The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 35 – Limit Breaker [25%]


Kai's figure practically disappeared under Aoi's gaze, the wind caused by him blowing away the dust from the place. She saw that where he had been there was a hole in the wall, and foot prints deep in the floor.



A speeding figure collided with one of the cars, sending it hurtling towards three men behind it. The three were immediately squashed, including the one who wanted to say something.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Sword noises slicing through the wind sounded as three more heads flew overhead. Kai's figure finally reappeared, his posture resembling that of an ancient samurai, a kind of gas coming out of his mouth.

"What the fuck?? Shoot now!" The gang leader reacted quickly, but only to shoot. His brain had yet to process that three heads were still flying at him.

"No-!" One of the men tried to scream when he felt a sword cross his chest, slicing through his heart and killing him instantly.

Kai took a step away from the man when his body spun and kicked him squarely in the stomach, sending the sword man flying backwards. The exact amount of force caused the fully supported sword to impale yet another.

"Now! He's without his sword!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The shooting resumed the moment Kai showed an opening. But that's what they thought happened, as lightning seemed to come at them. In fact, it was the cold glare of daggers.

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!

Three more men went into the pit when Kai disappeared again. His figure appeared on top of the car's hood and he went to the other side, where there were still more men.

In each car came five, and he had only eliminated eleven so far. The leader and three other men had hidden behind the cars when they saw the situation. Including, there was one from behind the car he just jumped.

"Boss, he's-" As soon as he saw Kai, the man pointed the gun at him and tried to scream, but a bullet went through his forehead.

"Over there!" The leader again grabbed his Glock and pointed to where he heard the scream. But when he fully discharged the magazine there, he saw that there was nothing but the completely bullet-riddled body of his former colleague.

Pf! Pf!

In the midst of the silence that remained in that place after a barrage of shots, the leader of the Bloodmark gang heard two thin noises, like a muffled shot.

He tried to see where that noise was coming from, hoping just for something to move and he would fire. Cold sweat was already trickling down his forehead, unable to understand how it all came to this. Suddenly, the leader felt a twinge in his belly, coming from behind.


"Aaa-!" He tried to open his mouth to scream, but all that came out was blood and vomit. He wanted to look back, but couldn't due to the immense pain he felt now.

"I don't need to ask who you are or why you attacked. Your aims, your motives, your principles... It's all rubbish in my eyes." A cold, indifferent voice sounded behind him. It looked like a God of Death revealing his insignificant existence, as if he was worthless.

The katana that was slicing through his body from side to side slowly began to rotate, his organs being slowly and surely torn apart. Blood started pouring out like a waterfall due to this.

"Isn't it strange how pointless your death was? You came here thinking you'd get what you wanted, but now can't even die as easily as your little friends... One minute it's alive and kicking, the next it's dead and forgotten..."

The man's mind just wanted to scream to whoever it was, stop it and kill him already. This was worse than seppuku, and he couldn't die properly.

"Live well... Wait, I think it's too late for that. Well, enjoy your trip to the other side."


With an upward slashing motion, the man's body split in half, his head being the only thing unsplit. Kai's figure was revealed behind him, sitting on the bars and smeared with blood in several places. Much of it was his own blood, while little was that of others.

"Being without you here is horrible..." Looking at the amount of bodies he had personally killed, Kai felt homesick for the cute one-liners Sora always told him. But just as he had his own story, she had hers to deal with as well.

Drawing a [Consuming Flames], he threw the bottle to the ground as blue fire slowly spread towards the bodies. It was an organic digestion flame, so anything living and non-living organic was consumed by it. It was one of the few truly magical things he was able to buy from the [Shop].

He walked over to the kiosk, feeling the brief pain that was his injuries. He wouldn't die from it, but it definitely hurt to get shot. And that's considering he has 16x the hardness of the average human body.

As soon as Aoi stood up, she saw Kai's bloodied figure carrying an equally bloodied Katana, the blue flames behind him making the image look hellish. She didn't have time to think about how brutal and scary this was and she ran to him, crying her eyes out.

"Kai, you are hurt badly! They shot you?? Why did you do that!? What if you died!! Aloud crying sounds" Aoi didn't know if she should touch Kai or not, crying a lot as she started to have a panic attack.

"I'm fine, see. I only hurt myself a little bit, like a cut on my finger. Women bleed more than me when they menstruate and that doesn't mean you make all this fuss. Come, help me." Kai hugged Aoi from the side, avoiding getting blood on her.

He went to the kiosk and sat on the floor. Removing the shirt he was wearing, his torso was bare and revealed his injuries.

"Kai..." Aoi was speechless when she saw all the bullets he stopped with his body. There were almost six in the back and four more in the abdomen. But her shock was that all the bullets were visible and appeared to be dented!!

That's right, in addition to a hole that leaks blood due to the speed of rotation of the shot, the bullets were dented and embedded in his skin.

"Can you help me treat this?" He bought some things from the [Shop], like tweezers, disinfectant alcohol, and a cloth to wrap the wounds.

"Y-yes..." Aoi had little time to think about the things she was seeing, deciding to leave everything for later. This revealed the more mature side of her, where she was putting up with much more than she looked.

Taking the tweezers from his hand, she began pulling out the bullets one by one. Kai didn't make any noise, but he grunted a little when he felt the alcohol. After all, it hurt a little and made the body speed up the healing process even more. In the same way that his body was tougher, it was also harder to heal and made the healing factor work overtime to keep up.

As she was wrapping the bandages around him, Aoi couldn't help but look at Kai and think of everything that had happened. His calm demeanor, his quick reactions and how he resolved the situation, the way he promised. He was a man of his word, and he did his own justice.

"Falling in love with me?" Kai asked when he saw Aoi peeking at him. He was already fine, he was just waiting for her to finish putting everything on.

"S-silly!" Aoi blushed as she concentrated on finishing putting the last tape on the bandage, to hold it well.

"You know, I've got this urge to finish something I started..." He looked at her, all cute and gentle with the way she was touching him, afraid of hurting anymore.

"Wha-a!" Aoi tried to ask, but suddenly found herself pulled into his arms. Her butt fell right between the gap his legs made when sitting, "Kai..."

He did as she'd expected, taking her lips to his, sending an electric shock through her. Her body went limp as she felt that strong body embrace her and slowly make her sink into the abyss of the kiss.

When she felt his tongue want to enter, she opened her mouth only to be dominated by him. The way he dominated her mouth and made her fall into temptation was too intense for someone like her. He looked like some kind of king who had come to make her submissive, a vassal.

In the middle of all that mess and a kiosk full of bullet holes, the two surrendered to the dominating kiss. Aoi slowly understood who she belonged to, Kai's strong will overwhelming her mind. Her active hands roamed over his muscles and she felt hot as was feeling that muscular and toned body.

But as all good things come to an end, police sirens began to wail in the area. The two had to part ways because of this, concern clear in Aoi's eyes.

"Do you want to escape? It's much easier and we don't have to explain anything..." Kai shrugged, leaving the decision to Aoi. He didn't want to force her to run away, as it might make her question whether or not it was right later on. And she already had a lot of questions to ask herself...

Aoi seemed to be caught in a quandary, the sirens doing nothing but worsening her anxiety and doubt. But seeing that everything was simply a mess and not even she, who saw everything, could understand what happened, the police will either. Her gaze became steady as she looked at him.

"Let's go!"

With her thumbs up, Kai bought a new shirt from the [Shop], not even caring if Aoi saw it or not anymore, and picked her up like a princess before starting to run at breakneck speed away.

He was taking advantage of the dark parts and some trees to start hiding, his figure moving away towards the hospital.

After so much tension, he just hoped to relax a little now.


United States, Washington D.C., Japanese Embassy.

Inside an office, which had the writing 'G.A. Ryū Nakashima', a man was working in front of the computer.

Dressed in the Japanese army uniform with great pride, his tall and imposing figure looked extremely striking and charming. Angled face, steady eyes, sword-shaped eyebrows and perfect nose. His youthful, beautifully styled haircut would make one mistake him for a young man.

But the four stars embroidered on his insignia, along with the various decorations and medals, would make one doubt whether he was really young. And when they looked at the side of his computer and saw the portrait there, they were sure that his age was not young at all.

Toc! Toc!

Someone knocked on the door twice before they could enter. Silence was a confirmation of permission. A gentleman came in, not wearing army clothes, but employee clothes.

"Sir, news to report from the main house." The middle-aged man was brief and perfect in his diction. He didn't want to interrupt the man, but the news seemed to be important.

"What news? Is it about Kenji or Kei?" Knowing which children caused the most trouble, he immediately asked. The man even stopped fiddling with the computer, prepared for anything.

"It would be better to see for yourself, sir." The butler passed a tablet to the General, video already playing on the screen. It was a security camera footage from the poles on some coastline.

First they showed the image of three cars almost killing a couple, but the man in the couple suddenly grabbed the girl and jumped over the cars. The scenes that followed were all looking like they came from an action movie.

Ryū Nakashima watched all of this with a solemn expression, his attention completely focused on the sword movements and perfect killing of the other party. He was so focused that he didn't even see his butler leave and a woman in US Army clothing entered.

She was stunningly beautiful, her breathtaking figure unfortunately contained by her uniform. Her golden blond hair tied in a military bun and covered by the General's hat, the vibrant blue eyes that only emitted love towards her man, and finally her lightly tanned skin. Everything looked perfect on this woman, the name 'Eleanor G. King' written on her clothes.

The mature woman, and clearly of high rank in the US military, walked over to her husband and saw that he was too focused to even see her coming.

Her attention was also drawn to the video, and she couldn't resist asking.

"Is that little Kai or is it just me?"

"It's him..." Ryū already knew that his second wife was in the room, getting used to the silent way she arrived in places a long time ago.

"Are we going to Japan then? You said you'd get me out of here on my vacation." The woman seemed to shake off her steadfastness as General in front of her husband, looking very coquettish now. She lifted his chin, making him look into her eyes.

"Get your bags ready, we're leaving tonight!" Ryū spoke as he stood up, his six-foot-six figure looking like a wall in front of the woman.

"Excellent! I'm already missing Kasumi! She barely comes over here to visit me, and she never brings anyone. Damn business meetings!" The woman pouted as she spoke about her sister, soon perking up again. "Are any of the boys going? Is Emily going?"

"No, we're just going to visit. Then let's enjoy the vacation." Ryū finally showed a smile, excited for the conversation he would have with his son when he arrived in his home country. Japan.

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