacks of the monster beast to the maximum extent.

Relying solely on the ability of the disciple means that you have to resist the attack of a giant beast in order to replicate, let alone increase it… this risk is too great. It comes from the aftermath of the giant beast. If you are a little careless, just Can blast Downey into scum.

The risk is too great.

“The sky is falling and there is a tall man against it, so I don’t have to worry about it.”

Downey Ruoruowu looked in the direction of the main universe.

On the fulcrum side, Downey gave up directly, this old Yinbi would never take the risk of being targeted by a giant beast.

It’s a primitive transcendence, and you can look forward to it…

The Giant Fierce Beast did indeed do so.

This monster asked the weird question “Who am I” all the way, and then slaughtered it all the way, and countless worlds were destroyed and countless lives were killed.

The way forward is surprisingly the world of Wan Tianyi.

“who I am?”

“What is the meaning of my existence?”

The giant fierce beast kept squeezing to death one life body after another, whether it was a **** or a mortal, no matter what answer it gave, it gave it a claw to death.

This giant beast got into the “narrow” world of Wan Tianyi, squeezing countless worlds in an instant.

The Transcendence Domain that lay in the Ten Thousand Heavens’ Instrument World also burst by half in an instant, and the Transcendence Protoss within it suffered heavy casualties.

It keeps getting closer to the earth, which puts pressure on the primitive transcendors and cleaners.

“Sir, what should we do, do we want to escape?” the cleaner suggested in a low voice.

The Transcender said coldly: “No, absolutely not, I won’t run away, this is my planet!”

“Even if the earth is destroyed, you can recover it again, and all the dead can be resurrected.”

“No, it’s not like that, you don’t understand… Although I don’t know who this guy is, I can confirm that once this guy is killed and dragged into the dark, it will never be resurrected… At least for now I can’t do it!”

The face of the original transcendence is not pretty.

He is no longer a complete him. The way of using self-mutilation to get the meaning of life has caused his specifications to fall from the ultimate to the Almighty Four.

The current transcendors do not have the ability to learn the origin of the giant beast, and similarly, they do not have the ability to fight the giant beast.

If he was in a complete form, he would definitely be able to fight against giant beasts, he was convinced of this.

“If this is the case, then I will give you the power that belongs to you.” With that, the cleaner will return the power that belongs to the primitive transcendence.

“No, not to that level. No one in this world can kill me, not even this big guy. I firmly believe that.”

The transcendant looked cold and stubbornly refused the option of regaining all his power.

Can become incomplete and feel the meaning of life, how can the immortal and immortal primitive transcendence be willing to give up.

The current Transcendant hasn’t been beaten by various characters such as Molecule, God Lord Dum, Incredible Man, Disciple, etc. as in the comics.

Even if the peak elements came to trouble him before, there were cleaners around him to help punch him, and he successfully beaten the elements.

The transcendant at this time has absolutely no shortage of self-confidence, and he does not know what frustration is.

Dare to come? Thump back!

Even if it is a giant beast, it must be beaten back!

The transcendant raised his head and looked at the surging giant fierce beast coldly, with a cold expression on his face.

This behemoth also stared straight at the original Transcendant, and that entrapped countless existing problems, and was thrown to the Transcendant by it.

“Who am I?” the giant fierce beast asked.

“You are a pile of shit.”

The Transcender sneered, tidied up his clothes, and slammed into the beast with a fierce look.

The two statues suddenly collided.

“It’s started This will be a one-sided battle, and the original transcendence will be beaten to death.”

Downey stared at the main universe, watching the battle.

He has no doubt that the transcendence will be defeated, but in this way, to observe the overview of the ultimate level versus the ultimate level, the opportunity is too rare.

The ultimate of self-mutilation vs. the ultimate of perfection, the result of course does not need to be considered, but the process is worthy of attention.

Not only Downey was watching this battle closely, but the many almighty four in **** and heaven were also very concerned, all watching.

The two powerful beings collided together. Sure enough, in just a moment of confrontation, the Primal Transcendant was flew out by the giant fierce beast.

Together, countless worlds collapsed.

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