The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 62: Jeanne & Le Fay Pt. 3

In the end, Issei decides that the questions can wait. Sure, maybe this was the best time to interrogate Le Fay given her weakened mental state, but it wouldn’t be very sporting, now would it? More than that, Issei finds himself fascinated. Not by Le Fay’s reaction as he continues to slide in and out of her at a sedate but deeply penetrative pace.
No, his fascination comes from Gabriel’s reaction to all of this. He never would have thought the Fallen Seraph had a weakness like this one. But as Le Fay moans and shudders beneath him, Issei can feel Gabriel’s pulse growing more and more rapid as he holds hands with her. Their fingers intertwined together, Issei grips down tightly, giving Gabriel’s hand a comforting squeeze that startles her immensely.
She looks at him with wide eyes, well aware that she’s been caught out. Her red face grows even redder, and for a moment Issei is tempted to kiss her… but no, that wouldn’t be fair to Le Fay. This was about the blonde little witch, and if nothing else Issei felt like he owed the young woman the best experience of her life after how she revealed Gabriel’s weakness to him.
And so, regretfully but also purposefully, Issei lowers his gaze from Gabriel’s red, panting face down to Le Fay’s. The two’s expressions are actually almost mirrored with one another, though with one key difference. Where Gabriel’s eyes are still wide and alert, Le Fay’s are already lidded, the witch mewling as she shudders upon his thrusting length.
Leaning down, Issei tucks two fingers under Le Fay’s chin and gently lifts her face up so she’s looking him in the eye rather than staring at the place where they’re joined together. She immediately grows even more flushed upon realizing that he’s caught her gaze, her lips parted in an involuntary moan that she can’t stop from happening.
Issei stops it for her, leaning in and pressing his mouth against her mouth. With her lips already open, slipping the cute little witch a bit of tongue is all too easy. It would be even easier to dominate her mouth and make her his own, to roughly and thoroughly control her in every way he knew best. But Issei doesn’t do that. His tongue is an explorer rather than a conqueror in this instance, and when it meets with Le Fay’s tongue, it does not dominate or demand submission… but rather, hesitantly and carefully and tenderly explores a joining between the two muscles.

What’s happening in their mouth is repeated elsewhere across the young woman’s body. One of his hands might be occupied at the moment, but the other is free to do whatever it likes. Slowly roaming across Le Fay’s diminutive figure, Issei lets his fingers gently brush along her flesh, before ultimately focusing their attentions on one of her breasts.
Le Fay’s moaning grows louder into his mouth even as he swallows the noises she’s making whole with his lips. Issei’s hand plays with her chest, her small tit pliant under his groping fingers. Nevertheless, he’s as gentle and tender here as everywhere else. And yet… while it might not be the rough, ravaging treatment he usually gave most women, Issei is still very much in control.
In her mouth, his tongue leads Le Fay’s tongue through the movements that she’s just beginning to learn. In her cunt, Issei’s cock spreads her walls apart, slowly but surely working her sex into a proper shape to take his entire length until finally he begins to tap against the entrance of her cervix. And as for the rest of her body… she’s like an open book to the Red Dragon Emperor.
Le Fay Pendragon is just as weak to pleasure as Jeanne turned out to be. They just enjoyed being doted upon and given sexual attention in two very different ways. Luckily, Issei was more than up to the task of giving Le Fay everything she needed, just as he’d done with Jeanne.
Rather than moan, a cry suddenly spills forth from Le Fay’s lips, her eyes rolling half up in her head as they flutter. She shudders beneath him, and Issei feels it as her climax shakes her diminutive body. The cute blonde witch quivers from that first orgasm, but even then Issei doesn’t let up. He hadn’t stopped at just one orgasm for any woman for a long, long time.
He keeps going and Le Fay keeps cumming for him. Held in Gabriel’s lap, pinned by his slow but no less large cock, the witch can do nothing but take it… and take it she does. Her climaxes are slower coming than most of Issei’s playmates, but then to be fair, he’s taking his time with her. Drawing them out of her one by one… dragging her true nature into the light as gently but firmly as possible. There will be no denying who she really is after this.
If he’d been rough with her, or even dismissive… Issei thinks Le Fay might have come back to herself and worked it out in her head that she was forced into this or something. He could easily see her growing resentful of him if he’d chosen to turn her first time into an interrogation, even a gentle one. But by going about things like this, there was no way for her to deny the pleasure she was experiencing. No way for her to do anything but acknowledge that her existence now… was irrevocably tied to his and Gabriel’s.
Eventually, the pleasure gets to be too much for the young Pendragon. The cute blonde’s cries revert back to soft moans, which then turn into whimpering mewls before finally… Issei grunts, reaching his peak and tipping over it at long last. Le Fay seizes up beneath him as he cums inside of her, filling her with his seed. She pants into his lips, her eyes fluttering open fully one final time… before she slumps back as they shut completely.
As she passes out upon his cock, Issei grins, finally pulling his lips away from her own. There was something to be said about tender kissing allowing for one to get smaller breaths of air between gentle kisses, rather than having to pull away and break a lip lock every once in a while to take in lungfuls. It meant that from the very start, he hadn’t ever had to stop kissing Le Fay, not even for a single moment.
Now though, there’s no point in continuing. She’s downright exhausted, the poor girl. He and Gabriel have very clearly tired her out. Luckily, there’s an easy solution to that.
The blonde swordswoman has recovered by this point, and in a display nearly as shameful as her earlier one when she encouraged Le Fay to give in, she’s been masturbating while watching her friend get fucked by him. Now, Jeanne freezes up as Issei looks up, her fingers still buried in her drooling snatch as she adopts a sheepish grin. Caught with her hand in the cookie jar, so to speak.
Issei just raises an eyebrow at that and lets some of his Intent leak out and press down on Jeanne specifically. She jolts as she feels it, before getting up off her ass and onto her knees. Bowing her head, the defeated swordswoman prostrates herself before him, pressing her forehead into the top of her hands as they sit palm down on the floor of the sparring room.
“… Yo, my Lord.”
Issei’s lips crack into a wide smile at Jeanne’s mixture of reverence and irreverence. It was probably too much to expect her personality to change after just one beating, he supposed. That said, the blonde knew which way her bread was buttered. More than that, Le Fay had arrived a little late to the party. She didn’t know that an overconfident Jeanne, earlier, had promised to swear fealty to him if he managed to defeat her.
Amused by the fact that he’d already claimed two of Vali’s party members, each in their own way, Issei shakes his head and chuckles throatily.
“I’m not a Lord, Jeanne… I’m an Emperor. The proper form of address would be Imperial Majesty.”
“Sure. What can I do for you, Imperial Majesty?”
Still grinning, Issei decides then and there that he doesn’t necessarily want Jeanne to change. So long as she’s actually loyal, but only time and her decisions would confirm or disprove that one way or the other.
“Take your charge back to her room to sleep this off. She’s earned some much deserved rest.”
Pulling out of Le Fay and fixing up her robes as best he can, Issei lifts her small form up in her arms and holds her out to Jeanne. The swordswoman looks poleaxed for a moment, blinking rapidly before cautiously standing up and approaching.
“… Should I come back after?”
Issei, amused, shakes his head.
“No. In fact, your orders remain the same. Keep an eye on the young witch and don’t let anything happen to her.”
Jeanne stiffens at that, having just taken Le Fay from his arms. Standing there, the swordswoman narrows her eyes at him.
“… How did you know what my orders were? Imperial Majesty.”

She tacks on the title at the last second, but Issei still nods his approval at her as he rolls his shoulders, completely relaxed.
“Wasn’t it rather obvious? Did you think I wasn’t aware of the Hero Faction, Jeanne? Or why you and Le Fay were truly here? We’ll talk later. For now, know that everything is proceeding exactly as planned.”
Jeanne slowly nods at that, giving him a wary and respectful look before turning and departing the Sparring Room. As Issei watches her go, a soft chuckle takes place right in front of him and a hand comes up to rest on his cheek, turning his face back to look at Gabriel.
“That was well played, beloved.”
Grinning, Issei tilts his head in acknowledgment of her praise.
“It was, wasn’t it?”
In truth, that all had been an educated guess. While he and Gabriel knew that Jeanne and Le Fay were part of a group called the Hero Faction, they actually didn’t know much beyond that. Certainly, Issei had taken a shot in the dark when he’d decided that Jeanne’s original orders were to watch over Le Fay Pendragon.
That said, it was very much an educated shot in the dark, as previously mentioned. Jeanne was the fighter, Le Fay the caster. Le Fay was also the younger sister of a man named Arthur Pendragon, as Gabriel’s intelligence gathering had turned up. It only made sense that ultimately, Jeanne’s purpose here was to act as bodyguard while Le Fay tried to do the negotiating or whatever it was she was supposed to be doing.
Of course, Jeanne’s battle junkie nature meant she’d decided to reinterpret her orders in a unique fashion, only for it to end with her on her back, getting pounded into the floor.
But no matter. What was done was done, and Issei was feeling pretty good about himself. Not so good that he was going to let Gabriel distract him, however. Smirking at the Fallen Seraph as she gives him an approving, doting smile, Issei gives Gabriel’s hand another squeeze, still holding it steadfastly. That makes her jolt again, her smile dipping for a moment as some of her blush returns.
The blush only intensifies as he makes a point of slowly reaching out and gently taking hold of her chin. Leaning in close, Issei chuckles throatily as Gabriel starts to tremble.
“I hope you don’t think I’m so easily distracted, beloved. More than that, I hope you don’t think I’m blind either.”
Gabriel quivers but tries her best to keep her cool.
“I-I don’t know what you’re t-talking about, Issei…”
Using his first name rather than some variation of pet name like beloved? Really? Issei grins wickedly, knowing he has Gabriel right where he wants her. It’s a heady feeling, managing to put one over on the Fallen Seraph. Sure, she was all too happy to let him dominate her in bed whenever they fucked, enjoying getting plowed hard and fast by the Red Dragon Emperor.
But this was the first time Issei had truly seen Gabriel vulnerable since her fall.
“I’m sure you don’t, Gabriel.”
He closes the distance, centimeter by centimeter. Gabriel’s imminently kissable lips have parted, her breathing coming out in rasping notes as she shudders beneath him. Any second now, they both know he’s going to kiss her. At any moment now, he’s going to claim her lips with her own. Will it be a soft, tender kiss? Will it be savage and dominating?
… Neither, as it turns out. Gabriel might be expecting a kiss on the lips, but Issei has other ideas. He swoops in at long last, only to give her a gentle pecking sort of kiss right on her nose. Gabriel’s eyes cross as he pulls back, her jaw dropped open as if she can’t believe his audacity.
Moving out of her reach, an impish grin on his face, Issei stands and begins putting the Sparring Room back into order. With his power, it won’t be too hard to clear up all of Jeanne’s discarded swords, nor fix the damage done by their short-lived spar.
As he gets to work, he calls out to Gabriel, the Fallen Seraph still where he left her in the doorway of the room.
“What would you suggest for our next step, beloved?”
There’s a beat where he half-expects her to attack him… but to her credit, Gabriel recovers admirably, rising to her feet with grace and beginning to help in his self-imposed clean up task.
“… Well, the White Dragon Empress is still off training, so I suppose she’s out of the question. Leaving either the Magician or the Nekomata.”
Issei inclines his head at that, humming thoughtfully. Technically, Vali wasn’t quite out of the question. Indeed, even now he could feel her at the edge of his senses. She was growing stronger, that much was certain. Whatever training she was putting herself through, it was working. She still wasn’t as strong as him. Nor nearly as honed. In fact, Issei suspected that she couldn’t even feel him like he could feel her.
Perhaps it was time to bring Vali in once and for all. Or… let her grow stronger still, so his eventual victory was all the sweeter, he supposed.
In which case, Gabriel was right. The Magician or the Nekomata. Lavinia or Kuroka. He’d let Jeanne and Le Fay approach him… but he was apparently an impatient sort, because he no longer cared to wait. He would be the one to do the approaching now. It was only a matter of deciding who to start with.

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