The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 80

"I believe in Your Majesty." Shen Yu certainly trusted Shang JunLin. Even if Shang JunLin changed someday, in the past and right now, he was what he said.

As for the future, Shen Yu didn't want to think about it.

As if sensing his misgivings, Shang JunLin's kiss moved to the peak of Shen Yu's lips. "Ah Yu, my heart will never have a place for anyone but you."

Before he met Shen Yu, his heart was no more than a wasteland. It was the arrival of Shen Yu that made his emotions blossom. This heart full of flowers bloomed for Shen Yu alone.

As if tasting something delicious, he lightly traced the petals of Shen Yu's lips. Their pale color gradually darkened to dark red, and the tip of his tongue slipped past the teeth, lithely seeking and exploring the warmth inside.

"Your Majesty…" Shen Yu met Shang JunLin's stormy kiss, clutching the black fabric under his hands.

All his other senses disappeared. Shen Yu let his eyes close and lightly moved the tip of his tongue.

The man's actions paused. Then as if he was feeling encouraged by something his attack became more and more fierce.

It was like a mutual chase or a game of chess with initiative passing back and forth between them, neither willing to give in. Shang JunLin held Shen Yu's chin, but at some point his hand moved to the back of Shen Yu's head, clasping him tightly, giving him no room to shrink away.

The wind and rain of the storm eventually came to an end. Shang JunLin's breath touched Shen Yu's lips. They were both breathing a bit unsteadily. Shang JunLin didn't want to let go. Without moving away he waited for his breath to slow down.

Shang JunLin sighed softly. "Ah Yu is so eager tonight."

"Your Majesty is excited too." Shen Yu felt it clearly. Just now his mind was totally absorbed in the kiss. Only when he returned to his senses did he realize how dangerous their current position was.

"This emperor won't do anything. Let me hold you close for a while." As he said these words, his lips softly brushed Shen Yu's skin.

After expending so much energy, Shen Yu was too lazy to move. It wasn't the first time he'd been in this kind of situation, but right now the atmosphere was subtly different. Shen Yu couldn't have said why, but even though he was tired he still wanted to be close to Shang JunLin.

Shen Yue was escorted back to the dowager concubine's quarters by the people from Yuzhang Palace. When the dowager concubine heard about her return, she asked a servant to bring Shen Yue over.

The elderly maid who served the dowager concubine was puzzled. "Why is the dowager concubine so interested in Shen Yue?"

"That person? Ah, the older you get the more you enjoy the liveliness of young people. It's pleasant to spend time with Shen Yue now, isn't it?" The dowager concubine leisurely admired her nails. "You see, that child actually knows a lot of different things."

The dowager concubine's hands were well-maintained. Her nails were painted with intricate designs, which made her hands even more beautiful.

The elderly maid poured a fresh cup of tea for the dowager concubine. "Indeed, she's a lot more likable than when she first arrived. The dowager concubine is good at training people. You were even able to change her eccentric temperament."

The dowager concubine picked up her tea cup and took a sip. "She's young and it's normal for young people to take a wrong turn. His Majesty sent her to me to help discipline her. I think she must be useful somehow. If it really was impossible to teach her, I wouldn't have bothered to get involved."

"That's true. The dowager concubine has encountered many people over the years. His Majesty is a good man. He's always appreciated the dowager concubine's past kindness. If it weren't for His Majesty, we wouldn't be able to live such a relaxed life." The elderly maid sighed.

She was an old woman who'd served the dowager concubine since she first entered the late emperor's harem. Her mistress wasn't the type who relished fighting for power and profit, and it hadn't been easy for her to survive the rain of blood and turmoil. It was good to be able to live in such calm and quiet these days.

"When I acted back then, it was because I saw how difficult it was for that child in the harem. Besides, the late empress sheltered me a great deal. After everything that happened, it wasn't easy for that boy to grow up in such a murderous place. Besides, I didn't do much. He fought for everything himself. If he's willing to remember my past kindness, it's out of the goodness of his heart. It doesn't mean we should try to seek advantage for ourselves in return, understood?"

The dowager concubine's tone was light, but the meaning of her words was heavy.

"This slave understands." The elderly maid felt a shiver in her heart. She knew that some gossip must have reached the ears of the dowager concubine. "This slave will pay close attention to our people here in the palace and make sure they don't step out of line."

"Good." The dowager concubine couldn't help thinking of the events of many years ago. When the late empress was still alive, she and the emperor were deeply in love. As their son, Shang JunLin was truly the favored son of heaven.

When the dowager concubine went to the empress' palace to pay her respects back then, she often saw Shang JunLin there. He tried so hard to look like a mature little adult, reading his books beside the empress. Who would have thought that the beloved son of the empress would someday have to crawl through hell itself?

After the late empress died, treacherous ministers instigated the emperor to disregard years of affection between husband and wife. He executed more than one hundred members of the empress' family in one night. In a single day the motherless Shang JunLin lost the support of his powerful maternal family. The fate of a prince with no ability to protect himself was all too easy to predict.

At the time, the dowager concubine wanted to take the child and raise him at her side, but the emperor forbade anyone from doing so. The dowager concubine had no status in the palace. There was only so much she could do in secret to help.

The next time she met Shang JunLin, she could no longer see any trace of the child he'd once been. He was vicious and cruel, a ruthless avenger who'd returned from hell.

She didn't know what happened between the late emperor and empress, but it was enough to make the emperor eradicate the empress' family in one night and withdraw all favor from his only legitimate son, which indicated how serious it was.

Unfortunately, everyone who knew the details had been disposed of. The dowager concubine investigated quietly for a long time but never found a single clue.

"Dowager concubine, Lady Shen Yue is here."

The dowager concubine sighed and set aside her thoughts. "Send her in."

When Shen Yue walked inside, she bowed respectfully to the dowager concubine. This person had given her a new life. Shen Yue respected her from the bottom of her heart.

The dowager concubine called the woman in front of her, and then took her hand and patted it. "I'm relieved to see you came back in one piece."

"Dowager concubine…" Shen Yue felt warmth flood her heart. She'd never received much care from adults when she was a child. The dowager concubine was the first person to give her so much attention, finally showing her what it was like to receive an elder's careful teaching.

The dowager concubine noticed Shen Yue's fondness and smiled softly.

"His Majesty and the noble monarch asked me about something, but I don't know how to choose." Shen Yue described what happened in Yuzhang Palace, skipping over the part about transmigrating from modern times.

After listening, the dowager concubine felt happy for Shen Yue. "This shows that His Majesty and the noble monarch value you. I've also heard that His Majesty plans to employ female officials. This is an opportunity. I know how many wonderful ideas you have. For you to be stuck here in my isolated palace would be a waste of talent. Go ahead and do it. You're still young and can take a chance. The world is an unfair place for women to begin with. It wasn't easy for His Majesty and the noble monarch to do something for women."

"Yes, a woman should be more than just an accessory for a man." Shen Yue agreed. Despite living in ancient times, the emperor was willing to recognize the ability of women. Shen Yue thought this was something to admire.

"Dowager concubine, I feel a little worried. Do you think I can do a good job?" Shen Yue hesitated. It wasn't that she didn't want the opportunity. After all, who would want to live their life in the shadows? But she was a little afraid. If she agreed, would she be able to endure the hard work?

"Good child, don't be afraid. His Majesty and the noble monarch made this offer and they'll naturally help you. If you trust me, I'm willing to do my part as well. Every journey starts with a first step. There's nothing to worry about."

Shen Yue nodded heavily. "I see!"

The next day Shen Yu received Shen Yue's reply.

Shang JunLin had gone to morning court. Shen Yu closed his eyes and lay in bed for a while before sitting up.

There were clean clothes over to the side. Shen Yu dressed himself slowly. When he got out of bed, his legs were so weak that he almost sat back down.

Last night he got too caught up in things. He shouldn't have agreed to help Shang JunLin with his legs.

Shen Yu felt a little pain and frowned. If he didn't count that time in the bath, this was the second time it happened. They didn't go all the way, but it still felt so strange that Shen Yu couldn't ignore it.

Mu Xi was waiting in the outer room. When she heard him moving around she brought in some hot water.

"Young master, Shen Yue sent you a message. She said she's willing to agree, but she hopes she can stay with the dowager concubine."

Shen Yu washed up and Mu Xi helped him comb his hair. When he was done he sat down on the soft couch, enduring the pain, and let out a slow sigh of relief.

"I see. Tell her to sort out the information she thinks might be useful first and then send it over." Shen Yu felt worn out today. He didn't really want to deal with business.

"Very well. Would the young master like to eat? His Majesty ordered the small kitchen to have some food ready."

"Bring it in. Have someone set up a small table. I'll eat here."

Mu Xi swiftly relayed Shen Yu's orders. After a short time, the small kitchen presented the meal.

Shen Yu picked up the chopsticks. "Hmm? Are there new people in the small kitchen?"

There were several dishes on the table that Shen Yu didn't recognize.

The servant in charge of delivering the food answered, "His Majesty looked for imperial chefs in the palace who know different regional cuisines and sent them here. Today the small kitchen has presented new dishes alongside ones the noble monarch eats frequently. The noble monarch can see if they're to your liking."

Shen Yu tried them one by one. These dishes weren't quite the same as what was usually served in the palace, but the taste was excellent. After just one or two bites, Shen Yu's appetite was piqued. He even ate more rice than usual.

When Shang JunLin returned from court, Shen Yu was finishing up his meal. Seeing that he'd enjoyed the food, Shang JunLin asked the palace servants to add another bowl and set of chopsticks and swept away the remainder of the food.

"Why didn't Your Majesty tell them to bring in fresh dishes?" Shen Yu leaned against the cushion behind him without making room for Shang JunLin.

Years of military service had made their impact on Shang JunLin, who ate quickly. Last night they played around until after midnight. Shen Yu didn't wake up until it was almost noon, while Shang JunLin still managed to get up early and go to morning court.

After a while, Shang JunLin finished eating. He took a handkerchief from Meng Gonggong and wiped his mouth. "Ah Yu left so much food— weren't you saving it for this emperor?"

Shen Yu looked away. "Why would I leave anything for you?"

"Very well, Ah Yu didn't intentionally leave any food for this emperor." Shang JunLin, who'd eaten his fill, was happy to banter with him. "It's just that this emperor was extremely hungry, you see?"

Meng Gonggong led the servants in to take away the empty dishes and the small table.

Shang JunLin sat down on the soft couch, pulled Shen Yu close, and kissed his cheek. "Ah Yu, you can't make trouble with me because of last night. Last night you clearly agreed."

"I'm not making trouble. I'm just a little sore."

Last night the atmosphere was so good that Shen Yu reacted to Shang JunLin's kisses for the first time, and that caused the man to get a little excited. Later, Shen Yu couldn't resist and ended up helping Shang JunLin with his hands. As the two were getting heated on the couch, the man gazed at him with those deep eyes, and a devil made Shen Yu offer to let him use his legs….

Then things got out of hand.

"This emperor looked this morning and it didn't seem to be hurt. I used the ointment sent by Imperial Physician Gu. Isn't it better than last time?"

TL Notes:

Every journey starts with a first step – from 什么事都有一个从无到有的过程 – Everything that happens proceeds from nothing to something

Transliterated names, places, and titles—new in this chapter:

Lady (Shen Yue) – 姑娘 – gūniang – Also used in Ch 26

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