This S.O.B. System


Yevus pawned Asher off to another high human, one that had run away screaming from him. “I apologize for my reaction earlier,” she said, unable to look him in the eyes. “My name is Ofrea.” She was still scared of him, but quite beautiful despite the fact.  


“Uhh no problem, I guess,” he said. “You know I don’t just kill people, right?”


“Of course,” she said. The high human woman still refused to meet his gaze. Asher rolled his eyes as they entered a new room. Inside was an open expanse. At least 500 feet across he kept wondering how big this place actually was. It felt more like a planet than a ship as there was giant room after room. On the other side of the room was a tall rectangular gate. The sides and top were a red stone. It reminded him of the Rashomon gate. Inside was a black portal. 


Asher walked forward with Ofrea, the woman was still very nervous. They stopped 100 feet from the portal entrance. “So do I just go?” 


“No, I’m sorry,” her voice cracked as she spoke. “This is the Professor Trial. Director Yevus will have requested all available professors onsite to attend. Most completed their trials a few days ago, but there are still a few stragglers.” 


“You have new professors every semester?” He asked. 


“Oh no, every semester the professors take the Trial. It is more of a tradition. Everyone tries to reach a better time than they did before,” she pointed to a Mana Board hanging on the wall next to the gate. Names were printed on it one by one. 


Professor Trial Leaderboard



























































“I assume those are the other professors?” He asked. 


“Yes, as well as the mana they teach, and their times through the trial,” she said happily. Asher did his best to remember the names. The only one that made him laugh a little was Netzukk, which of course he wasn’t sure if it was pronounced like Nutsuck or Nutsac. He would hold off on trying to pronounce any of their names till someone else said them outloud. 


The door behind them soon opened letting in a parade of high humans and a few other species. About 75% of them were high humans. There were some species Asher didn’t recognize. A tall dragonkin, a short dwarf, another short and skinny gnome, and a beautiful water nymph-like woman. Her body was basically dark water. She didn’t wear clothes, and her ample bosom bounced with every step. She appeared to have no shame. He guessed she was the Hydro professor. ID didn’t work on any of them. 


A few faltered as they saw him. Lawful Good was whispered more than once. They lined up behind him and his tour guide in a semi-circle facing them. “Rumors are true, eh?” A short dwarf man said. “Lawful Good really snuck in here?”


“I didn’t sneak in,” Asher said for all to hear. “I mean, technically, but the System sent me.” 


“How did you manage that, youngin?” The dwarf asked. 


“Dungeon jumped my way from my planet,” he said. “System guided me.” 


“Really? Is that a thing?” The dwarf asked with a loud laugh. Asher was glad that the dwarf acted like they did in fantasy. Red hair, a large beard, he was about 5 feet tall. He wore thick black coverall pants and no undershirt. His thick red chest hair appeared to keep him warm enough. 


“I’m here, aren’t I?” Asher asked. “Different from the way I came last time.” 


“Aye, that was mighty-” 


“Enough,” a high human said. He was tall, like all of them, with a shaved head. The lack of hair made him only look more menacing. His muscles bulged as his body stiffened. “We are here to witness the Trial. If he passes you 2 can suck each other’s dicks later.” 


Asher was getting a little pissed by their attitude. Suddenly it struck him that he had a lot more power there than he had thought. High humans were supposed to be scared of him, it was time to act on it. 

“Careful,” Asher said in a calm voice. “Or I’ll use my Sex Mana to make you suck my dick.” That shut up the room. The dwarf and dragonkin let out a bark of a laugh. Ash doubted that he really could, and definitely would never do it, but it was a good threat. “Let’s get this over with Ofrea,” Asher said. Turning around he ignored the other professors.

She nodded. “You may go in whenever. Your time starts when you enter.”

“What is a pass or fail?” He asked. 


“Anything under 30 minutes is a pass,” she said. “After that you are ejected.” 


Asher nodded and began walking toward the gate. Without much worry he stepped in. 



You have been selected for the Trial of the Professor.

Rewards chosen after completion of trial.


There is always a trial, Asher thought. It felt like that was all he did. Inside was a hallway with a stone floor, sidewalls and roof. Taking a step he was hit with some Sex Mana. The pink hue was easy to discern. Barely any he began to walk. Eventually his Libido began to rise unbidden. Asher raised his Pheromones to 20%. The symptoms from the Sex Mana disappeared. 

Continuing to walk it was just a long hall. With each step the mana strength increased. When he started to feel it he raised his Pheromones. It was a long walk to the other side. By the time he was at another black portal his Pheromones were at 80%, and he still hadn’t felt anything. The Libido rise had turned to pleasure, then lust, but all manageable. Bored with the trial so far he stepped up to the other portal and was met with more notifications. 



You have been passed the Trial of the Professor

Rewards will now be granted.



ID Guard

x 1


x 1


Professor Title

You have completed the Trial of the Professor. This trial is used to distinguish the experienced from the amateur.


5+ Stats


The ID Guard was another earring. A gold band he pierced his right ear since his left ear had his Champion Earing. He hoped this was what everyone used to hide from his Identification.


ID Guard




ID Confusion



You have reached the maximum allowed titles with your System.

Please discard one of the following titles.

Lawful Good +15 stats

Crusader +5 Stats

Death Dodger +3 stats

Master +10 Stats

Frontrunner +5 Stats

Burill +5 Stats

Roktai +15 Stats

Hell +5 stats +1% @)$@$)

Boss +10 Stats

Champion +15 Stats

Professor +5 Stats


Asher dropped his Death Dodger Title again and moved the 2 stats he gained. 



Asher Whitmore





Quinten Hardly







STD Immunity










Prop Manifestation



Lawful Good (10)


Relationship Screen

LVL 15





LVL 11





LVL 20



LVL 21



/225 (5)


LVL 21





LVL 20



LVL 25





LVL 25





LVL 20




Battle Instincts

LVL 23




Weapon Throw

LVL 20




Full Body Control





Mesmerizing Gaze

LVL 18




Healing Touch

LVL 22




Mana Sight

LVL 34





LVL 28


Role Immersion


Custom Stats:


Mana Sense

LVL 25

Dick Length

9 Inches


Share the Love

LVL 16

Dick Diameter

2 Inches



LVL 22




Dragon Palm

LVL 13




Sex Bomb

LVL 21




Coupling Mana

LVL 13




Orgy Control




LVL 12



LVL 14


Kama Sutra



Mana Manifestation

LVL 10



Once he was done messing with his status screen he stepped into the portal. He had expected more steps to the trial. But no, he was met with the view of the other professors. Asher frowned, unsure what was expected of him. A chime sounded in the room as he stepped away from the portal. Ash stepped away and looked where the other teachers were staring. The Professor board was updated. 


Professor Trial Leaderboard





























































“Jeez, it felt shorter than that,” Asher remarked as he walked up to Ofrea. “Not bad for my first time I guess,” Asher said. “Let’s go sign me up for classes.”


Her mouth was a little slack jawed as she looked between him and the board. “How did you do that?” She asked. 


“It was just some Sex Mana,” he said. “Not all that powerful really. Come on. I want to see my wives.”


Asher walked through the crowd of other professors. Many of them whispered, others stared at the board as if expecting it to change. He hid a smile, doing his best not to think on why he could do so well. It was easy to discern how the test could be hard for most. Trying to push through as death or holy mana pelted you. The strength of it only growing stronger with each step. If his synthetic pheromones didn’t act as a defense against Sex mana he may have had a harder time. 


Asher was done waiting for Ofrea. He was about to exit when the door burst open. Out came a shorter woman with pale green skin. Her hair was a dark green as well, but she wasn’t a Nymph Elf. Instead of tall pointy ears she had almost tall pointy fish fins on the side of her head. 


“Did I miss it?” She asked him out of breath. 


“My trial?” He asked. “Or is there someone else taking it?” 


“You?” She asked. “You-you’re the Lawful Good,” she said. Her eyelids and lips were blue, she blinked quickly as she registered who he was. 


“That’s me,” he said. “I’m done with the trial.” Asher moved to step around her. 


“Wait,” she said, putting her hands up to stop him from moving. Looking to the front of the room she noticed his name at the top of the trial. “You got the high score?” She asked, more than a little amazed. 


“I guess,” he said. “I uh need to go sign up for classes. Do you need something from me?” 


“I’m Nsabita Dresca,” she said quickly. Asher waited for more of an explanation. “I’m your assistant. I was supposed to teach the Sex Mana class, but they announced they hired a new teacher. Is it really you?”


“Ohhh,” Asher said.”yeah, I think I’m the new Sex Mana teacher. Come on. Show me around.” Asher grabbed her hand and turned her to go with him out of the door. Her hand had webbed fingers and were a little clammy. He cast ID. 



Level 45


“You’re a Siren?” Asher asked as they left the other professors. 


She was brought out of her thoughts. “Yep,” she said. “I hope that’s not a problem.”


“No, why would it? There are legends of sirens on my world. They ensnare and kill men. Do you do that?”


“I don’t!” She said, a little too vehemently. 


Asher gave her a look. “Others do?” 


She blushed, her cheeks actually turned red instead of a darker green. “There have been those known to do it. And I do have a System for it,” she said. 


“I can sense your Sex Mana. What’s your System?”


“I’m an um Enchantress,” she said. 


“Cool,” Asher said. “So you could ensnare men if you wanted?”


“I do other things,” she said. “A lot of charms.”


“If you’re an enchantress, can you enchant items?” He asked. 


“I do have a skill for that I’ve been working on,” she said. 


“You’ll have to show me later. And you really should be leading us,” he said. “I have no idea where I’m going.”


“Wait, before that. Are you really the Lawful Good?” She asked, eyeing him up again. 


Asher sighed. Sticking his hand out he said, “my name is Asher Whitmore. And yes, I am known as the Lawful Good.”


“What are you doing on Prime?” She asked, genuinely interested. “I saw your trial. This is the last place you should want to be.”


“I'm on a quest,” he said. “Very hush hush. But if you help me out. I’ll tell you about it.”


Her large eyes widened. They were mostly black pupils, but there was a ring of green around the pupils. “Ok,” she said excitedly. “What do you want to do?”


“I want to sign up for my classes,” he said. “That Primeval guy said I could teach 1 class and take my own classes.”


“You met Primeval Yevus?” She asked, a little bit of awe in her voice. “That’s amazing. Things really do happen around Hero Systems.”


Asher chuckled as she began to lead him down a different hall than he was going to take. Asher studied her while she walked in front. Nsabita was about 5’-6”, she wore a long blue dress that stopped at midthigh. He thought she was pretty cute. He had never seen a Siren before. 


“You were supposed to teach the class this year? Are you angry I’m taking it over?” He asked. 


“Gods no,” she said with a long sigh. “Sex mana teachers don’t last long here. They only make it about a semester or 2. We are always getting someone new. Sex mana is rare in people. But a lot of monsters use it. A lot of teachers can’t take the stress of being around so many Sex beasts. The last teacher lost it when a sex mana beast we have got loose. It made him cum so hard his dick practically short circuited. It was a mess. He had to get surgery but he wasn’t the same after.”


“Ouch?” Asher asked. He wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. “Sounds like Snu Snu to me.”


“What’s Snu Snu?” She asked, stopping in her tracks. 


“Oh, a legend on my planet. It’s when the sex is so good that you die during it with a smile on your face,” he said with all the seriousness he could muster. Now that he had the opportunity, a part of him wanted to see if he could patent the word in the league. 


“Is that a thing?” She asked. Another blush on her face, he was getting Genevieve vibes from her. 


“It is,” he said. Studying her he asked. “Wait, are you a virgin?”


She blushed more. “What does that matter?” 


“Nothing, just that you use Sex mana. How are you supposed to use it to its fullest without practicing the best part?”


She appeared to grow angry by the comment. Slowly she forced herself to calm down. “You’re from that newly Initialized planet, so I will let that slide. Sirens are rare in this Sector. The only reason I could go to school here is because they needed an assistant for the Sex Mana teacher. My tuition was only 1,000 Syscos a semester. Not a cheap amount, but cheaper than without the scholarship. I went to school here for 4 years. And I’ll pay off my debt in another 12,” she said. “Then when I’m out of here I’ll go back to my planet and finally be back with my people. At that point I’ll actually start thinking about something like sex. Not here, with all of you humans!” She practically yelled the last part. Then as she stared at him her hand went to her mouth. “I’m so-”


“Don’t worry about it,” Asher said, raising his hand to stop her. “Trust me, I don’t like humans just as much as the next person. We are really good at hating and killing each other. I don’t mean to be invasive. I’m trying to learn.” Asher frowned. “How many Syscos do you owe?” He asked. 


She let out another long sigh. “Do you just not have a filter, human? Is it normal to not have some boundaries on your planet?”


“Just answer the damn question my supposed assistant.”


“Pppp,” she blew a raspberry at him. “3,250 Syscos.”


Asher let out a wide smile. “I tell you what Nsabita, my beautiful assistant. If you help me not get myself stabbed in the back. You devote yourself to me. Don’t spy on me. Be my eyes, ears, guide, and friend. I’ll pay your entire debt. In fact, I’ll give you 3,500 Syscos if you do it all well enough.”


Her eyes dilated as she stared at him. Her fingers began to twitch. “You’re joking,” she said. “That’s a lot of money.”


“If you agree to it right now. I’ll give you a 1,000 Sysco deposit,” he said confidently. He pulled out a charged Medal. The coin glowed golden. Her eyes locked onto it as she licked her lips. 


“Are you serious?” She eventually asked, drawing her eyes away with great effort. 


“Dead serious. But I want your complete devotion. No making fun of me if I ask stupid questions. You are my guide. You get weekends off, but you’re with me early in the morning until I say we are done for the day.”


“Fuck, for that kind of money I’ll give you my virginity,” she said truthfully. 


Asher chuckled. “You don’t need to go that far. Not that I’m against it, but you’d have to talk with my wives about that.”


“That um, pink and blue haired girl from the trials you took?” She asked, blushing. 


“Oh, you watched my Champion Trials.” She nodded a little too frantically. “Dammit, I didn’t think of that. How many people here do you think have watched me have sex?”


She couldn’t help but look to his crotch. “Money first,” she said. 


“You say it out loud. What will you be doing for me to earn the Syscos?” He asked. 


She rolled her eyes, but he could see the excitement. “I, Nsabita Dresca, swear, on my name as a Siren, to help the Lawful Good to the best of my abilities over the next year if he pays my debt to the Academy.”


“Semester,” Asher corrected. 


“Just a semester?” She asked, getting a little more excited. He nodded. “Then yeah, whatever you need, boss man.”


Asher chuckled. He handed her the Medal. She took it and emptied it. The golden glow disappeared from it, showing that there were no more Syscos on it. Asher took the Medal back. Nsabita was in a much better mood as they walked again. 


“You’re going to be hard pressed to find anyone that hasn't watched you have sex,” she said. “It was very….entertaining.” 


Asher frowned. Chartalla had thought he was a sex crazed monster. Practically throwing herself at him to help his lusts subside while his wife was kidnapped. Now that he looked back on it, she probably did it because she was into it. But still, these people might only see the sex side of him. Not the monster slaying hero he wanted to portray. Sexmaniac was not a great title to have to start as a professor. 


“Tell me about your history here,” she said. “The high humans as bad as I’ve seen?” 


“Not really?” She asked. “I mostly deal with the students. Some are full of themselves. But most are just kids. The rest of Prime hasn’t ruined them yet. There are a few other species as well. We follow the Primeval calendar. So classes go for 7 days straight. 3 days off. Then it repeats.”


“What’s the Primeval calendar?” 


“You don’t know the-“ she stopped as he gave her a look. “Sorry,” she said. “I’ll try to remember you’re new. The academy was first started by the Primevals. They set up the 300 day year, 10 month, and 10 day weeks. Each day of the week is a name of the original 10 Primevals. The first day of the week starts the school week. The days in order are Bor, Yev, Tel, Crat, Hyr, Dea, Raij, Evni, Aiy, and Mel.” Asher circulated mana to use all of his intelligence to try to remember it all. Luckily the first letter of each name made the acronym BYTCHDREAM. 


“Yevus said we are 5 days from classes starting. So we are on Deaday?” He asked. That just so happened to be the first name of his sponsor, Dea Tacitae. 


“That’s right,” she said. 


“What can we do on the 3 day weekends?” He asked. 


“Most anything you want. You can use portals that have you approved. Or since you’re a student you can get 3-day passes for people.”


“You need 3-day passes?” He asked. 


“On Prime. if you spend more than 1 day here you need a pass,” she said. Asher needed to get ahold of Lyola, Tillie, and Eliffy. 


“How many passes can I get?” He asked. 


“Since you’re a professor, probably as many as you want. I’ll ask around and see if there’s some orientation manual or something,” she said. 


“Thank you. I don’t think you answered me, are you upset you won’t be teaching?”


“Again, no,” she said flatly. “I can use Sex mana. But I’ve tried to not focus on it. The enchanting part is more my style. I was just gonna wing the class.”


“What will I have to teach?” He asked. 


“Mainly defense against sex mana. We have a sex mana beast, and could get more. But she is a handful. I told you what happened to the last professor. During class we will also talk about the different sex mana attacks. And we have a trove of sex mana beast extracts to help people raise their immunity.”


“Cool,” Asher said. “I’ll want to try those.”


“Try?” She asked. 


“Yeah, I thought you saw my trials,” he said. “We took a lot of extracts from the Sex mana beasts. I'm pretty sure we used some in the 3rd trial.”


“You used extracts on yourself?” She asked.


“Duh?” He said, like it was obvious. “They were pretty fun. One was a strong aphrodisiac. Then the other paralyzed you and made everything feel amazing.” He stopped and studied her. She had a very pensive stare focused on him. “I'm guessing that’s not normal?”


“No,” she said. “Most people are freaked out by sex mana beasts.” 


“Just don’t let them fuck you, and it’s not a problem,” he said. They stepped out into the room Yevus had brought them in originally. There were still booths and young high humans walking around signing up for classes. He caught sight of Tiff and the others grouped up at a table. 


“Crap, that’s our table,” Nsabita said. “We had some people sign up earlier. I didn’t think anyone would miss me.”


Asher chuckled as he followed. He trailed behind Nsabita a little as she rushed to the table. Tiff and the others caught his eye, they were about to say something, but he put his finger over his lips. 


“I’m sorry ladies,” Nsabita said. “Oh, humans,” she noted, a little surprised. “I had to step away. Are you interested in signing up for the Sex mana class?” 


Asher moved to stand behind Nsabita. There were only about 10 people signed up on a sheet in front of her. He gave the girls a wink, Tiff read his mind. 


“That depends,” Tiff said. “Do we get to have sex with the teacher?”


Nsabita was more than a little caught off guard. It took her a full 5 seconds to answer. “I mean you do have to sign these consent forms. And I mean, if you wanted to, I um I guess you could.”


“Who is the professor?” Joon asked, playing along. 


“Actually,” Nsabita said. “This is him. Asher Whitmore.”


“Oh right,” Joon said. “I think I saw vids of you having sex. Tell me, Lawful Good. Were you really pleasuring those women? Or were they faking? I’ve never heard a woman scream like that before. It had to be fake.” 


Asher feigned offense. “I am sick of these accusations. I did not pay those women to pretend to enjoy making the love with me. Yes, some goods were traded, but not that many.”


“What about the dick, though? I mean, there’s no way that thing was real,” Tiff said. Nsabita had mentioned the pink and blue haired girl, he was surprised she still hadn’t recognized Tiff yet. 


“Granted, I am not above using pleasure enhancing tools in the bedroom. But I assure you, that was 75% me.” The girls fought laughter. 


“I mean, the taste has gotta be fake though, right? Those girls looked like they really enjoyed it,” Zora said. She may have demanded to see a few of the porns Keera had made for them. 


“Why don’t you 3 join me in my chambers tonight,” he said. “I’ll show you how good I can taste.”


“Ok,” Tiff said. “Where do I sign on this thing?” 


“Wait a minute…” Nsabita said, finally looking at Tiff. “Aren’t you the…”


The group started laughing loudly as one. “Yes,” Asher said. “This is Tiffany, my wife. She was with me in the trials. This is Zora, we are married as well. And this is Joon, my fiance. Then that shy redhead is Genevieve, our…friend. We are all from Earth.”


“You’re a fucking dick,” Nsabita spat. “We have about 10 high humans staring at us. I about started choking.”


Asher chuckled, there were more than a few stares at them. “Sorry, but couldn’t pass up some fun. I brought them with me from Earth. They’re going to be taking classes too and helping with my quest. Everyone, this is Nsabita. My TA. I promised to pay her debt to the school if she helped me not make a fool of myself. Nsabita, anything these girls say, treat like it came from me. They’re the real brains.”


“Very good idea,” Joon said. “How much do you owe, siren?”


“Um 3,250 Syscos. He already gave me 1,000.”


Joon smiled widely. Her hand became alight as a piece of paper appeared in it. “I happened to come across some blank contracts during my tutorial,” she said. “Let’s make it official then. I’m sure you’ll be approached to spy on the Lawful Good. I’m going to add a few clauses. I hope you don’t mind signing?” Nsabita gulped, but shook her head. Joon began writing furiously.


Asher read the contract over when she was done. It included the down payment and the amount of 3,500 Syscos he originally promised. She couldn’t tell anyone about their secrets for the next System year, so 300 days. Nsabita would be with them during the school week and had to make herself available at least one day over the weekend. Asher was happy with it so he signed. Nsabita read it over 3 times before she signed it. 


“Good,” Joon said, taking the contract. “First, we want to know who to watch out for. The best teachers and classes. And I want a rundown on the professors.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.