This S.O.B. System


“The first thing we should do is look into your mana affinities,” Nsabita said. “All of you are from the same planet, right?” They nodded. “Ok, let me ask a friend to keep an eye on the table. Then we can go to the affinity stone.” Nsabita moved over a few booths and talked with a regular human. 


“How did your trial go?” Tiff asked. 


“Good,” Asher said. “Think I got the high score. They timed all the professors. Mine was a few minutes better than all of them.”


“Nice,” Joon said. “Need to put them in their place early.”


“Yeah,” Asher said. “Think I’ve been a little too timid since coming here. These guys are scared of me. Should probably play it up.”


“I agree,” Tiff said. “We’ve been getting more than a few stares.”


“Because you’re beautiful or human?” He asked. 


“Bit of both,” Joon said. “Probably more the human thing though. These high humans are all runway models on steroids.”


“I agree. They’re all basically Golds from Red Rising,” he said. The girls looked at him with a frown. “You know, the Pierce Brown books?” They stared at him still not comprehending. “It’s this-“


“Nerdy book?” Tiff cut him off. Asher rolled his eyes but nodded. “Yeah, let’s leave it at that and say we agree with you.”


“Ok, let’s check out the stone,” Nsabita said walking back up. The girls followed, Asher grumbled as they followed. 


“Sign up for any courses?” Asher asked. 


“We were waiting on you,” Tiff said. “We paid the fee. The human girl was very helpful. Said there wasn’t a risk of us not getting in the class. We wanted to sign up for yours.”


“What time is my class?” Asher asked. 


“Umm I had it set up for 8am, 3 days a week,” Nsabita said. 


“Perfect,” Asher said. “Get it out of the way. So what will this affinity stone tell us?” Asher had trouble not picturing an Infinity stone from the Avengers. 


“It will be able to tell you the hidden affinities you have and the percentages.”


“That’s a thing?!” Joon asked. Shock was clear in her voice. 


“Yes, Prime Academy has the best of everything,” Nsabita said. 


“Fucking high humans,” Joon said as she rubbed her temples. “I would have killed for something like that.”


“What?” Asher asked. “How do you usually find out if you have an affinity for a mana?”


“Trial and error,” Joon said. “Of course they’d have something precious that could tell you. It had to be locked away for themselves too.”


“Umm Asher asked me to tell him things that might be common sense for people,” Nsabita said, cutting in. 


“What is it?” He asked. 


“Please don’t curse the high humans,” she said. “These walls have ears. And I know they’re scared of you, but I really don’t want to make enemies if I don’t have to.”


Joon let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry,” she said. “Just upset. I’ll do better about watching my mouth, I promise.”


“Thank you,” the siren said. 


“Is this going to take a while?” Tiff asked. 


“It shouldn’t, why? Are you hungry?”


“Hungry for something,” Tiff said as her hand grabbed his dick over his pants. It had been a while and he was feeling it too. He started thinking of sex positions, she sent a few back psychically. 


“We have 5 days till school starts. If we can get this over with and sign you up for classes, there shouldn’t be too much going on,” Nsabita offered.


“Where will I sleep?” Asher asked. 


“Professors get their own block of rooms,” Nsabita said. “I assume all of you will be staying there?”


“I don’t think Gen will,” Asher said.


“I would recommend that you stick together,” Nsabita said. “The dorms can be very one sided. The high humans are used to ordering other species around. They try to group other species together, but there is a risk of those rooms filling up. There should be plenty of rooms for you at Asher’s lodging.”


“Work for you?” He asked Gen. She shyly nodded. 


“And here we are,” Nsabita said. Stepping into a large room. There was a guard stationed near the center of the room. Nsabita moved over to talk to him. Next to the guard was a red ball. This one didn’t float but was about 4 feet in diameter. The color matched the gate to the Professor Trial he just took. 


“So we just…” 


“Yes, simply touch it,” Nsabita said, coming back from the guard. “It will read you, and show only you the results with a System Screen. That screen is then submitted to the System for your Records.” Tyranis had mentioned their status screens being submitted for records during their champion trials. He added that to one of the things to look into later. 


“Walk us through what we should see,” Asher said. 


“You should see all of your affinities. Then their current percentage. Based off that percentage you should know what to focus on,” she said. 


“How many affinities do most people have?” Toff asked. 


“2 to 3,” Msabita said. “High affinities anyway. Most people have 5-6 but the others are usually low. Like 20%, affinities tell you your mana’s efficiency. 100% means you’re as efficient as you can be.”


“Enough waiting. Let’s find out,” Joon said. Asher agreed. He and the girls stepped up. Setting his hand on the sphere it began to glow red. It wasn’t long until a pop up appeared. He was more than a little disappointed. 























“Dammit,” Asher said. This wasn’t a huge surprise. Most everyone had tried to Identify him in some way or another, and it usually came back with question marks. Usually it was a blessing, but this time he wanted to know what his affinities were. 


“What?” Joon asked. 


“I’ll tell you later,” he said as he eyed the guard. She nodded. The others noticed his gesture and understood not to talk. 


“Everyone get their answer?” Nsabita asked. 


“Yes, is there somewhere private that we can game plan?” Asher asked. 


“Of course.” Nsabita said and escorted them. They didn’t speak as they followed. She soon brought them to a side room. She pulled out a sound dampening accessory. “I made this myself. Should prevent people from listening. Do you want me here or…?”


“Stay please. I want your opinion on classes. And if it’s worth it to try to work with the mana professors.” Nsabita nodded. “The orb didn’t tell me crap I didn’t already know,” Asher said. 


“You only have your current affinities?” Joon asked. 


“No, everything was question marks except the mana I know I have,” he said. 


Prime? Tiff asked with her Telepathy. He nodded and she relayed the message to Joon and Zora. They didn’t dare speak the word aloud. With Systems, people gained skills at certain levels. Asher gained them every prime level. 1,2,3,5,7, etc. Supposedly the System didn’t like that because some of his skills would come out max level. Whenever something weird happened with him, they attributed it to the fact that he was a Prime.


“That’s weird,” Nsabita said, “did anyone else have that issue?”


“I didn’t,” Joon said. “My affinities were Space, Time, and Rift. All 100%. But my gloves made space 101%,” she said with a smile. She showed off the leather gloves he gave her. They added 1% to her Space affinity. 


“Holy cow,” Nsabita said. “A whole percent? I’ve never seen something that good. Where did you get those? That’s like SS grade rare.”


“My future hubby,” she said with a wink. He smiled, but was still thinking on what his other affinities could be. 


“My top ones were Sex, Mind, and a question mark one,” Tiff said. 


“Another question mark?” The siren asked. Asher too was surprised. 


“What does that mean?” Asher asked. 


“It’s rare, but not unheard of,” she explained. “Usually it means we don’t know the name of it. The Academy knows a lot of mana types but not all.” Asher guessed that made sense. “Or the affinity stone isn’t strong enough to know all.”


They left that alone for now. “What was your percentage on Wind Mana?” Asher asked. Tiff had a flight skill that used wind. 


“50%, not the best,” she said. 


“No wonder you’ve been using your Glider,” he said. She must have been using mana like crazy to use the Flight skill. 


“What about you babe?” Asher asked Zora. 


“My top ones were Holy, Life, and a Mana called Blessing,” she said. 


“Blessing? Never heard of that,” he said. 


“Oh cool,” Nsabita said. “That’s the synergistic mana for Life and Holy.”


“Really?” Asher asked. “I didn’t know there was such a thing.”


“Oh yeah. There’s a lot of known Synergy Manas here. Professor Quanen will be able to tell you more. He is the Synergy professor. He is a dwarf, so he’s better than most.”


“I’ll want to have a talk with him, that’s for sure,” Asher said. 


“Shouldn’t be a problem. He enjoys discussing mana types.”


“Genny? Care to share or keep it for yourself?” Asher asked. 


“Yeah, um mine were mainly what you thought. Creation, Physical, and Energy. But I also was at 80% with a mana type called Soul?” Genevieve asked. 


“Interesting,” Asher said. “I don’t know too much about Soul. I know Hunters use it to link to monsters. It allows monsters to share with their System and use dungeon portals.”


“Professor Abatur is the Soul teacher. He’s a regular human too, so he could be helpful,” Nsabita offered. 


“Any of the others we should talk to?” He asked. 


“Professor Pureliev teaches Holy, and he’s always interested in new skills. Professor Mankir handles Mind. She is not terrible, but she will enter your mind and thoughts if you let her.”


“On that, where can we get accessories to stop people from hearing our thoughts?” Asher asked.


“There’s an Enchanting Department. They have student made accessories. They’re good and cheap. We can stop by before you sign up for classes. As far as other professors you may want to get to know. There’s Netzukk, he’s a gnome and teaches Time mana.” It was pronounced netsek.


“No one teaches Space or Rift?” Joon asked, disappointed. 


“We’ve had them in the past. But non-elementals are rare. The teachers don’t stick around too long. People with an affinity for them are just as rare.”


“I was promised full library access as a professor,” Asher said. “Are there a lot of skill books we can have access to?” He asked. He really wondered if he could try to learn skills from all mana types to try to awaken his unknown affinities.  


“Oh sure. I don’t know about sex mana. But there should be books for all the others,” she said. 


“We will have to see what we can learn,” he said. Trying to plan their next few days. 


“What about dungeons and leveling?” Joon asked. “I always heard they were easy to find here.”


“You can sign up. Form your own group. Usually you need a professor sponsor for the stuff over level 30, but it looks like you have that. They only go on during weekends though. Professors are sticklers for attendance if you sign up for the class.”


“Is there a restriction on how many dungeons we can do?”


“1 every other weekend is standard. There are a lot of options. You aren’t allowed to clear them, and there's a fine if you do. But if you have Gliders it’s easy to go where you want and find monsters that won’t affect the dungeon close quest.”


“Let’s plan to check that out tomorrow,” Asher said. “I want to get in touch with Lyola, Tillie, and Eliffy.”


“Oh my god,” Tiff said. “There’s a portal here from Elantontrin. Can they come here?”


“Supposedly I can get weekend passes for people,” he said. She smiled widely. He could tell that Zora was a little nervous to meet them, but Joon acted like she already knew them well enough. Which she technically did know them. But the elves and dion didn’t know that. 


They finally headed out of the side room. After a visit to the Enchanting Department he bought them all ID Guards and Mindguards. Even Nsabita snuck in for him to buy her some. She had explained that she was only allotted a Sysco a month, but if she didn’t take it they increased it to about 300 Syscos and put it towards her debt. He felt a little sorry for her. His girls guilted him into buying her things as well.  


By the time they came to the registration room it was mostly empty of people signing up for classes. They went to the Sex Mana booth. Asher was happy to only see 15 names on it. And all of them were women. At least the names sounded like women’s. He wasn’t sure what he would teach if there were men in the class. 


“I’m signing up for your class,” Tiff said. “What else should we do?”


“You said you’re only doing a semester?” Nsabita asked. They nodded. “It really depends what you’re interested in. I would take classes with professors of your main mana affinities. There are history classes, mana manipulation classes, guidance, monster identification, dungeon diving, and most anything. Here is a list,” she handed them a sheet of paper filled with time slots marked on the side. 


Asher decided on running his Sex Mana class, taking Mana Spectrum Guidance, and Synergy Mana on Day 1, 3, and 5. Then on Day 2, 4, and 7 he would take Physical Mana and League History. Most all of those filled his mornings every day. Along with his own 8 am class, he should have afternoons free. Curious about it, he decided to add Primeval History to his course as well between his Physical Mana and League history Class. He wanted to learn more about the strongest people in the League.


That took care of Days 1 through 5 and day 7. Nsabita told him that dueling was a big part of the Academy experience, and there would be a tournament near the end of the semester. Asher signed up for a morning block of dueling classes on day 6. 


He and the girls shared a lot of the same classes. They signed up for their own mana affinity classes. All wanted League History and Mana Manipulation. But Gen and Zora swapped Primeval History with a dungeon diving course. They felt the least prepared for dungeons. And Nsabita said there would be some low level mobs brought in for the class so they could actually get a little experience. Everyone signed up for the Dueling Class as well. 


“I’m done for today,” Tiff announced when they had finished. “Show us our husband’s rooms. It’s way past sex o’clock.”

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