The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 81

Shen Yu had only a vague memory of this. At the time, his thinking was rather muddled. Now that he thought about it, it seemed like there really was some sort of slippery feeling.

His thoughts drifted back to the night before.

There was a soft bed beneath his body, and on the other side was a breath that was scorching hot. He was like a fish tossed on the surface of the ocean, rising and falling with the wind and waves.

In the midst of the confusion, a man's deep voice sounded in his ear: "Ah Yu, this emperor has the ointment sent by Imperial Physician Gu. It won't be as sore this time…"

Something that was icy cold but also blazing hot.

The wind and waves grew more and more fierce.

Shang JunLin saw a crimson blush crawling up that porcelain white skin and felt temptation scratching at his heart.

He'd seen Shen Yu when he was serene and self-possessed, and he'd seen him sink into despondency. Both sides of this man made his heart surge with love.

"I'll tell Imperial Physician Gu to send over more ointment," Shang JunLin said quietly in Shen Yu's ear. "Fortunately this emperor kept it close at hand."

"How will it look if Your Majesty asks Imperial Physician Gu to make more of it?" Shen Yu nudged Shang JunLin, not wanting to be so close to him.

"Why? It's his duty to take proper care of Ah Yu's body."

Shen Yu looked at him askance. "Including this?"

Suppressing a smile, Shang JunLin nodded.

Shen Yu: "……"

He was speechless.

"Well, this emperor was just teasing. I'm not so dizzy with lust that I'd give Imperial Physician Gu a direct order." Shang JunLin smiled and pinched Shen Yu's earlobe.

Shen Yu's legs were still sore, and he didn't feel like continuing this topic with the party who was responsible. "Your Majesty, did you decide what official position you'll grant to Young Lady Fang and the others?"

The palace examination results had been announced several days ago, and the other successful candidates had already begun to take up their posts. Jiang HuaiQing and Hè ChengYu would soon be appointed to serve in the Imperial Hanlin Academy. Fang JiaYi, the second highest-ranking scholar, was the only one who hadn't been assigned.

Originally, Shang JunLin intended to send her to Hanlin Academy like all the other top scorers, but the ministers strongly opposed it. Serving in Hanlin Academy was the starting point for people who'd eventually join the cabinet. The ministers thought it sufficient to find some meaningless position for Fang JiaYi. There was no need to put her in Hanlin Academy.

An even greater number of ministers wanted Shang JunLin to withdraw his order to make her an official in the first place. They couldn't accept the idea of serving in court alongside a woman. Not all of them were actual woman-haters, but it was difficult to change their existing prejudice so quickly. Before all this happened, the idea that a woman could be an official was just a fantasy.

As he considered this topic, Shang JunLin rubbed his aching forehead. "They didn't have any problems with the others, and they were even willing to let Hè ChengYu and Jiang HuaiQing receive high-ranking assignments. But with Fang JiaYi they refuse to relent."

Shen Yu: "Where do they want to assign Young Lady Fang? The order has already been announced to the public. It can't be rescinded."

Shang JunLin: "They want this emperor to make her a lady of the second rank or some other title."

Shen Yu: "A title without actual power. That way they avoid attracting negative attention and achieve their goal at the same time. Two birds with one stone, it's a good proposal."

Shang JunLin: "At present, the prime minister is the only member of the cabinet who's agreed to let Fang JiaYi become an official. The other two still won't give in."

Da Huan's three-member cabinet had enormous power, which reached its peak during the reign of the previous emperor. After Shang JunLin ascended the throne, he revoked a lot of its authority, but the cabinet remained a powerful institution.

In addition to the prime minister, the other two members of the cabinet were also from old aristocratic families. If Shang JunLin wanted to take action that might be harmful to their interests, the cabinet ministers were the first obstacle in his way.

Both sides refused to budge, and now things were at a stalemate.

Despite Fang JiaYi's existence as a special case, the triennial Qionglin Banquet was scheduled to take place as usual.

In previous years the banquet was organized by officials from aristocratic families. This year, because of Fang JiaYi, Shang JunLin delegated the matter to the Ministry of Rites.

On the one hand, the Qionglin Banquet was a large feast meant to congratulate the top scorers of the triennial imperial examinations. On the other hand, it was an opportunity for incoming officials to become familiar with the ranks of Da Huan's current ministers ahead of time.

To signal the banquet's importance, a prince of the imperial family usually attended. Shang JunLin didn't have any children, and he'd previously sent all of his brothers and relatives far away, which meant he either had to send a minister to attend on his behalf or go in person.

"The Qionglin Banquet? Is Your Majesty going to attend?" Shen Yu asked.

"This emperor means to go, and Ah Yu will come with me."

Shen Yu knew why Shang JunLin was going personally. Too many strange things had happened during this year's imperial examinations. The emperor's presence at the banquet would not only underscore the importance of the exams, it would also reassure the incoming officials and force the aristocratic families to tone down their bluster.

Shen Yu was a man, which meant that if Shang JunLin wanted to take him along no one would object. Even if they did, Shang JunLin would just ignore it, and doing so would offend Shen Yu, who was deep in the emperor's favor. It would gain nothing and everyone knew it.

After the relevant preparations were completed, the examinees got the news.

"This year His Majesty is going to attend with the noble monarch. I'll finally have the opportunity to see the noble monarch I've heard so much about."

"Aren't you more excited to see His Majesty in person?"

"Do you think it's going to be hard to meet His Majesty after joining the court as an official? What's really rare is being able to see the noble monarch."

"I heard the exam fraud was discovered in time because of the noble monarch. Otherwise we all would have been in trouble."

"His Majesty is willing to take the noble monarch to the Qionglin Banquet? It must be true what they say, His Majesty really values him."

"I thought the harem wasn't allowed to interfere in politics. Even if His Majesty dotes on the noble monarch, he shouldn't bring him to that kind of occasion, right?"

"What's wrong with it? His Majesty took the noble monarch to the palace exam too."

"Speaking of which, I don't think any officials criticized His Majesty for that."

"No, they're all focused on the second place scorer, Young Lady Fang. Nobody cares about anything else."

"It's so strange that His Majesty actually wants to appoint a female official."

"That's not something for people like us to worry about. Let's pay more attention to matters at hand."

"You mean the Qionglin Banquet, right? I wonder if it's really like the poem says. Do you think Young Lady Fang will be there? I wonder what she's like."

"She's a determined, capable woman who isn't afraid of people with power. In my opinion if she joins the court as an official she'll definitely be effective."

The speaker had a good impression of Fang JiaYi. He'd witnessed the farce at Yingxing House involving the King of Yue and thought she did a better job in that situation than most men.

At the Fang residence.

Minister Fang had known his daughter would face enormous resistance if she tried to become an official, but he didn't think it would be so difficult from the very start.

Minister Fang sighed and looked at his daughter, whose eyes were steadfast. "This will all be resolved for good after the banquet."

After the Qionglin Banquet, it would no longer be possible to delay the appointment of new officials. Although it looked like the aristocratic families had successfully overwhelmed Shang JunLin, the fact was that Shang JunLin didn't want to stomp them down with too much force.

"Father, you've already done so much for me. I'll be able to travel this road on my own in the future."

From the first stirrings of the dream inside her, Fang JiaYi knew her path would be uneven, rough, and full of thorns. She'd never dared to tell anyone about it because she knew how unimaginable and shocking it would sound. She thought her dream was doomed to remain a dream for the rest of her life. Instead, against all her expectations, she had the chance to make it a reality.

How strange that the first people to tell her she wasn't out of her mind were the two men who stood at the pinnacle of Da Huan's power structure. From that moment on, she made up her mind to blaze a new path for all women!

The day of the Qionglin Banquet soon arrived.

Shang JunLin changed into a less formal imperial court robe. Shen Yu wanted to experience the atmosphere among the scholars, so he didn't wear the garments that represented his status as noble monarch.

His white, wide-sleeved court gown was covered with a light blue gauze mantle, and his long hair was unbound and fell softly behind his shoulders. His facial features were delicate, his eyes were dark and bottomless, his face wore a polite smile. With a folding fan in his hand, this elegant young man was as smooth and polished as jade.

The Qionglin Banquet took place outside the palace in a special hall. Shen Yu and Shang JunLin got into the carriage and rode slowly out of the palace.

As Shen Yu sat in the carriage he glanced at Shang JunLin. "We should thank Young Lady Fang. Otherwise Your Majesty would have been criticized by the officials for taking me to the palace examination."

"True. With Fang JiaYi to distract them, they've decided to ignore the rest of the palace exam."

These days Shang JunLin was usually in Yuzhang Palace when he approved memorials. Shen Yu occasionally glanced at them and found that most were about Fang JiaYi. Shang JunLin didn't care enough to deal with them, so he had people pick them out and set them aside. By now the pile was so big it would take days to read.

"Your Majesty can assign the less important memorials to your officials to deal with. If Your Majesty is worried about the aristocratic families, you could promote a group of officials from clean backgrounds," Shen Yu suggested.

"The cabinet is supposed to handle such things. In recent years, however, the influence of the aristocratic families has grown. If this emperor lets the cabinet deal with everything, things may not go well. What Ah Yu says is reasonable. After this emperor trains a group of officials who can be used, I won't be as busy as I am now."

When Shang JunLin first ascended the throne, he suffered many losses in secret at the hands of the old families. Later, when their ambition became excessive, he used bloody methods to suppress them, gradually consolidating court power into his own hands.

Jiang HuaiQing continued to live with Hè ChengYu while they waited for their assignments to be announced. Jiang HuaiQing originally planned to rent a house of his own, but Hè ChengYu persuaded him not to.

"Aren't you used to living here, HuaiQing? Or do you think I'm annoying?" As Hè ChengYu said this, his eyes and expression drooped slightly, giving the impression of an abandoned puppy.

Jiang HuaiQing immediately felt guilty. He hurriedly explained, "No, how could I think you're annoying, ChengYu Xiong? I'm just afraid I'm causing you too much trouble…."

"How could HuaiQing cause trouble? You've obviously helped me a lot," Hè ChengYu interrupted. "What's more, you pay for your own food and board. You also help out with things at home from time to time. How could you cause me too much trouble?"

Hè ChengYu looked at Jiang HuaiQing quietly for a moment. "If you already had your own house and wanted to move out, I wouldn't say anything. But right now there isn't even a place you're thinking about moving to. What's more, I'm used to having you around. If you really leave, I'm afraid I won't be able to adjust for a while. When our assignments are announced, HuaiQing, you can consider it again."

Jiang HuaiQing thought about it. He was accustomed to living and eating with Hè ChengYu these days. If he really moved out, the new place might not be as comfortable, and it would certainly take time to adapt.

As Hè ChengYu said, although he lived in his friend's house, it wasn't like he didn't contribute his share.

The two attended the Qionglin Banquet together.

One was the zhuangyuan and the other was the tanhua. The moment they came in they were surrounded.

Some people wanted to talk to Hè ChengYu, while others were looking for Jiang HuaiQing. The two were gradually separated by the crowd.

This was the opportunity Yi JianMing's attendants had been waiting for. They exchanged glances and sent a person to quietly follow.

Shen Yu got out of the carriage, separated from Shang JunLin, and walked into the crowd.

Jiang HuaiQing was talking to the people who kept coming up to him. Suddenly he was tapped on the shoulder. He turned around and met a pair of smiling eyes.

"… Yu Xiong?"

TL Notes:

Two birds with one stone – 一举两得 – one move, two gains / shoot two hawks with one arrow / kill two birds with one stone

criticize (the emperor) – 弹劾 – impeach, accuse – If the emperor or anyone else did something contrary to law, morality, etc., an official might write a memorial to call them out for it. This could involve the Imperial Censorate mentioned in previous chapters

Transliterated names, places, and titles—new in this chapter:

Hanlin Academy – 翰林院 – Imperial Hanlin Academy, from the Tang dynasty through 1911. An institution of elite scholars who performed secretarial and literary tasks for the imperial court (Wikipedia)

lady of the second rank – 县君 – xiànjūn – county monarch / lady of a county – In some dynasties this was the rank given to the shu daughter of a junwang (a prince of non-royal blood) or the shu granddaughter of a qinwang (a prince of royal blood, meaning a son of the emperor, making her the great-granddaughter of an emperor) (from Nyamachi). For di vs shu children see Ch 1

Qionglin Banquet – 琼林宴 – A banquet for new jinshi which took place after the palace examination, originally held in Qionglin Garden. Baidu quotes a famous poem about it (御赐琼林宴恭和诗 by 文天祥) which might be the one mentioned in this chapter

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