The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 63: Kuroka

A week. It had been one week since she’d come along with Vali on this ill-fated assignment. And in that week, Kuroka had rapidly reached her wits’ end. The Nekoshou was well aware of what was going on inside of the large mansion she’d been staying in. Jeanne and Le Fay had already ‘fallen’ to their hosts’ wiles. The combined might of the Red Dragon Emperor and the Fallen Seraph had proven to be much too much for them.
On top of that, their team leader, Vali herself, was in the wind. The silver-haired bitch had run off the very first day into the woods and not come back yet! Honestly, Kuroka wasn’t even sure they were still diplomatic liaisons at this point. Wasn’t Vali supposed to be the liaison? They were just meant to be her entourage. Instead, they were left as ‘entertainment’ to their hosts, while the White Dragon Empress went off to do who knew what.
But Kuroka didn’t honestly care about any of that. She didn’t care that Vali had proven to be a coward, or that Jeanne and Le Fay hadn’t lasted more than a day. She didn’t care what Lavinia was up to either. All she cared about… was Issei Hyoudou and his INSISTENCE on defiling her little sister!
The second day they’d been here, the scent of Shirone had been so strong in the air that Kuroka was CONVINCED her little sister was somewhere in the mansion. She’d spent the entire day slinking around the mansion and its grounds, both hunting for her sister and doing her level best not to get caught by her. Shirone wasn’t supposed to know Kuroka was still alive. Full stop.
However, the trail that first day had ended up leading only to Issei Hyoudou. Shirone wasn’t on the premises, it was just Issei… returning from defiling her sister once more. To say Kuroka was incensed would be an understatement. She was downright furious. So she’d taken to poisoning the Red Dragon Emperor’s food, diplomacy be damned.
Unfortunately, either they were screening Issei’s meals or nothing Kuroka had on hand was actually capable of hurting him. He ate and drank everything she’d poisoned without a single moment of concern, powering through poisons that should have felled him. The Nekoshou was beginning to think Vali was right to have run away with her tails tucked between her legs… after all, Issei Hyoudou was proving FAR stronger than the Dividing Dragon.
That all said, it didn’t change the fact that Shirone’s scent continued to get stronger, day by day. By now Kuroka knew that it didn’t actually mean her little sister was present on the premises. It just meant Issei had gone and fucked Shirone some more, with her little sister clearly rubbing off all over him. It was shameful, and Kuroka… Kuroka knew she needed to end this. Subtle methods hadn’t worked, and so she would have to be more direct… even though she knew exactly how THAT had worked out for Jeanne and Le Fay.
A week of torture had led Kuroka to this point. Barging into Issei’s bedroom, even as the scent of her sister fills her nose. But of course, Kuroka knows it to be nothing but a lie. Her sister isn’t actually here. She’s not-
“… K-Kuroka?”
Kuroka’s eyes widen and she comes up short as she takes in the room. Issei Hyoudou sits at a small table, enjoying a cup of tea… with his guest, Shirone, who has dropped her own cup of tea, causing it to shatter on the floor. The white-haired Nekomata stares at Kuroka flabbergasted and wide-eyed, visibly shocked by her presence.
Which is a fair reaction, considering Kuroka let Shirone think she was dead all these years. It wasn’t kind of her, not by any means, but she figured it was kinder than leaving the younger woman to believe she still lived and didn’t want to see her. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Kuroka loved Koneko dearly, and she wished she could spend every waking moment with her. Unfortunately, due to her status as a wanted criminal in the Underworld, she needed to keep her contact with Shirone to a minimum.
“Sis… ter?”
Shaking herself out of her moment of introspection, Kuroka’s mouth opens and closes as Shirone slowly rises from her chair. The young Nekomata’s cat ears twitch atop her head, her two tails hidden behind her as she slowly walks forward, as if not believing Kuroka to be real. Kuroka… well, Kuroka doesn’t know what to do. She had all of these expectations for how Shirone would react to her. Anger, she’d thought, would be the most prevalent emotion.
She was ready for anger. She was ready to act a little flippant. But then, she was also really only ready to do so at a time and place of her own choosing. Belatedly, Kuroka realizes that she’s let Issei Hyoudou lead her into a trap. He’s gotten her so used to her sister’s scent being all over the place this past week that she’d completely stopped checking her corners so to speak. She could have easily checked the room ahead of time to make sure Shirone wasn’t in it, but instead she’d let herself be led along like a bull chasing red.
Damn him… damn herself too! Shirone didn’t look angry with her… she looked downright broken! Lower lip wobbling, the younger Nekomata finally finishes approaching, reaching out with shaking fingers to check if Kuroka is really there. And Kuroka, despite knowing she probably shouldn’t let it happen… doesn’t move. She lets Koneko’s hands close in her black dress, she watches as the younger woman feels up the cloth.
And with that, Shirone buries her face in Kuroka’s chest, hugging her so fiercely and so tightly that Kuroka can do nothing but hug her back. The Nekoshou’s own cat ears twitch atop her head, and despite the tumultuous nature of her emotions currently, her twin black cat tails can’t help but swish around behind her in happiness.
As Shirone nuzzles into her, Kuroka flushes, feeling… who knows what she’s feeling. Damn it all, this wasn’t how it was supposed to go! She looks over the top of Shirone’s head at Issei Hyoudou, the brown-haired young man still sitting there. Smugly sipping his tea, he looks almost unassuming despite the power she knows he holds at his fingertips. But that power is nothing. Rather, he’s truly dangerous in other ways, isn’t he?
“… Pervert.”
Wait, what? Kuroka looks down to see Shirone’s eyes peeking up at her from between her scantily clad breasts. The younger Nekomata still has her arms wrapped around Kuroka’s waist, even as she looks at her, and then down at her barely covered bosom.
“… Naughty kitty.”
Before Kuroka can formulate a response to that, Shirone proceeds to blow all of her expectations out of the water… by opening wide and lunging forward with her head, biting down on an exposed part of Kuroka’s tits right then and there. The Nekoshou, not expecting the sexually charged attack by any stretch of the imagination, lets out a yelp as she’s all but tackled to the ground by her younger sister.
Here’s the anger she was expecting, but not in a way she was expecting it! She doesn’t want to hurt Shirone… she’s still so innocent, even if she has been defiled by Issei Hyoudou! And yet, Kuroka’s belief in that innocence can’t help but waver a little bit as Shirone proves more than willing to attack her big sister’s weak spots… namely by yanking down the top of her already low hanging black kimono.
Her breasts come popping out, and Kuroka gasps. In that moment, she gathers herself, preparing to pull Shirone away before she can do anything else… but instead, she stiffens as the younger Nekomata immediately latches onto one of her very sensitive nipples and begins to suck at it like… like a babe sucking at their mother’s teat.
In that instant, Kuroka melts. How can she not? It’s obvious now that Shirone has been lost without her, especially if she’s engaging in such childish antics as this. Truly, she’s failed her little sister in so, so many ways. Letting out a shuddering breath, Kuroka embraces Shirone, rather than pulling her away. She slides one hand along Shirone’s back and the other through her short white hair.
The presence of Issei Hyoudou is still a glaring issue, but when Kuroka glares at him, demanding he leave them to reconnect with her gaze if not her words, the Red Dragon Emperor has the audacity to just smile at her and lift his tea cup in her direction, as if to make a toast to her good fortune. Hmph, he truly is a bastard. It was obvious he’d set this all up… likely without Shirone’s permission either! Kuroka would be sure to take her own pound of flesh from Issei Hyoudou before this was all over!
For now though, she needed to be there for her sister. She needed to- oh! Kuroka jolts and her eyes widen as Shirone’s fingers slip under her kimono. She wears nothing in the form of underwear, something that her little sister finds quite helpful… when she immediately slips two digits into Kuroka’s cunt without so much as a ‘by your leave’.
All the while, she’s continuing to nurse at her tits. It’s a strange juxtaposition, the way she’s innocently sucking at her teats while not so innocently fingering her and exploring her pussy with her fingers. Kuroka doesn’t know how to feel about it. She should put a stop to it, right? But at the same time, this was the closest she’d been to her sister in years. She wanted… she wanted to make up for all the time they’d been apart. She wanted to make her younger sister happy.
A low, throaty moan exits Kuroka’s lips as she finally speaks. It’s fitting that the first word out of her mouth is her sister’s name, but at the same time… she’s not entirely sure it’s an appropriate tone for her to be saying the name in. Her voice is breathless, her face flushed, her chest… reddened from Shirone’s affections. She whimpers, as her little sister’s eyes flick up to meets her again. For just a moment, Shirone comes off of her nipple.
“It’s Koneko now.”
She immediately latches back onto Kuroka’s breasts, but the deadpan delivery, the rejection of her old name, and the way she just sounds so matter of fact about it… it sends a jolt of icy electricity right up Kuroka’s spine. In that moment, she realizes her sister isn’t quite as innocent as she appears. She squirms… but Shirone isn’t willing to let go of her. Her sister, reincarnated with the strength of a Rook, holds Kuroka down as she blushes and bites her lower lip, still not quite eager to raise a hand against her little sister.
D-Damn it all…
Issei watches on in amusement as Koneko plays Kuroka like a fiddle from start to finish. In truth… he’d told the Nekomata about her sister weeks ago. As soon as Gabriel had told Issei who would be coming to Kuoh Town alongside Vali, as well as the relation between Kuroka and Koneko, Issei had gone and let the young Nekomata know that her older sister was alive.
There had been all sorts of wailing and the gnashing of teeth at that time. Or rather, Koneko’s equivalent to those things. The Nekomata hadn’t wanted to believe it at first, but Gabriel had proof in the form of a dossier she’d worked up on Kuroka, along with recent photos. Koneko’s big sister was indeed alive, and she was indeed coming to Kuoh Town.
After Koneko had time to come to terms with this and after he’d decided that he was going to go after Kuroka directly, Issei had asked the younger Nekomata to help him out. Namely by pulling one over on her big sis.
Koneko, still with some residual anger towards Kuroka, had been more than happy to hear Issei out. His plan, as it were, had caught her interest. It might not have if they hadn’t developed the sexual relationship they had, but Issei had awakened Koneko to a big wide world of sexual antics and possibilities… and she was more than willing to use her innate talents on her big sister.
Namely, acting the part of the innocent baby, until it was too late for Kuroka to back out. Koneko was every bit capable of being a mischievous, impish kitty cat, as Kuroka had just found out. The whole lower lip wobbling, nearly crying approach had been an act designed to let Koneko get closer to Kuroka. Once she’d closed the distance, once she’d initiated that hug… it was already too late.
Kuroka might still have thought herself torn on what to do, but Issei had seen it in the Nekoshou’s eyes… she was melting then and there and there was nothing she could do about it.
Meanwhile, Koneko was very quick on her feet. It wasn’t long before she had Kuroka on the ground, the older cat girl finally realizing that something was up about all of this. But by that point, Koneko already had her lips latched around Kuroka’s nipple and her fingers in Kuroka’s cunt. Working away at the squirming Nekoshou, she’s showing her lewd prowess quite well.
Grinning wickedly, Issei finally sets down his prop. He didn’t even really like tea, but there was just something so funny about sitting there at the table, pretending to sip from his tea cup as he watched Koneko and Kuroka engage in some seriously unsisterly loving. Now though, he rises from the table at long last, slowly making his way over to where the two cat girls are squirming on the floor.
On seeing him approach, Kuroka’s eyes flash and she glares most furiously at him. Her attempts at poisoning him these past several days had all failed, and so he knew she wasn’t very happy with him. This would only compound the issue… unless they played it right. As Kuroka gathers up some of her demonic power, clearly intending to use either Senjutsu or Youjutsu on him, Issei just watches on, doing nothing to defend himself.
He doesn’t need to, because the moment Koneko notices what her big sister is doing, she proceeds to bite down hard on Kuroka’s breast again, hard enough to leave teeth marks as the older cat girl gasps and looks embarrassed to high heavens. Grinning wickedly, Issei tilts his head to the side, making no move to help either girl… for now. Koneko was doing so well on her own, after all. He would hate to interfere when there was so much… heh, healing going on at the moment.

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