This S.O.B. System


Tiffany and Nsabita made out on his dickhead. Zora was on a ball and Joon was on the other.  Asher groaned from the stimulation of the 4 girls at once. Lulu was in her human form at his back. Her hands rubbed his body as Sex mana coated her fingers. The shoggoth’s head rested on his shoulder as they watched the women work. She hummed contently. 

Tiff and Nsabita moved their hands to his shaft and began jerking him off into their mouths as they continued to fight over him with their tongues. With a groan he began to spurt out. Zora and Joon sucked on his balls hard as Nsabita and Tiff took shot after shot into their mouths. Tiff quickly extended her tongue out into the siren’s and stole his cum from her mouth. Nsabita then attacked her. Lips fighting for the ambrosia flavor. 


Joon and Zora moved up to the head and sucked the last bit down. Asher’s body shook as Lulu’s hands wandered over his skin. The Sex mana made everywhere feel good. The girls were doing their best to repay him for all he had spent. Not that they really had to since he saw the money as theirs anyway. But like any man, who didn’t love a midday blowjob. Especially from 4 beautiful women and a sex monster. 


Asher picked up Joon. She smiled widely as he moved her to his dick. Her legs opened wide as he began to enter her. 15 inches long he coated himself in mana to allow her to take it. He pulled and she came down all the way. Her body shook as he poked out of her abs. Zora moved over and began kissing Joon as he humped into her. Her tan skin and large tits jiggled with the motion of each thrust. Asher used Casanova to make her cum hard, but only sped up more. 


He filled all of them up like that. One at a time they got their fill. Lulu took her turn and was happily napping in her tentacle form by the window as he started fucking Nsabita’s tight ass. This was her first time doing anal, but she took to it well. He had to be smaller of course, but she was soon screaming as Tiff played with her clit using Nerve Control. 


Tiffany and he were humping into one another as the others were passed out around them when the alarm went off. At first Asher thought it was a fire alarm, but no it was one he had set on his Comm. They had been able to upgrade the standard models on Prime. Now they had more phone functionalities like alarms, and a minor location sensor. He still had all of his contacts of course, but who didn’t want more apps? 


“It’s time,” Asher said with a groan. He began speeding up inside Tiffany as she too humped harder. They both began using max skills as one. Asher started cumming hard as she used Nerve Control in her cunt. It felt amazing as her wet muscles tightened making him shoot spurt after spurt. Asher paid her back by using Casanova. She began to squirt on him as they came together. 


The orgasm lasted for almost a minute as they grunted and screamed in one another’s ears. Her raspy yell turned him on more as their sweaty bodies held onto each other for dear life. Their sex mana was strong, and this was good practice. No matter how many times he came, Tiff was ready to make him cum again. He kissed her hungrily as their orgasm faded. 


“I fucking love you,” he said. She smiled cutely, her cheeks dimpling for him. 


“I love fucking you,” she said planting another kiss on his lips. 


“Yeah, but don’t you ever get tired?” Nsabita asked. “I mean, this is fun and all, but there are things to do.” She was laying on the bed in the covers spooning Zora. 


“Like what?” Tiff asked, genuinely curious. 


“Like vids,” Nsabita said. “Or training. Or or…”


“This is training,” Tiff said. “We are going to become the best sex system users in the League. You know as well as we do, this is way funner than some vid.” Asher agreed. “Our love language just happens to be sex. If you’re tired, go join Genevieve.” Gen was still quietly sitting in the living room. Either watching old shows on her computer or reading her skill book. 


“This though, is experience and fun,” Tiff said. “Its how we like to grind out levels. You can’t tell me you aren’t getting some new experience methods.” 


Nsabita frowned. “Yeah I guess. I didn’t think there was a lesbian or foursome…or fivesome experience method in my list.” Asher was surprised the Enchantress had those as well. “Either way, let’s get going.” 


Soon he and the siren were dressing. Nsabita wore her new dark yellow gown. Asher put on his black 3-piece suit. Tiff of course demanded a quickie while he wore it. Then Joon and Zora wanted a turn. Lastly Lulu woke up from her nap and though she didn’t care about his clothes she wanted to blow him for a snack. He was more than happy to oblige all takers. He had to use Cleanliness on the suit before pulling his pants back up. 


“Are all humans like this?” Nsabita asked as they stepped into the elevator. She used the ring the receptionist had given them for the party. The party was on the 30th floor of the building. 


“Nope,” he said. “Just us Sex System ones I would guess. Who knows? These high humans look like they might be into some weird stuff.” 


“I’ve heard stories,” Nsabita said. He wanted her to go on, but was stopped as the elevator door opened. 


Inside was what Asher guessed was a dance floor. Hardwood flooring went from the entrance to the windows that overlooked the park. “Welcome,” Raimy said. The human receptionist wore a fancy red dress that showed off her figure. “Professor Whitmore, Nsabita. Glad you could join. The others are already setup in the dining room.” She pointed over to a door behind her.

“Are we late?” Asher asked. 

“No,” she said. “Everyone just arrived a little early for once.” 


Asher didn’t like the thought of that. It was never a good thing to be the last one at a party. He felt like maybe they had planned this, but there was nothing he could do about that now. Asher crooked his arm and Nsabita took it as they walked up to the door. There was loud yelling from inside. 


“I don’t care, he has no right to be here!” A man yelled. It wasn’t hard to guess who they were talking about. 


“Yevus makes the rules,” another said. “He says he stays, so he stays.” 


“I don’t care about-”


Asher stepped into the room. The people quieted as he flashed them a wide smile as if they weren’t cursing him out. He recognized many from his Professor Trial the other day. The water-nymph. The red haired dwarf. The small gnome. A few humans, but mostly high humans. All of them had what appeared to be significant others beside them. The high humans sat at the head of the table, and the non-high humans made up the end. 

“Howdy,” Asher said with all the sincerity he could muster. There just so happened to be 2 spots at the end of the rectangular table, right next to all the non-high humans. They were beside the water-nymph. She didn’t appear to have a date, but this time she regretfully wore clothes. It was a tight blue dress that didn’t leave much to the imagination. Asher sat down next to her giving the woman a wink. She smiled at him. “What did I miss? Any interesting conversation?” He asked the words loudly so everyone could hear. 


The man at the head of the table coughed, eyeing the bald man next to him. “We were simply discussing your employment.” 


“And you are?” Asher asked. 


“Of course,” the high human said. He had long brown hair that went to his shoulders. The hair was immaculate as were his clothes. The man wore attire that looked like light leather armor. “I am Zaddon Resurrection, the Dean of Prime Academy.” 


“Oh right, my lovely assistant Nsabita here was just telling me about you,” Asher said. “Sorry you missed me at the trial. Did my high score stick? Or did someone beat me?” 


More than a few glances went around with the reminder. The jovial dwarf barked a laugh. Beside him was a very cute dwarf woman with purple hair. Asher assumed she was his wife, but she was way too pretty for that. She gave him a slight smile as he introduced himself. “I am Asher Whitmore, by the way.” He nodded to the new faces. Nsabita tried her best to become as small as possible. “Will Yevus be joining us?” 


“No, no one beat your score, and Primeval Yevus will not be joining us,” Zaddon said slowly. “He let us know that you were on a quest here. Would you mind telling us the contents?” 


“Yes, I would mind,” Asher said confidently. The bald headed man scoffed. Asher stared at him hard. “Oh yes, I forgot. You saved my life once. You’re my childhood friend. My lover. My parents.” He looked around to the other high humanas as he said each word. Confusion was clear on their faces. “I don’t fucking know any of you,” Asher said coldly. “A few days ago I didn’t know this school existed. I would as soon tell you my greatest weakness than what my quest entails.” That shut them up. “My greatest weakness is a beautiful woman by the way,” he said, giving the water nymph a wink. The woman’s face darkened to a deeper blue. 


“I will tell you that my quest is red, and that currently it’s not to kill anyone. It could have nothing to do with this section of Prime at all it’s so vague. But I have 200 days to figure it out. And during that time if I begin to trust any of you, or think you can help me in some way, then I will let you know,” Asher said. “Until then I plan to be the Sex Mana Professor like the Primeval asked me to.” 

The room was quiet for some time. Then Zaddon spoke again. “On that, we were curious what your qualifications for teaching were?” 


Asher thought about it. “Didn’t the Professor Trial prove I know sex mana well enough?” 


“It proves that you can defend from it,” a high human said quickly. “But can you teach it? You are from a newly Initialized planet. What can you know of sex mana?” 


“Enough to impress the Primeval I guess,” Asher said. He thought it best to keep reminding them that someone way above them had put him in that position. “My wives like it too,” Asher said with a wide smile. “We are on the 21st floor. I’m sure some people have heard us.” 


“That was you!?” A man and woman yelled at the end of the table. “We thought someone was dying,” the man grumbled. “We had to get our sound enchants relayed.” 

Asher chuckled. “Sorry, we can be quite loud.” All the others were staring at him, some looked bored, but many were openly gawking at him. Asher ignored it. “Listen, from what I hear the past professor wasn’t the best. The shoggoth got out and you would have thought a level 99 beast was loose. Everyone screaming and yelling, and not all of it from pleasure. I don’t think it would hurt to teach a class and give these students a real education on sex mana.” 


The room was quiet, a few appeared to agree. Asher made sure to make eye contact with all the regular humans. There weren’t many but a few. He knew they didn’t fear him as much. The dragonkin was more than a little bored as he munched on some bread. 


“On that note,” Zaddon said. “We know that the consent forms for your class are basically a free for all to do what you want.” Asher had to agree. They were ambiguous consent forms where he could do whatever he wanted to the people in his class and the Academy wouldn’t be held liable. “We want to make sure that you won’t be…taking advantage of anyone.” 


Since male sex mana beasts only really attacked women, they were Asher’s primary audience. He understood their concerns, but there was no reason he couldn’t have fun. “Nsabita, strike the orgy from my lesson plan.” Someone spit out their water. Nsabita’s eyes bulged. Asher belly laughed. 

“I’m joking,” Asher said. “I am a teacher, and in a place of power. I would not feel comfortable touching anyone in my class….that I am not currently involved with. I swear to take my position seriously.” He tried to assure them. “No, I do plan to use sex mana non-invasively for the class. But I will not touch any of them. You can be sure of that. In fact if you want to, you can join,” he said to the water woman next to him. Her black eyes bulged. Asher let out a long sigh, no one believed him. They stared daggers at him. He wondered if they were related to anyone in his class. 


“How about this,” Asher said. “If I do touch any of them, I will resign immediately. I am Lawful Good. That means I can’t tell a lie, I think.” That appeared to please a few more. “Besides, if you fire me I’ll be a student with the rest of them. I make no promises about not touching anyone when I stop being a professor.” That sealed the deal. Their attitude changed and he didn’t hear any more grumbling about him being a professor.

Food soon arrived and they were digging in. There were a few conversations going on around the table. “Excuse me, but what species are you?” Asher asked the woman next to him. 


“Have you never seen a nereid?” She asked. Her mouth didn’t move to convey the words, they simply sounded out around her. 


“I have not had the pleasure,” Asher said, extending his hand. Her hand reached out, it was cold to the touch, but not wet. She had actual skin, he thought she was really water. “I’m Asher.” 

“I am Karhoribol,” she said. “I teach Hydro Mana.”

“Really?” Asher asked. “I thought for sure you were the Fire Mana teacher.” 

She frowned but slowly understood he was joking. A smile cracked her lips. “No, that is Chalydri over there,” she said. He was the large dragonkin who was biting into a chicken leg. Asher had seen a few dragonkin here and there. He looked more dragon than man. His scales were thick, red on his head and back, white at his neck and down his chest. 


“Mighty fine fight with that dragon in your trial,” Chalydri said, catching his eye. 


“Not a relative of yours I hope,” Asher said. The purple dragon had been in his 2nd trial before their Havoc boss fight. 


Chalydri barked a laugh. “No, I wonder where the System grabbed her. Dragons that low level are rare.” 

“I wondered on that too,” the dwarf across from him said. “Mighty shame to see her fall. Did you really keep her head?” 


“I did, I have it with me if you want to see,” Asher said. He hadn’t found a good spot for it yet. More than a few excited men stood up. 


Asher laughed as he moved to the end of the table and pulled it out of his ring. The dragon’s head was purple. About 6 feet tall by 6 feet wide and 8 feet deep. Asher was surprised it fit in his ring. There were still plenty of scratches on the face. A tooth was chipped. Her eyes looked alive as her face contorted in a snarl.

The dwarf and dragonkin were the first to touch her smooth scales. A few other men joined in, no high humans did. “She’s a beauty,” the dragonkin noted. 

“Men and their trophies,” a woman said. She was a muscular human with dark skin, a shaved head, and more than a few scars showing. 


“Aye, now that deserves to be over a mantle,” the dwarf said. They were soon sitting back down, but the ice appeared to be broken as they talked more. “Tell me, what classes are you taking?” 


“Physical and Synergy Mana,” Asher said. 

“Oh, I teach Synergy,” the dwarf said. 


“Ah, you must be Quanen,” Asher said. “Good to meet you.” 


“Any special reason you’re taking it?” He asked. More intrigued than accusatory. 


“During my 2nd trial I was stuck in the hall of Synergy,” Asher said. “I don’t think they showed, but if you don’t show that you know the mana of the hall it locked you in. I didn’t know any Synergistic mana. There was a time dilation of about 1 to 50. Took me about a year and a half to learn a synergy.” 


“What did you learn?” The dwarf asked. “You’re sex and physical right? Maybe some others.” His eyes squinted, staring at Asher. 


“I mixed Physical and Sex,” Asher said simply. “Made a new mana called Coupling. The System gave me the Master Title for it.” The room quieted with the admission. Most everyone stared at him. 

“You made a new mana branch?” The dwarf said in shock. “And you got the Master Title?” He said much more reverently. 


“Well, yeah,” Asher said. “None of my other mana’s were close.” 


“What did the System give you?” The dwarf asked. “For the title I mean.”


“10 stats, and a percentage to my Coupling affinity,” Asher said. Doing his best to ignore the other eyes. He didn’t think it was all that interesting. 


“Ha!” The dwarf yelled. “You should be teaching my class too,” he said. “Sex and Physical? They’re close on the spectrum. I guess I could see that.”


“Yeah,” Asher said. “That was my thought. I’m surprised it hasn’t been done before.” 


“Sex mana isn’t all that common, as I’m sure you know.”

“And the master title?” Asher asked. 


“More common. I’ve just never seen someone so young with it. What are you? 24?”


“21,” Asher said. The dwarf barked another laugh. 


“Boy, you Hero Systems are something else,” the dwarf remarked as he went back to his food. With that the conversation died down a little. They ate their food quietly. 


“How are you doing?” Asher asked Nsabita. She was barely touching her food. 

“Nervous,” she said. “I about bolted when you started talking to them like that.” 


“Eh, it’s all posturing,” he said. “I thought you took classes under these people.”


“I have, but besides Karhoribol, I doubt any knows me.” 


“Should we seduce her?” He asked with a mischievous grin. Nsabita’s eyes bulged at the offer. 


“Karhoribol, do you mind if I call you Kar?” Asher asked. She shook her head. “Kar, I’ve never met such a beautiful nereid, or well any before. Would you mind telling me where you come from?”


Her voice was low as she spoke. “I come from Andromeda, it’s many sectors over. It is full of nereids, nymphs, sylphs, and many other elemental people.” 


“Wow, I did not know that. I would love to go there someday. Not for a quest of course, but for pleasure,” he said. “If everyone there looked like you, I bet it would be heaven.” He pictured nature, fire, lightning, and earth elemental women. It would be a great place for a Last Airbender roleplay.  


She chuckled. “You would have some trouble getting there,” she said. “Our king and queen do not take kindly to outsiders.” 


“Are there a lot of planets with people like yours?”


“A few,” she said. “But we are rare.” 


“How did you end up here?” 


“I like to travel,” she said. “I went to school here when I was young. I thought it would be good to teach for a time, and I was lucky enough that the Hydro Professor position was open.” 

“Have you ever gone to a pisces world?” Asher asked. “I bet they would practically worship you there.”


“I have, and they do,” she said with a smile. “Hello, Nsabita.” 


“Haha, hi,” Nsabita said with a blush. There was definitely something there, Asher could feel it. 


The conversation died down a little after that. Kar and he spoke a little more, the dwarf and dragonkin said some words, but Asher grew bored. He said his farewells and was the first to leave with Nsabita. 


“I’m guessing you have a crush on the Hydro teacher,” Asher said with a smile. 

Nsabita blushed. “We pisces can’t help it. We love the water. Our gods were nereids before our Initialization,” she admitted.  


“All the better reason to seduce her,” he said with a smile. They exited the elevator onto their floor. 


“Who are we seducing?” Tiff asked from the couch. 

“A water woman,” he said. “Nsabita’s crush.” Nsabita blushed more deeply, but she didn’t deny the truth of it. All in all it was a fun night. 

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