This S.O.B. System


Asher left the city without issue. No one recognized him, no one questioned what a human was doing there. By the time he got to their ship they were saving 40 people. Azya’s collar-release disc worked for everyone, and they were all free. Some thanked him, most were too shy or nervous to speak. The majority of them were Star Elves. Most were elderly, a few youngsters. There was a Bofin male and female, the male was the one Asher was in line with for pleasure slave selection. They looked like husband and wife, and he was happy for them. There were 2 kitsune girls that were skittish around those that got too close, and 2 Leopardkin. They had black and yellow skin with yellow and black spots. They were a male and female. Both had long golden hair. 


Only 10 of them could fit in the ship, max. Soon they were shuttling people to the launch pad in the middle of nowhere. It was dawn again by the time they were lifting off the planet. After 12 hours of flying they were floating next to the Starburst. The shuttle went back and forth dropping people off. Asher was on the last shuttle, he paid the crew 2,500 Syscos total for their silence. 


When he was back on his Ethership he waited for the next platform up. He had to calm himself. He didn’t know what to do. So much had happened to him. Tiff was gone for so long, he was nervous to see her. He had beaten Chartalla in a fit of rage. He felt bad for it now. A part of him was happy that he saved slaves, but he also felt guilty for not saving more. 


When the platform came back down he went up it. Unsure of what to do, he knew the first thing to get out of the way. The platform stopped to show everyone in the Mess Hall. Some talked, but they stopped as he appeared. Chartalla ran to him. He lifted his hand to stop her. “Tiff, now,” he ordered, he pulled off the Null System necklace around her neck. Mana poured out of her and a crack formed in space. 


“You better fucking let-” Tiff stopped yelling at the male Star Elf who held her captive. Turning she noticed him there. “Finally, this Star Elf wouldn’t let me out.” She stepped out and Asher grabbed her. “What the hell?” She asked but he buried his face in her neck and smelled her. They stayed like that for a time. Eventually she asked, “Who are all these people?” 


He chuckled. “You were in that space for over a month,” he said. “Girl star elf here kidnapped you and the other slowed down time.” 


“What!?” She asked. “I was in there for a month?” He nodded. “Well shit, I might have to do that again. Soon enough I’ll be younger than you.” 


Asher laughed, a deep belly laugh. “You already are. I was stuck in the 2nd trial for over a year remember?” 


“Oh yeah,” she said. Kissing his lips she asked, “Did you miss me?” 


“More than you know,” he admitted. He let her down, Atalanta came over and hugged her. 


“Damn, I’m getting all the attention,” Tiff said. “We will have to make up for lost time later. Give me the skinny.” 


Asher felt better than he had in a long time. Seeing her okay was a huge weight off his shoulders. “She threw you in space-time-out,” he said, pointing at Chartalla. “Wouldn’t let you go till I saved her people. These are everyone we saved from Endorval.” 


“Cool,” she said looking at them all. Dibs, she sent seeing the fox-kitsune girls. He chuckled. “So what’s next?”

“Not sure,” he said. “These people all have to go somewhere. And if we stop we will be late for the guild conference. Hell we might be late now,” he said. 

“Then stop your bitching and let's take 'em along,” she said confidently. 


He looked at her surprised. Asher was always amazed how she made the hard stuff sound so simple. Asher looked around to the group. They stared at him. Many were scared, others had dead eyes. All of them had been slaves. They each went through something he wouldn’t be able to understand. “Do you have anywhere else you want to go?” Asher asked. No one answered. “We are off to a newly Initialized planet. There will be no one leaving for 5 System years, but there will also be no one to kidnap or enslave you.” 


“What would we do there?” Hiken asked. 


“Whatever you want,” Asher said. “We are part of a guild. You can join that, or you can find a job. We do not enslave on our planet. But if you want to be a part of our world you will have to work.” He looked around. They were still scared. 


“Are you-” one of the Star elves stammered. “Are you really the Lawful Good?” 


“I am,” Asher said. That appeared to convince a few. “Either stick with us, or we will drop you off on the first planet we find.” That convinced the rest. Soon he and his people were giving them rooms. The Star Elves mostly bunked together and there were still a few spare rooms by the end of it. By the time it was all settled they were almost to the Ether Stream. They activated the cloaking device and were headed to Earth. They were 37 days away from Earth, and they had 39 days left before the Guild Conference. Plenty of time. 


Asher received the notification of finishing the quest as they escaped. 


Quest Complete

Rescue Charmalla's people from planet Endoval


Time Limit: N/A


Quest Rewards:

System Coins






x 3,465 (35)

Experience Points

x 35,000


Asher’s profit was about 500 Syscos, and that was it. He wasn’t convinced the reward was worth the effort that time. 


“Then what happened?” Tiff asked as he grunted and came in her. 


“Then I fucked her unconscious and left her there.” 


She laughed sweetly. “Of course you did,” she said. Atty and Lanta were passed out next to them. They had been having a long reunion. “I’m proud of you,” she said, bringing his chin up. She kissed him hard. 


“Why’s that?” He asked. 


“You saved a bunch of slaves, and helped another of our kind. Another Sex System,” she said with a heated look in her eyes. “She will be the perfect addition to our harem.” 

“If she wants it. And if she can win her guild,” he said. “Lots of ifs there first-wife.” 


“Always are, but I have confidence,” she said. “Now keep fucking me. I was away for a long time.” 


“It was like 2 minutes to you,” he said but kept going. 


“You make 2 minutes last so long,” she said. “You will be cumming in me as many times as you came in that girl behind my back.” 

“Behind your back?” He asked. 


“Did you ask my permission first?” She asked. He shook his head. “Then behind my back. I’ll give this homewrecker a piece of my mind later. For now you have your own punishment.” 

“I was her sex slave,” he said. “I couldn’t have fought her if I wanted.”


“Oh then that changes things,” she said. A wide smile splitting her face. “Get the chains. You will be my sex slave until I’m satisfied.” 


Asher groaned as he got up. He was in front of the chest as he heard a light tap at the door. He knew who it was. “Starburst, open,” he said. The door opened to reveal Chartalla. She was in her sash clothes. Staring at the ground she stepped inside. 


“Why are you here, kidnapper?” Tiff asked. The Star Elf flinched from the words. 


“Your husband said that you would decide my punishment for doing what I did,” she said. 


“Did he now?” Tiff asked, staring at her. Slowly she got out of the bed. “He says that you came to his bed every night. Did he touch you?” 


“I touched him,” she admitted. 


“Why did you do that?” Tiff asked. 


“I don’t know,” Chartalla admitted, tears leaking down her eyes as her ears quivered. “He spoke about his love for you. And others. And I wanted it.” 


“Many do,” Tiff said. “You robbed me of over a month with my husband.” She moved her legs up so her chin could rest on her knees. His wife was unashamed as his cum leaked out of her. “Wake up!” She slapped Atty’s ass. The orange haired girl woke up with her clone. 

“What?” She asked dazedly. 


“What should I do with her?” Tiff asked. Atty looked over. 


“She’s a virgin,” Atty said. “I think she deserves a pass.” 


“A pass? For being a virgin?” Tiff asked. “So I should have let you do what you wanted to Asher?” 


“You basically did,” Atty said. 


“I did because you were into both of us,” Tiff said. 


“Then ask if she’s into women,” Atty said. She yawned loudly. “We may have made out a bit while you were away.”


“You did?” Tiff asked. “I’m gonna have to fuck you silly during this trip. My man and woman are leaving me out of the fun,” she grumbled. She moved off the bed and walked over to Chartalla. The pink/blue haired beauty circled her like a predator circles prey.


“Stop hiding your thoughts,” Tiff ordered. “You did well with that before you kidnapped me. No more. I want to hear it all.” Chartalla nodded, only crying more. “Why?” She asked. “And then? Who says? Since when?” They had a long one sided conversation. His wife doing all the verbal talking. 


“Why him?” She finally asked. “Aloud,” she ordered. 


“He makes me feel safe,” she admitted. 


“But you hated him?” 


“And he made me hate myself. I didn’t know what you had all been through.” Her tears didn’t stop as she stared at the floor. 


Tiff let out a long sigh. Finally she walked over to him. “What are her kinks?” Asher had noticed Chartalla on his screen before, but had ignored it. He hadn’t planned on touching her anyway. 


Relationship Screen (LVL 12)





Prefered Phallic Size

Erogenous Zone

Alice Campbell

Level 4





Zora Mlakar

Level 10

Denver, CO

Impregnation/Wife Play



Tiffany Tyler

Level 12





Lyola Lofgren

Level 10

Roktai Capital

Large Genitalia/Women



Amanda Neil

Level 1

Thousand Oaks, CA




Joon Sang

Level 8

Denver, CO




Tillie Shubrun

Level 7

Roktai Capital




Prillish Klashsic

Level 1


Power/Different Species



Elifflee Ialna

Level 8


Bondage/Orgasm Control



Chartalla Ursa

Level 1


Rough Play/Submission



Azya Burill

Level 4

Azya, Endorval






He thought aloud the kinks to Tiff. “Perfect,” Tiff whispered. Walking back she stopped in front of Chartalla. “I have decided to start over with you,” she said. She leaned in and gave the dark skinned elf a kiss. “You let me sleep while all the boring stuff happened. So I will forgive your actions this once. But you will never do it again. Never cross me or my husband, again. Can you do that?”

Chartalla nodded quickly. Wiping her eyes she asked, “Really?” 


“Really,” Tiff said. “All you have to do is become our slave.”


“Tiff…” he said, warning her to not push it. 


“You will be our sex slave,” Tiff said. “If you want to be near my husband. You will have to do anything he or I want in the bedroom. If you do not, then you can go to your room. We will take you to our planet, and you can go about your life. We won’t bother you, and you won’t owe us anything. But, if you want to continue to sleep in the same bed as my husband. You will have to give your body to us completely until we land. You took me from my husband for a month. The least you can do is repay that month back to me.”  


Chartalla thought about it for a little bit. He was a little surprised she didn’t throw it right out, but then again, her kink was pretty close to the option Tiff was giving her. “So I must stay in this room for a month?” 


Tiff laughed sweetly. “God no. You can still be with your family. But at night, you will be in here with us. Now and then I may make you wear a buttplug during the day. Or vibrators on your body. Only he and I holding the remotes. Then when you are talking to someone we will randomly turn them on full blast and you’ll have to keep a straight face while you cum.” Tiff sounded excited by the idea. 


“That’s just one thing we could make you do. Maybe I’ll force you to lick my pussy clean of his cum,” she whispered in the elf’s ear. Chartalla shivered. “Or lick his balls while he fucks me and eats out Atty. Or even make you wear something like this under your clothes.” She opened a drawer and pulled out an outfit made of straps. Asher noticed clamps for nipples, and belts to make it tighter. 


“Whatever we say, you will have to do,” Tiff said. “Or, you can walk out the door. Spend your precious time with your family at night. You’ve been away from each other for a long time. I don’t want to keep you longer.” 


“Do I have to pick right now?” Chartalla asked in a groan as she stared at the outfit. Asher noticed Atty and Lanta playing with one another as they watched. He too was rock hard from the exchange. 

“You do,” Tiff said sadly. “I have already forgiven you, but to share our bed, you have to be true to yourself Char. We already know you want it,” Tiff whispered. “Why act like you haven’t always yearned for my husband to take you by force?” The 2 women moved to one another. Their long tongues in one another’s mouths. Asher’s dick jumped as his heart sped up. He moved to the foot of the bed to watch. 


“Say it,” Tiff ordered pulling Chartalla’s face away by her hair. 


“I want it,” she said. 




“And I’ll be your sex slave.” 


“Clothes off now,” Tiff ordered. Chartalla was bathed in light. Tiff’s hand glowed as it moved to the elf’s drenched pussy. She came immediately, and hard. Her body shook as her face stared down at Tiff’s hand. 


“You,” Tiff said, pointing at him. “Take her virginity right now.”


“Now?” He asked. 


“Now,” she demanded. “She doesn’t get romance.” Tiff grabbed Chartalla’s hair and dragged her to the bed. The elf gasped as she was bent over the bed. Asher noticed a wide smile on her face as she looked back at him. He moved behind her. His hands running along her pitch black skin. He grabbed a fistfull of her gray hair. “Safe word is Star fucker,” Tiff said. “No questions. Do everything I say. If she doesn’t like it, she can say the safeword.” 


Asher looked down to the elf, she breathed in and out quickly. He pulled her head up to his and kissed her. She groaned as he did. No talking, just excitement as he lined his dick up with her cunt. Her entire bottom half was drenched. He slid between her lips smoothly. She groaned in his mouth. 


“Give it to me,” she whispered. “I’ve wanted it for so long.” That was enough for him. He slammed half way in. Her maidenhead was pierced and forgotten. She screamed as her lower body shook. He cast Healing Touch as he kept going. When all 9 inches of him was thrust in she came hard. Pulling her hair back he made her stand. His other hand grabbed a tit and squeezed it. He thrust in again. She spasmed and shook, already fully healed she let out a happy moan. 


“Do you like that?” Tiff asked. She moved to be in front of Chartalla. Asher felt her head nod as she pulled her own hair. “You want him to be rougher don’t you. Give it to her babe.” He obliged. Making his dick grow a little he started pulling out and pushing back into her hard. Her whole body shook with each thrust. Tiff’s glowing hand moved to the elf’s clit. She came again as Tiff moved her head next to Char’s. Asher kissed her hard as he fucked the elf between them. 

The Star Elf came 4 times in a row, and with the 4th he bottomed out and came in her. She screamed as his thick semen filled her up more. He let go of her hair, and her head dropped bonelessly. Tiff picked it up. “You only just started your shift,” Tiff said. “Don’t pass out yet.” 

Chartalla gasped and lifted her own head up. “You will service me now too,” Tiff said, laying down. Asher pushed her face between Tiff’s legs. “Good, you watched my husband work while I was away. Show me what you learned.” Tiff was soon happily letting Chartalla lick his seed out. “Keep fucking her,” Tiff ordered. He thrust in, making the elf moan. “Atty, on my face.” 

Atty moved over and was soon being eaten out by Tiff. Lanta moved up behind him. Latching onto his back to watch him fuck the elf. “Destroy her,” Lanta whispered. “She let me know how bad she wanted you while you were away. Make it huge. Teach her what it means to be fucked by you.” Asher made his dick grow. The star elf gasped from between Tiff’s legs. She lifted her head up as her body shook from another orgasm. 


“Do you yield already?” Tiff asked. “Just say the words. And you can stop being fucked.” Chartalla didn’t say it. She continued to take load after load. She had great endurance, but around the 5th round she passed out. He hadn’t used Casanova so she was able to stay awake longer. At the end Tiff got her fun. The dark skinned elf fell asleep on the side of the bed with a smile on her face. She was sandwiched between them when the night was through.


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