The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 53: Lady Yasaka Pt. 2

Even if there are almost certainly people watching, Yasaka can’t help but go for it. Kitsune are naturally sexual creatures after all, in the same way they are naturally mischievous. In this case, Yasaka herself has always been a very sexual being. Being confronted by two horndogs seemingly even greater than her when it came to perversion, didn’t change that.
Licking her lips, her fox ears flicking atop her head, Yasaka smiles… and uses a finger to toy with the inner edge of one side of her kimono, showing off a bit of skin, even as she lowers her eyes and lets her tone take on a regretful mien.
“Unfortunately… I do not think the initial plan is recoverable. I cannot realistically take you on as my mate any longer, Issei Hyoudou.”
Gabriel frowns, but its Issei who responds, raising an eyebrow and smiling right back at her.
“Oh? Why is that?”
Sighing dramatically, Yasaka shakes her head.
“My subjects would never allow it. I could reasonably argue for my own right to take on a harem, but if I were seen joining someone else’s harem, that would undermine the foundations of my support far too much. I would be chased out of Urakyoto within a fortnight, were I to submit to you and the Fallen Seraph. My apologies, Gabriel… but I must remain a leader among my people.”
Now, both Issei and Gabriel are frowning. Not in a threatening or angry way, but in a thoughtful manner. She’s made them both think, from the look of things. That’s good, because it puts her on the offensive, and she’s quick to take advantage of that, smiling coyly and slipping her kimono down off her shoulder, showing even more skin. Their eyes dart to the sight immediately, like two hungry, slavering wolves sensing fresh meat in their midst.
But Yasaka isn’t simply fresh meat. She is a Nine-Tailed Kitsune, with all the guile and sexual energy that entails.
“That is not to say we cannot come to a… mutually beneficial arrangement, however. After all, even if we cannot secure the alliance through marriage, there is no reason we cannot have an alliance all the same. One secured through mutual respect and… understanding, if nothing else.”
Because quite frankly, Yasaka wasn’t letting these two powerhouses leave Urakyoto without getting some sort of concessions from them! Not just because they’d had their way with her poor messenger either. Gabriel and Issei represented a brand new faction, small in size and numbers, but definitely not in strength. They were on the rise, and Yasaka would be a fool not to take advantage of their relative infancy to… get in on the ground floor, so to speak.
Exchanging a glance, the Red Dragon Emperor and his Fallen Seraph share a moment of silent communication, before turning back to her in unison. Once again, Issei is the one to answer her, with Gabriel letting him speak for the both of them.
“That sounds… more than worthwhile to us, Lady Yasaka. We would be happy to be your… very close allies.”
Yasaka smiles at that.
Then, she gathers herself. Even knowing that there are likely plenty of eyes on them despite the surface-level private nature of this meeting, she’s ready to lay it all bare. It won’t be the first time she engages in a threesome while she’s sure she’s being watched by guards and enemy spies alike, nor will it be the last.
However, as she’s gathering herself to put on quite the show, before she can move… a sudden change comes over the room, and she blinks as she sees Gabriel lifting a hand and smirking slightly.
“I grow tired of all of those insects listening in on our conversation. Given the… intimate turn this ‘conversation’ is now taking, I thought it best to block them out. We now have complete privacy, Lady Yasaka.”
Oh. The Kitsune makes a token effort to get in contact with her bodyguards, only to find that currently blocked as well. Her mouth goes dry, as she realizes she’s truly all alone in this room with two hungering wolves. And her, just a little ole fox trying to make her way in the world.
Hah! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Not one to wear her anxiety on her sleeve even at the worst of times, Yasaka just smiles beatifically and rises from her kneeling position. The other shoulder of her kimono comes off, and then she’s untying the garment at the waist, easily pulling it apart to reveal her body. Her breasts, held down by a set of bandages, and her crotch, covered by a pair of skimpy panties.
As her kimono drops to the floor at her feet, she fans her nine fox tails out behind her, using them to frame her beautiful body as her blonde fox ears twitch atop her head. Her eyes lidded, the kitsune Daiyoukai looks to both Issei and Gabriel and raises a brow.
“You’re a little overdressed for… intimate negotiations, you two.”
They don’t quite… scramble to their feet, as Yasaka would have preferred. But they certainly rise, with Gabriel’s sets of blackened angel wings splaying out behind her as her own clothing almost seems to dissolve away. Issei, meanwhile, shucks his shirt over his head and removes his pants, until he’s standing there in just his boxers.
Dropping back down to her hands and knees, Yasaka crawls forward until she reached the Red Dragon Emperor. It’s wonderful, knowing that there’s no one actually watching them at this point. It means she’s free to do as she wants, rather than contemplate what every little action will look like to her constant voyeurs.
In this case, rather than forcing the two of them to come to her in a power play, Yasaka can just give in to her instincts and crawl right up to Issei, where she pulls his boxers down his legs and coos as his throbbing, rock hard cock springs forth from its confines. It’s quite large… so very thick… and it smells absolutely delightful.
Yasaka’s nostrils flare and her fox ears twitch some more as she leans in and presses her nose up against it. Letting out a purring rumble from deep within her throat, the Nine-tailed Kitsune shivers in delight, before finally letting her tongue trail out and lash across Issei’s cock.
He lets out a groan in response, and his hand falls upon the top of her head. Hmph, how very… presumptuous. Not that Yasaka truly minds. In fact, knowing that no one is watching them, she graciously allows it, giving him control as he guides her to the head of his member, and then down the length of his shaft.
Bobbing up and down his cock, tongue swishing this way and that, Yasaka’s eyes glitter as she gazes up into the young man’s face. To be such an important player in the political games of the supernatural world at his age is no small feat. Sure, he’s propelled himself to the top with his audacity regarding Gabriel, but that in and of itself was an impressive act, to say the least.
Speaking of Gabriel, the Fallen Angel doesn’t remain idle. The first to truly get naked, the Fallen Seraph moves behind Yasaka and begins playing with the bandages covering her breasts. Even as Yasaka playfully bats at the other woman with her tails, Gabriel is quick to trap them in her arms and hug Yasaka from behind all the same.
A lustful growl enters the kitsune’s sensitive fox ear, even as Yasaka’s eyes try to look back at Gabriel, even with Issei’s cock in her mouth.
“Naughty little kitsune. So presumptuous. So… full of herself.”
Excuse her?! Yasaka mumbles, wanting to take issue with that, but Issei doesn’t let her. His hand atop her head continues to guide her along his admittedly fat member, keeping Yasaka muffled even as Gabriel chuckles throatily… and rips the bandages from Yasaka’s breasts. The Fallen Seraph’s hands grope and squeeze at the blonde kitsune’s tits a moment later, prompting a stifled moan from Yasaka’s cock-stuffed lips.
Tch, damn her… she knows just how to touch Yasaka’s sensitive breasts. They’re one of her weaknesses, truth be told. After all, she’s still-
“Oh? What’s this… is the Lady Kitsune lactating~”
Yasaka mumbles around Issei’s cock some more. It’s perfectly normal for her to still be lactating! Her daughter is s-still young, even if she’s been weaned off of breast-feeding for y-years now! Yasaka’s body is just… still basking in the Springtime of Motherhood! Yes, t-that’s it! She’s not weird, for still producing m-milk, damn it!
Of course, pervert that he is, this only spurs the Red Dragon Emperor on further, until she’s damn near choking on his cock.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
This was getting out of hand. It didn’t matter whether or not anyone was watching. Issei and Gabriel were taking too many liberties! Bucking her hips, Yasaka uses all nine of her tails to forcefully push the Fallen Seraph back. At the same time, she brings her actual hands up and pushes on Issei’s legs just as forcibly.
Ignoring how it feels like they let her push them away, the both of them feeling for a moment as though they could have stayed right where they were and there was nothing, she could have done about it, Yasaka manages to free herself. Coughing slightly, she glares heatedly for a moment up at Issei… before turning over onto her back, resting on a pillowy bed of her own tails as she spreads her legs wide and runs a hand down her front to between her thighs.
Using two fingers to spread her pussy lips, Yasaka sniffs haughtily, looking for all intents and purposes like a Queen lounging upon a throne of her own fluffy tails.
“You are more than ready by now, Issei Hyoudou. Come, make yourself at home so that we might finalize our alliance, and make true our new… friendship.”
Solemn and serious as one can be in these circumstances, Issei nods his agreement and moves in, kneeling down between her legs and grasping her by her thicc, pale thighs as he brings his cock up to her slippery, wet slit. Despite their rough actions, Yasaka could admit she was turned on… incredibly turned on, in fact. A gasp leaves her lips, as Issei fills her with his cock a moment later.
Of course, Gabriel comes slinking in just after, while Yasaka is still struggling to adjust to Issei’s size. The Red Dragon Emperor is filling her in a way few men before him have managed… even Kunou’s father didn’t compare, Yasaka finds herself regretfully thinking. Sidling up alongside her, the Fallen Seraph actually looks like she’s trying to act remorseful, pouting slightly and turning a pair of puppy dog eyes upon Yasaka.
Even knowing exactly what the Fallen version of Gabriel is like by this point, Yasaka feels a strange clenching in her abdomen, as the Fallen Seraph runs a hand along her belly.
“Apologies if I was too forward, Lady Yasaka. Please, allow me to make it up to you.”
Sniffing haughtily, Yasaka’s eyes flash as she pretends to ponder the request for a moment. In truth, there was no way she was going to reject Gabriel’s advances at this point. She already had Issei’s cock inside of her, and Gabriel was… well, she was just as sinfully delightful.
“V-Very well. I shall grant you this one chance.”
Smiling a wide, happy smile that almost seems innocent, Gabriel then lowers her mouth to Yasaka’s tits, proving that innocence to be the lie the kitsune already knew it to be. Latching onto Yasaka’s left teat, the Fallen Seraph begins to suck, while reaching out with her other hand to grope and squeeze Yasaka’s right breast for good measure.
Unable to help herself, the nine-tailed Daiyoukai lets out a wanton, lewd moan, her back arching and her chest instinctively pushing up into Gabriel’s mouth and hand as she lactates readily into both. Gabriel drinks deeply from the one teat, while her hand gets progressively messier fondling the other.
All the while, Issei is still fucking her. Yasaka, that is. His cock pistons in and out of her, and it’s all the voluptuous blonde can do to keep up. She would be on much better footing against the young man if Gabriel weren’t directly attacking her weak spot, however. She’d known to expect the two would tag team her, but this… this is beyond her anticipation. She was being played even now, even after she pushed them away and forced a soft reset.
But she couldn’t bring herself to hate it. Issei’s technique, while rough and forceful, was also clearly well practiced and no doubt used on many girls and women before her. He was fucking her so damn deeply with that big fat cock of his. And the power behind his thrusts… yes, Yasaka could well believe he might be strong enough to beat her in open combat.
Not that she had any intention of dueling him or anything ridiculous like that. She was glad he hadn’t brought it up, because this… this was much better than fighting. Oh yes, MUCH better.
Throwing her head back, Yasaka cries out as she cums around Issei’s cock. Her pussy walls flex and clench down upon his member as the sexy MILF of a kitsune squeezes his shaft with all her might. But it doesn’t stop him, nor even truly slow him down. No, if anything he fucks her faster, and the more he does so, the harder it is for Yasaka to think.
Gabriel, meanwhile, has transitioned to her other breast, drinking deeply from that one as well. She gorges herself on Yasaka’s breast milk, until finally, the Fallen Seraph suddenly pulls back. Holding the blonde kitsune’s tits by their bases, she brings them together and gives them a squeeze, provoking a squirt of white fluid from both of them.
“Come, Issei. Have your fill.”
The Red Dragon Emperor falls upon her lactating breasts like a ravenous beast, and with Gabriel’s help, manages to bring Yasaka’s tits together and fit BOTH of her nipples into his mouth, where he can suck and bite on them to his heart’s content. Shuddering, Yasaka watches this for a moment… until Gabriel reaches up and turns her head to face her, caressing the beleaguered kitsune’s cheek.
“My beloved grows ever closer to his release, Lady Yasaka. Now, I know you said you wished to maintain a certain… mm, distance between us. You will not be joining Issei’s harem, if I understand correctly?”
In that moment, she almost feels weak enough to do so and damn the consequences. But no… no, she must consider the impact on more than just herself if she went down such a path.
“T-That is correct?”
Smiling wickedly, as if she were reading Yasaka’s thoughts or more likely could simply sense the turmoil the other woman was in, Gabriel inclines her head in easy acceptance.
“Very well. Perhaps a gift then. My beloved is VERY virile… and unlike the Devils, you are quite fertile, aren’t you Lady Yasaka?”
The offer takes a moment to process in Yasaka’s lust-fevered mind. And then Issei picks up the pace, causing her to moan as he fucks her all the harder… and the Daiyoukai knows she has a decision to make, and that she better make it fast.

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