This S.O.B. System


Asher had to do a lot of acts to prove he wasn’t gay. There was a copious amount of screaming and yelling, but in the end Tiff declared they had cured him for now, but he better watch it. The other girls were passed out and asleep. Only Tiff was left conscious. Asher felt like they did a pretty good job. Holed up on their own floor of the professor hotel it was mainly Asher, Tiff, Joon, Zora, and Nsabita as the main culprits in the bedroom. 


Lulu joined now and then, but her lust was sated as she spent more time napping. The little tentacle monster spent most of her time sleeping in the sun or hanging with Genevieve. She required a few daily cum dumps from him, but that was it. All in all he was wondering how to get a few more like her. She was high level so if something did happen she could protect the girls, and was very little maintenance. He didn’t like to think of her like a pet because he was sleeping with her, but she did often act like one. 


The next day was his morning class. He was more than a little surprised to see the classroom filled and then some. The room was abuzz with chatter as he walked in with his girls. It was all women in the class thankfully. He guessed men still didn’t see Sex Mana beasts as a concern, or they didn’t want Asher to make them ejaculate uncontrollably. Women could recover more quickly anyway, the refractory period was a serious problem for men. Men other than him anyway. He would have to test out the sex mana beast extract that temporarily removed it. For science of course. 


The women quieted as his group made their way to the front. The front row was empty. Tiff, Zora, and Joon took their seats. Gen took her seat near Nsabita again. “Fill the other seats please,” Asher said. A few of the girls at the back moved to take up spots. There were a few older women near the door. Asher squinted his eyes, very skeptical. 


“Only enrolled students can take the class,” Asher said. 2 of the older women cursed and walked out. “And if you’re already married, please leave this job to your husband.” The last few older women left. Asher chuckled as he looked around the room. 


“Alrighty,” he said, trying to think. “If you have not already signed up, please do so with Nsabita after class.” Nsabita waved and he continued. “Let’s start with the elephant in the room. If you have not talked to your fiance or boyfriend or whatever about being in the class please do so. I will be more than happy to take on all challengers. But the wager for duels will only be going up.” 


A few people nodded. He really didn’t want to have to fight more, but it was good practice. “For those of you who were not aware, the class is split into 3 teams. Joon, Zora, and Tiffany. If you sit behind them currently, then you are on their team. I will be awarding points for the teams for answering questions and different tasks. For instance, I hear there will be a tournament at the end of the year. Whoever gets furthest in the tournament will be earning points for your team. At the end of the semester I will be giving 1,090 Syscos to the winning team to throw a party for everyone in the class.” There were a few excited whispers. 


“The reason for the increase in funds is thanks to a generous donation from Mael Whitegrace,” he said. A few chuckles escaped lips. Asher caught Siela’s eye. She sat in the same seat as before. Her eyes were hard, not letting him know her thoughts. 


“I would prefer to not have this amount increase. So again, if you are married, please don’t take the class. If you don’t feel comfortable with me using Sex Mana on you, please leave when I warn you. I will not make anyone be subjected to such horrible conditions if they don’t choose to be,” he said. Trying to make it sound like torture there were still smiles all around. 


“We good? Okay then, let’s start. Yesterday was a discussion on sex mana beasts. We will continue on that, then at the end we will see if anyone can defend against my own sex mana,” Asher said. He guessed that was the real reason many of them joined. Who didn’t like a morning orgasm? He just wished he got experience for it, but no, there had to be touching involved for that. 


“First, I want to talk about Sex mana itself,” Asher said. On the mana board he wrote out the main elements. Life, Holy, Soul, Mind, Illusion, Arcane, Energy, Lightning, Hydro, Ice, Wind, Fire, Sound, Gravity, Geo, Nature, Metal, Physical, Sex, Darkness, Death. 


“Does anyone notice anything weird about Sex?” Asher asked. He studied the list, but didn’t expect an answer. “Of all of these I feel like it’s the one that's out of place. All these others you can see and touch. Sex isn’t a thing that exists in nature. It’s pleasure between partners. It actually takes 2 people to do it, where all of these just need 1 and exist on their own.”


“I feel like sex is an outlier. It really doesn’t belong in the elements. But here it is. I wasn’t able to find any writings on it, but I have a few theories. Anyone care to guess why it’s here?” 


“Cus it’s amazing,” Tiff said without hesitation. A few girls chuckled. More than a few blushed.


“You got me there,” he said. “It can be.” He was pretty sure he didn’t blush. “With the right people,” he gave her a wink. Her breasts ballooned out for him.


He tore his eyes away from the mounds with great effort and looked back to the class. “I feel like Sex is the building blocks for Life and Death,” Asher said. He circled them on the board. They were at opposite ends of the elemental spectrum. “Before science, and magic, there was sex. You couldn’t create new life without it. And you couldn’t have death without life. Of all the monsters and humans out there. Sex is the one thing we have in common. Granted some can reproduce A-sexually, but where's the fun in that? And the clones I fought during my trial. I doubt they have sex anymore, but they wouldn’t have made it to that point without sex before their science.”


“You can also dilute some of these down further of course. There would be no Soul without Life. Also no Mind. Sex is the building block for many elements. Just as many elements are the building blocks for others. You would have no Ice without Hydro. I’ve never been to a planet without gravity. Would you have Gravity without Geo? Nature is considered Life on my planet. There’s another link back to Sex,” he said. He was drawing lines between them, trying to get his point across. 


“And this isn’t touching the Non-elemental. Creation is the first on the list for Non-Elemental mana. The only thing we as people can create naturally is a life. We create that life through sex. I haven’t played with the Synergy manas either, but I’m sure we can link some of those back to sex.”


“What brought me to this point was my duel yesterday,” Asher said. “I used only Sex Mana. Many people see it as weak, but with it I was able to make one of the supposed strongest people in school incapacitated. Do your best to not judge Sex mana based on what others have told you,” he finished. The room was quiet. A few girls actually took notes, as if he was going to test them on this. After talking about the mana part of sex, he decided to add a little of his thoughts on the act itself. 


“Sex is a big decision in most any relationship, or it can be the easiest decision. People sell it, buy it, use it and abuse it. People can become addicted to it. Marriages can be made stronger or weaker with sex. I have skills to see what my partners enjoy, and everyone is different. There is no special button that works for everyone. At least if there is, I haven’t found it yet.” Asher moved his gaze from face to face. There were some more humans and beastkin, but the majority of the new people were high human women. All 10 out of 10s. There were now 100 women in his class all staring at him. 


“But there is sex mana. Which is the ultimate pleasure button,” Asher said. “Lulu,” he said. She ran out from under his shirt. “Bigger please.” She grew and they repeated the steps from the day before. He talked about her, and how she was the victim. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, apparently she had been asleep on him. After that she shrunk down and people touched her. He started with those he remembered from the last class. Everyone was able to touch her by the end. 


“Next week I will be having Lulu wander around the room on the tables. You pet her if you want, but if you do she might become friendly. But there is really no risk of her losing control of her lust,” he said. “Hurting Lulu will be an immediate ejection from the class. She is our friend and will be helping all of you overcome any fear you may have with Sex beasts.” Asher felt like this should be the biggest draw to the class. Overcoming your fear of monsters should be paramount. He would be sure to instill the fear of monsters later on. 


“As the semester goes on I would like people to challenge themselves to let Lulu use sex mana on you. For those that accept the challenge you will be gaining points for your team, and also building your own resistances to sex mana. This will not be mandatory. We will also be experimenting with sex mana beast extracts we have in storage. I think it would be good for all of you to experience them and build tolerances. I will try them all on myself and if I deem them safe enough to use, then we will.” 


“Will you use that paralyzer you had in the 2nd Champion Trial?” A human girl asked. She appeared a little more bold than the others. 


“If you want,” Asher said. He felt like she was hinting at more though. Asher frowned. “I am a student, but also a professor. I may be reading into things a little too much, but I will not be having sex with any of you…that I am not already currently having sex with.” Asher added. “I am in a position of power, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking advantage of that position.” There were a few downtrodden looks with the admission, mainly from normal humans. “However, after this semester I will no longer be a professor.” He let them interpret their own answer to the unsaid questions. “If you would like to feel the full brunt of the extracts my wife Tiffany is more than willing to help show you the fun parts.” 


Tiffany stood up with a smile. “My husband is very old fashioned,” she said. “I volunteer to help any of you get the full experience of the class. For safety purposes though, Professor Whitmore will have to watch.” 


“I think I can manage that,” Asher said with a blush. Nsabita scoffed. Joon and Zora held back laughter. 


“With that, we will be working on our System Sex Mana defense training,” Asher said. “For anyone not comfortable with me using sex mana on you, please leave.” No one left. A few were nice enough to put down towels. 


“I would challenge you not to cum,” Asher suggested. “The first people that can resist will be gaining points for your teams. Let’s say 30 seconds. Not you 3,” he added pointing at his wives. “If you can last 2 minutes then I will add points to your teams.” They nodded, a big smile on their faces. 


Asher began to gather Physical and Sex mana in his chest. 90% sex mana he let out a low growl. The growl became louder and louder. Like a wave the Sex Bomb made them cum row after row. It caught them off guard as their bodies shook. Gripping the table top more than a few closed their eyes to enjoy the feeling. Asher stood behind the podium to conceal his erection a little better. 


Next he split Pheromones into 6 streams. Condensing them he focused the streams onto the girls faces and made them cum one by one. Less condensed, they were able to last a little longer. Perhaps 5 seconds. But they quickly came and the tendril was moving to the next girl. 



“I want a date,” Geneveive said next to him.  The Synergy class had finished up early. Asher, Tiff, Joon, and Zora stared at Gen. She blushed furiously. 


“With all of us?” He asked. 


“No,” she whispered. “Just you.” She nervously stood before them, not daring to meet their eyes. 


Asher shared a look with Tiff. She nodded, stepping up. “Mindguard off,” she ordered. Genevieve obliged. Taking the bracelet off Tiff slowly started circling around her. Mind mana was shared between the 2. Finally Tiff stopped moving and nodded. 


“That is amenable,” she announced. “I think I’d like to take Zora and Joon on a date anyway. Joon we have all afternoon off. There has to be somewhere we can get pampered.”


Joon’s eyes widened. “Oh there is,” she said excitedly. “There’s a place a few sectors over that’s basically a mall the size of the whole moon. They have this massage parlor that has a Mind mana person on staff that makes your worries disappear.” The 3 girls started to look excited as they grabbed one another’s hands and walked away. “There’s also this aquarium. They give you a water breathing potion. You can literally swim with the fish for hours. It’s like being in Finding Nemo.” Lulu jumped from Asher and over to Tiffany with a simple command from her. The small tentacle monster disappeared into her clothes. 


“Shit,” Asher said. “We should do that for our date,” he said. Gen nodded. “Now I feel like I’m interrupting their date if we tag along. Come on, let’s do something way more fun than their stuff.”


Asher grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the classroom. Once they were outside he stopped. “To be honest, I have no idea how to top that,” he said with a sigh. 


“It’s ok, I really wanted to talk,” she said. Her hand pushed her dark red hair behind her ear. She really was beautiful. About 5’-8” her curly hair went down to mid-back. Her white creamy skin blushed easily. It wasn’t hard to tell that she had some Irish in her though she was French. She wore her Ghost Spider outfit. All except the hood and mask. The form fitting white cloth hugged her body in all the right places. He drew parallels between her and Mary Jane Watson without meaning to. 


“What?” She asked. 


“You’re beautiful,” he said, giving her his best smile. She blushed as he pulled her along by the hand. 


“Tell me about yourself,” he said. 


“Like what? 


“Everything. Start from the beginning. Which dinosaur did you originate from?”


She laughed. “Pterodactyl.”


“Damn, I think my ancestors were Triceratops,” he said. 


“Not a T-Rex?” 


“No, I have way bigger arms. Duh.”


“Of course,” she said. It was a silly conversation, but made her more comfortable. They headed toward the elevator. “I grew up in Marseilles,” she began. “My parents divorced. I lived with my mom. I was a very…nerdy kid growing up.”


“Really?” He asked, growing excited. “You look like the runway model type. What kind of nerd were you? Star wars? Anime?”


“More like Twilight and got excited by science articles kind,” she said. 


“Ah the romantic nerd,” he said. “I know your type. I’m surprised you didn’t go for that Asian Vampire guy at the guild conference.”


“Oh my god. Why did I tell you that? Twilight was a phase. That guy was creepy as hell,” she said. 


“So if I could make my skin sparkle you wouldn’t be interested?” 


“N-no,” she said unconvincingly. Asher rolled his eyes. He hit the button for the apartment level on the elevator. 


“What else?” He asked. “Do anything big before the tutorial?” 


“Haha no,” she said with no mirth in the laugh. “I was your typical overweight nerd. I was going into my last year of high school when I saw you on the news.”


“Oh yes,” Asher said. “My glory days. That feels so long ago.”They stepped out onto the apartment floor. Moving away from the reception desk they held hands as they headed down a random path. 


“Tell me about your youth,” she said. “Everything up to the tutorial.”


“Hmm well I was in ninja school. Training to kill the man who killed my sensei when they recruited me for a secret mission into the porn industry,” he said. 


She nodded. “Yes, I remember you telling me this. Something about a coffee shop.” 


“Right. That was my cover. Anyways got my System. Avenged my sensei. Yelled in victory at the heavens. Then poof. I’m on TV.”


“Ah yes. Makes perfect sense. Now the long version?” Her cheeks dimpled as she stared at him, more comfortable as he made her laugh. Asher leaned over and kissed her. A simple peck on the lips. She didn’t pull away. He drew back and started walking them again. She was quiet as he did. A small smile on her face. 


“Hmmm I told you how I got my system. Did I tell you about my porn career?” 


“I don’t think so,” she whispered. 


Asher walked her through it. Meeting Terry. His short time with Zora. Finding out she was basically a sex slave. He regaled her with stories of breaking into Aleksi’s safe. He threw in some sweet ninja moves. He wasn’t about to talk about the truth out in the open. They walked from path to path in the park area outside their hotel. Soon they were sitting side by side at a gazebo. 


“After that I met more System people. Did a dungeon dive. Met Lyola,” he said. 


“Tell me about her,” Gen said. 


“What’s to say? She’s a hot elf. Chieftess to her people. I thought I’d never see her again. Then happened to fly back to her planet with her father. Her fiancé found out about her and I. He challenged me to a death duel. I killed him but had to take the Roktai Trial. Which is a pass or die trial.”


“What are trials like?” She asked. 


“Depends. Most are easy. A mix of obstacle courses and mazes. The Roktai Trial? Was like hell itself. There was pretty bad time dilation. And it made me forget I was in a trial. It made up this apocalyptic fantasy, and not the good kind. I saw my entire group of friends and family die. My levels and skills were sucked out of me. Then I crash landed on a planet alone at level 1. I started killing monsters to gain levels. Spent 10 years portal jumping till I got back to Earth.” He thought back to that time. 


“Earth was not good. We had no sponsors or alliances. No one to protect us from the worst people in our corner of the universe. They killed, kidnapped, and stole everything and everyone of value. I freed slaves and went back to Elantontrin. When I killed the man who killed my family the trial let me out. Gave me my memories back. But I had been in there for over 10 years. I wasn’t myself. I was an emotional wreck. After that they let me get engaged to Lyola. I practically jumped at the chance. I couldn’t leave Earth to the fate I saw.”


They were quiet for a long time. “Is that why you know so much?” She asked. Asher nodded. 


“The Roktai treat their trial like it’s real. I haven’t seen any falsehoods from it. I spent 10 years fighting monster after monster. Working my way up to bosses. I can fight with the best of them,” he said. “And I admit now that I enjoy it.”


“Oh yeah?” She asked. 


“I can tell you enjoy it too,” he said. 


“I do. I get experience for being in my ghost spider suit. But I also feel more myself? Maybe who I’m supposed to be?”


“I get that,” he said. “I’m more me now on Prime than I ever was on Earth. Always afraid I’m stepping on people’s toes or being too aggressive. My goal is to make our guild the strongest. Strong alliances with every guild on the planet. It’s kind of hard to do that when everyone wants the same thing. I really don’t want to go around beating people up to force them to submit. I’m kind of biding my time between trials, hoping opportunities present themselves.”


“What about you?” He asked. “Did you always want to be a guild master?”


“Hell no,” she spat. “Kind of thrust on me. If I could have spent my tutorial killing spiders I would have. I was scared at first. But near the end I snuck away from the group once or twice. I killed 3 spiders on my own the first time. We usually grouped up on them. It was then that I knew the games a guild master has to play aren’t for me.”


“Is that why you came on this adventure with us?” He asked. 


She was quiet for a time. Eventually she said, “that’s part of it. No, I saw a future from that Nora woman. A future that I liked and hated. Just flashes but I got the idea of it. I was with you. We fought together. On different planets. On earth. Everywhere. You were always there.”


“Sounds fun,” he said. 


“That was the good part,” she said. “There were also a lot of bad parts. People died. Drama up the wazoo. And there was no one in my life. Not even you,” she said. “I mean you were there. And you’d have woman after woman. But you’d never ask me to join you.”


Asher frowned. Turning to her he grabbed her chin to make her face him. “You know I’ve been flirting with you since I met you, right?” 


She blushed, biting her lip. “I know that now,” she said. “I didn’t before or during the vision. I just thought you were being nice. Part of me still feels like that overweight girl from a year ago. I don’t think anyone sees me-“


Asher leaned forward kissing her. This time it was more forceful. When she tried to pull away he grabbed the back of her head to keep her there. His lips kissed hers. He let the kissing slowly get hotter. Allowing his tongue out she instinctively did the same. When she moaned he grabbed her to pull her onto his lap. Her legs straddled his thighs as the kiss became more 2-sided. Making out with her his hands slowly moved down her sides until he grabbed her firm rump. 


She groaned as her hips pushed into his abs. Their tongues only moved in one another’s mouths more. Asher’s dick became hard as she ground into him. Her outfit only made it hotter as his hand moved to grab her thick curls. 


He pulled her face back a little. “Does that prove I like you?” She bit her lip and nodded. This time she pushed her face back to his. Asher groaned and let himself fall back. She hungrily made out with him as her lithe body tried to hold onto him. 


It felt like a long time till they stopped. Enjoying the heat of one another. The caress of one anothers tongues, their own strong hands gripping and pulling. There was a hunger that had to be sated between them as they explored. Wordlessly they pulled away. Gen laid her head on his chest as his fingers twirled a lock of her hair. 


“You know your skills are cheating, right?” She asked. 


“What are you talking about, I didn’t use any,” he said. 


“I mean in class. You’ve made me cum like 20 times,” she said. 


“Hey, I offered to let you go. You looked like you were enjoying it,” he said. 


“Yeah, you’re way better at making me cum than I am. It always made me feel uncomfortable,” she said. “When I um…”


“Played with yourself?” Asher asked. “I hear you there. You going to be ok doing things with the other girls?” He asked. 


She nodded. “I think so. Tiff has been hinting. And I may have been watching a little.”


“Like the first night in the hot tub?”


“You saw that?” She asked. Her face dug into his chest more to try to hide. 


“I did,” he said. “A little sad you didn’t join.”


“I wanted to. But what can I say? I’m a romantic.”


“Is this romantic enough for you?” He asked. 


She didn’t answer, but soon she was ready for another make out session. Mid-way through their heated exchange Asher said, “I know you get turned on in public. But if you want to take this further we should find somewhere a little more private.”


She kissed him hard. “How about my room?” She asked. Asher’s dick bulged up into her. She groaned as she felt it between her thighs. Asher pushed them up and threw her over his shoulder. 


Genevieve laughed as he walked them back, but she grabbed on and pulled herself around his back until he was giving her a piggyback ride. He guessed she used her spider powers to latch onto him.


She hummed happily in his ear. Asher turned his head and she would kiss his cheek. It didn’t take long to get back. The sexual tension grew with each step. Of course it had to deflate as soon as they walked toward the elevator. 


“Mr. Whitmore,” the receptionist said. “Grandmaster Yevus has called for you.”


“The Primeval?” He asked. “What about?”


“He would like to meet you,” she said. 


“Again? Can it wait?” He asked more than a little annoyed. 


“I would not if I were you, sir,” she said. “He is not someone you make wait.” Asher deflated, she was probably right. 


Asher could feel the excitement leave Genevieve as well as she dropped off his back. “I’m sorry babe. I’ll make it up to you,” he said. 


“I understand. Responsibility and all that,” she said with a frown. 


“Hey,” Asher said. He leaned in and kissed her. “We still have plenty of time. We will just go on that cool aquarium date tomorrow.”


“Really?” She asked. A smile on her face, her attitude did a 180. 


“Of course,” he said. “Why don’t you call the others? If they’re doing the massage, maybe they can tell you how to get there.”


“Ok,” she said with a big smile as she pulled out her Comm. 


Asher turned back to the receptionist. “Where do I go?” 


“The top floor,” she said, handing him a ring. Asher was dreading what would happen when he got up there. But he wasn’t  afraid of a challenge. He grabbed the ring and went to the elevator. Pushing the top floor button he scanned the ring and the elevator began to rise. 


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