The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 279 Snape's Proposal

Chapter 279 Snape's Proposal
The interrogation started quickly under the urging of Dumbledore. Because it was already late at night, only the professors of Hogwarts and the staff of the Ministry of Magic witnessed the interrogation. The three of Harry also got a bystander. Location.

The chained Sirius Black was brought up first, he had already woken up with a dead face, it seemed that he also realized his fate, in the case of Pettigrew Peter escaping, he did not There is no way to prove my innocence with an outrageous story.

The professors on the side exchanged glances, and their faces were full of regret. They have taught at Hogwarts for a long time. It can be said that they have all taught Sirius Black. They watched him grow up and saw They are still very embarrassed that their once such excellent students have fallen to this point.

At this moment, another man who was tied up tightly was escorted to the auditorium by Dumbledore himself. This man rolled his eyes and looked around at the people around him, begging everyone.
The staff of the Ministry of Magic did not respond yet, but the professors immediately became restless.

Professor McGonagall showed a look of reminiscence, "That person looks like Peter Pettigrew, although he has changed a lot."

"Peter Pettigrew has been dead for 12 years, it can't be him, maybe a relative of him, but why did Dumbledore arrest him and escort him himself?" Professor Flitwick responded to McGonagall professor.

"That person is Peter Pettigrew!" A voice without warmth suddenly sounded, and Professor Snape suddenly appeared beside Professor Flitwick. His transformation effect had completely disappeared, and his appearance had been taken care of. , he didn't look like he had gone through a big battle at all, he was staring at Pettigrew Peter, and said in a very affirmative tone.

"Severus, how do you know he's Pettigrew's?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"He's my old classmate!" Snape said briefly, his eyes swept to the three Harrys present.

The three of Harry also noticed the solidity of Professor Snape's death, and quickly lowered their heads, but this did not affect their good mood.

Sirius Black also saw Peter Pettigrew, and he looked in disbelief,
"Ah—ah——" The ecstasy made him lose his ability to speak, and he frantically struggled to walk towards Peter Pettigrew, but he was quickly pushed to the ground by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, but He was still struggling unrelentingly.

Everyone present smelled a strange smell, which aroused their curiosity.

The interrogation began soon, and as the interrogation progressed, everyone's expressions became serious.

Although Peter Pettigrew denied it in every possible way, many of his words could not stand scrutiny at all. As a well-known hero, he was the winner of the Order of Merlin First Class Medal, and his anonymity for 12 years after his suspended animation was the biggest doubt.

However, his words are logically justified, and Sirius Black has no direct evidence, so the scene was stalemate for a while.
But the onlookers have a shot in their hearts, they have their own inclinations from the statements of both sides, and they are more inclined to Sirius Black.

During the stalemate, a person suddenly stood up from among the wizards watching. He raised his hand high, signaling that he had something to say.

Harry turned his head and saw that it was Professor Snape. He was taken aback immediately. It was the first time he saw Professor Snape like this. Professor Snape's eyes were reddened, his face It was so cold that it seemed to be freezing, Harry suddenly felt that Professor Snape looked so pleasant to him at ordinary times.

Minister Fudge also saw Professor Snape raising his hand. Seeing that there had been a stalemate for a while, he simply signaled Professor Snape to speak.

Peter Pettigrew seemed to grasp at straws when he saw that Snape was going to speak, "Severus, Please! Please! Think about how Black bullied you before, and I didn't bully you back then "Peter Pettigrew crawled on his stomach in the direction of Professor Snape, but was quickly pulled back.

Professor Snape looked at Pettigrew Peter with icy eyes, and was not moved by his words at all. He turned to Minister Fudge, took out a small crystal clear bottle from his arms, and said in a very depressed voice Said: "Mr. Minister, in this case I recommend the use of Veritaserum, with your permission, of course."

"We must find the real traitor!" Snape gritted his teeth when he said 'betrayer'.

Fudge hesitated after hearing Snape's words, and he looked at Dumbledore again, who discussed with him in a low voice for a while.

Fudge quickly made a decision and licensed the use of Veritaserum.

In fact, the Minister of Magic still has a lot of power, and the licensed use of Veritaserum is nothing to him, and the Ministry of Magic has no room for mistakes in this matter, and the truth of the matter must be clarified.

Pettigrew Peter collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud after Fudge made a decision. Seeing his performance like this, everyone's doubts were swept away.
But this is not a real court after all, so Sirius Black is still in custody, but everyone knows that he is innocent, and he just missed some procedures now.

The attitude of everyone present towards Sirius became visibly friendly to the naked eye, and the three of Harry ran to Sirius to hug him, but no one stopped him.

Harry was completely immersed in happiness. He didn't expect so many things to happen in just a few hours, and this thing would have a huge change in his future life.
At this moment, Harry suddenly felt that someone was watching him. He quickly turned his head and saw Professor Snape looking away expressionlessly.
Harry suddenly felt a lot of apologies to Professor Snape, he wanted to go up and say something to Professor Snape, but Professor Snape just gave him a deep look and left the auditorium.
Harry watched Professor Snape walking alone in the courtyard of the castle, and the jade-like moon appeared in the sky again, shining bright moonlight on the earth and on Professor Snape, It coated him with a layer of silvery brilliance, and also made his shadow long
But Harry felt that Professor Snape's body seemed to be a little stooped today, and his gait became a little staggering. He cleaned his glasses to see more clearly, but found that Professor Snape had disappeared in his In sight.
 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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