This S.O.B. System


Tiff was true to her word, she made Chartalla do all of those things. At first he thought she would ease into it, but the next morning she was strapping a butt plug in her ass. Chartalla was hesitant, but walked out into the ship. They went about their days. People were still getting settled. Many stayed in their rooms, but everyone was civil. Asher was thanked more, and slowly they came out of their shells. He did a shift on the bridge, caught up with everyone, and by that night Tiff made Chartalla give him her anal virginity too. Tiff had slowly been increasing the size of the plug all day. 

Every night Chartalla took it, and every morning she laid on his chest or shoulder with a smile on her face. Tiff made her wear straps, nipple clamps, even sex rope under her clothes. She taped vibrators on every erogenous zone someone could have and randomly pushed the buttons throughout the day. She would be sitting around the mess hall talking to her friends and family when Tiff would start pushing the vibrator buttons. Chatalla would shake, and hide a smile on her face. It appeared to turn her on more to cum while she wasn’t supposed to. She would ask to see him or Tiff and they would go fuck in the captain’s quarters. Tiff never let up with the vibrator.

Chartalla pretended not to, but loved every second of it. More often than not she would be the first person in their room at night, ready for another round. By the end Chartalla didn’t act scared any more, and took on every challenge from Tiff. At one point she made her act like a footstool. Tiff laid her legs on her back. He fucked Chartalla from the back while she ate Atty out. The Star Elf came more from the treatment than any other time. It helped that Tiff was spitballing things to make the elf do while they used her. She moaned and shook with the ideas she really liked. 


Of course not everything was perfect. Mid-way through the trip the engine failed on them. They had to dip out of the Ether Stream and fix it. The AI walked them through the problem, but by the time they got back on the road they were going to be late for the conference. 


It was finally D-day. Asher woke up to Tiff on his left, Atty on his right, and Chartalla on his chest. He poked her with his dick and she woke up slowly. Without a word she slid herself onto him. Asher enjoyed and was annoyed that having sex was their first reaction once awake. 


“Are you going to stop being our sex slave when we land?” Asher asked. Her dark skin became darker. 

“Do you want me to?” She asked. 


“I want you with us,” Asher admitted. “But we don’t take slaves.” 

“I-” she shivered as she hit his full length. “I would like to find a home with my family. Then come back, if you would have me.” 


“Of course we will have you,” Tiff mumbled. She grabbed onto the Star Elf’s boob and went back to sleep. 


Asher and Char laughed. “Thank you,” She said. “I know your wife has forgiven me, but I am sorry. I was desperate and-”


Asher leaned forward causing the other 2 to groan and fall off his arms. He quieted her with a kiss. “I am sorry I did not want to, and you had to resort to that. Let’s forget about it. And start over.” She nodded happily. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she sped up. 


“But, if you want to spend more time with us, you will have to level up,” he warned. “We will be joining the league in 5 years. Our planet will not be like yours. We will unite everyone. Then use this ship to travel the galaxy. If you want to go with us, you will need to be stronger.” 


“How can I do that?” 

“Dungeons,” he said. “You can join our guild. We will have plenty of monsters to fight.” She nodded. Asher wondered if leaving the planet was bad for people not Initialized. He would let the System figure it out.


“I would like that,” she admitted. “Having a ship like this is….freeing. There are many things to see, aren't there?”


“A whole universe full,” he said. They focused back on each other. She grinded into him, while he thrust into her. Using Casanova she came loudly and woke up the other 2. Soon it was the 4 of them rolling around on the bed. Giving it one great big goodbye before they landed. 


“There it is,” Tiff said excitedly. The humans were on the bridge as the planet approached. It was small on the screen, but quickly getting bigger. 


“We are already late,” Asher said, biting his nail. He pulled up the quest. 



The System's protection of your planet will end in:



3 Trials for your planet will be conducted at random intervals during this time

to help introduce Earthlings to the Systemic League


This ensures that if Champions do not perform well, at least other individuals

may be able to catch the eyes of those in the League


Due to the quantity of Guilds on your planet, decisions on these Trials will be

made during Guild Conferences.


First Guild Conference will be held in:



As your planet's Champion you are invited to attend.

You may take 3 party members with you.

Restriction: Must be on Earth to attend

Accept Y/N

He could take 3 other people now. It was already decided that Keera, Tosh, and Nadir would go. The other’s had no interest, they wanted to enjoy being back on Earth. Keera didn’t have a choice, and Nadir volunteered. They were currently 14 minutes late, and they needed to get there now. 


The air was filled with excitement. Asher stared unblinking, expecting the Earth to blow up any second now. It only came closer and closer. “Holy hell, it looks different.” 


“It does. Look at those continents.” 


“Over there, the ice caps are so tiny now.” 


“It’s so blue. And look at all the green.”


“Jeez the moon looks small now.” 


“I doubt anyone has this view. I’ll sell a boat load of these pics,” Keera said. 


“Did you prepare the quick walkthrough for the other guilds?” Asher asked. 


“I did,” she said. “Kind of a glance over for everything that happened. Then a focus on how much danger we are in. Tosh got me some clips of your trial on League Prime too.” 


“Good,” Asher said. Then it was there, right in front of them. “I wish I knew what day it was.” They weren’t sure if they were on the right hemisphere. The world looked a lot healthier than when he had been there last during the Roktai Trial. Years of slavers and corporations stealing resources had turned the Earth barren. Currently it was plush and vibrant. 


“There,” he pointed as he recognized their coast. They were soon in the atmosphere. “Right there,” he said pointing. Batman flew them over the land. Much had been destroyed. Large skyscrapers leaned over, jungle and trees had taken over everything. Asher saw a giant bird below, it was at least the size of a plane. 


“Freaking knew it. That was at least a level 50,” Asher said as they flew by. 

“Everything looks so fresh and clean,” Tiff said, amazed. Every camera outside was pointed somewhere. They were slowing down, but still going faster than any other plane pre-System. 

“We are giving those down there a hell of a show,” Abby said with a big smile on her face. 


“Yeah, they probably think we are aliens,” Keera said. 

Tiff gasped, but Asher didn’t ask what was up. The building came into view. “There’s the guild,” Asher said. “Right there. It’s still standing.”


“Everything around it is destroyed,” Batman noted. They came in and were soon descending to the ground where the front street used to be. 


“Asher!” Tiff yelled.

“What?” He hadn’t noticed her saying his name, his heart was racing too much. 


“We are doing this all wrong,” Tiff said. “We can’t leave the ship yet.” 


“What do you mean?” He asked. “We’ve waited forever.” 


“I know, but this is our one chance,” she said. “They don’t know its us. Everyone could think we are aliens.” 

“So? Honey we need to-” 

“You’re not listening,” Tiff said. They touched down. “What if we make them think we are aliens?” Asher was confused. The screen showed the guild hall doors opening and people piling out. And slowly it dawned on him. They were doing this all wrong. A wide smile split his lips. He kissed Tiff deeply. 


“You’re brilliant. Keera, get your camera,” he said. 



Daphne was sore all over. She got out of bed with a groan. Arnold was already gone, he was prepping for the Guild Conference. She grumbled a curse at him as she got up. Still not used to it, her huge belly made her fall back. 

“Fucking fuck,” she whispered at the kid inside her. She hadn’t really thought about the consequences of the Tutorial. The fighting yes, but she didn’t plan on needing so many condoms. They had been safe-ish, but nothing was fool proof. Now here she was 7 months pregnant during the fucking apocalypse at 40 years old. 


Daphne had never wanted kids, and now she was stuck with this one. It was Arnold’s of course. When people had learned who her boyfriend was no one got near her. Not that she would have let them, but still, she liked people to at least flirt. 


The tutorial had ended without a hitch. They killed a bunch of Colossi, leveled as much as they could, and most appeared back near the guild hall. It had been in tatters and taken over by monsters before. With months to work on it the place was bigger than ever. Monsters roamed the land, but most everyone was experienced enough to not have an issue with them. 


There were fights, many fights, many people killed by other people since they came back. Always some new dickhead that wanted to take over popped up. Over the weeks after the tutorial everyone that had survived came back to the guild. Now that everyone had a System they were 30,000 people. Most had been living in tents. The Earth was mostly tropical all year round now, so it wasn’t a huge issue. The land around them was all theirs, and not many had voiced much of a complaint. 


When she gathered her strength she stood up again. Sliding in her flats she willed her pajamas away and put on a maternity dress. With a groan she walked out into the Hall. Beds were filled still, but with a new building they had renovated most of them would be empty soon. The halls were busy, most everyone gave her a wide berth. 

“What’s up baby momma?” Daphne asked Anita. The bombshell blonde was holding her own newborn. A son. Anita had been in the tutorial with the guild master, and the guild master’s ex-wife. Drama had ensued. Anita and Wayne ended up shacking up together pretty quick and making the little blonde boy in the ex-pornstar’s arms. 


“Nothing much preggers.” Anita said, moving the kid off her breast. Daphne wasn’t much for kids, but after seeing Anita’s she had to admit they were growing on her. Especially the fact that she had only given birth a few days ago and was healed and walking around within the hour. 


“They left yet?” She asked with a big yawn. 


“About to,” Anita said. She pointed her head over to the group. Daphne groaned and got up. It was Wayne Tyler, Amanada Neil, Arnold Yueler, Joan Davis, Scarlett Brooks, and Anthony Prescott going. With Asher and his crew gone they were the ones that stepped up after the tutorial. 


“No kiss?” Daphne asked her boy toy. 

“I did,” he said. “Before I left.” She rolled her eyes. 


“Doesn’t count unless I’m awake,” she said. He hated PDA, and it was her way to piss him off. 


He rolled his eyes and kissed her. His hand going to her belly he was a loving man. She could have been knocked up by worse. “What’s your plan?” Daphne asked. 


Wayne answered, “Not much. See what they know. Try to figure out what the conference is about. Maybe someone knows something on Asher and the others.” 

“Maybe,” she hoped. “Any idea where you are all being teleported?” 

“I’m guessing Yankee stadium,” Anthony said. 


“I’ll take that bet,” she said with a smile. He ignored her. Daphne had plenty of Syscos to blow. Betting them was one of her favorite past-times. Since she hadn’t killed a monster in a few months she was getting bored. She was stuck with her Kishki spirits for now. 


“Good luck,” Daphne said. Arnold gave her another kiss. She slapped his ass as they walked outside. 


Getting some breakfast, the cafeteria became busy with people. The Guild had been well off. A lot of people received Systems like Farmer, and Crafter. They could grow crops quickly, or process cloth and fur easily. The place had an assembly line and trade deals with other guilds. The world was going in the right direction. Although not everyone saw it that way. 


“He’s back!” Someone yelled as they ran inside. 


“Fuck,” Daphne said. “Of course he shows up as soon as they leave.”


“It’s not him,” another person said running in. “It’s a spaceship.” 


“A what?” More than one person exclaimed. Like a stampede, people began running outside to see. Daphne stuck to the back and waddled her way after them. Anita joined her with her well behaving baby. By the time they got outside the ship had landed. It looked like an arrowhead. 200 feet tall, shiny metal exterior, it hummed with power. 


“Holy fuck,” Daphne whispered. People were gathered just outside the hall. They made way for her and Anita. The ex-porntar’s were seen as the mothers of the group, despite how much Daphne hated that fact. 


“Can you believe this?” Charlotte Anderson asked. The blonde sidekick of Daphne’s hadn’t left her side much. 


“Nope,” Daphne said, then the screen appeared. It was 40’ by 40’ and on the screen was a female demon. Red skin, horns, sharp teeth, Daphne kind of thought she looked hot. 


She had a deep baritone voice as the sound boomed from the screen. “Hello Earthlings,” she said. An evil laugh escaped her lips. “Say hello to your new rulers. We are the Kendathydwdcojs. We have won your planet in a street alley dice slash lottery scheme from the almighty system.” The demon let out a deeper laugh. A few babies cried and people prayed. “As the Kendathydduhawudlsdsskis, we accept daily sacrifices. Preferably in the virgin variety.” 


“As the first people we plan to conquer, you get the honor of choosing your sacrifices. You, girl with the dark hair at the front. The chubby one.” Everyone looked around. “Preggers. Yeah you.” Daphne didn’t like being called that. She frowned, getting angry at the alien. “You pick the first virgin for us. You look like you know your way around a virgin.” 


Daphne blushed and cursed. “Screw you!” 


“Screw me? Screw you,” the alien said. “That blonde next to you, she will do,” Anita pointed at herself. “No, the shorter one without the kid. The one that likes to be talked dirty-” 


“Enough enough,” a voice said on the screen. “You had your fun,” Daphne recognized the voice. The demon frowned. 


“Fine,” she said and the demon face disappeared to show a pink and blue haired woman Daphne was intimately aware of. “We are back!” Tiffany Tyler yelled. The camera zoomed out to show everyone that had left and then some. People began to cheer. “We will be sending some aliens down first. Don’t worry, they don’t eat people as long as you worship them.” 


“Tiffany!” Someone yelled off screen. 


“Ugh, you’re no fun,” she said and the screen winked out. The first to come down the platform was Bishop and Ria. They had a bunch of aliens behind them, but Ria screamed when she saw them. Running up to her and Anita the 3 were soon laughing and doing their best to jump. 


“Holy mother- you both were pregnant too?” Ria asked. 


“You?” Daphne asked, amazed.


Ria nodded. “About 5 months,” she said. 


“Dang, you look good,” Daphne remarked. 


“And who are the fathers?” Ria asked. 


“Wayne Tyler,” Anita said. “We got married.” She showed the ring. 


“What?” Tiffany asked as she stepped off the platform. She floated over. Her eyes bulging as she came over to them. Soon she was right in front of Anita staring at the baby in her arms. “Is this?”


“Yes, this is your brother,” Anita said. She showed the psychic the small baby. Tears were in her eyes as she gingerly took him. 


“Oh my god,” Tiff said, not fighting the tears. “This is the greatest day of my life,” she said. Her eyes stared at the baby. 


“Kind of hard to be mad at that comment,” Asher said walking out of the platform. The tall man walked over. Daphne gulped. 

“What’s up preggers,” he said, giving Daphne a big hug. “Got a new boyfriend I see.” 

“I did,” she said nervously. There was something about the guy that made her weak in the knees. 

“Good,” he said. “Glad you found someone. Besides, I already got 2 kids on the way.” 


“2?!” His mother asked. 


“Did I not tell you about Tillie?” He asked. 


“No! Lyola’s guard?” Ria asked angrily. 


“We are in love,” he said with a smile. Ria began to grumble under her breath, her eyes staring daggers at Asher. 


“Give me the skinny, quick. We got a guild conference to crash,” Asher said. 

“Not much to say,” Anita announced. “Normal headaches. And well, Raul.” 


“Raul?” Asher asked. 

“The Superman System guy,” Anita said. Daphne felt the air grow colder around her. The hairs on her arm stood up. 


“Why is he still alive?” Asher asked. 


“We don’t know, he showed up a few weeks ago. Kidnapped Penny again,” Anita said, like she had been there the first time. 


“Tosh,” Asher said to an elf close by. “Any idea what happens to red quest targets during the tutorial? I never thought to ask Tyranis.”

“I think they are sent to higher tier dungeons. All together. System gives them a second chance and if they survive it hopes they have learned their lesson.”

“Fuck,” Asher cursed. “New plan, you guys wait. I have to go get Superman,” Asher said. A large red motorcycle appeared next to him. He jumped on and it began to float in the air. “Anyone know where Superman is at?” 

“He comes from the South,” someone offered. Asher nodded and was flying away. 


Tiff let out a long sigh. “I’m holding that baby more when I get back,” she said, handing him back to Anita. “Keera darling. We have to go film my husband beating up Superman.” 

“We only have a little Krytonite left,” Anita warned. 

“He won’t need it,” Tiff said. She and Keera were soon flying after him.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.