This S.O.B. System


“Why did you take my class anyway?” Asher asked as he continued to walk them. 


“I am at the Academy for another 3 years,” she said. “I will be taking classes with all the Professors at some point during that time.” 


“Didn’t you say you were in the class last semester?” Asher asked. She became quiet. “I hear many of my students have Sex Mana Affinities they try to hide.” Her arms tightened a little with the accusation. Asher let out a long sigh. “You enjoying the class at least?” 


“...Parts of it,” she said. 

Asher barked a laugh. “I bet,” he said. “Are the orgasms the only draw to the class?” Asher peaked back to see her face blushing furiously. 


“Don’t be crass,” she mumbled. Letting out a long sigh she said, “I did not think you would be able to do that. Make people…orgasm without touching them.” 


“My wives love it,” he said. “But I’m sure it won’t help peoples image of me. More than a few labelled me as a sex crazed maniac after my trials.” She didn’t affirm or deny the accusation. “What about Lulu? Do you think its good to add her in?”


“I must admit, I am growing a little less skittish toward the Sex Mana beast,” she said. “Sex Mana Beasts are often seen as the scariest monsters since it can be hard to defend against them.”


“Lulu is a sweetheart,” he said. Asher stumbled as another giant monster dug close to them. Then they were bursting through the sidewall of the tunnel ahead. Asher caught a glimpse of an armored pink monster, but then it disappeared continuing it’s digging. “You don’t happen to know what that was do you?” 


Siela shook her head. It luckily hadn’t noticed them. Next time they might not be so lucky. Asher walked them to the side of the tunnel and released Siela from his mana. She dropped down slowly. Looking her over she appeared a little better. “Hows your HP?” Asher asked. 


“I am over half way up now,” she said.


“You’re probably good to have another potion,” Asher said. Usually they were back to full performance after an hour of waiting. Siela nodded and pulled one out. Chugging it down Asher guessed it helped her enough. Both of them covered in pink dust now he couldn’t see any bruises. Siela let out a long content sigh as she downed the potion. 


A loud rumbling sounded again close by. Asher wasn’t getting a good feeling about all the big monsters. He sent Siela a group invite. “What level are you?” She hesitated. “I need to know what you can handle.” 


“Umm 38,” she admitted. 


“Ok, I’m level 60,” he said. “Ever fought a boss before?” Siela shook her head. “Can you cycle mana?” She nodded. “Good. If we have to fight, you do what you can. But your priority is getting out of here.” 


“What about you?” She asked. 

“I’ll be fighting,” Asher said. “That’s the whole point to be here.” 


“But your leg,” she said looking down to his missing appendage. 


“Great training,” he said. “I’ve never fought missing a leg before.” The rumbling past. “Can you walk now?” Siela slowly got up with a grunt. Her feet were unsteady and she whimpered a little. When she was erect she took a few tentative steps. Barely stumbling she got her bearings and began to walk a little more confidently. She tried to hide the hurt from her face but he could see it. 


“Walk while you can. If you feel up for it we run. If not, I will go back to carrying you.” 

She nodded and they continued to walk through the large cavern. Asher was getting more confident with his mana peg leg. Trying to speed up Siela began to match his speed but then the ground underneath her feet collapsed. She fell through. 

“Fucking fuck,” Asher said as he jumped in after her. Siela screamed as they fell. Condensing mana he reached down and grabbed her. A couple of tendrils grabbed the walls of the hole stopping them. “You alright?!” He yelled down. 


“I uh, I think so,” she said as she caught her breath. Asher couldn’t see her but could feel her with Mana Sense. He shortened the manifested mana holding her and brought her up. 


“You need to start putting stats in Luck,” he said. 


“I have,” she said as she came up. 


“Sure you did. Now hold onto me,” he said. Using his tendrils of mana like Doctor Octopus he climbed them back up the hole. Her arms wrapped around him again. He really wanted to hit on her, but as her teacher it didn’t feel right. In close proximity to such a beautiful woman it was getting harder to stop himself. Asher had made her cum dozens of times. Why was a little physical intimacy so wrong? But it was. 


Asher pulled them out. Getting off his back he looked her over to make sure she was alright. “You ok?” He asked. Her eyes stared into his. Slowly she nodded. 


“You um saved me again,” she said. Her hand moved to slide her hair back behind her ear. 


“Of course,” he said. “Should we-” He stopped as she leaned forward and began kissing him. Just a simple peck at first. Her big doe eyes stared into his, then she kissed him again. Caught up in the moment Asher pulled her to him and began kissing her back. 


Her body shivered as his arms wrapped around her. Their lips were chapped and faces were covered in dust and dirt, but right then it was only the 2 of them as they hungrily kissed. Asher pushed her into the sidewall. Siela let out a groan as his tongue entered her mouth. Reciprocating his advances her waist bucked into his groin. 


“We shouldn’t,” he managed to get out. 


“I want this,” she said, causing him to kiss her harder. His hands went to her firm ass cheeks. Everywhere his hands moved she became more heated as her own hands began to wander his body. Apparently they were no longer hurting as she explored him. 


Asher was used to taking the lead but she reached her hand into his pants. Gripping his hard dick his resistances disappeared. She gasped as he may have let it grow a little more. The high humans were tall, he didn’t want to appear inadequate. With a groan his hips thrust into her as his own hand slid into the expensive cloth of her shorts. Siela’s breath came out hotter as she began to pant. Her hand began to move faster on his dick. 


A part of him knew he should stop, but she was too beautiful as their mouths continued to kiss and learn every part of the other’s mouth. His hand found its way to her front. Her hairless muff was smooth to the touch as his fingers slid down her slit. Panting she sped up her hand movements again as his finger parted her lips and entered. Channeling Casanova into his fingertip her body began to shake in an orgasm. 


“Ah, gods,” she said as her large tits pressed into him. A wide smile on her face as her lower half shook she stopped trying to jerk him off for a moment so she could enjoy the orgasm. “How?” She asked, trying to catch her breath. 


“I go easy on you in class,” he said. Her body shivered as he moved down from her lips. Asher cast Cleanliness on both of them. The dust disappeared as his lips moved down her chin to her neck. Nibbling on it he began running his finger along her lower lips again. Her drenched hole a welcome sign for him Siela sped up her exploration of his shaft. “We should really stop though.” His fingers sped up as they were coated in Casanova. 


“No,” she said. “You’re right, how can we fight Sex Mana if we never felt it?” Asher chuckled as he pulled back. Her face was blushing as he studied her. 


“Maybe not the best time though,” he said. They both looked around. Their moment of lust was a little lost as they remembered where they were. 


“Let me at least pay you back for class,” she said. Siela looked more like a school girl than ever in that moment. Her eyes full of excitement she let down the stoic gaze she always had on. 


Asher looked at her confused but she dropped down to her knees. He tried to stop her, he really did, as she pulled his pants down. The now 10 inch long dick poked her in the face. “So big.” 


“Could be bigger if you wanted,” he said. She looked up at him confused. “I can make it bigger. One of my skills.” 


Her eyes studied it. “Can you do smaller?” She asked. “I’ve never…” 


“You’ve never given a blowjob before?” He asked. Siela shook her head as she continued to jerk him off slowly. “Have you ever… done it?” There was some hesitation in her eyes but slowly she shook her head again. “You don’t have to, you know.” He groaned as her grip became harder. 


“I want to,” she said. “I um never c-orgasmed before I met you.” 


Asher frowned with the admission. He was reminded that he was her professor, and this was wrong. Bending down he kissed her on the lips. “Let’s stop,” he said. “If you want to continue, we can when I’m not your teacher.” 


She stared him in the eyes but instead of answering she leaned her head forward and took his glans in her mouth. Asher should have stopped her, but the feel of her mouth was too heavenly. Her strong tongue quickly began doing circles around the head. Asher stood erect as he let her do what she wanted. Her eyes closed she began to descend on it, but it was obvious she had never done this before. 


He was not against first timers, their eagerness always made up for the lack of experience. It also helped that though they were in a life or death situation, she was still one of the most beautiful women he had ever met. Long muscular thighs. Her breasts were just as firm as Tiffany’s. D-Cup breasts they jiggled in the fine cloth shirt as she raised and lowered on his dick. Slowly she got more confidence as she opened her eyes. The deep brown eyes locked with his as she licked the sweet precum from him. 


“What is this taste?” She asked pulling off of him. Kissing down his length she took one of his balls in her mouth.

“Ambrosia,” he said with a gasp. “One of my skills.” 


Her mouth hungrily licked the other ball as well. Then she was back up to licking the head. “Have any other sex skills?” She asked. 


“A few,” he said as the ground began to rumble. They didn’t register it at first, but it sounded much louder than before. Asher turned the Mana Light down the tunnel as dust began to fall around them. There was nothing there, but turning it to the other end he saw it. The boss was coming for them. “Fuck, rain check,” he grunted. She was halfway down his shaft as she noticed the monster coming at them in haste. Pulling her head back she stood and was alight as she armored herself. 


With a groan Asher struggled to get his very erect dick back in his pants. Putting the Guts Armor away he brought out his Champion armor. The copper and gold plates covered everything but his missing leg. His stats raised. This was as good of a time as any to try it out. 


The boss was coming at them fast. It was a 30 foot tall armored monster. Long snout, black eyes, with large circular pink plates covering its skin. It was a giant pink Pangolin. There were some minor changes compared to those on Earth. Large 6 foot long talons at the front of the monster were a big difference. Asher used ID. 


*Floall Pangolink*

Level 49


“There are the Pangolinks,” Asher said. Siela began to shake beside him as the monster continued to run down the large tunnel. Cycling mana through his body Asher met it head on. Jumping he used Slayer to hit it hard in the face. The boss was quicker than he assumed as it slashed at him with it’s claws. Mana coated the razor like nails. He didn’t risk touching them. The monster growled as it stopped moving forward. 


He began attacking it in earnest. His peg leg never stumbled as it continued to keep him upright. Asher poured mana into Slayer as it whistled through the air and struck one of the armor plates of the monster’s head. It cracked but mana coated the plate and it reformed. Asher cursed. He was in no condition to fight a boss monster. He had been there for hours. No good ventilation underground, his entire body ached. He also had to try to protect Siela. Catching a few glances back at her he noticed her shaking more. With most people's fear of higher levels, seeing a much higher level boss must have been too much for her. 


Suddenly an idea hit him. Instead of trying to find a way to the surface he just needed to trick the thing into digging up for him. With renewed vigor he attacked the beast. More mana coursing through his veins the attacks became harder and harder. The monster’s claws and armor cracked and healed continuously as he slowly got used to 1 leg. He used the walls like spring boards as he pounced on the monster from every side. 


No room for it to turn around in the tunnel it continued to try to attack him. Asher was too experienced for it. The monster could barely touch him as he went from attack to defending instantly. It’s body began to glow. The Pangolink brought its arms and head in toward its torso. Surprisingly it formed into a ball. Asher was a little scared it would just roll over them as it shined more with mana. The Pangolink began to spin in place like Sonic the Hedgehog. But instead of going toward them the Pangolink began to dig down. 

The body spun faster as it quickly dug up below. Asher cursed. He was sick of walking and being lost. Without much of a thought he jumped into the giant hole. Casting Judgment he fell toward the Pangolink. It was fast, but gravity was faster as the white glowing sword extended down. He picked up speed and within a few seconds he was stabbing into the boss. 

By that point it regretted spinning as his sword caused huge chunks fo armor and flesh to be broken off. The beast let out a loud squeal. Asher on top of it decided he may have done a good job pissing it off. Chugging a Mana Potion he formed tendrils of Physical mana and again used them like arms to take him back up the hole. The Pangolink began to glow and spin again. This time much more quickly as he rose up. 


A smile on his face it quickly disappeared as the monster caught up to him easily. Asher sped up and barely made it out of the hole before the Pangolink shot out of the hole and began digging upward. Siela was there grabbing his arm to help him up. 


“Come on,” he said. “Really pissed it off now.” Grabbing her with his condensed mana they followed the Pangolink upward. The beast didn’t appear to notice he wasn’t in front of it. 


Asher used his tendrils like tentacles as they ascended the center of the giant hole. Then a great white light appeared overhead. Not a bad light for once, but the sun itself. Asher was blinded as the Pangolink broke through to the surface. Using Mana Sense he guided himself upward and then was out of the hole as well. With a gasp he sucked in the fresh air. Blinded by the bright pink and purple he noticed the Pangolink had already started to dig a new hole a few dozen yards away. 


“Thank god,” Asher said. He could probably beat the thing, but still, he was tired. 


“You did it,” Siela said amazed as she hugged him. 


“Yes we did,” Asher said. Caught up in the moment he pulled out his Comm. Calling Tiff she answered quickly. 


“Finally,” she said. “Where are you? We were starting to get worried.” 

“I got buried,” he said. “Not safe to talk on Comms. I’m headed your way.” Asher cast Cleanliness on them again. Pulling out his Glider he didn’t want to risk the boss coming back. Since you were supposed to kill them to close the dungeon he thought he remembered a fine for killing quest monsters. Once on his Glider he said, “Hop on.” 


Siela hesitated but nodded. Getting on the back she wrapped her arms around his waist. Asher pulled up his Relationship Screen and got the general idea of where the girls were. 


Relationship Screen (LVL 15)





Prefered Phallic Size

Erogenous Zone

Alice Campbell

Level 4





Zora Whitmore

Level 15


Impregnation/Wife Play



Tiffany Whitmore

Level 15





Lyola Lofgren

Level 10

Roktai Capital

Large Genitalia/Women



Amanda Neil

Level 1





Joon Sang

Level 10





Tillie Shubrun

Level 8

Roktai Capital




Prillish Klashsic

Level 1


Power/Different Species



Elifflee Ialna

Level 8


Bondage/Orgasm Control



Chartalla Ursa

Level 2


Rough Play/Submission



Azya Burill

Level 4





Genevieve Lambert

Level 2


Adventure/Public Places



Nsabita Dresca

Level 2


Strength/Large Genitalia



Siela Fulbright

Level 1







Charlotte Anderson was gone again, and some people had changed places, but not too much different. He did not miss that Siela was on there already. Apparently she had a kink for Heroes, which didn’t sound all that reassuring. He was very hesitant on where to go from there. 


They raised in the air on his Glider and began flying toward his girls. “Do you need to call your team?” Asher asked. 


“I should,” she admitted. “But I am hesitant. What if you are right about the Mana Bomb.” 


“Think one of them could have planted it?” He asked again. 


“I still do not remember what led up to the bomb,” she said. Asher sighed, it was probably best that she went with them. 


“I’m sorry for kissing you back there,” Asher said. Her arms wrapped tighter around him nervously. “I shouldn’t have done that. For them to let me be a professor I said I wouldn’t touch any of my students. Do you want me to resign?” He could feel her head shake back and forth. “What would you like then?” 


“This,” she said as her arms tightened. “I really don’t know my feelings. But this is nice.” 


“And its not just because I can make you cum easily?” He asked. He didn’t bring up that it might be because he was a hero. Asher wasn’t too picky on why women liked him. Why look a gift horse in the mouth? 


“No,” she said. “Mael was a little overbearing growing up. The Whitegrace’s and Fulbrights run 2 of the most profitable sectors,” she admitted. “Mael was the best at everything. My father has been trying to get me to see him as a possible future husband for years.” She whispered the last part. Her head pushed into his back more. 


“It wasn’t till I decided to stay in your class that I ever told my father no. Then you beat Mael in your duel. I tried to help him, but he was embarrassed. He hit me and ran off like a coward.” Siela practically spat. “I don’t know. Since I met you maybe I have begun to change. I see how free you are. Uncaring what people think. I envy that.” 


“Oh I care,” Asher admitted. “But I didn’t know there were trillions of people out there a year ago. I’m blindly going with the flow, and just hoping to not get my head chopped off.” Asher sped up on the Glider. It wasn’t too long before he noticed Tiff flying ahead. She stared at him, her foot tapping open air as she waited. 


“Where were you?” She asked. “We missed you last-” she finally noticed the woman on his back. A wide smile split her lips as she recognized the high human. 


“Here,” Asher said as he took off his Mindguard. She began reading his mind as he went through what happened. Finding the tunnel. The Mana bomb. Saving Siela. They’re heated intimacy. Then the Pangolink digging them out. 


“Well, well, well,” Tiff said, flying over as he put the Mindguard back on. She didn’t care about the bomb or boss, she cared about the high human latched to him. She dropped to the back of the Glider. Her arms snuck into between Asher and Siela. “You want my husband, eh?” She asked. Siela squeaked. “Don’t be scared. You do well hiding your thoughts, but I still feel it everytime you look at him in class. You’re not as subtle as you think.” 


“What do you mean?” Siela asked quietly. 


“Your body practically shook in excitement talking to him in class the first day,” Tiff whispered. “Do you want to have this conversation where he can hear? Or want to take off your own Mindguard?” Siela gulped, but took off the bracelet. They were quiet as they talked telepathically. 


Asher shook his head as he descended down to the other girls. “Where were you?” Joon asked. Tiff and Siela were quiet as he got off the Glider. They stayed on it. Asher gave them a quick rundown. 


“So was their target you, or her?” Joon asked, accepting it wholeheartedly. 


“First, Zora, can you fix my leg?” Asher asked. He sat down and pulled up his pants leg to show his right leg was missing. He dropped the manifested peg leg. 


“What the fuck!” Zora, Joon, and Tiff yelled as they noticed it. 


“How was this not the first thing you bring up?” Tiff asked as she was brought out of her silent conversation with the high human. Zora moved over to him and began casting her recent Divine Grace skill. The stump began to bubble as new flesh was formed from the white light. 


“Sorry, I forgot,” he said. “Also you had other things on your mind.” Siela’s face was blushing as she stared at him. 


“Who forgets a limb?” Nsabita asked. Asher shrugged. Looking around he noticed that they had taken off their ID Guards at some point and all gained some nice levels. Gen and Zora especially. Gen was now level 37, Zora was level 40, Nsabita was level 47, Joon was 49, and Tiff was 55.


“Did I miss much?” Asher asked.  


“Just a bunch of monsters. We were attacked by these damn hyenas all night,” Genevieve said. Asher was glad he had his Mindguard back on, he didn’t want Tiff to know that was probably his fault. 

“We thought you were testing us, but I guess you were busy,” Joon said. She eyed the high human. Her eyes said a lot, since he didn’t deny it she hid a smile. His fiance didn’t like high humans, but she still found them sexy. Him seducing one was high on her priority list.


“There,” Zora said as she stood. Asher noticed his leg was back on and he had the right number of toes and everything. 


“Thank you my love,” he said standing on it. “All better.” He bent down and gave her a kiss. It became heated and they were groaning in one another’s mouths as he picked her up by her ass cheeks. Her short legs wrapped around his crotch masterfully. 


“Ugh, stop, we don’t have the time,” Nsabita said. “Our window for this place ends in an hour.” 


“Why didn’t you just make a new one?” Joon asked. 


“A new what?” Asher asked in between kissing Zora. 




“Uh cus I can’t.”


“You can make a 2nd dick. Why not a leg?” She asked. 


“You can make a 2nd dick?” Siela whispered. No one answered. 


Asher moaned but Zora pecked him on the lips one more time and dropped down. “I didn’t think of that,” Asher admitted with a blush.


“Let’s go,” Joon said, rolling her eyes. “We can continue at home.” She eyed the high human. “Will you be joining us?” Siela blushed. 


“Of course not,” Tiff said. “Asher wasn’t going to touch any of his students remember?” Asher shared a look with Tiff. It said to play along. 


“Right,” Asher said. “I am a man that keeps his word or something. I wouldn’t do that…except with you of course.” He leaned over kissing Joon’s cheek. She grabbed his head and pulled him into a deeper kiss. 


“Of course,” Joon said. “I would hate for another virgin to be sacrificed on the altar of the Porn Star.” Asher barked a laugh. 


“You would know what that’s like,” he said. Her body shivered in excitement. 

“Enough, we gotta go,” Nsabita said, pulling out her yellow Glider. 


“Siren, with that attitude you will be going last,” Tiff said. 

“What? Why me?” Nsabita asked, a little sad. 


“Because you forget your roots. You should be ensnaring men. I think you should remember by using your skills tonight.” Her Desire and Need skill were quite fun and powerful.

“Yes,” Joon said, clapping happily. 


“Fine,” Nsabita said as others pulled Gliders out. 

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