The Shattered Constellations Between Stars

Aptitude Awakening

Over the next couple of months, Nyx continued her regular visits to the Griff, Tiger, Snake, and Peacock—each on their respective days. As time went on, she grew more comfortable with each of them, and they with her.

When visiting Griff, Nyx and her companions, Len, Suli, Nabi, Guerim, and Ryu, would clean his cave and chat about their day.

Len sighed as he wiped dust off a rock. “You’d think for such a magical creature, he could clean up after himself.”

Suli smirked, tossing feathers into a pile. “Maybe he enjoys watching us struggle.”

“Or maybe,” Ryu chimed in, “he’s testing our endurance.”

Nyx laughed as she swept up more debris. “Or maybe it’s just an excuse to hang out with us.”

Griff, lazily observing the group, yawned. “I assure you, it’s neither. But I do appreciate your efforts.”

Nyx approached Griff with a smile. “You could always learn to clean yourself, you know.”

Griff chuckled, a low rumbling sound. “I could, but then I’d miss out on your company.”

She smiled up at him. “Touché.”

When Nyx spoke to Griff, their conversations were always a bit more serious, but she enjoyed the wisdom he offered.

"You've been progressing well, Nyx," Griff said one day after they had finished cleaning.

Nyx smiled, through her eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Do you think I’m strong enough now?" she asked.

"Strength isn’t just about power," Griff reminded her. "It’s also about knowing when to use it and when not to."

Nyx nodded thoughtfully. "I’ll remember that."

After her day with Griff, she would return to Drac's cave. Sometimes she was tired, but if not, she would practice her aurora skills, with Drac guiding her.

"Remember, Nyx, the aurora isn’t just about the light it creates. It’s a reflection of your inner strength," Drac explained one evening.

Nyx focused, her small hands reaching out as the shimmering light danced between her fingers. "Am I doing it right?"

Drac watched with pride. "You’re getting better every day. Soon, you’ll be able to recognize others by their auroras as well."

On the days she spent with the Tiger, he continued to teach her to master the Claw of Eternal skill. It was difficult at first, but Nyx was determined. One day, after a particularly good session, the Tiger surprised her with a gift.

"You’ve earned this, Nyx," he said, his deep voice reverberating through the forest.

A message popped up:

New Skill

Lightning Mastery – The ability to manipulate lightning.

Level: S.

Nyx's eyes widened in excitement. "I got another skill!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with energy.

"Focus, Nyx. Lightning isn’t something to be taken lightly," the Tiger warned with a grin.

She laughed, already feeling the tingling energy in her fingertips. "It’s way easier than the Claw of Eternal! I feel like it just... flows."

The Tiger chuckled. "That’s because you have the focus. It comes naturally to you."

At the Snake's territory, things were always a little different. The Snake still saw her presence as a nuisance, though he was getting used to her being around. He just didn’t want to admit it. To keep her quiet during her constant chatter, he would often give her new skills.

"Another skill?" Nyx asked one day, surprised.

"To shut you up," the Snake hissed, though his tone had softened over time.

The message appeared:

New Skill

Time Stop – The ability to stop time for 5-10 seconds, depending on the user's magic essence.

Level: SS.

Nyx was always grateful for the skills, even if the Snake’s attitude was cold. "Thank you! I love getting gifts from you!"

The Snake muttered something under his breath but didn't meet her gaze, hiding his small smile.

Despite all these gifts, Nyx realized something.

"I’ve never actually used most of the skills I’ve been given," she said to herself one day.

The only one she used regularly was the Teleportation skill from Griff. She started to wonder what it would be like to finally show them her growth.

She also began thinking about how she could give something back to all of them. "I need to get them gifts too, as a thank you," she thought with determination.

In the Peacock’s domain, things were always special. He dressed her in new clothes and gave her sweets, filling their time together with laughter and stories. One day, he told her about his adventures beyond the forest.

Nyx’s eyes sparkled with wonder. "There are others who look like me? Just beyond the forest?"

The Peacock hesitated, not wanting to shatter her excitement. He couldn’t tell her that he only ventured out during the night, due to his nature. Instead, he lied.

"Yes, many others," he said smoothly. "They live fascinating lives."

Nyx was ecstatic. "What are they like? Do they live like us?"

The Peacock waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, yes. They’re similar enough." He avoided the specifics, feeling a twinge of guilt.

When she returned to Drac’s cave, she couldn’t stop asking him about the world beyond the forest.

"What do they look like? Do you think they’d like me?" Nyx asked eagerly.

Drac felt a heavy weight on his shoulders. He, too, lied. "They’re different from you, Nyx. You’re... special. You must be careful around them."

Nyx’s brow furrowed. "Why?"

Drac sighed. "You’re being raised by the constellations, the most powerful beings in the universe. If they found out, they might try to use you." He spoke softly, not wanting to scare her, but she needed to understand.

Nyx's innocence shone through as she asked, "But why would they want to hurt me? I don’t want to fight them."

Drac looked at her fondly. "There are cruel people out there, Nyx. They might not understand who you are, or they might want your power. That’s why you must be careful. Don’t tell anyone about the constellations or the number of skills you have."

Nyx nodded solemnly, making a mental note. "I’ll be careful," she promised.

Despite Drac's warnings, Nyx couldn’t hide her excitement. "But I still want to meet them! And when I do, you’ll be with me, right? So I don’t have to worry?"

Drac didn’t answer, his heart heavy. He knew that when Nyx left the forest, he wouldn’t be able to go with her. But for now, he let her hold onto that hope.

As the months passed, Nyx continued to grow. She was now six years old, and with every new skill, every new lesson, she felt more connected to her magical abilities—and to the world around her.


At the Tiger’s cave

Nyx was in her usual routine—training with both the Claw of Eternal and her new Lightning Mastery skill. For a six-year-old, she was exceptional. Tiger couldn’t deny it; her raw talent was impressive. She might not be at the level of a constellation, but compared to any S-rank hunter known to man, Nyx was already far ahead.

After hours of intense training, Tiger decided it was time for a break.

“Enough for now, Nyx,” he called out, watching her catch her breath.

Nyx nodded, wiped the sweat from her brow, and plopped down onto the ground, eagerly reaching for her usual lunch: roasted vegetables and chicken, with a large jug of Lunacoc juice. She took a big gulp, sighing in contentment.

“You really like that juice, huh?” Tiger observed, amused.

Nyx nodded enthusiastically, a bright grin on her face. “It’s the best! I could drink this forever!” she exclaimed between bites, taking another swig of the juice like it was nectar from the gods.

Tiger chuckled, shaking his head at her enthusiasm. “You’re going to turn into a Lunacoc if you’re not careful.”

Nyx giggled, stuffing another piece of roasted chicken into her mouth. “Worth it!” she declared through a mouthful of food.

As she continued eating, Tiger decided it was time for a different kind of lesson. “Nyx, there’s something you should know about the world outside this forest,” he began, his voice more serious now.

Nyx looked up from her lunch, intrigued. The others—Len, Suli, Nabi, and Guerim—were also listening closely.

“Beyond this forest, individuals with skills like yours often pursue careers as hunters,” Tiger explained. “They raid dungeons, confront magical creatures, and earn rewards for their efforts.”

Nyx blinked, processing the new information. “Hunters?” she asked, tilting her head.

Tiger nodded. “Yes. Hunters, like skills, are ranked. They go from F, being the weakest, to S, being the strongest.”

He paused, giving her a moment to absorb that. “Do you understand, Nyx?” he asked.

Nyx nodded. “I think so… So, it’s like… the higher your rank, the stronger you are?”

“Exactly,” Tiger confirmed. “The more experience you gain, the higher your rank.”

Nyx raised her hand like a student in class. “I have a question!”

Tiger nodded for her to go on.

“Since I have all these skills,” Nyx began, her eyes bright with curiosity, “how would you rank me?”

Tiger stared at her with a deadpan expression. “Nyx, just because you have a lot of skills doesn’t mean you have a lot of experience. You’d probably be at the bottom.”

Nyx’s face fell into a dumbfounded look, and her lips formed into a pout. “What?! That’s not fair!” she whined.

The others couldn’t help but chuckle at her reaction.

“She’s got the skills, just needs the practice,” Guerim said with a laugh.

“Yeah, all those cool moves but no real fights to back them up!” Nabi teased.

Nyx’s pout deepened, and she crossed her arms. “Then why are you even telling me all this?” she asked, her tone tinged with a bit of attitude.

Tiger smirked at her behavior. “Well, because I think it’s time you get some experience.”

Nyx blinked, still not quite understanding. “Huh?”

Len, Suli, Nabi, and Guerim all exchanged knowing looks, trying to hint at what the Tiger was saying.

“Come on, Nyx, what do you think it means?” Suli asked, nudging her.

“Maybe it’s something exciting?” Len added, trying to lead her.

Nyx still stared at them blankly. “What are you guys talking about?”

Tiger sighed, clearly amused by how slow she was to catch on. “Nyx,” he said with a grin, “you can finally enter a dungeon.”

Nyx’s eyes went wide with realization. “I can enter a dungeon?!” she exclaimed, bouncing up in excitement. “For real?! I get to go on a real adventure?!”

Tiger nodded, his grin widening. “Yes, Nyx. You’ve trained hard enough. It’s time you put those skills to the test.”

Nyx practically jumped with joy, her energy buzzing around her like sparks of lightning. “This is amazing! I can’t wait! When do we start? What do I need to do?!”

The Tiger chuckled. “Slow down. There’s still a lot you need to learn before your first dungeon raid. But don’t worry—we’ll prepare you.”

Nyx’s excitement was palpable. The thought of entering a dungeon and finally putting her skills to the test made her heart race. She had been waiting for a chance to prove herself, and now, it seemed that chance was finally here.

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