The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 69: Valentine Lucifer Pt. 2

She’d clawed into his flesh and he’d fucking kissed her. Who was this fool of a Red Dragon Emperor? Vali snarls as she meets his kiss with a savage bite on his lip. And yet, even though she’s sure she’s drawn blood, he doesn’t let up. She has every chance in that moment to end this fight, to kill him outright. He’s given her the opening, and even if this is all in her head, she knows killing him here will do real damage to him out in the real world.
And yet… and yet, she doesn’t do that. She finds herself just as aroused as she is enraged, and as she pulls her fingers out of his shoulder, she tears his clothing from his body, only for him to do the same to her. In that moment, Vali finds herself discovering a plain and simple truth. Hate sex was best sex.
As they tumble across the ground, wrestling as much as fornicating, the White Dragon Empress reflects on how they got to this point. She was Valentine Lucifer. Descendant to the original Lucifer, only three generations removed. Granddaughter of Rizevim Lucifer, his son. Rizevim Lucifer, the man that Valentine had sworn to kill at any cost.
She’d given up so damn much for a chance at her grandfather. She’d trained herself to the bone day after day, month after month, and year after year. She’d done reprehensible, amoral things for the sake of getting stronger. She’d even betrayed the closest thing she had to a father figure, going behind the back of the Fallen Angel who had taken her in and helped her in so many ways. Joining the Khaos Brigade had made sense at the time. It was simply the next stepping stone on her path to her ultimate goal. Stabbing Azazel in the back when the time came would have simply been what had to be done.
And yet… here she was. She’d been ready to surrender it all to the Red Dragon Emperor. Her fated rival had turned out to be stronger than her. So fucking what? Rizevim was stronger than her too, but she didn’t have any inclination to submit to him! She’d fucking kill him one day! She’d kill Issei too for daring to make her feel small!
… Except, it was obviously different. The Red Dragon Emperor… was it because he had the soul of a dragon, just like she did? Was that why in the face of his overwhelming strength, she’d been ready to roll over and show her belly. If not for Albion, she would have submitted to Issei right then and there. And for what? Because she was caught off guard by how much stronger he was then her, despite being younger than her by several years? Because he scared her as much as he aroused her?
She was lucky that Albion wasn’t willing to just let her surrender like she’d tried to. She was grateful that her partner had given her this chance to fight Issei on an even playing field. Even now, she was using her home field advantage to the fullest extent. She was erasing Issei’s power just as swiftly as he was building it up.
However… she’s not actively trying to kill him anymore, truth be told. And she suspects that Albion hadn’t done all this just so she could pin Issei down on his back and impale herself on his cock. But that’s exactly what she does. Fingers clawing down the front of the Red Dragon Emperor’s chest, Valentine Lucifer slams herself down onto his member, taking his entire length up inside of her at the same time.
She roars in triumph up into the air, before snarling down at Issei as if to dare him to try her. Of course, he doesn’t surrender either. Even when she has the upper hand, even when she’s on top, he doesn’t give up. His hands grab her hips and his thrusts piston upwards. Vali’s eyes widen for a moment as she’s very nearly dislodged until she claws into his chest, using his flesh to make herself handholds.
He howls in pain before snarling right back at her, his own fingers digging into her hips hard enough to draw blood as well. They’re both clawing each other up. Even though they have the bodies of humans, they have the presence of dragons. Even though their hands look normal, their fingers seemingly entirely human… there’s more to it than that. They are akin to claws. Their teeth akin to fangs.
They fuck like dragons too. Like the savage and untamed creatures of the sky they are, they wrestle with each other. Power ripples through their bodies and all around them. The already destroyed landscape grows more and more flattened as time goes on. But neither Vali nor Issei pay much mind to that. Certainly, Vali has more important things to worry about… like staying on top.
At first, she manages it with some difficulty but not much. However, the more she rides her fated rival, the more it’s like trying to stay on top of a bucking bronco. It’s exhausting… and eventually Issei takes advantage of a moment of distraction and it’s Vali who’s suddenly on her back. She howls and snarls and fights like a banshee, even as his cock slams back into her in a heartbeat.
Her hands find his back and she yanks him in, their lips meeting once more as they kiss with as much passion as they do savage aggression. Their tongues war with one another, but it’s their teeth that tear and shred at each other’s mouths. They’d both be an absolute mess of wounds if it weren’t for how fast they’re healing. Blood flies everywhere, but their injuries vanish in mere seconds.
That doesn’t stop Vali from hurting Issei as much as she can, even as he fucks her into the ground and earth without mercy or hesitation. Her fingers dig into his back, carving deep furrows into his muscles. It all heals over, but the feeling of his flesh and tendons ripping under her claw-like hands is incredibly satisfying all the same.
All the while, Vali is looking for her opportunity. She gets it of course, eventually. Her hips rising to meet his thrusts, she doesn’t exhaust him like he did her… she just lulls him into a false sense of security. She makes it all so… routine. And then, in a flash, she pushes him onto his back again and takes up top position once more.
It really is as much of a fight as it is a fuck. They’re constantly jockeying for supremacy. Sometimes, she pushes Issei down on his back. Sometimes, he even gets her on all fours, the bastard. She makes sure to sit on his face for that, spending some time jerking him off with her hands as she grinds her pussy onto his mouth and tongue.
But of course, that just prompts him to do the same to her, shoving his dick bravely into her mouth and down her throat, choking her on his cock. She would probably have tried to bite it if she could, but he was so violent and forceful that she couldn’t bite down while gagging on his dick and by the time she could find the leverage, he hastily pulled away, perhaps sensing the danger.
Yes, there’s nothing… loving about how they treat each other. Nothing affectionate either. And yet, Vali can’t deny that it feels good. No matter how much she hates him, she quite likes the feel of his cock stuffing her cunt.
Slamming herself down onto said cock again, Vali bites into Issei’s shoulder and all but tears a chunk out of it, making him roar and bite her tit in response hard enough to make it bleed as well. And yet… and yet, they’re not really trying to kill each other. Not anymore.
All of this? Clawing him up, biting him, making him bleed and snarling in his face? These are just ways of making sure he knows that just because his fat fucking cock makes her cum, she’s not going to submit to him. Just because he’s stronger than her, she won’t be his fuck toy like all those other bitches. Now that Albion has made her see sense, she’s not going to surrender… not now, not ever. She’d rather die first. She’d rather he kill her.
Finally, Issei lets out a hoarse grunt and cums inside of her, her cunt walls milking him of his release at long last. Not that it actually really happens. This is all in her mind after all, and none of it is taking place in the real world. Still, while none of this is real, it’s quite cathartic. Therapeutic, even. As they both come down from their respective pleasure highs, the two of them pull away, naked and panting and covered in sweat and blood and other bodily fluids, even though their wounds have rapidly closed up.
Panting heavily, Vali looks at Issei, only for the Red Dragon Emperor to stare right back at her. Finally, she snarls.
“This doesn’t make us good, bastard. I’m going to get stronger. One day, we’ll have a real fight out there and I’ll fucking win. I’m not going to give up.”
For a moment, Issei just tilts his head to the side, his expression inscrutable. Then, he develops a savage, blood smile.
“You know what? I don’t think I’d have it any other way.”
Vali snorts derisively at that, scoffing. However, before either of them can say or do anything else, the wind picks up and the sounds of heavy wing beats fill the air. From the distance, the Two Heavenly Dragons approach in their full draconic forms, flying side by side. The Red Dragon Emperor of Domination and the White Dragon Emperor of Supremacy drop down to the ground beside them, towering over Vali and Issei.
Both Albion and Ddraig have seen better days. Albion is missing several feathers and bleeding from all over his otherwise pristine white body. Meanwhile, Ddraig has had scales torn out of her, and chunks taken from her wings. The two clearly fought hard just like their wielders did, and somehow their battle came to a conclusion, just as Vali and Issei’s did.
However, from the pure disapproving displeasure radiating from Albion in intense waves, Vali suspected their battle had not come to the SAME conclusion, not by a long shot. Meanwhile, whereas Albion is radiating disapproval and displeasure, Ddraig radiates pure smugness. The hulking Great Welsh could almost be smirking as she looks over at her eternal rival and snorts in amusement.
Told you so.”
Albion snarls and glares at her and Issei before shaking his head.
“Begone Thot! And take your perverted wielder with you!”
Y Ddraig Goch, far from being enraged at being called a thot, just cackles as Albion waves one of his massive feathered wings. A moment later, both Issei and Ddraig vanish from Vali’s soul space, leaving her alone with just Albion, with just her eternal passenger. In the silence that follows, Vali stares up at Albion and Albion stares back down at her.
It’s almost as though the Vanishing Dragon is demanding an explanation. Slowly, Vali pushes herself to her feet. She stands tall and holds her head high as she plants her hands on her hips.
“I’m not apologizing.”
Albion bristles at that, clearly ruffled by how all of this had gone. Still, Vali holds her defiant pose just long enough to make it clear she’s serious… before softening up a tad.
“Still… thank you for your help. Thank you for having my back… partner.”
Albion freezes… and then scoffs at that.
“Sentiment. Tch. I just couldn’t stand the thought of being stuck inside of a pathetic submissive bitch who surrendered to my rival’s wielder without even so much as a fight.”
Vali nods sharply at that, her jaw clenching in determination.
“You won’t have to worry about that happening again. I’m not… I’m not ever going to give in. Even if he is stronger than me. I’ll die before I submit.”
“… Good.”
That seems to be enough for Albion, because the White Dragon Emperor of Supremacy turns and begins to walk away, waving a wing at her as well… and with that wave, the world around her begins to turn white, her consciousness fleeing from the inside of her soul as she finds herself beginning to wake up.
Opening her eyes, Vali stares up at the ceiling for a moment before realizing she’s been moved to a bed in a bedroom and is no longer in the hallway. She twitches for a moment when she realizes she’s not alone. Having already climbed off the bed, Issei Hyoudou stands on one side of her, while the Fallen Seraph Gabriel stands on the other. Both are looking at her.
For a moment, she tenses up, half-afraid that her resolve will crumple the moment she’s faced with Hyoudou’s true power once again. The gap between them has not been lessened. He’s still stronger than her out here in the real world. But… no. While she feels the pressure, she no longer feels the need to submit. She’s broken herself of that urge and come out the other side stronger for it.
Sitting up on the bed, Vali finds herself instinctively scowling at the way they’re both looking at her with varying amounts of concern. This prompts Issei to give her a shit-eating grin, a twinkle in his eye as he cocks his head to the side.
“Sleep well, Princess?”
Stiffening, Vali’s eye twitches as she levels a glare in her rival’s direction.
“Fuck you.”
Eyes still twinkling, Issei spreads his arms wide.
“Any time… Empress.”
Hmph, a bit more respectful… and yet…
“Not on your life.”
It’s a lie, of course. She’d enjoyed fucking him in her soul space enough that she figures she’ll probably enjoy him out here in the real world too. However, she still feels insecure enough that she’s not going to risk it. On the other hand… she IS bisexual. Sliding her gaze from Issei over to Gabriel, Vali lets her expression turn speculative… and hungry.
“You on the other hand…”
Gabriel lifts an eyebrow at that, smiling crookedly. However, Vali can tell the Fallen Seraph is tired. Facilitating the presence of Issei and Ddraig in Vali’s soul, especially given the animosity between Ddraig and Albion, has clearly taken a lot out of her. That just means this is the perfect time to strike, however. And Issei even agrees.
“Oh? You’ve got good taste, Valentine. I’m game to share her just this once, I suppose~”
Gabriel looks between the both of them at that, looking perhaps just a little nervous. Meanwhile, Vali snorts. Share her? Hah! As if…

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