This S.O.B. System


Asher stepped off the elevator. Dropping his Libido to 0 he was no longer distracted by blue balls. A large doorway in front of him, he didn’t notice a doorbell so he stepped through. 


Inside was what you would expect from a man a few hundred thousand years old. Very little furniture, the decor was dark. Pedestals had ancient artifacts and weapons sitting on them. The windows were shaded and showed a much higher view of the park below. 


“Good, they found you,” Yevus said. He walked out of a side room into the main area. “Care for something to drink?” 


“Sure,” Asher said. “Whatever you think.”


Yevus walked over to a minibar by the windows. He grabbed some bottles and started pouring. Asher felt like he was in the layer of a vampire. Everything was black or dark red. The hardwood floors were chocolate colored. The thick carpets were extravagant and detailed. There were art pieces on the wall and even some on the ceiling. 


Yevus himself was tall, about 6’-10”. Though Asher couldn’t ID him, he was obviously a high human. He had gray hair, but he was still all muscle. He reminded Asher of what Master Roshi looked like before using kamehameha. 


“I see you bought a Mindguard, very good call,” Yevus said. “You can never be too sure who is listening.” Walking up to Asher he handed over a dark drink. It looked like an ale in a very simple mug. Asher sipped it. The drink was strong but had a smooth aftertaste. Not much of a drinker, he actually enjoyed the taste. 


“You like?” He asked. Asher nodded. “It’s a recipe I’ve been refining since I was young.”


“A long time then,” Asher said. 


“Very,” Yevus said. “If I had to guess, I'm in the ballpark of 600,000 years old.” Asher did his best not to react. He knew the System was old, but still. 


“What was your planet like? If you don’t mind me asking I mean,” Asher added quickly. 


“Not at all. I know you’re taking the Primeval History class. But a lot of that was made up by historians or the people themselves. Most people are too afraid to ask me,” he said. 


“If you wanted me dead, I’m sure I would be,” Asher said. 


“Who knows? Wouldn’t want to piss off the System,” Yevus said. Asher didn’t think that was a confirmation or denial. He still didn’t know what to think of the man. “I’ve done some digging into your planet's history,” he admitted. 


“Oh, how did you do that? Is there a library somewhere?”


“Something like that,” he said. “The System does a lot of research on a planet before Initialization. It stores that information somewhere. I’m old enough to have received a quest reward that allows me to access that information. I make it a point to learn about high human and normal human histories that are Initialized.”


“Cool,” Asher said. “What brought that up?” They started walking around the room slowly. Sipping the ale and studying the objects on the pedestals. 


“Just some heads up on how I know things about your planet's history. My planet was like your Vikings,” he said. “We were all war and gods and sacrificing to them. When our Systems awoke it only got worse,” he said. Stopping at a pedestal there was a large human skull on it. The skull was a little thicker than a normal human’s. Asher assumed it was a high human. “My System awoke a year after everything started for us. This is the skull of my first kill. He was a grown man that made his sword aflame with mana.”


“Dea mentioned that most all the Primevals were the last people on their planets,” Asher noted. 


Yevus nodded. “She let’s you call her Dea?” He asked with a laugh. “She must like you.” Asher did not elaborate. “Yes, it was a dark time for my original people. By the time we stopped killing each other it was too late. Our moon was becoming closer and closer until it crashed into our planet. I dungeon jumped before the planet exploded. My planet was a Tier 0 so portals were rare. Some may have survived but I’ve never met them.”


“Very sad,” Asher said. They moved from the skull to a dented and battered sword. “Your first weapon?” Asher asked. 


Yevus chuckled. “I wish. No this was just from another foe. My first weapon was a club. We focused on fighting, not so much metallurgy. This is the weapon of the first civilized people I found after leaving my planet. It would have rusted long ago, but I had a Tempusmancer protect it.” 


Asher thought of Indiana Jones. The scene where Indiana’s nemesis said you could bury a cheap watch in the ground and after 100 years it would become priceless. Would that work for this sword that was 500,000 years old? 


“Did you find high humans after you left your planet?” Asher asked. 


“I did not,” Yevus said as they moved to another piece of art. “It wasn’t till us Primevals met for the first time that I did. Then a few centuries later a planet of them was Initialized. I was so excited to be with my people again. I sponsored them, put them under my protection. All the high humans on this planet are descended from that group.”


“I could imagine. I’d hate if all my people died,” Asher said. “I find it odd how rare regular humans are.” 


“Yes, they are hard to find. There are hundreds of species out there. But humans are still rare. I feel a kinship towards them. The few you see around Prime were from a planet that did not fare well in Initialization. I took many in. Dea Tacitae as you know is a human.” 


“Yes,” Asher said. “I was a little surprised that she offered to sponsor me.” Which was very true. He had expected some dark empress with the title Queen of Death.


“A beautiful woman. Fierce. Of all the Primevals, no one crosses her. Very quick to anger. She has been gone for a long time. I fear people may have forgotten how fierce. They might tempt fate killing you and incurring her wrath,” he said. 


“They wouldn’t be the first to try,” Asher said. He was a little on edge as they walked around the room. He tried to focus on the pieces of art. There were some monster skulls. One that looked like an Alien skull from Alien. Asher wanted to ask about it but held off. Then they were over to some new piece. A weird ornate golden cube that looked like if you touched it you would be thrown into a maze. Many fancy stones and jewelry pieces. Asher expected to see a Celestial Gate key sitting there, but didn’t. 


“Yes, which brings me to why I called for you,” Yevus said. “I heard about your duel with Mael Whitegrace.” The man let out a long pause, an uncomfortably long pause.  


“Not a problem I hope?” Asher asked. 


“No, but his father is. The Whitegrace’s are very influential on Prime. He tried to throw up a stink about it. Tried to say it was illegal for professors to duel, but Diatrix was there and everyone was safe. More embarrassed than anything I wager,” he said. “I put his father in his place, so there will be no issues here. I thought it best to warn you to not go to the Whitegrace sector.” 


“I can do that I think,” Asher said. He would have to try to find out what sector it was. 


Yevus chuckled. “I would have given much to see your duel. Making a man orgasm into submission. I haven’t seen that since well, Aweyrenn.” 


“Who’s that?” Asher asked. 


“The Sex Primeval,” Yevus said as they began walking around again. “All the Primevals were masters of the major elements. Aweyrenn focused on Sex Mana. He was a human, but damn strong. The strongest of us I would imagine. He imagined all this, you know?” 


“All what?” 


“League Prime, the League, even named us Primevals,” he said. “Always happy and joking around.” Yevus had a slight smile as he talked. “He named everything too. Said he saw it all in a dream. He died soon after this all came to fruition.” 


“How did he die?” Asher asked. He was more than a little intrigued about a kindred spirit. Hopefully there would be information on him in his class, but who wouldn’t want to hear it straight from a person that knew him? 


“The System killed him,” Yevus said sadly. “It was soon after he confessed to us his Max level skills. We didn’t know it, but he gained skills every prime level. Hence the names, League Prime and Primeval. He kept it to himself of course. But as we all grew closer he told us about it. The System found out. Sent him on a quest he wasn’t ready for. And he died. We didn’t know that at the time of course. We thought it was a routine quest. This all nearly collapsed without him to drive it, but we pushed on. As more planets were Initialized another person came to us. We were very helpful back then. She said that her skills came every prime level. Soon after she was sent on a quest and died as well. We put it together after that. The System doesn’t like Primes.” 


Asher’s heart thudded in his chest with each word. He did his best to act normal, but he began to sweat. It sounded like as long as he kept his mouth shut he should be fine. He needed to make sure everyone was on the same page about his skills. This story should help drive it home for them. 


“Dea took his death the hardest,” Yevus continued. “Awyren was her first love. She disappeared for a long time after his death. She recovered, and after years and years she and I became a thing.” Yevus laughed. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this. It’s old history. I guess maybe you just remind me of Awyrenn.”


Asher chuckled. “Sounds like an interesting person.”


They were quiet for a time. Asher finished his drink and they looped back around to the elevator. Finally Yevus spoke again. “I would like you to tell me the contents of your quest,” he said with a long sigh. “I understand that you have reservations with high humans. After what the Avatar said to you, I can’t blame you. But I run League Prime from the background. I would like to know if there is an issue, besides, maybe I can help. This would also help me get the professors off my back. You made an impression at your meet and greet.” 


Asher chewed on his lip thinking. The man was tall and imposing, and could kill Asher with a thought. “I am leaning toward yes,” Asher said. “But I would prefer to keep it between us.” 


Yevus raised his hand, a white light appeared showing a System contract. “I am willing to sign a contract. I will not disclose anything about the quest for…. How many days are left on it?” 



League Prime is facing destruction.

Stop the calamity before it can destroy the headquarters of the Systemic League


Time Limit: 186:01:34:12


Quest Rewards:





“180 days or so,” Asher said. 


“I will tell no one for 100 days,” Yevus said. “There are a little less than 12 weeks of classes. So about 120 days. Every year after the first semester all Primevals meet. If you still haven’t figured out your quest, then I can enlist help.” 


“How are you so sure it’s a dangerous quest?” Asher asked. 


“I have been doing this for a long time. The System only brings Heros in for important items. If your quest is not to kill, then it must be very important,” Yevus said. 


Asher nodded. 100 days was hopefully enough time to figure it out, and honestly he didn’t want to be on the quest anyway. Joon wanted to let Prime burn. Maybe he would get lucky and the System would give it to someone else. “Deal,” Asher said. 


Yevus began writing on the contract. “How um, do those work?” Asher asked. “Are they easy to break?” 


Yevus chuckled, already finished writing. “They use Soul Mana,” he said. “You can break them, but they hurt your soul. Takes a long time to recover.” 


Asher did not know that. He read through the contract. He would read the quest verbatim, and Yevus would not disclose to anyone for 100 days. Asher signed, Yevus signed. Asher read the quest. The Primeval did not take the news like he thought. 


“I worried it was so,” Yevus said. “You can’t be the center of the League without gaining enemies.” 


“Has something like this happened before?” Asher asked. 


“A few times. One group tried to pull an asteroid toward Prime. Another tried setting bombs. This is the first time a Hero System has needed to become involved,” he said. “This must be quite the threat.” 


“Is there anything happening in 186 days that could warrant this?” Asher asked. 


“Not that I know of,” Yevus said. “Thank you for trusting me with the contents. I will reiterate to people that you are not to be harmed. I will also disclose to Zaddon that you have told me the contents of the quest and not to worry. I would appreciate you not accepting anymore duels. I will talk to Diatrix.” 


“Damn,” Asher said. “I was hoping to be in the tournament at the end of the year.” 

Yevus chuckled. “I doubt many would fight you anyway after what you did to Whitegrace. Let others do the fighting.” Asher nodded. “Thank you again, Lawful Good. I will let Raimy know that you have permission to call up to my floor. If you get any clues on the calamity, make me aware.” 


“So you didn’t get the quest when I read it to you?” Asher asked. 


Yevus shook his head. “It must be attuned to you and your party.” Asher grumbled. Giving back the access ring he soon left through the elevator. Going back to the 21st floor he was lost in his thoughts a little. Bringing up his Relationship Screen he sensed that Tiff, Zora, and Joon were still away. Nsabita was closer, but not in the building. Genevieve however was in the room she chose her first night there. The lights dimming outside, he walked over to her door. 


He knocked but there was no answer. After another knock he peeked in. Genevieve was asleep over the covers on her bed. The bed itself was just as big as his, larger than a king. She was in red pajamas and surprisingly clutched onto a large teddy bear. 


With a smile Asher changed to his own sweatpants pajamas. His chest was bare, but that was what he was most comfortable in. Closing the door he moved to join her on the bed. Doing his best not to wake her he spooned her. His thick arm snaked under her neck and his other arm draped over her and her bear. 


Lost in thoughts about Primes, Primevals, and quests as he fell asleep. He thought on Dea. His parents and him. His future kids, and what he had to do. Gen was warm and comfortable, and it was a nice dreamless sleep. He wasn’t sure how long it took for him to wake, but when he did Genevieve was turned around and staring at him. Their eyes locked, her blue eyes sparkled in the dim light. 


He smiled and she drew closer to him. Meeting her half way they began to kiss. A repeat of their earlier makeout session, no matter how many times he did it, kissing still felt new. Their mouths hungry for one another she gasped as his hand pulled her closer. His dick bulged in the sweatpants as her leg wrapped around him. Grinding herself on his shaft she groaned. 


Panting in his ear she whispered, “I want you.” Asher growled a weak Sex Bomb. She shook in excitement as he rolled them over. Placing himself over top of her, her hips bucked into him. Asher became harder as the sexual tension reached it’s peak, but again he wanted to go slow for her first time. Give her plenty of chances to back down. 


He moved his hand into her waist band. Stretching them out he felt her trimmed pubic hair. He liked it hairless, but if the carpet matched the drapes it would be worth it. His fingers moved down to her pussy lips. Her drenched hole was extra sensitive as he barely grazed her clit. 


“Oh God,” she whispered in between kissing fits. He growled again as his fingers sped up on her hard bean. 


It didn’t take long for her to let go of him. Her hands gripped the thick comforter and her head shot back as she came hard. Asher kept the motions on her clit. It was a strong orgasm. Her tight chest raised and lowered with each breath. “Holy hell you’re good at that,” she said, pulling her face up to kiss him. Asher smiled, reciprocating he lifted her shirt. 


No bra on he licked her areolas. The C-cup breasts were firm and bounced with each movement. She tried to raise her hips up to him, trying to guide herself onto him. Her body acted on instinct. Asher pushed her waist back down as he kissed down her navel. Sliding her pajama pants off she blushed. Her face hidden by her hand he studied her pussy. The short red pubic hair acted like an arrow pointing toward her lower lips. Her thighs squeezed together trying to hide it. 


Asher grabbed each thigh and slowly pulled them apart. Gen moaned as he did. Her pussy lips dripped ready for more. He kissed up her thighs slowly. Each one caused her to shake or moan. When he made it to her mound he kissed the outer lips. His mouth on her cunt she had a very tasteless flavor. Much like Zora it was a flavor he was very familiar with. His mouth hungrily began working on the virgin. 


She shook as his normal sized tongue entered into her cunt and began searching. When he was done there he moved up to her clit. Sucking on it, using his tongue to cover it and move over it in random directions she began to gasp. As her orgasm built he moved back to her cunt. Repeating the process he explored and then went back to her clit. Each time she was closer to an orgasm. On the 3rd round she begged him to make her cum. 


Asher grabbed her wrists. Holding them down he focused on her clit. In 20 seconds she was cumming louder than before. Screaming as her arms and legs fought him but he was too strong. Water gushed out of her, not squirting, but normal female ejaculate. He licked it up and continued on her clit until her body stopped shaking in aftershocks. 


When he felt she was ready he cast Cleanliness and moved back up her body. Her arms wrapped around his head. Kissing him hungrily she gasped. “I want all of you,” she pleaded. 


“I want you,” he assured her as he guided his dick to her lips. He kept his normal 9 inches. Coating it in Genitalia Control he slid in. She groaned in his mouth as they kissed. When he came to her maidenhead he pushed through. Genevieve grunted but as he cast Healing Touch she let out a sigh. 

Pushing in further her hands moved from around his neck to grip his biceps. Her long nails dug into his skin. Asher moved all the way in. His balls resting on her ass he pushed himself up to look down at her. Her shirt still resting around her shoulders she stared at him with love in her eyes. No longer blushing, she had no shame as he filled her up. 


With that as permission he began to pull out. She gasped as he nearly exited but then he slammed back in. With a groan she appeared to love the treatment as he did it all over again. No real skills but Ahegao, she still came within the first dozen full thrusts. As her body shook and she gasped he began to speed up.

Her virgin cunt was tight as he went out and all the way in. She gasped and groaned, letting him do all the work as he sped up. By her second orgasm from him inside he was ready. Speeding up he bottomed out and came into her hard. Her arms wrapped around him as she practically screamed in his ear. 


With each spurt from his dick he thrust into her harder. She took it all happily as her breasts shook with each push. He filled her up all the way, and as it finished he leaned into her. Kissing her neck and nibbling on her ear she slowly recovered from the strong orgasm. 


Eventually she spoke. “That is so much better than class,” she said. Asher chuckled. 


“I agree,” he said. “Again?” 


She bit her lip and nodded. Asher pulled out slowly. Casting Cleanliness the blood on his dick disappeared. Grabbing her waist he pulled her up. Sitting up with crossed legs he lifted her and set her on his dick. Genevieve slid down happily. Her face grimaced in pain when he was all the way in, but her body shook soon after. 


“Your turn,” Asher said. She got the picture. With plenty of levels she had the strength to easily do the work. Gripping her firm ass cheeks he helped her grind onto him. His dick entering and exiting only a few inches she quickly became faster at it as she got used to the motions. Asher groaned as her head shot back in pleasure. His mouth moved down to her chest nibbling on her nipple. She yelled as another orgasm rocked her body. 


Asher took control using her hips to keep her body moving. She cursed in his ear as she recovered and started up again. “This is so much better than I thought it would be,” she said. 


“I’m glad,” Asher said. “Now I should use some real skills.” Asher began to coat his dick in Casanova. She screamed, unable to speak as another orgasm hit her. Her body relaxed and Asher did all the work as he used her for everything she was worth. Chest shaking with each thrust her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she came over and over. 


Eventually she let go. Her smooth body laid down. Asher wasn’t done yet. Regripping her hips he pulled and pushed her onto him. His dick pounding her cervix hard she shook in pain and pleasure. When she didn’t gasp anymore Asher thrust into her and came hard. 


Slowly he let her hips go and she relaxed. Her legs split over his waist. Feet kicked and her chest jiggled in pleasurable aftershocks. Genevieve had passed out from cumming so hard. Asher hated to do this the first time, but he felt it was best to set their expectations at the beginning. There was a reason he had so many women. They couldn’t take him at 100%. There was a reason that Tiff was in charge of the bedroom, she was the only one that could challenge him. Now Genevieve would know for sure she couldn’t take it all, and he still had skills to show her. 


With a groan he slid out, her body shook as he exited but she didn’t stir. Asher lifted her off the bed, princess carrying her. Heading out of the room he took her to her new one. He was a little surprised to see Nsabita there asleep already. No other girls were back. Asher checked his Comm and Joon text that the girls fell asleep at the massage parlor, and they would be back in the morning. 


Asher laid Genevieve down on the bed. Moving to Nsabita he pulled off the covers to reveal she was already nude. Her lime green skin and blue nipples were very appetizing as he leaned over her prone body. Licking her nipples he used Pheromones on her. Still asleep her pussy became wet under the influence of his mana. He slowly slid into her lower lips. His dick coated in Casanova by the time he was halfway in, her body shook in an orgasm. 

She gasped and her large pupilled eyes shot open. There was no fear in them as she recognized him overtop. Asher leaned in kissing her. “You’re so beautiful,” he said. 


Nsabita blushed as he slid the rest of the way in. “You’re not bad yourself.” He knew she liked the compliment. Most high humans thought she was ugly. He thought her spiky fish ears, green skin, and green hair made her extra sexy. “Where were you?” She asked with a groan as he slowly exited and pushed back in. 


“The Primeval wanted to meet,” Asher said. “Told him about my quest.” 


“Good, let him handle it,” she said. Her mouth quivered with a smile as he sped up. 


“I was also with Genevieve,” he said. He pointed his head over to her on the other side of the bed. 


Nsabita rolled her eyes. “You roped her in too?” 


“Does it bother you?” He asked. 


“No,” she said in annoyance. “My parents are a man and 2 women sirens. I hated my own mother and loved my other mom. I just never thought I’d be in this type of situation.” She groaned as he sped up. Her hands moved up and down his sides. 


“Sorry,” he said. “I don’t mean to disappoint.” 


“You don’t,” she assured. “Too long in this place. I keep thinking you will dump me and find someone new. You appear more the type to just keep adding them to the situation, aren’t you?” He gave her a wolfish grin. 


“What can I say? Why limit our fun?” 


Her body shook as her eyes fluttered. “I never thought I’d be with a human. You sure you’re not going to get bored?” 


Asher chuckled. “Why would I dump you? You let me have sex with you. You do all the hard work for my class. Help keep me from doing stupid stuff.” 


“Sometimes,” she corrected. 


“Sometimes,” he agreed. “You’re sexy, smart, and damn you are tight,” he said with a groan. Her layers of muscles squeezed him hard. It really was a different experience being with a siren. “But if you want to make this a long term thing we have rules.” Asher sped up.


“Oh yeah?” She asked. Her eyes dilated as he used Casanova. “Like-what?” She asked between gasps. 


“No other men,” he said. She nodded, her heart rate increased as she grew closer. He could feel her heartbeat from his dick. “Share and share alike.” 


Asher sped up, she began to shake as he came into her as far as he could. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he filled her up with each pulse of his dick. Asher laid on top of her, groaning in her pointy ears as they quivered. 


They didn’t speak as their bodies tried to become closer together. Pulling and humping into one another. She let out a content sigh. “I think I can live with that,” she said. 


“Me too,” Genevieve said. She had awoken at some point and was watching. Asher chuckled and beckoned her over. 


“Shall we see how comfortable you are with women?” He asked, but didn’t wait for an answer. Guiding her over top Nsabita they faced one another. Asher pulled out of the siren and entered Gen from the back slowly. She groaned but slowly pushed herself into him. Leaning over he whispered in her ear. “Kiss her.” 


The 2 women stared in one another’s eyes. When he was all the way in Gen said, “I love your ears.” 


“Really?” She asked, a slight blush on her face. “I have never seen hair like yours, its very beautiful.” Asher didn’t laugh. He wondered if that’s what they needed, to just compliment each other. Slowly Gen leaned forward and kissed Nsabita. The siren’s eyes dilated and she reciprocated. As the kiss became heated Asher started pounding into Gen. 


She gasped but never stopped kissing the other girl. His dick bulged as he sped up. His hand reaching around he knew that the siren’s ears were an Ero Zone. His fingertip coated in Casanova slid across the cartilage like ears. Her body shook as Gen’s did the same. Asher timed it and they both came together. Soon they had their arms wrapped around one another as they became more turned on. Asher came into her after another orgasm then went back to Nsabita. 


His hand wandered over Gen’s body using Casanova. Able to make them both cum hard and fast he kept it slow. With only 2 girls he didn’t want to wear them out too much. His 2 once virgins took everything. Soon he was taking Gen’s anal virginity as Nsabita sat on her face. Making out with the siren he played with Gen’s clit only to cause both girls to scream in pleasure.  

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