This S.O.B. System


Asher spent the next couple days preparing for class, learning about what’s expected at school, and screwing. Lulu had mellowed out a lot. She now acted more like the other girls instead of his Dion lover. The girls began to learn their new skills. Asher worked on his lesson plan. They spent most of their time hanging out in the living room as they read or worked on skills. Of course there was their morning, noon, and night sex fun, but that was a given. 


After their morning sex they rolled out. Going out as a big group the courtyard to the elevator was already busy. Since high levels had to sleep less it wasn’t a huge surprise to see so many people. Back on Earth 8am classes were the bane of everyone’s existence. Asher only slept about 1 hour a night anyway. It was best to get his work out of the way.  


“I feel like I’m back on Earth,” Tiff said with a big yawn. “It’s been a year since I quit college. I didn’t think I’d go back.”


“I’m sure these classes will be a lot more fun,” Joon said. 


“I don’t know,” Zora said. “Asher has refused to elaborate on his plan for the semester.”


“You girls were busy,” he said. “We will see if I stick with it.” His dinner party with the professors had made him double down on his goal to teach Sex mana. He wouldn’t touch the girls, but by the end they would know how to defend themselves.


They stepped out of the elevator in a large group but the majority of the other people split off. Nsabita led the way to the classroom. Asher held hands with Tiff and Zora. Joon was on his back and a tentacle Lulu was on her head. Genevieve trailed behind. They made quite the posse. 


Stepping into the room Asher was surprised to see a few people already in seats. The tiered lecture room had a few random girls. It was split into 3 parts. 2 aisles between the 3 sections and 2 aisles on the outside. The desks were all connected with floating chairs in random intervals. It really did look like a college classroom from back home. 


“You 3 are up front,” he ordered to his wives. 


“Yes, sir,” Tiff said. She had probably read his mind anyway. The girls sat at the front of the 3 different sections. Genevieve sat in Zora’s section near Nsabita. There were about 99 chairs total at the desks. He knew only a few people had signed up, but he had hoped more would change their mind.


There was a podium for him to stand at with a desk beside it. A Mana Board was at the front wall. He wrote in big bold letters on the board, ‘SEX MANA 101’.  


Nsabita sat at a side chair. Asher sat at the desk. As minutes ticked by more women walked in. They spread out a little, only a few sat next to one another. He had expected more people to be friends and group up, but most of these women appeared to be loners.  


As the time came to a close a tall high human walked in. It was his Wonder Woman. Siela wore a tight fitting gold shirt that was silk and went straight from waist to shoulder. The cloth only covered her abs and breasts. The nice globes bounced with each step as she walked down. 


“Professor Whitmore,” she said. 


“That’s me,” Asher said. “How can I help you?” 


Seduce her, Tiff ordered. Despite all of them wearing Mindguards she had learned the trick to still talk to him telepathically. Just yell really loud in your head. 


“I would like to drop your course,” she said. The tall woman was very confident. Asher shared a look with Tiff. She slowly shook her head. 


“That’s too bad,” he said. “Can I ask why?”


“I was not aware you were teaching,” she said as if it was reason enough. 


Asher frowned. “Tell you what. Sit through my hour-long class today. And if you want to drop, so be it.” He did know they needed permission to drop the class. But he really didn’t want to teach someone that didn’t want to be there. 


She stared him down, thinking, but slowly nodded. She moved back up to the chairs. “Um Miss Siela was it?” He asked. She slowly turned to him. “Would you mind sitting in that section please?” Asher pointed in the one behind Zora. She looked around but slowly moved over to it. 


A minute to go, Asher studied the group. Of course there were his beautiful wives. Tiff, Zora, and Joon. They sat with backs straight and at attention. All 3 of course were wearing their catholic schoolgirl outfits. Tiff’s and Joon’s buttons were low down to show of their cleavage. Zora was prim and proper, not a hair out of place. 


There were now 5 girls behind each of them. There were 4 humans he was not married to. They sat in groups of 2 in different sections. A Tigerkin girl that wore expensive jewelry and looked like a princess sat behind Zora. Her hair was white with black stripes, and she had pointed white ears on the top of her head like all the other felinekin he had met. He thought he caught sight of a long tail swaying behind her. She was like a white bengal tiger. The rest of the girls were high humans. Gorgeous, tall, buxom, muscular. They were blonde, brunette, red heads, and of course his dark black headed Wonder Woman, Siela. 


Asher stood up at the podium. “I am Professor Whitmore in this classroom. I will be your Sex Mana teacher for this semester. I am also a student, so outside of this room you can call me Asher. Some of you may know me as the Lawful Good,” he said. The human girls smiled widely at him. With regular humans he was a big hit, it was just the high humans that hated him. 


“Please don’t call me Lawful Good. I hate that title,” he said with all the seriousness he could muster. He hated it, but it was still the title he portrayed on his status screen. Some things just defined him. “I will tell you so that some of you know, and the rumors stop. I am here on a quest. I will not be disclosing the contents of the quest, but I assure you. It’s not to kill anyone.” He didn’t know that for sure, but he assumed it was true. 


“A little history on me,” he said. “I awoke my System about 2 System years ago. My System focuses on Sex Mana.”


“Umm professor?” A human asked. 




“Can you do anything interesting with your mana?” She blushed talking about it. 


“How many of you watched the Initialization Trials?” He asked. Most hands went up shyly. “Then you’ve seen my Sex mana, as well as my wife’s.” He pointed to Tiffany. The pink/blue haired woman stood up and waved like she was on a parade float. There were many excited whispers at recognizing her. Tiff liked the attention. “Don’t worry, I will be sure to show everyone some Sex Mana later.” A few girls looked excited with the offer. 


“First, I don’t mind questions. So ask away as long as I’m not talking. Second, my assistant tells me that you all aren’t graded in classes. As long as you show up to every class you pass. Since all of you are here by choice, I understand it. But I’d prefer we make it a little more fun.” 


Asher moved to the board. He wrote TIFF, JOON, and ZORA in big bold letters. “These are my beautiful wives. They will also be taking the course.” Asher introduced them one by one. They stood and waved and quickly sat down. “All of you behind Tiffany will be on team Tiffany. All behind Zora team Zora. Joon team Joon. I will be trying to set challenges throughout the classes and semester. Those that answer questions or face these challenges will gain points for your team. Please remember which team you are on and sit in your section in future classes if you decide to stay in my course. At the end of the semester I will give 100 Syscos to the winning team. They will plan a party for the class using those 100 Syscos.” 


There were actually a few excited voices with the offer. A couple of the human girls began whispering. He thought he saw a couple of high humans smile, but they disappeared quickly. “Attendance to the party won’t be mandatory. But on my world this kind of school is called college. And college should always have parties.”


Tiff, Joon, and Zora quickly looked to one another. They would enjoy a little challenge. He stole it from Hogwarts of course, but when in Rome, throw a big party. With any luck they had alcohol somewhere. 


“Nsabita will be recording points for your team's daily. No points will be given outside of class,” he said. Tiff cursed. She would have gladly prostituted herself for points. His first-wife liked to win. 


“What if we need more than 100 Syscos?” Joon asked with a smile. 


Asher rolled his eyes. “If you can justify expenses I’ll pay for it. But it’s not a blank check babe.” She gave him a wink. 


“Alright,” Asher said. “Let’s start the actual class. Who can tell me why everyone in this class is a woman?” He asked. Asher looked around. Joon was about to answer but the high human, Siela, beat her to it. 


“Sex mana beasts are more dangerous for women,” she said. 


“How so?” He asked. 


“Female sex mana beasts crave semen and ejaculate. Where many male sex beasts will have chemicals to change a woman’s womb so they can impregnate them.”


“Very good,” Asher said. “10 points to Zora’s team.” Nsabita wrote in a pad. Zora raised her hands in victory with a laugh. Asher smiled from her reaction, especially the sour look on Tiff and Joon’s faces. 


“Male mana beasts can be dangerous,” he said. “They can alter your mind. Make you cum over and over again. And make it so your body chemistry and mind are altered.”


“You’re a male sex mana beast,” Tiff stage whispered. A few girls actually laughed. Asher struggled not to join in. 


“1 point for Tiffs team,” Asher said. 


“Come on!” Joon yelled in faux anger. 


“Sorry babe, that was worth it,” he said. She rolled her eyes. 


“What are ways to fight Sex mana?” 


“Don’t let them touch you?” A girl offered. Asher nodded. 


“Anything else?” Asher asked. 


“You can use mana to block the sex mana,” Joon said. 


“How so?” Asher asked. 


“Mana manifestation to block it, creation mana to keep it from getting near you, it really depends on your skills,” she said. 


“Anything else?” No one answered. “10 points to Joon’s team. Good,” he said. “The last option I was looking for was gaining tolerance to Sex Mana.”  


“Alright, so our first challenge,” he said. “Lulu.” Asher raised his hand. The tentacled shoggoth jumped from in front of Joon to him easily. The 6 inch tall mess of black boneless limbs moved up his arm reminding him of Venom. “Grow to my size,” he ordered. 


She jumped off his arm and landed next to him. Her tentacles began to expand as Sex mana surrounded her. Quickly she was 6 feet tall and in her nude human form. “Cover yourself please,” he said. 2 tentacles moved from her back to hide her nipples and lower lips. 


“Perfect,” Asher said with a smile. He looked back to the class. There was obvious fear in their eyes seeing the sex mana beast. The high humans especially. “This is Lulu,” he said. “She has offered her services for this class. As you can tell she is a female sex mana beast. None of you should fear her impregnating you.”


“Yeah but,” Siela said from behind Joon. “She's level 86.” Asher noticed the high human was wearing glasses now. He guessed they showed high levels. He didn’t know the levels of anyone since they all hid it, but Nsabita said that most of the students should be level 20 to 40. 


“She is?” Asher asked, looking Lulu up and down. Her perky nipples weren’t hidden from his vantage point. Her long gray hair hung loose. She really was cute. “What does that matter?” He asked. 


“She could kill us all,” she said like it was obvious. 


“As could all high levels, but they choose not to.” Asher frowned. “Lulu, you aren’t interested in killing are you?” She looked at him and shook her head. “See? She’s fine. Anyway, back to the first challenge,” he said. “You will all be working with Lulu. She is much more docile than she used to be and has offered to help you all gain tolerance to sex mana. The first person that can last a whole minute against her will gain 100 points for your team. But, this will have to happen in the classroom. The next team that does it will get 80 points. The last will get 60. Tiff, Zora, Joon. You already have a good tolerance so this won’t pertain to you.”


“But then the shoggoth will use her tentacles on us,” a girl said. 


“Trust me,” Tiff said. “It’s very fun.” She had no shame. Asher loved her for it. 


“Lulu will be under strict orders not to penetrate you…as long as you don’t ask for it,” Asher said, giving Tiff a wink. “Her tentacles can be coated with sex mana and cause orgasms without entering you. And you have to remember this is Sex Mana class,” Asher said. “I’m assuming most of you have never had sex. How do you expect to fight sex mana beasts if you’ve never climaxed before?” There were many red faces around the room. From the blushes he assumed he was right about most of them being virgins. “I don’t know about you, but if any of you really fear being attacked by a sex mana beast, I’d rather my first time be in the safety of a classroom. I will be here at all times to ensure things don’t get out of hand.”


“How can you prove that it's safe?” Siela asked. “The last time she got loose she nearly killed the previous professor. Sex mana beasts can’t control their urges.” 


“How many of you took this class before?” Asher asked. A good half of the women raised their hands. “How was Lulu used in previous years?” 


“She wasn’t. The professor only brought her out to show us her aura and how to distinguish sex mana beasts from others,” Siela said. Asher was surprised she was so talkative for someone that didn’t want to be there. 


Asher let out a long sigh. “You poor Lulu,” he said. Moving next to her he threw his arm over her shoulder. Her skin was still a little cold, but she smiled at him warmly. The tentacles covering her moved to grab him. “Later, I promise,” he told her. She frowned but moved her tentacles back. 


“How many of you have been to dungeons?” Asher asked the class. Everyone raised their hands. “You’ve all killed monsters, good. You know that we are encroaching on their homes, right? Most of them have no interest in us, we just kill them for experience and levels. They go after us for food, and maybe to gain their own levels. Lulu here was kidnapped and taken from her home against her will. All she wanted was to have sex. She doesn’t want to hurt anyone. I don’t know if that's true for all female sex mana beasts, but it is true for our Lulu. Having a few orgasms won’t hurt anyone. It’s just a little messy. Now male Sex beasts kill them onsite, but Lulu here is harmless.” Asher patted Lulu’s head. “Shrink down for now Lulu.” She nodded and became her mess of tentacles. Moving up his body she sat on his shoulder. 


“I understand that there is a stigma with Sex mana beasts, and sex mana in general,” Asher said to the class. He started walking up an aisle. Grabbing Lulu off his shoulder he held her in his open palm. Extending his hand he brought her up to one of the human girls. “The first thing we should focus on is getting rid of your fear of Sex Mana.” The girl looked fearfully at the mana beast. “You can touch her,” he offered. She shook her head. Asher moved to the next, then the next. Finally the white tigerkin was willing to touch her. Her hand shook as she reached out. When she touched the tentacles they grabbed onto her fingertips. She yelped but didn’t pull away. The class was dead silent as they watched. 


Asher pulled his hand away and Lulu let go. The tigerkin nervously laughed. The next girl let the same happen. “Can I try again?” The first human girl asked. Asher nodded and brought Lulu back. Their hands shook, but a few smiled as Lulu became more bold and touched them with more tentacles. She never left his hand. Lastly he brought her to Siela. The high human stared him in the eyes, but didn’t shake as she touched the mana beast. A smile was at the corner of her mouth as the mess of tentacles moved across her skin. 


When she was done Asher took her back and dropped Lulu on Tiff. “Lulu massage,” Tiff ordered. The mess of tentacles grew and covered the top of her head. The thick black appendages began rubbing her temples. Tiff was still working on linking their souls and was teaching her commands besides sex. 


“Lulu will be a tool in our class. In the future I plan to let her roam free in the room. She will be under strict orders not to touch anyone that doesn’t touch her. But to be able to fight Sex Mana beasts you should become more comfortable around one. Eventually I will be assigning her to use Sex mana on everyone. It is the best way for you to gain tolerance, and not be surprised when it happens in a dungeon,” Asher said. There were wide eyes around the room. He wouldn’t let her take anyone’s virginity but she did have a skill like his Casanova that increased pleasure. That would be enough to expose them.  


“I will also be using my Sex Mana on you during this class,” Asher warned. “You all signed the consent forms. And this will be good practice for all of you if you ever go up against a sex mana System.”


“Sex mana Systems are rare,” Siela said.


“There are 3 Sex Systems in this room of less than 20 people,” Asher said. “How many of you used the Affinity Stone and found out you have an Affinity for Sex Mana?”


No one answered, but he knew the truth. All of them did. It was an unspoken secret that these girls really wanted to know more about sex mana. They just pretended to not have an affinity for it out of embarrassment.


“Ok,” Asher said. “I hope you brought a change of clothes. I will be sitting right here and using Sex Mana on all of you. You may leave now if that makes you uncomfortable. I will stop using it on you if you say the safe word… Professor Whitmore.”


A few girls gulped, but none got up. Nsabita had said this was a common practice in the past. Although the previous sex mana professors weren’t as skilled as he was. Asher sat on his podium. They had 15 minutes left in the class. He was curious how many he could get to say the safe word. 




Asher got all but Joon, Tiff, Zora, and Nsabita to say it. Sitting still he used his Pheromones to hit each girl one by one. At only 50% hyper focused on their mouths and noses they came within a few seconds. He was able to make all of them cum within 1 minute, moving from girl to girl with his mana. Then he was starting it over again. The room became a den of screams as the girls gripped the table tops and fought orgasms. Genevieve especially had been very vocal. 


They were all a sweating mess by the end. “That all you got?” Tiff asked with a smile. He had to use 100% on her. He would challenge the girls to figure out how not to cum the next class in 2 days. Asher bet it would take a week for them to figure it out. 


“What the hell is going on here?” A high human asked, walking in the room. It was his Ofrea that ran away screaming from him. 


“Just the morning orgasm,” Asher said with a smile. “The most important one of the day.” Asher looked around the room. The girls still struggled to catch their breath. “Can we get a better sound dampening enchantment for this room?” He asked Nsabita. She had a happy glow on her cheeks. She slowly nodded. “Also maybe get these chairs a cleanliness enchant.”


Asher looked around. “Great job today girls. A point for every person that stayed conscious.” 2 of the high human girls had passed out. He may have focused on them a little too much because their cumming faces and voices were extra cute. They acted like they had never done it before. 


It was a struggle to not get an erection while girls screamed Professor Whitmore as they came hard. He felt like he was in some porno again. From the way Nsabita put it he was encouraged to use Sex Mana on them. 


“What class do we have next?” Asher asked his girls. Lulu was on his shoulder ready to go. 


“Umm Spectrum something or other,” Joon said. Asher nodded as they changed their flannel skirts to yoga pants. All in all it was a fun class. Either all or none of the girls would show up in 2 days. He thought it was about a 50/50 shot either way. 

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