The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 54: Revelations

He acts like he doesn’t hear their exchange, but he does. Leaning over the incredibly sexy, altogether voluptuous blonde nine-tailed kitsune, Issei slurps greedily at her teats, sucking and slurping at them quite aggressively. Her breast milk fills his maw, and he happily swallows it down like the dragon he is, claiming his reward, taking his tribute from the conquest before him.
To Lady Yasaka’s credit, she’s done her best. She’s comported herself well, and in the end, he’s alright with a technical ‘failure’. Sure, she won’t officially be part of his hoard, but that doesn’t mean she won’t be a part of their lives, and an unofficial member of the harem. Especially if…
“Y-Yes! Yes, breed me, Red Dragon Emperor! Breed me, d-damn you!”
And there it is. Issei pulls back from Yasaka’s lactating nipples as if in shock, though his energetic, rapid-fire thrusting tells the real truth, that he’d been listening in all along. He raises an eyebrow at the Kitsune Lady all the same, and while she blushes and flushes under his gaze, she doesn’t let that stop her from mewling out the same request over again.
“Pleeease… fill me with your seed, Red Dragon Emperor. Tie us together. Knock me up! Give my daughter a little brother or sister!”
Gabriel, positioned behind Yasaka, grins at Issei from over the kitsune’s head, even as those blonde fox ears twitch wildly, her eyes heavily lidded and bliss and excitement. Her lips parted, Yasaka pants and moans, staring down at where she and he are joined together. Issei’s throbbing member continues to spit her upon its length, his dick filling her to the brim over and over as her gushing wet pussy stretches for him in a most satisfying fashion.
With a lustful growl, Issei grins wickedly.
“If that is what the Lady wishes… then that is what she’ll get.”
The thought of being a father, or more accurately of sowing his oats and plowing the fertile ‘field’ in front of him to its fullest extent, fills Issei with a debauched and depraved sort of delight. Yasaka is absolutely gorgeous, and her breast milk had proven most delicious. But she would look even more beautiful heavy with his child.
And as far as alliances went, if he couldn’t officially add her to his hoard, then this was definitely the next best thing. Gabriel was as sneaky and conniving as ever as her Fallen self. She’d managed to maneuver the Daiyoukai into a corner that Yasaka couldn’t escape from, her own wanton desires proving to be her downfall.
After all, if Yasaka were the mother of his child… there was nothing Issei would not do, for both her and the babe. No law he would not break, no line he would not cross. She might as well be his woman in name as well as truth, because from now on, he would look after her and protect her just the same as any of the girls back home.
From now on… Lady Yasaka was his baby mama. With a triumphant roar, Issei thrusts forward into the slippery, sopping wet pussy he’s been bulldozing through all this time. His cock stretches Yasaka out one last time as it rams up against her cervix, where he unleashes a flood of his seed directly into her womb.
Eyes widening, the Nine-Tailed kitsune chokes on her own spit, her breasts heaving up and down for a moment before she shudders in orgasmic ecstasy, experiencing a mind-blowing climax right alongside him. The only one to not get to share in their pleasure directly is Gabriel… though the self-satisfied grin on the Fallen Seraph’s face as she watches on makes it clear she’s VERY pleased in her own way.
When all is said and done, Issei pulls out of Yasaka, his cock messy and connected to her pussy by a strand of sticky semen, her cunt and womb packed to the brim with his draconic seed. There’s no doubt in Issei’s mind that he’s impregnated her, but all the same, Gabriel comes around and grabs his cock by the base, fondling his balls as she looks down at Yasaka.
“Rest up, Lady Yasaka. We’ll need to go again, just to be sure.”
Yasaka blushes but does not protest, even as Issei’s Fallen lover descends down his cock, ravenously cleaning his member of the combined fluids, slurping them all up like no one’s business. She bobs up and down his dick without so much of a hint of a gag reflex for several minutes, before guiding him back towards the kitsune. Issei, of course, does not offer any protest either. He wants to make sure as well…
Still, there is one thing on his mind hours later, when they finally leave Urakyoto behind. With the alliance thoroughly secured, Lady Yasaka knows she can now call upon them whenever she has need of them, and they in turn can call upon her. Issei doesn’t want to toot his own horn, of course, but he… well, he really doesn’t think the latter will happen all that often. Still, he’s more than happy to have their relationship with the Daiyoukai be thoroughly… lopsided. In fact, he prefers it.
That said, looking over at Gabriel, he can’t help but ask the question that’s been on his mind ever since they left Urakyoto. Once the fugue state had passed, once the post-nut clarity had come… Issei didn’t regret a single thing he’d done, but he also found himself curious at Gabriel’s priorities.
“I’m a little surprised, Gabriel.”
Looking over at him, the Fallen Seraph cocks an eyebrow and gives him a half-smirk. Incredibly powerful, incredibly dangerous… but most important of all, incredibly sexy. Issei grins right back at her, not afraid in the slightest.
Oh, sure you aren’t. Until she decides you’re due for your next training session. Then you’ll be crying to mommy all over again.
 Issei’s smile doesn’t falter. Nope. Not even a little bit. Except, he’s pretty sure Gabriel shouldn’t be able to hear Ddraig in the depths of his soul. So why does she look like she noticed something? Well, no matter.
“I suppose I wouldn’t have expected you to let me impregnate Yasaka there, when she wasn’t officially joining us on a full-time basis. After all… wouldn’t this mean she’s giving birth to my firstborn?”
Issei himself has never put much stock in such things. He’s a modern day human being, after all. Or rather, he was before he awakened his Sacred Gear and became the Red Dragon Emperor. But he was pretty sure practically everyone else did. From the Devils, to the Angels… hell, maybe even the Fallen Angels. Didn’t they all care about that sort of thing? Wasn’t it like, hard-baked into their traditions?
His child with Yasaka, and there would be a child, Issei had made sure of that, wouldn’t be HER firstborn, so at least there were no expectations on it on that side of things. But while Issei himself hadn’t necessarily set out to build an Empire to go along with his Emperor moniker, it felt like Gabriel was doing exactly that. At the very least, the Fallen Seraph seemed to be building a new faction around him and her.
He didn’t mind that, truth be told. Gabriel had given him a much needed kick in the pants to get stronger, and he felt… he felt more alive than he had in quite some time. He really hadn’t understood how much he was just going through the motions, until Gabriel got him off of his ass and made him stop resting on his laurels.
But at the same time, this felt like a contradiction, leaving enough seed in Yasaka to make her the mother of his firstborn, while not claiming her for the hoard. So… he was curious what Gabriel was thinking. What she had going on in that conniving brain of hers.
Smirking, Gabriel cocks her head to the side.
“You seem very certain, that Yasaka will be giving birth to your firstborn, my beloved.”
Issei blinks at that, his thought processes all grinding to a halt. Stepping closer to him, invading his personal space, Gabriel presses her substantial chest into his own, and leans in.
“She will not be.”
The ramifications of those words take a moment to properly get through, but they do eventually.
“Wait, but that means-!”
Issei looks at Gabriel, wide-eyed and wondering. For a moment, Gabriel keeps up the wicked, knowing smirk… then, she tosses her head back and laughs.
“No, Issei. I’m not pregnant. Not yet anyways.”
Oh. Damn, he’d been building it all up in his head, and then Gabriel just throws a rock in the house of cards he was constructing, shattering it. Confused and… vaguely hurt, even, Issei furrows his brow as he looks at Gabriel, not sure what the hell she’s getting at then. What is she trying to say?
“Its Asia. She will be the one to give birth to your firstborn. And, in an amusing twist of fate, Griselda will give birth to your second child. Yasaka will have to settle for third in this case.”
Issei’s eyes damn near pop out of his head at that revelation. It… made sense, to be fair. The human exorcists under his roof weren’t exactly low fertility like say, the numerous Devils he’d been fucking and creampieing for months now. Though, it was rather ironic that Xenovia and Irina had avoided being knocked up, while Asia and Griselda, the bookends to those two conquests, were the ones who had gotten impregnated.
Mouth opening and closing wordlessly for a moment, Issei finds himself sitting down. He… was going to be a father. And not just with some Kitsune Lady’s offspring who lived halfway across Japan in a strange otherly mirror world populated by youkai either. No, he was going to be a father to the offspring of two women who were already living with him, who spent their days with him whenever possible, who would carry their babies to term here, in his home.
It suddenly really begins to hit him… and Issei can feel his lips stretching upwards in a big, wide, unconscious grin. Gabriel is smiling right along with him, chuckling throatily as her eyes twinkle. Then, a jolt runs through Issei.
“I need to go talk to them. To… do they know?”
Gabriel cocks her head to the side.
“They do. They graciously allowed me to be the one to deliver the news to you.”
Issei raises an eyebrow at that. It’s incredibly obvious that Gabriel bullied them into it, though he thinks neither would have fought her particularly hard. The Fallen Seraph had one hundred percent taken over as the top of the pecking order within the harem that Issei had unthinkingly created somewhere along the way. She had become his right-hand woman, and he didn’t mind it one bit. Still…
“Do not fret, I shall leave you to it. Azazel’s little liaison should be showing up soon, within the next day or two, and so I shall prepare accommodations for their arrival. You… go to Asia and Griselda. Speak with them. But at the same time… do not neglect the others.”
Issei blinks at that, briefly wondering who exactly she meant by ‘the others’, because in truth there were several options there. But before he can ask, Gabriel is already away, leaving him alone. He stays there for a second, just to get his thoughts in order… before moving out to locate the two mothers of his children.
It’s late evening, when Issei finishes up. He’d found Asia and Griselda and brought them together for a little talk. As Gabriel had said, they already knew. And so did she, but she’d asked them not to tell him, to let her deliver the news. So ultimately, the two human women had been waiting for him to come to them. Asia was the furthest along at a few months, and had even started showing, just barely. Griselda, meanwhile, was far newer to her pregnancy.
Both were ecstatic though, just as happy as Issei himself was. Together, the three of them had talked… and only talked, for once. Despite some distinct grumbling from Ddraig, Issei, Asia, and Griselda had NOT fallen to their baser desires and ended up fucking the afternoon and evening away. There was more important things to be done for once, more important things to be discussed and taken care of.
They’d made plans, arranging for what would come next. They would need a nursery, for one. Baby supplies. Everything you could possibly hope for. Issei was going to be a father, and if he was going to be a father, he was going to do things RIGHT.
About halfway through, the tears had finally come. They weren’t sad tears, but rather happy ones… overwhelmed ones, more than anything. It was Griselda who had broken down first, before shamefully admitting that she hadn’t thought he would be very present in their children’s lives, only for his enthusiasm in planning things out to disabuse her of that notion.
Griselda’s tearful confession then caused Asia to begin crying, though she blamed it purely on just how happy she was, how she knew from the moment Issei had helped her that this was what she wanted, and where she wanted to be.
It was… an interesting experience to say the least. Not a bad one by any means, but definitely not something Issei was used to. In the end, the two human women had tuckered themselves out, and Issei had ended up cuddling with the both of them for an hour as they fell deeper and deeper into sleep.
Only now was he extracting himself from their cuddle pile, and as he makes his way across the bedroom floor towards the door, his feet as silent as can be, he pauses for a moment to look back. In the moonlight streaming through a nearby window, Issei can make out Asia and Griselda’s sleeping faces, as the two cuddle with one another, holding each other close, possibly not even aware that he was gone.
Smiling softly at the sight for a moment more, Issei gives a nod… and then steps out into the hallway. He gets a ways down it and turns the corner, before being ambushed by two familiar faces. They don’t say a word, they just stare at him intensely as Issei stares right back, a little surprised to be running into them. But that surprise quickly gives way to a chuckle and a smile.
Of course, it would be these two…

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