This S.O.B. System


Siela was on Asher’s back again as they flew back to the dungeon entrance. Her arms wrapped around him just as strongly. 


“Do you sleep with all of them?” Siela asked. 


“I do,” Asher said confidently. 


“Even the siren?” She asked. Asher remembered that Nsabita said that high humans found her ugly. 


“I think she’s very beautiful,” he said. “I mean she is a Sex System too. We wanted to see her skills, one thing led to another and…” 


“But a siren? Your wife is right, they ensnare men,” she said. 


“Pretty sure we ensnared her. My wives and I share one another. I’m also engaged to some elves, and a dion.” 


“A Dion? They are rare,” she said. 


“And blue and beautiful. What can I say? I like all types of strong beautiful women,” Asher said. “You included. Have you decided what you want to do? Sleeping with me isn’t ok, unless the others are involved.” 


“Why is that?” She asked. “That’s very…unconventional.” 


“I love them,” Asher said. “Should I split them up? Give each of them a day and only sleep with them then? I would hate that. I am married to Zora and Tiff. It wouldn’t be right to neglect them for Gen or Nsabita. This way we can all have fun. Besides, I love it. I could make them cum as much as you all do during class without touching them. Imagine what I can do by touching,” he said. She shivered.  


Siela became quiet. “I um would like to continue in secret if we can.” 


“Ashamed of us?” He asked, half joking. 


“No,” she said defensively. “My father has people watching me. It is hard to sneak away.” The dungeon portal appeared before them. Around it were rows of high humans as they scrambled around this way and that. Many jumped on Gliders heading the opposite way they were coming from. 


“What the hell?” Zora asked. 


“Everyone group up,” Joon said. Their Gliders moved closer together. “I’m guessing this welcome is for you Siela.” Siela gulped but nodded as she slowly released him. “Prime has rules on Prime. Answer no questions until we are back on Prime, on this planet they can do anything to us. Asher, you are the professor. You take lead. Also they won’t want to arrest you or get the System pissed at them. When they split us up don’t let them take any equipment off of you. Tell them the truth, but keep the Mindguards on. If they try to make you, simply declare Edict 547.7 for us Earthlings. We are not under their jurisdiction. Nsabita declare Edict 133.1.5.”

“What’s that mean?” Nsabita asked, a little hesitant. 


“Pretty much that you demand to be interrogated from someone of your own species. If they push, declare Edict 24.5.2 which says they have to announce when a psychic is present. And if there is, you don’t have to answer or do anything they say unless they arrest you.” 


“Arrest me? For what?” Nsabita asked. 


“They have no reason to arrest you,” Joon said. “But they won’t be digging into just what happened here. They’ll be digging into your mind for your deepest secrets. My bet is they are looking for a scapegoat. Mana Bombs are highly regulated. Only a few militaries have authorization to make them.” 


“Where do you know all this from?” Siela asked, a little in awe. 


“Joon is our resident expert on everything,” Tiff said. She leaned over giving the woman a kiss on the cheek. “It’s very sexy.” 


“I’ll say,” Asher said. Joon blushed a little but then got serious as a black magic school bus flew toward them. It wasn’t long before a group of guards from Prime flanked the ship. Asher felt like he should raise his hands as they leveled mana pistols at the group. 


“Siela Fulbright was caught in a Mana Geyser,” an announcer said from inside the ship. “Have any of you-” he stopped as Asher turned the Glider so they could see her on the back of his Glider. 



Things moved quickly after that. They were ordered to drop down. Siela was ushered into the vehicle quickly as if they had kidnapped her. Then a very secure and bar filled bus was sent their way. It felt like a prison bus to Asher. 2 guards watched them, 1 drove. Joon stared them down as they were taken to the dungeon portal. 


They did try to interrogate them, but Asher was firm that they wouldn’t say anything until they were back on Prime. It took an hour but they received an escort back. They were split up and Asher spent 2 hours waiting in an interrogation room in a sector near the schools. 


2 tall high human men eventually walked into his room. Both were about 7 feet tall, one had dark hair, the other was blonde. They had muscles that put his to shame, and faces that made him look ugly. 


“Mr. Whitmore, sorry for the delay,” blondie said. The dark haired guy flared his nostrils as if fighting back saying something. 


“Good cop, bad cop?” He asked, pointing to them. “Yeah we do that on my planet too. Cut the bullshit. Ask your questions so I can go.” 


They didn’t appear to register what he said outwardly but one rolled his eyes. They sat down at the floating chairs. “Walk us through what happened,” blondie said. 


Asher walked them through leaving his group. 


“Why did you leave your group?” 


“To fight by myself.” 


“Yeah but why?” Blonde asked. 

“Listen, to what I have to fucking say. Or don’t listen, I don’t care. Last time you guys had me in one of these rooms the Avatar of the System literally declared my innocence. Now are you going to shut the fuck up and hear what I have to say? Or do you want to know how many times I wipe my ass after taking a shit?” 


They both stared at him angrily. “Cut the shit,” Asher said. “I’m the Lawful Good or whatever. Do you really think I had anything to do with this?” 


The blonde one took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Finally he said, “Continue.” 


Asher walked them through it and they were attentive this time. “Then we followed the Pangolink and were flying away on my Glider.” 


“And how did you know you saw a Mana Bomb?” They had been quiet and finally got their chance to ask the main question. 


“Because I used ID on it,” Asher said. “About ye high. Spikes on it. It sucked in a bunch of mana then knocked me out.” 


“You would have been vaporized if you were as close to the Mana Bomb as you say,” the dark man said. 


“I have protection skills,” Asher said. He had coated himself in Physical Mana, which was a great call in hindsight. 

The 2 were quiet as they stared at him. Asher yawned, he was still tired. “What about Professor Pureliev’s group? Interrogated them like this?” 


“Of course,” blondie said, but Asher doubted it. 


“Listen, I have no reason to want Siela dead. Ask her, she probably would have been if I didn’t stumble on her accidentally.”


“We will,” the dark haired man said. 


They asked a few more clarifying questions. Soon they left and he waited another hour. Eventually they opened the door and said he could go. Asher walked out of the room to find the other girls waiting around. 


“Finally,” Tiff said as he came out. She ran over and hugged him. 


“You all good?” Asher asked. 


“Oh yeah,” Joon said. “They don’t think us girls could do anything bad. Asked us a few questions but left us alone. We’ve been waiting out here for hours.” 


“Let’s not wait any longer then.” Escorted out of the police station, Joon led the way to the sector pods. 


“They try to take your accessories?” Asher asked. 


“Nope,” Zora said. “Really weren’t interested in us. They were all about what did the Lawful Good do? Why was he away?” 


“I went through a play by play on the sex we had before you set off,” Joon said. “That got them more than a little uncomfortable.” 


Tiffany starting roaring laughing. “I about died when you tried to explain the taste of his cum. Their faces were so red. Then you kept going, and they couldn’t get us out of that room fast enough.” 


“Nsabita here was about to piss herself,” Joon said. “Had to distract them. Men don’t like to hear about other men having sex. If they had been women I would have just started hitting on them.” 


“You’re brilliant Joony,” Tiff said. “I must learn your secrets.” 


“I’m an open book, Tiffybaby,” Joon said. The girls kissed. 


“You all seen Siela?” Asher asked. 


“No, she seemed very-”


“Nothing here,” Joon warned. They got the picture. Quieting down they took the pod and were back at the Academy Sector. When they arrived on their floor Lulu turned from her tentacle form to her human and ran for him. Her milky skin glowed in the dim light as she kissed him hungrily. Asher’s dick bulged. 


“Lulu, not now, fun soon,” Tiff promised her. Asher noticed Tiff cast some Soul Mana into the shoggoth. She hadn’t soul bound her yet, but she must have been close. Lulu frowned as she pulled back. 

“Soon,” Asher promised kissing her. Picking her up he princess carried her to the couch. The others sat around it as Nsabita set up her silencing wards. “What do we need to discuss?” 


“Did you have sex with the high human?” Joon blurted out. 


Asher had expected that question, just not first. “No,” he said. “We did some heavy petting and were somewhere in the middle of 2nd and 3rd base.” 

Joon’s smile widened. “Oh my god, it’s like a dream come true. Finally a high human.”


“What does that matter?” Asher asked. 


“I don’t know,” she said with a frown. “Bucket list maybe? Or they’re important for some reason? I can’t remember. I just know I’m excited.”


“This one is going to be a problem. Apparently her dad is the one that judged over me at the trial the Avatar showed up at. He runs that sector where the Systemic League Conferences are held,” he said. 


“He does?” Nsabita said. “Well no wonder they sent all the guards to our dungeon. He’s like one of the top 5 high humans on Prime. I never thought I’d see a high human going for someone not…” 


“High?” Asher offered. 


“Yeah,” she said. 


“We will see if something comes from it. She is supposed to be my student. Siela also said people watched her and she can’t get away easily. I did tell her that being with me is being with all of you, and she didn’t sound too put off by it. If she’s still interested great, if not we can move on.”


“Works for me,” Tiff said. “Her mind was all stutters and blushes. Lyola implied that getting any high human interested would help us in the future.” 


“Any special reason?” Asher asked. He hated to think of these girls as chips to use, but more motivation than sex with a black haired bombshell may help. 


“Use of Prime,” Tiff said. “Wouldn’t be hard to get passes to all the portals they have here if we had high human backing us. And you did save the guys daughter.” 


They chitchatted for a little bit. Eventually the elephant was brought up. “I see you all leveled,” Asher said. “Any…interesting skills?” 

“I got a Blessing evolution,” Zora said. “It helps me know when someone is in danger.” 


“Cool,” Asher said. 


“I got a new skill,” Nsabita said. “A um Sex mana one. It’s called Siren’s Call. Lets me put anyone attracted to me in a lust mania.”


“Neato, gonna have to try that, after you finish your punishment of course,” Tiff said. 


“I still have to do that?” Nsabita asked. Tiff nodded. 


“Let’s say I was inspired by recent events. We will be doing a roleplay.”


“I got a new skill,” Asher said. Tiff looked over to him excitedly. 


“Annnnnnd?” She asked. 


“I think you’d prefer to experience it first,” he said. 

“Then what are we waiting for?” She asked getting up. “I think we need to interrogate Mr. Whitmore a little bit tonight.” Asher wasn’t sure where she was going with it, but he was up for anything. His blue balls had only gotten worse since Siela was interrupted mid-blowjob. Lulu grinding on him wasn’t helping matters either. 




Asher woke up tied to the chair. A woman’s mouth was wrapped around the base of his dick. Her dark gray hair was all he could see of her head as she mashed her face down into his crotch. He struggled to get loose but the woman raised her head up to slam it back down. Asher groaned as he began cumming into her throat. He could hear her whimper as his dick deposited a large load down her esophagus. Each spurt was punctuated by her long tongue wrapping around his dick only to unwrap and curl around it the other way. 


His hands tied behind his back, at least it was a comfortable black rope. He considered breaking it but the shoggoth kept going up and down expertly. He didn’t know how many tongues she had swirling around his dick at that point, but it felt like a lot. 


“You’re finally awake I see,” a voice said from the darkness. She was an average height woman with pink/blue hair on either side of her head. She wore long hot pink fish nets. A blue lace skirt and corset. 


“Who are you? What do you want?” He asked. He grunted as another tongue started swirling around his dick. “Fuck.” He closed his eyes and shook his head to try to focus. 


“You know what we want,” another voice said. She had long dark hair. Her breasts bulged out in a black corset. Her tan skin showed from her very short leather skirt and very high leather boots. 


“I don’t. I swear,” he said. 


“We want to know all your skills,” another woman said. She was shorter with blonde hair that was practically white. It was braided behind her head. In her white lingerie that clung to her body he struggled to look her in the eyes as she continued to speak. “Tell us everything about you, and how to beat you, and we will let you go.” There were 2 other women behind them. A little less bold, one had long curly red hair and the other had lime green skin and dark green hair.  


The woman on his dick sped up. Asher groaned as he began cumming again. She dropped all the way down and began sucking him hard. He could hear the hungry slurp from her as she took everything he had inside. 3 of her tongues moved out of her mouth and pulled his balls into her mouth. Sucking them too as she absorbed every drop. Raising his Pheromones to 80 he would need it. 


“Enough Lulu,” Tiff said. “He doesn’t fear us as much as I thought he would. We may have to step it up a notch.” Lulu got up from his crotch slowly. Licking her lips she showed off the 4 pink tongues in her mouth as they played with his cum. His dick jumped at the sight. “Who is willing to go first? Perhaps the interns?” She looked back to the green and red heads. 


“I must warn you. My new skill is quite strong,” he said. “I don’t know if I can control myself.” 


“Really now?” Tiff asked. “And what is this skill you feel you must warn us about?” 


“It prolongs pleasure,” he said. 


Tiffany chuckled. “I think we can handle a man like you,” she said. “Since you have your own secret technique, we have one as well. Nsabita, you know what to do.” Walking forward Tiffany’s body was bathed in white light as her clothes disappeared. Her large breasts ballooned out more as she moved toward him. 


Asher studied her perfect body. Her skin white, her breasts bounced with every slight movement in the corset. Her pink hair on one side and blue on the other was cut short. Her ample ass shook from side to side as she stared down at him.


“Last chance,” Tiff said. “Before we really start the interrogation.” 


“Do your worst,” he said with a sneer. She smiled, stepping up to him. Her legs straddled his thighs and she sunk down onto him. Her tight pussy made him groan. Losing himself in the feel of her his legs shook a little as she impaled herself. When she was at the base her large F-cup tits were shoved in his face as her clothes disappeared. Everything but the hot pink fishnets. Asher was in the valley of the perfect bosom as he began licking every inch he could reach of them. 


“Had enough?” She asked. Asher shook his head, mildly motorboating her. She laughed as her cunt gripped him harder. Tired of playing into their games he cast his newest move, Tantric. Able to hold off a partner’s orgasm he wanted to test it a little. Mana leaked out of him into Tiffany. Shivering she asked, “What was that?” 

“My new skill.” 


“What’s it do.” 


“Fuck me, and find out,” he said. A smile on her lips she nodded to Nsabita. Asher recognized Desire as she coated them both in Sex Mana. Tiff and Asher began hungrily making out as Tiff rocked her hips on him. 


Casting Casanova in his dick she moaned but didn’t cum. Her body instinctively moved faster under the pleasure as her arms wrapped around his neck. Their tongues fought as hers searched his mouth. Asher wanted to cum, but held off. His arms tied behind his back he could only take it as her sopping wet pussy tightened and squeezed him. 


At some point Tiff noticed that she wasn’t cumming. Her hips moved faster, moaning louder as she felt the pleasure but not the release of fluids she was used to. 


“Are you keeping me from cumming?” She asked never slowing down. 


“Something like that,” he said with a smirk on his face. “More like halting it.” 


“As in…you can stop halting it?” She asked a little scared. 


“And make all of yours hit at once? Yes,” he said. “Should we see how much you can handle?”


He cast more Casanova in his dick. She nodded and continued. Asher couldn’t hold back anymore, as her cunt tightened he groaned and released inside her. Unsure what else to do he felt for the Tantric mana and pulled it back. “Hoooly fuuuck!” She screamed in his ear as she began to squirt. Her arms and legs wrapped around him as her body shook. Her voice was music to his ears as she continued to squirt and scream. 


The sexy woman’s body convulsed like never before as a normal 5 second orgasm seemed to never stop. The orgasm lasted 60 whole seconds as she held onto him for dear life. At the end she whimpered. He made his dick a little harder and she jolted from the stimulation. 


“That,” she whispered, catching her breath. “Was a fucking experience.” Slowly she released him and stood up on wobbly legs. “Fuck,” she said as her body shook. Thick globs of his his cum ran down her thighs. Stepping gingerly away she made it to the couch and fell down asleep. 


The group stared at her naked body then back to him. Asher cast Cleanliness as he asked, “Whose next?” 


Joon snuck in first. “Are you ready to give us the answers we want?” She asked. 


“Nope,” he said. 


“Good.” She dropped down on him hard. Though she was a little wet the rough feeling was what she liked. Asher cast Tantric on her as his dick bulged in her. She moved a nipple to his mouth as he cast Casanova on his dick and tongue. Joon was quickly yelling as she did all the work. He bit her nipple and made her stomach bulge as he continued. Then halfway through the Tantric mana released back into him and she came hard. Apparently it had absorbed all the orgasms it could from her. Screaming loudly she latched onto him. Nails digging into his back he released his seed as a few orgasms rocked her body. 


As the orgasms faded she slid off dreamily. About falling Zora had to catch her. Setting her down not far off Zora took her turn. Instead of facing him she turned away. Her dripping wet pussy slid onto his dick as her back pressed against his chest. 


“Same treatment?” Asher asked. Zora nodded. Asher used Casanova and Tantric on her. She lasted almost as long as Tiff as she raised to his tip and dropped to the base with just her leg strength. This time he released the Tantric as she bottomed out on him. She began squirting away from him as her body shook orgasms on orgasms. His dick bulged as he came inside her. This caused her to yell louder. When she finished she laid on him contently. 


“Hey, our turn,” Nsabita said. Poking her awake Zora nodded drunkenly. Getting off she winced as he exited and went to lay with Tiff. 


Nsabita looked down at his dick. He cast Cleanliness and she positioned herself to face him. Her layers of muscle made him groan as she lowered onto him. 


“Damn I love your tight pussy,” he said. She blushed as he cast his skills on her. It didn’t take long for her to squirt just as hard as the others. Like Joon the skill broke and released the orgasms prematurely. Her body shook all the harder as her nails dug into his back. 


Finally it was Gen. The redhead approached. “Is there anyway I can ask you to release me?” Asher asked. She bit her lip. “I’ll do anything you want.”


“Anything?” She asked. Asher nodded. Pulling out a key she unlatched his cuffs. Asher’s hands shot up and grabbed her neck. She gasped as he pushed her into the wall. 

Caught up in his lust he stared into her eyes as his dick poked her stomach. “What would you like in return?” He asked. 


Her eyes darted to the windows. Asher slowly understood. Grabbing her by the hair he dragged her to the long line of windows. She gasped but didn’t say the word as he was a little rough. “Say it,” he ordered. 


“Fuck me in front of the windows,” she said. 


“Because?” He asked. 


“Because I’m you slut,” she said. Asher hadn’t expected that part. He smacked her ass and she moaned. Flipping her to face the window he pushed up behind her. “I’ll do the window today. Then I want to fuck you in the classroom tomorrow.” Her legs shook as she moaned. He knew she liked public places, and they hadn’t been able to do much with it. 


His dick lined up with her cunt as he made it grow more. Gen began to pant as he parted her lips. Tantric mana left his body and entered her, keeping her from cumming. Asher slammed in all the way causing her to gasp. He wasn’t done. Pushing her harder she was soon flattened against the flat glass of the full-height windows. 


“Do you like this?” He asked. “People watching?”


She shook her head. “I just like the risk,” she said. 


“You are my slut though, aren’t you?” He asked. She nodded as he pulled out and slammed back in. Her body shuddered as he only sped up. His humps pushed her harder into the glass as her hands pressed against it. She appeared to love it as she groaned. Asher felt something building inside of her. It was the Tantric skill. It was absorbing the orgasms. It was interesting that he could feel it. Slowly the spell began to strain under the pressure. Then it popped, releasing all the pent up energy. 


Genevieve screamed as her orgasms rolled into her. Asher bottomed out and started cumming inside of her as her fingernails tried to claw at the glass. Her orgasm lasted almost a full minute again. She wasn’t a squirter, but water still poured out of her from so many in a row. When he had thrust his last spurt in he kept her against the window. 


“You’re mine,” he growled in her ear. She nodded drunkenly. Asher nibbled her ear. As she whimpered he pulled out. Holding her up he dropped her on a couch. After moving Joon to the last sofa he turned to see Lulu there. 


In all the excitement he had forgotten about her. “Lulu, sex?” He asked. She nodded coming up to him. Asher quickly had her screaming as well. A sex beast was able to handle many more orgasms. Tantric built up until he was scared what would happen. When he released his semen and the Tantric mana in her she screamed and shook. 


His mashed her large tits as he bit her neck. Passing out mid-way through she continued to shake in his arms. Her F cup breasts were too delicious though. Sucking on them he humped into her again until she awoke. Her legs wrapped around him as they had normal sex. It took some time before Tiff woke up again. She sat on Lulu’s face as he continued to fuck the Shoggoth. He watched as Lulu made 4 thin long tongues in her mouth to make Tiffany squirt. She treated the ejaculate like a sweet nectar. 

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