The Shattered Constellations Between Stars

Adventures In The Shadow’s Embrace

The next day, Nyx woke up and couldn’t believe she had forgotten all about the peacock. How could she have let it slip her mind?

She groaned, Her eyes widened as she sat up. “I can’t believe I forgot all about the peacock!”

After her bath, she headed to the table where breakfast was waiting. As she sat down and began eating, she voiced her concern to Drac, her mind still buzzing with worry.

"I can’t believe I forgot about the peacock!" she said between bites, her eyes wide with guilt. "I was supposed to meet him two days ago! What if he's mad?"

Drac furrowed his brow. He had known that Nyx was supposed to meet the peacock, but he hadn’t thought much of it. Still, the peacock was unpredictable, and Drac wasn’t entirely sure how the bird would react to Nyx’s tardiness.

"He’ll be fine," Drac reassured her, though he sounded a little unsure. "As long as he doesn’t try anything with you, it shouldn’t be an issue. You can visit him today and explain what happened."

Nyx nodded. “Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll go as soon as I finish breakfast.”

Drac stood up and began organizing the day for the others. He informed Len and Suli, “Nyx won’t be coming to the Griffin today. She has to meet the peacock.”

Len and Suli nodded, accepting the change in plans before flying off to Griff’s cave.

Next, Drac called Nabi over. “Let the tiger know Nyx won’t be coming in today,” he said. Nabi nodded and quickly flew off toward the tiger’s territory.

Finally, Drac turned to Guerim. “Tell the snake she won’t be there today either.”

Guerim agreed and headed to the snake’s domain.

With breakfast finished, Nyx prepared herself. She teleported near the peacock’s territory, following the instructions she had been given before. The eastern part of the dark forest was the peacock’s domain. Unlike the other territories, it was vibrant and alluring, filled with mesmerizing sights and seductive enchantments that could easily entrap anyone who wandered in too far.

Nyx was immediately entranced. The light filtering through the trees shimmered like stars, the flowers glowed faintly, and the air was thick with an intoxicating perfume that made her feel lightheaded—but in a good way. She spun around, laughing at the sheer beauty of it all, but quickly realized she didn’t know exactly where to go.

"Peacock!" she called out. "I’m here!" She spun again, enjoying the view, completely lost in the magical ambiance.

"You’re late, Nyx."

A sharp voice startled her out of her reverie. She spun toward the voice, her heart racing. The peacock stood there, his arms crossed over his chest, a disapproving expression etched on his face.

Nyx winced. "Oh no..." she muttered under her breath. Before she could say anything, he continued.

"Why didn’t you come the day before yesterday—or even yesterday?" His voice was firm, tinged with mild irritation.

Nyx grinned sheepishly, her eyes wide with an apologetic look. "I—I’m really sorry. I didn’t remember I was supposed to be here. Honestly, I forgot."

The peacock raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.

Nyx sighed and began to explain. "After I finished learning from Drac, I went to Griff’s cave, and it was a total mess. We spent so much time cleaning it up, but we lost track of time and had to leave before visiting everyone else. Then the next day came, and I had to visit the others, and… I just completely forgot about you."

She rambled, her words spilling out in a rush, trying to make up for her lapse.

The peacock chuckled, cutting off her explanation. "Silly girl," he said, his tone softening. "I already know what happened."

Nyx blinked, a look of relief washing over her face. "Oh... right." She let out a long breath, realizing the peacock was teasing her more than scolding her.

With a smile, the peacock stepped forward and gently took her hands. "Come on, let’s not waste any more time."

Nyx followed as he led her deeper into his domain. The path was winding and mystical, every step revealing more of the enchanting forest, until they arrived at a curtain of thick, green moss draping over a hidden entrance.

The peacock moved the moss aside, revealing his home—an awe-inspiring grove. It was a hidden clearing filled with enchanted plants and magical barriers, a safe haven tucked away from the world. At the center of the grove stood a sacred ruin temple, covered in vines and glowing softly with ancient energy.

Nyx’s eyes widened. "Whoa... This place is incredible!" Her voice was full of wonder as she took in the sight.

All around her were treasures—glittering jewels, shimmering cloths, and piles of gold that sparkled under the soft light of the grove. The air was rich with magic, and everything about the place felt different from anywhere else she had been. It was beautiful, but also mysterious and slightly intoxicating.

The peacock gestured toward a long, stone-like structure in the center of the grove. "Sit," he said.

Nyx sat down on the structure, bouncing a little as she did. To her surprise, it was soft and comfortable, unlike anything she had ever felt before. She laughed, enjoying the strange sensation.

The peacock chuckled at her reaction. "That’s a *Glimmerseat," he explained. "A luxurious couch that sparkles with faint magical light."

Nyx grinned. "I love it!" She bounced a little more, giggling as the seat shimmered beneath her.

The peacock joined her, sitting beside her on the Glimmerseat. He handed her a plate filled with strange, beautiful food she had never seen before.

"What’s all this?" she asked, her eyes wide as she looked at the colorful, glowing treats.

The peacock pointed to the first item on the plate. "This is a Nebula Pollen Cake," he explained. "A fluffy dessert made from the pollen of celestial flowers. The flavors change with each bite."

Nyx took a bite and her eyes widened in delight. The flavor was incredible, sweet but constantly shifting, making each bite a new experience.

"Wow," she said, her mouth still full. "That’s amazing!"

The peacock smiled, clearly pleased with her reaction. He then pointed to another item on the plate. "This one is a Lunar Truffle," he said. "It’s grown under moonlight. These mushrooms shimmer and taste like the night sky. They’re said to enhance dreams."

Nyx took a bite, savoring the rich, mysterious flavor. "Mmm, this is delicious!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

The peacock smiled again and picked up another treat. "And this," he said, "is a Velvetroot Tart. It’s a rich, earthy tart filled with sweet velvetroot puree, topped with sugared petals from moonflowers."

Nyx eagerly took a bite, the sweetness of the velvetroot blending perfectly with the delicate petals. "Everything tastes so good!" she said, beaming. "I’ve never had anything like this before."

The peacock chuckled, clearly enjoying her enthusiasm. "I’m glad you like it. I’ll pack some up for you."

He stood up and started packing a few of the sweets into a sparkly, container-like dish. Nyx watched him, her heart warmed by his generosity.

"Thank you so much!" she said, taking the container from him once he finished. She placed it into Airy for safekeeping.

The peacock sat beside her again, his expression softening as he looked at her. "Now, tell me all about what you’ve been doing these past two days."

Nyx’s eyes lit up as she started recounting her recent adventures. "Well, Drac’s been teaching me how to read and write. I know the whole alphabet now!" She proudly recited the letters and a few numbers, giggling as she stumbled over one or two.

The peacock listened attentively, humming at the right moments, clearly impressed with her progress.

"And," Nyx continued, her excitement growing, "Drac gave me a new skill! It’s called Necromancer."

The peacock’s eyebrows raised slightly, his interest piqued. "Necromancer, you say?" he repeated, his voice thoughtful. "Drac gave you that skill, did he?"

Nyx nodded eagerly. "Yeah! Isn’t that amazing? I’m still learning how to use it, but it’s really powerful."

The peacock was quietly impressed. Necromancer was not a skill given lightly. Drac must have seen immense potential in Nyx to entrust her with such an ability. The peacock thought back to what Griff had mentioned about her growing magic. He extended his magical senses, gauging her power. It had certainly grown, and her potential was even more extraordinary than he had imagined.

After a moment of contemplation, the peacock leaned closer, his eyes locking onto hers.

"Would you like another skill?" he asked, his voice low and mesmerizing.

Nyx’s eyes widened, mesmerized by his offer. "Yes!" she exclaimed without hesitation, her heart racing with excitement.

A message popped up in front of Nyx.

New Skill


Shadow Domain – A skill that grants the user control over shadows and darkness, turning the area around them into a realm where they are empowered. Within this domain, the user can manipulate shadows to attack, defend, or obscure themselves. They can summon shadowy constructs, weaken enemies caught in the darkness, or enhance their own abilities.

Level: S

Permission to keep?


Without hesitation, Nyx selected Yes.


You have a new skill

Shadow Domain

Level: S

Her eyes widened in excitement as she gave the peacock a big hug, thanking him repeatedly. “This is amazing! Thank you so much!”

The peacock, clearly enjoying the moment, gently patted her back. “I’m glad you like it,” he said with a soft chuckle. “But let me explain how it works.”

He stepped back, giving her space. “Shadow Domain is activated when you channel your connection to shadows and darkness through your magic. A large area around you will become enveloped in shadowy mist or darkness, and from there, you can control those shadows however you want—forming weapons, barriers, or traps. It also boosts your stealth, making you invisible in the shadows.”

Nyx blinked, still smiling up at him, but her expression was clearly one of confusion. She wasn’t entirely following.

The peacock sighed, shaking his head slightly with amusement. “You can also summon shadow creatures, disorient enemies within the domain, and command the darkness for as long as your energy allows. But don’t worry about that now,” he added, patting her head again. “You won’t be fighting any battles anytime soon.”

Nyx giggled, still hugging him tightly. “Thank you! I love it!”

The peacock smiled warmly, enjoying her enthusiasm. “I’m glad,” he said softly, lingering in the moment a little longer.

As the day slipped into evening, the peacock decided it was time to dress her up before she left. He presented her with a Soft Tunic and Trousers: a flowing tunic made of shiny pink and purple satin-like material, with loose-fitting trousers for comfort and ease of movement.

After helping her into the outfit, he carefully braided her hair into loose, charming braids, weaving in silver Ribbon Accents along her sleeves and neckline. The ribbons shimmered faintly in the light, adding a final touch of elegance.

“Now, do a little spin,” he said, grinning as Nyx twirled with delight.

“You look so cute, Nyx,” he complimented her with pride in his voice.

Nyx beamed. “I think so too! Thank you!”

They spent a little more time together, indulging in some extra sweets, laughing and chatting until the sky grew darker. Finally, it was time for Nyx to head back to Drac’s cave.

The peacock helped her pack up everything—sweets, the clothes he had gifted her, and other small trinkets. She gave him one last big hug before saying, “I’ll come back in three days!”

“I’ll be waiting,” he said with a smile, watching her teleport away in a swirl of magic.

Back at Drac’s cave, the others were already waiting for her. As soon as Nyx appeared, she was bursting with excitement.

“I have so much to tell you!” she exclaimed, running up to them.

Len was the first to speak, grinning. “You look like you had fun.”

“I did!” Nyx said, practically bouncing with energy. “Guess what—he gave me a new skill! It’s called Shadow Domain, and I can control shadows now!”

“Control shadows?” Suli asked, intrigued. “That sounds powerful.”

Nyx nodded eagerly. “It is! He told me I can summon shadowy creatures and even make weapons out of shadows. Isn’t that amazing?”

Ryu raised an eyebrow. “That sounds like it could come in handy.”

Nyx smiled even wider. “He also gave me these clothes!” She twirled, showing off her new outfit. “And look—he packed me all these sweets too!”

She pulled out the sparkly container the peacock had given her, filled with the celestial treats.

Len reached for one. “Don’t mind if I do,” he said, popping a piece into his mouth. “Mmm, these are good.”

Suli laughed. “I’m glad you had a good time.”

Drac, who had been quietly listening from the side, gave a small nod. “You look happy, and that’s all that matters.”

Nyx grinned at him, her eyes bright. “I am! I can’t wait to show you all the new things I learned!”

After sharing the sweets and chatting for a bit longer, Nyx decided to take a bath. She still felt full from all the sugary treats, so she skipped dinner and went straight to bed afterward.

Curled up in her soft feather pillow, with a large leaf as her blanket, she let out a happy sigh, thinking about the day. Before long, she drifted off into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of the magical shadows she could now command.

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