The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 280 Dumbledore's Request

Chapter 280 Dumbledore's Request

Allen slowly woke up from his sleep. He was dazed for a while before realizing that he was still in the Ministry of Magic guest room. He has recently fully adapted to the bed in the Ministry of Magic guest room, and his sleep quality has been very good recently.

He checked his body as usual. Today, the random talent transformed into a crocodile tail, but looking at the color, it should belong to the tail of Pokémon Saw Alligator. Normal crocodile tails do not have blue tails.

He cleaned himself up a little in front of the mirror, because he was notified yesterday that Minister of Magic Fudge would meet him today. Although he hated Fudge very much, he still had to show some minimum respect.

But when he was going to eat, he was notified that the meeting with the Minister of Magic had been cancelled, and he was allowed to return to Hogwarts, and he didn't need to cooperate with any publicity.

Allen packed his things with a dazed expression, and he subconsciously understood that something big had happened, but he, a student at school, was not in charge of any big things in the magic world, and he also hated working in the magic world. In the days of the Ministry of Magic, I happily used the fireplace of the Ministry of Magic to return to Hogsmeade Village, and then went straight back to Hogwarts.

Then he was pulled aside by the three of Harry and told in detail what happened after he left.

Only then did Allen understand the reason for this, and why he was suddenly allowed to return to Hogwarts.

"Alan, I'm sorry, we used all the scrolls you left us," Harry said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's okay," Allen said quickly, "I gave it to you for your use. Besides, I'm also very happy that your few scrolls can save an innocent life and reveal a long-buried secret." Allen didn't care. Shrugged.

"But, that cost you more than 700 Galleons alone!" Harry continued.

"It's okay, I can afford 700 Galleons." Allen said with some pain.

"Listen to me," Harry interrupted Allen, "To thank you, we are going to compensate you 5000 Galleons."

Allen suspected that he had heard it wrong, "5000 Galleons? How could you come up with such a sum of money?"

"Actually, the money was paid by my godfather. In order to thank you, he decided to multiply the 700 Galleons by 7 to compensate you. If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have been innocent," Harry continued.

Allen was at a loss for words. The temptation of 5000 Galleons was too great, and it could really solve many of his problems. Faced with this temptation, he really couldn't say anything to refuse.

This Sirius Black is too rich!Allen thought secretly.

At this time, Professor McGonagall suddenly appeared. She already knew that Allen had returned to Hogwarts, and she was also looking for Allen, saying that Dumbledore wanted to talk to him.

Allen had an ominous premonition in an instant, but now he can only follow Professor McGonagall.

They were in the headmaster's office in no time, and Professor McGonagall left.

The principal's office suddenly fell into silence. Professor Dumbledore was standing in front of the pensieve, looking at the silver mist floating inside, without saying a word.

"Professor, are you looking for me?" Allen had to bite the bullet and said.

Dumbledore's eyes flicked over Allen, paused on his tail, and said with a smile: "You can always surprise me, and you are improving faster and faster now."

"Professor, you are too proud." Allen knew that his secret had been exposed, but he hadn't figured out how to deal with it, especially in front of Dumbledore.

"Actually, you can be honest with me. After being the headmaster for so many years, I still know very well what happened around Hogwarts." Dumbledore said softly.

Allen was still silent, he didn't know where to start.

"Just now, Professor Snape sent me a copy of his memory, and this memory is in the Pensieve. I have read it many times, and I am amazed every time I read it." Dumbledore Professor Lido has already begun to speak clearly.

"What do you want to know?" Allen said thoughtfully.

"I want to know more, but what I want most is to join your research." Professor Dumbledore said.

Allen looked at Professor Dumbledore in surprise.

"Why, look down on me. Although I am over 100 years old, I think my research ability is no worse than anyone else." Dumbledore said with raised eyebrows.

"No, I'm surprised why you have such an idea?" Allen said quickly.

"It's strange that I don't think so!" said Professor Dumbledore quickly.

"Before you became an Animagus, your innate ability was still within the scope of my understanding, but after you became an Animagus, your innate ability has completely failed me."

"The organs and parts you randomly selected contain strange and unfamiliar powers that have never appeared in the magic world before, and the potion researched by Professor Snape and the transformation technique you transformed all come from Your innate ability to shapeshift."

"This power is so powerful and different, and within two or three months of its emergence, you and Severus have found a way to use it, and it's all based on our existing Magic system."

"This made me marvel at the potential of this power. I think this power will take root in our magic system and gradually grow into a towering tree. This makes me feel that we have entered an era of great magic development. , How could I miss such an exciting event?"

"The growth of a seedling is always inseparable from all kinds of care and cultivation, and I am the most suitable candidate." Professor Dumbledore's blue eyes stared at Allen through half-moon glasses. His eyes full of sincerity
Allen feels convinced, he really needs more people to study the power of Pokémon together, Professor Dumbledore is indeed the most suitable candidate, and his trust in Dumbledore has been increasing in recent years , and besides, he was powerless to prevent Dumbledore from getting involved.

So he didn't hesitate anymore, he slowly took out his wand, put the tip of the wand on his temple, closed his eyes and searched in his brain, and then slowly took the tip of the wand away from his temple, a silver The silk thread attached to the tip of the wand is pulled out.
He took a few steps forward and put this trace of memory into the Pensieve. This trace of memory contained his research on the Transformation Spell and some parameters of shapeshifting beasts.

"This is part of my research results. After you have fully mastered it, we can start discussing the next step."

 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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