The Survival of an Inferior

(Vol2)60. Heavy Heart


A door made with strong materials, the symbol of (???) is engraved at the front. 

Durability: 50000/50000 


This is what the system says when I approach the door. 

I gaze at the "(???)" in the panel. The symbol only shows up if the player does not know of it.


Several barriers surround the door. I touch the first red layer and electrical discharges tickle my hand. 

Closing my eyes, I focus all of my senses on controlling mana. The atmosphere changes and darkens. My body glows as I extend my hand out. 

many strands of purplish-blue and black energy gather at my palm. 


Ejecting a powerful shockwave, I release the gathered energy at the barriers and shatter them. The barriers crumble into small little red particles.

The energy hits the door but not a scratch is seen. 

...How am I going to open this door?

A surefire way is to break the door down takes too much time with my current strength and equipment. 

I try going for the walls instead but to no avail; they are more durable than the door. 

Equipment...ah right! My gear chest! 

I pull out a large metallic chest from the spatial inventory. 

"What the...why is it so big?"

The chest slides open and reveals a hilt. I grab the hilt, prying out a humongous shiny red blade laced with black. Once the weapon is completely out, the weight hits me.


The immense weight forced me to drop the great sword creating a large crack in the ground. 


"Ugh!! fucking heavy..." I mumble when I attempt to lift it.

What the hell is this? The thick giant blade is three times my size, it seems more appropriate to call it a huge chunk of metal. 


Dragon Slayer(Legendary)

Type: Greatsword 

Durability: 100000/100000 

+400 Atk 

Special Effects:

+100 Atk and 100 Dex when hp is less than 5%.

A sword used by a famous giant warrior to slay Trojlan, The Dragon of Death. 

Due to its immense size, storing this in a storage ring takes up 3000 space.


The stats of the sword is impressive but...

"Ngh!! It's sooooo fucking heavvyyy!!!" budging the sword amounts to the limit of the strength. 

"Huff huff...tch."


Glancing at the storage ring, strands of thoughts weave an idea. The Dragon Slayer first go into my storage ring. Then, I place my hand against the door. 

To take something out of a storage ring, I simply need to inject my consciousness into the ring and choose from the vault, afterwards, the item will materialize above the ring. 

Thus...the Dragon Slayer pops out of the storage ring. With no place to go, it instantly pierces the door but at the cost of ejecting me back. 


"Argh?!...Huff huff..." I pick myself up. The area is covered in clouds of dust as intense energy pours out. 

A slit stays after I retrieve the large sword, enough for me to squeeze through, opening me to a perplexing room. A large container of green liquid stands in the middle with the body of a boy floating. His long white hair attaches to the ceiling. Many tubes are connected to the container and spread across the entire room to a few machines and a large ruby gem behind the container. 

"W-Wait! Please stop!" a desperate voice comes from behind.

It's Kest.

His leg shivers with his eyes wide open, tearing up at the sight of me next to his brother. 

"I...I will do whatever you want. Please don't touch him." says Kest. 

I gaze at the body.


Preserved Corpse 

A corpse that kept its youth through integration with Apostle Mana. 


"Where are the documents regarding Despair? I want to know where each of Despair-"

"There! Right over there!" Kest points to my left. A table beside the machines has piles of documents neatly placed side by side. 

Records of suspicious transactions and files of possible demon cultists or Despair members along with a list of locations are among the stack. Every document goes into my storage ring. 

"There! Please...leave!"

"The monsters?"

"...I-I will stop them." 

He is lying otherwise why were those monstrosities caged?

As I stare at him, his anxiety rises. I walk towards the container and he panics. 

"Wait! No! You can kill me! You can do anything to me! Just don't touch him! Please!" He gets onto the floor and knocks his head to the ground, begging me.


"If your brother is alive, would he be proud of you?" I say.

"...No...but there's nothing else I can do...I..." 

I sigh and continue walking. Kest gets up and tries to stop me. He jolts when I walk past the container to the gem. 

In every situation, there are no "right" decisions. Every action will lead to something "bad". The only difference is the magnitude. 

Kest helped countless life but fell into despair himself; He doesn't deserve his fate but that doesn't pardon his sins. 

I touch the gem and summon the giant sword, rupturing the gem into many pieces. An explosive amount of mana rushes out and the ceiling trembles, rocks of different size rain down from above. 

I return to the door and say "This is the most I can do for you, go meet your brother." 

In short, asking Kest to die. 


"Thank you..." A soft voice comes. I glance back to see Kest hugging the container. 

The ceiling in the lab falls, breaking every tube and machine as well as crushing Kest with his beloved brother. 


Patches of dust expelled from the room. The ceiling above me starts to crack. 

I should get out of here. 


My footsteps are solemnly distant with a heavy heart. Yet a majority part of me regrets killing Kest directly for that microscopic experience point and whatever loot he has. 


Haha...I am the worst.

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