The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 70: Interlewd

Issei’s eyes dance in amusement as Valentine Lucifer slowly pulls herself out of the hole in the wall that Gabriel just nonchalantly tossed her through. For a moment, the White Dragon Empress bristles and growls… before her gaze darts over to him and she finally nods.
“F-Fine… together.”
Issei chortles at that and calls upon his power. His beloved scoffs as the two of them face off against her, though he can tell there’s no hard feelings regarding his so-called ‘betrayal’. This is all in good fun, and if it ingratiates Vali with their side even more, then all the better right?
Regardless, Gabriel wastes no time in flaring her wings. Even as tired as she is after facilitating their… discussion within Vali’s soul space, she’s still every bit the Fallen Seraph. She’s the woman Issei has never managed to best in battle by himself, and one of the strongest creatures in the entire world. And they? They are the Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Empress respectively. And for the first time in centuries, they’re working together. All for the sake of some angelic pussy.
The ensuing battle is no cakewalk, but in the end… they manage to do it. Issei can tell that Gabriel practically lets them win, for all that she truly is weakened by their previous activities. After all, it’s not like she’s willing to bring out the really big guns and risk erasing them both from existence or anything like that. Ultimately, when they finally manage to pin her down together, the fight goes out of the tired Fallen Seraph, and she looks at them with an expression of amusement mixed with exasperation on her face.
“You brats… I suppose you’ve caught me now, have you? And what are you going to do with me, hm?”
Vali grins a wicked grin, the white-haired woman growling as she wiggles her hips like a cat about to pounce.
“That’s not the right question! The right question is, what are you going to do FOR me!”
With that, Vali Lucifer actually DOES pounce… and though Gabriel uses her wings to cushion herself, the Fallen Seraph’s head does still bounce back as Vali wraps her thighs around it and promptly sits on Gabriel’s face. The naked White Dragon Empress wastes no time in putting the Fallen Seraph to work, facing away from him and moaning up a storm as she rides Gabriel’s mouth.
Judging by just how lewd Vali sounds in such short order, Issei’s beloved isn’t exactly fighting it. No, from the very beginning, it seems like Gabriel was always planning on… humoring them.
Issei snorts in amusement at that, even as he feasts his eyes on the REST of the pinned Fallen Seraph’s body. He nods his approval, reaching up to grope and squeeze Gabriel’s absolutely amazing breasts. Her tits are still probably the best Issei has ever had, and that’s saying something. Meanwhile, the rest of her is simply gorgeous. Even with her head covered by Vali’s body, even with the White Dragon Empress sitting on her face… the Fallen Seraph’s wiggling form is a ten out of ten.
Growling lustfully, Issei moves in between Gabriel’s legs, enjoying how they submissively spread open for him without a second’s hesitation. He runs his hands along her hips, enjoying the moment for what it is. His cock comes up to Gabriel’s slit, finding it to be nice and wet. She’s drooling with need, so Issei doesn’t waste any more time. He thrusts into the Fallen Seraph then and there, and even if it might be a little blasphemous to think… she really is quite heavenly in how tight and wet she is.
Groaning in tandem with Vali, both of them tossing their heads back at the exact same time, Issei begins to thrust into Gabriel hard and fast, pounding away at her pussy even as Vali humps her face. All the while, the Fallen Seraph beneath them both squirms and writhes. Together, they’re able to keep her pinned down. They’re able to hold her in place. Together… they’re dominating one of the most powerful people in all of creation.
Leaning forward, Issei squeezes Gabriel’s tits around the base and lowers his mouth to her nipples, biting and tugging on one and then the other. In response, the Fallen Seraph’s cunt clenches down harder around his cock, even managing to hold him inside of her for a fleeting moment before he’s able to pull back again and regain control. Even now, even with them holding her down with their combined strength, Gabriel is dangerous. If they were to truly fight her two on one, Issei actually doesn’t know who would win.
But right now… right now, they’re in charge. And as Issei leans back from Gabriel’s freshly bitten, reddened tits and watches Vali’s ass undulate back and forth across the Fallen Seraph’s face, he grins. Pistoning his cock in and out, he reflects that he’s going to make the most of this moment… for however long it lasts.
“Lady Gremory. Thank you for the invitation to tea. What can this lowly servant do for you?”
Purple eyes flash as the woman known to some as the flaxen-haired Madame of Extinction scoffs.
“You can have a seat, for one.”
Flushing, Grayfia Lucifuge does as she’s told and takes a seat across from Venelana, the other woman nodding and pouring her a cup of tea once she’s done so.
“For two, you can stop being so uptight and stuffy, Grayfia. You’re not just my son’s maid, you’re his wife. That makes you my daughter… I’d prefer you call me mother, or if that’s too much for you, Venelana will do.”
The Strongest Maid sputters.
“T-That wouldn’t be appropriate, Lady Gremory, I-!”
“Then consider it an order. You will address me as Venelana, or I will be most upset with you.”
And like that, their little song and dance is complete as Grayfia is unceremoniously backed into a corner. Shoulders slumping, the silver-haired woman bows her head.
“As you wish… Venelana.”
In response, the other Devil beams and claps her hands together, bouncing in her seat in a way that not only belies her age but also makes her incredibly impressive bust bounce and jiggle with her every movement. Grayfia doesn’t stare, of course. She’s well used to her mother-in-law’s antics by now.
“Wonderful! Now that that’s out of the way… I called you here to inform you that I’ll be joining your and Serafall’s delegation to the human world.”
Grayfia freezes at that, her eyes widening in shock. For a long moment, she’s at a loss for words. Surely Venelana didn’t know about that, did she? Maybe she was talking about something else?
“Which… ah, which delegation would that be, Lady- er, Venelana?”
The Madame of Extinction’s purple eyes all but peer right through Grayfia’s soul for a moment, the tension in the room ratcheting up several notches… until Venelana gives a single unladylike snort and rolls her eyes.
“Don’t try to play dumb now, Grayfia. It doesn’t suit you. I know that Serafall has decided to formally head the… diplomatic delegation being sent to the human world to engage in talks with the Fallen Seraph and her pet dragon. The very same pet dragon who has claimed my darling daughter, Serafall’s sister, and what seems to be a dozen others for his hoard. Even Lady Phenex has apparently indulged in the man, even if her efforts did not see her own daughter returned to her.”
Grayfia’s heart races rapidly in her chest, even as she does her level best to avoid giving anything away on her face. And yet… the way Venelana is talking about Issei Hyoudou forces Grayfia to respond. She can’t… the other woman doesn’t understand. Swallowing thickly, Grayfia shakes her head.
“You would do well not to underestimate the Red Dragon Emperor, Venelana. He is… more than he would seem, at a glance.”
She realizes she’s made a mistake the moment that she meets her mother-in-law’s eyes. Suddenly, Venelana is looking at her with an intensity and a grin that has Grayfia freezing in terror as the other woman leans forward.
“That’s right. You also had an encounter with the Red Dragon Emperor, didn’t you darling? Long before he made Gabriel fall. Tell me, what was he like?”
Caught off guard, Grayfia can’t help but answer truthfully.
She blushes profusely the moment she speaks, clamping up and averting her gaze. But Venelana isn’t one to stop prying.
“Oh? How so?”
Grayfia tries not to think about that night. She tries not to think about how young Issei Hyoudou so thoroughly rocked her world all that time ago. He’d treated her like… like nothing. He’d bent her over a table, fucked her to multiple orgasms, and then forced her to her knees and came all over her face. It had been the most humiliating night of her life. It had also been the most arousing.
“Issei Hyoudou is not… physically powerful, Venelana. He is strong for his age, but not Ultimate-Class.”
At least, he wasn’t as strong as her back when he’d fucked her. But that… THAT hadn’t mattered.
“However, he is dangerous in other ways. He has a way of… getting under your skin. Of making you second guess all of your loyalties.”
Grayfia averts her gaze again, staring down at her clenched, shaking fists. Ever since that night… she’d wanted another round. Only through her supreme willpower had she managed to avoid going to Issei again to offer herself up to him. She thought about him and his cock constantly… and ultimately, her and Sirzechs’ relationship had suffered as a result. Only the romantic side of things, of course. She was still the consummate professional, serving as Sirzechs’ ever-present maid and right-hand woman.
And yet… the worst part was, her husband hadn’t made any effort to try and pull her back to him. Even as she’d struggled for months and months now with what she’d experienced at Issei’s hands, Sirzechs had done nothing. Too focused on other tasks, she supposed. More than that, Grayfia’s entire reason for offering herself to Issei had ultimately been made moot. Rias had eventually managed to give herself to Issei anyways, with the Red Dragon Emperor claiming her virginity for his own.
What was even the point, in the end? No… ultimately, Grayfia had to prove to herself that she could move past her infidelity. Even if it was sanctioned, even if Sirzechs knew what she’d done and did not seem to care… Grayfia still cared. That was why she’d ultimately demanded that Serafall let her come along, once she found out that the Satan in charge of Foreign Affairs had decided to personally attend to this newest… faction that had popped up in the human world.
On the one hand, Serafall should have definitely delegated this task to a subordinate. Issei Hyoudou and Gabriel the Fallen Seraph’s faction was barely a ‘faction’ at all. Except, the Fallen Seraph changed things. She was a Power all her own.
Grayfia was going to go with Serafall in order to prove to herself once and for all that Issei Hyoudou had no hold on her. After all this time, she just needed to prove that she was free of him and his influence. But then… why did Venelana want to go? She couldn’t see it as anything other than a bad idea, truth be told. Surely the Lady of House Gremory would see reason…
“Well, I think it’s high time I met this boy. Not only has he got you in such a state, but he’s also the young man who took my daughter’s virginity… and that of half her peerage, I do believe. Ah… not to mention, he’s going to be the father of my second grandchild.”
The Strongest Maid chokes on her own spit as Venelana drops that particular bombshell. Her head comes up and her wide eyes stare at the Lady Gremory, even as Venelana smirks and shrugs.
“Oh… hadn’t you heard, Grayfia? I know Sirzechs is aware, but I suppose he just didn’t have time to tell you. Yes, Rias sent word to her father and I… Issei has gotten her pregnant. He’s also apparently gotten Akeno pregnant as well. At the exact same time.”
For a moment, Grayfia can’t even think straight. But then her mind catches up with itself and she furrows her brow in confusion. The exact same time?
On the one hand, getting Rias pregnant after all these months wasn’t… out of the question, though it was surprising. It could take decades… even centuries for a female Devil to get pregnant even off of frequent and regular sexual encounters. Hell, she and Sirzechs had been together since the end of the Civil War, and only managed to have Millicas a decade and a half ago.
Still, it was surprising but not impossible. However, for both Rias and Akeno to get pregnant at the exact same time? That was something else. That was a coincidence that might not be a coincidence, something that bore investigation. Even still…
“Please allow me to look into the circumstances behind Rias and Akeno’s pregnancies for you, Venelana. There’s no need to personally trouble yourself with this matter, I think-!”
“No need? Grayfia, don’t be ridiculous. My daughter is with child. There is every need for me to trouble myself with this matter. Honestly.”
Grayfia flushes… because while Venelana’s WORDS seem to speak of a desire to check up on her daughter, her tone and the look in her eyes make it clear she’s half-using it as an excuse. She’s toying with Grayfia, teasing her even, and the Strongest Maid can’t do anything about it. In the end…
“I’ll be going on my own, if you and Serafall won’t add me to the delegation. So really… all that matters is whether we’re to present a unified front or not.”
Grayfia shudders at the thought of letting Venelana walk straight into the jaws of Issei Hyoudou without any sort of back up. Yes, ultimately she could do nothing but bow her head.
“Of course, Venelana. I’ll speak to Serafall and make it clear that you must be allowed to join…”
“Wonderful! I’m looking forward to it~”
Shivering, Grayfia bites back on her instinctive answer of ‘that makes one of us’. This… this was not going to go well.
Gabriel hums, as she lays between two dragons in the shape of humans, each of them cuddling up against her, curled into her sides and using her breasts as their pillows. Her wings wrap around Issei and Vali as she smiles warmly at their sleeping forms, letting out an almost parental sigh. Not that there was anything parental about what they’d just done to her. The liberties they’d taken. Her face was still covered in Vali’s pussy juices, and her cunt still sore and leaking Issei’s seed.
Even still, they’d worn themselves out on her. Despite being tired, despite ‘losing’ to them… she was still conscious, where they had both fallen asleep.
A flutter from outside the window draws Gabriel’s eye and she hums as she sees a single dark feather drifting slowly down out of view. Acknowledging the silent invitation for what it is, Gabriel slips out of Vali and Issei’s arms, finding it greatly amusing to replace herself in their grasp… with each other. Leaving the two fated rivals cuddling with one another unknowingly, the Fallen Seraph slips out of the building entirely, standing naked and uncaring before her fellow Fallen.
Stiffening at her appearance, the Grigori Governor General works his jaw for a few moments before letting out a sigh.
“Gabriel. I wanted to… thank you for going easy on my dear Vali.”
Gabriel snorts at that, quite derisively even. She shakes her head.
“I didn’t. My beloved made all of the decisions. In fact, I was ready to fight you at any time had you intervened.”
That clearly doesn’t sit well with Azazel. Perhaps he thought she’d put some singular effort into guiding Issei down a different path from his usual conquest when it came to Vali. But the fact was, she hadn’t. Honestly, she’d been as surprised as anyone when Albion had made his move, and equally surprised when things had worked out the way they did.
Finally managing to swallow the bitter pill she just gave him, Azazel just sighs.
“… I see. I’m still grateful, so I won’t withhold the information I came here to give you. I figured your intel probably isn’t as good as mine just yet. The devils have finalized the delegation they’re sending your way. You’ll likely hear from them in the next few days.”
Gabriel raises an eyebrow at that, waiting patiently for Azazel to get to the point. He scowls a little bit when she doesn’t even do him the courtesy of asking for more information.
“Ugh. I think I honestly liked you better when you weren’t Fallen, Sister. The devil’s delegation will consist of Serafall Leviathan, Grayfia Lucifuge, and Venelana Gremory. There. Keep taking care of Vali. Good luck and goodbye.”
And with that, Azazel leaves. Gabriel watches after him, feeling no small amount of amusement over how exasperated the Governor General of the Grigori has become with her antics by this point. At the same time, she mulls over his words. Sending three Ultimate-Class Devils to ‘treat’ with her and Issei? That was a show of force if Gabriel had ever seen one. And yet… two of the three had had previous carnal relations with her beloved before she’d come into the picture.
One thing was certain. Issei wasn’t strong enough quite yet. With Azazel’s advance notice, Gabriel had an opportunity to give him some… extra training. An opportunity that she wouldn’t be passing up.

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