The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 84 Fort Vindolanda 11

Considering that the Troll Hunting Quest was under preparation, Adam had anticipated that Claudia's father would take a while to arrive. However, to his surprise, Claudia's father arrived in less than ten minutes. The potential to earn over 1500 gold in a single transaction proved too tempting to ignore.

Gaius Aurelius Sabinus strode into the room with the confidence of a man accustomed to command. His sharp gaze swept over Adam, assessing him with the practiced eye of a seasoned officer.

"I am Gaius Aurelius Sabinus, Primus Pilus of the Sanctus Lux Fortress Requisitions Office," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of his rank and authority.

Adam bowed politely in response. "I’m Adam. It’s a pleasure to meet you."

Without further delay, they moved straight to business.

Gaius asked, "So, Adam, is it true you are willing and able to buy these items?" He held up the list that Adam had given to Claudia earlier. "These will cost you over a thousand gold if you intend to buy 99 kilograms each."

Adam simply nodded and responded, "Yes," before conjuring the bags of gold he had shown Claudia earlier.

With a casual flick of his wrist, Adam conjured bags of gold that thudded heavily onto the table- 1,500 gold in total. The sheer volume of wealth was a deliberate power play, a silent declaration that he had resources far beyond what most adventurers could dream of. Gaius’ gaze flickered, momentarily betraying his surprise before his professional mask slipped back into place.

While impressed, Gaius maintained a professional demeanor and said, "The gold is clearly not an issue."

"However," Gaius continued, his tone cautious, "as an officer responsible for the Sanctus Lux Fortress and its supplies, I must express some reservations about releasing such a large quantity of high-grade materials to an adventurer- even one of your rank. These items are not commonly sold in bulk, and their uses are... delicate. Poison, healing sickness; these are not things we take lightly."

Adam, having anticipated this reluctance, was prepared. He conjured the Golden Tessera and the document signed by the Imperatrix, ready to address Gaius's concerns.

Without a word, Adam reached into his Spatial Ring and produced the Golden Tessera, its gleaming surface catching the light. Alongside it, he placed a document bearing the unmistakable seal of the Imperatrix herself. Gaius’ eyes widened slightly at the sight, his earlier hesitation melting into respectful curiosity. Adam’s rank was no ordinary achievement- it carried the weight of the Fortress' highest authority that can be granted to adventurers.

Upon seeing the Gold Tessera and the signed document from the Imperatrix herself, Requisitions Officer Gaius Aurelius Sabinus’ expression shifted from inquisitive to politely curious. Technically, a 1st Class Auxiliary still fell beneath a Legionnaire's office in the hierarchy, but Adam’s rank carried weight. His elevation to 1st Class came from the significant achievement of saving nobles from a kidnapping- a feat that earned him the favor of several powerful families across the Lorikan Republic.

This unspoken prestige meant that officers could not simply overlook his requests. Gaius recognized this as his tone shifted noticeably.

"I see," Gaius said, nodding with newfound understanding. "In that case, may I assume this is for your assigned mission?"

"You assumed correctly," Adam replied without elaborating further.

The truth was that the items were indirectly connected to the troll-hunting mission, but Adam saw no need to provide unnecessary details. He felt the respect he commanded was enough to forgo any deeper explanation, and Gaius, recognizing his rank and authority, didn’t press the matter further.

"Let’s get straight to business, then," Gaius said, adopting a more friendly tone. The negotiation had reached a critical stage, and it was clear Gaius intended to keep things pleasant while they discussed the price.

Gaius glanced at the list of items and began to calculate. "Since you're buying in bulk—99 kilograms of each item—I’ll round the total down to 1,200 gold."

He paused before adding with a knowing smile, "Oh, and of course, we'll apply for the benefit that 1st Class Auxiliaries are entitled to. The total would come to 840 gold."

Adam raised an eyebrow and asked, "What benefit do you mean?"

Gaius leaned forward slightly. "The benefit. The 30% discount for 1st Class Auxiliaries. I’m sure you're aware that all Auxiliaries enjoy a range of benefits, and as a 1st Class Auxiliary, you get the best benefits across the board."

It took Adam a moment to realize what Gaius was referring to. Indeed, Auxiliaries were granted special privileges- one of the main reasons why many Adventurers aspired to become one.

The Sanctus Lux Fortress used a Contribution Point system for Adventurers, and completing certain fortress-issued quests earned them these points. The more quests an Adventurer completed, the more points they accumulated, and once they reached a certain number of points, they could be promoted to a 3rd, or even 2nd Class Auxiliary- or they could use the points to earn special items offered at the Fortress.

However, these points were designed to expire, especially those acquired from easy quests, to prevent adventurers from hoarding points and waiting for a promotion. The system encouraged constant contribution and prevented laziness.

But Adam’s situation was unique. The quest he completed- rescuing the kidnapped nobles- was so significant that it secured him a 1st Class rank immediately, even without him formally registering or setting foot in the Sanctus Lux Fortress.

Now that his memory had been refreshed, Adam realized what Gaius was referring to. Indeed, 1st Class Auxiliaries were entitled to a 30% discount when purchasing in Fortress-controlled areas of the Undead Region.

However, Adam wasn’t entirely sure he remembered all the details of the benefits he was entitled to, so he decided to ask for confirmation. "Could you remind me of all the benefits to ensure I’m not missing anything?" Adam asked.

Gaius nodded enthusiastically, eager to please and sensing a chance to make a good impression. "Of course, I'd be happy to."

He then enumerated the benefits that a 1st Class Auxiliary has.

1st Class Auxiliary Benefits

- Luxury private quarters with premium amenities, maid service, and security.

- Free access to top-tier medical care, including exclusive potions and healers.

- Priority access to elite crafting and alchemy labs with rare materials and premium tools.

- Eligible for exclusive high-profile contracts with substantial rewards.

- Priority access to supplies, reinforcements, and critical information.

- 30% Discount on all Fortress-controlled territories

- Can request rare or unique resources at the Fortress.

- Command or authority over lower-class Auxiliaries and Legionnaires for key missions.

- All Contribution Points earned expires only after a year.

And then, as if trying to emphasize these benefits, Gaius went the extra mile and enumerated the benefits of the lower ranks.

With a slight grin, Gaius began, “In case you’ve forgotten, let’s go over the differences.”

He raised his hand, counting with his fingers, as he continued.

2nd Class Auxiliary Benefits

- Guaranteed private quarters

- Priority medical care at 20% discount.

- Priority access to standard crafting and alchemy labs (no rare materials or premium tools).

- 20% Discount on all Fortress-controlled territories

- Access to mid-tier quests with decent rewards.

- Limited leadership roles but no command over 1st Class Auxiliaries.

- All Contribution Points earned expires only after 6 months.

Then, Gaius moved on to the next rank.

3rd Class Auxiliary Benefits

- Guaranteed access to shared barracks with basic amenities.

- Basic medical care (must pay for advanced treatments).

- Limited access to basic crafting and alchemy rooms.

- 10% Discount on all Fortress-controlled territories

- Access to lower-tier quests with modest rewards.

- All Contribution Points earned expire after a month.

Gaius leaned back, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. "And as for those without rank- Adventurers, as they’re called- they barely scrape by. No guaranteed lodging, no medical care, no priority. They fight for scraps while you, 1st Class Auxiliary, command the best this fortress offers." He chuckled lightly. "It’s no wonder so many aspire to climb the ranks—they have little choice."

Unofficial 4th Class: Adventurers "Benefits"

- No guaranteed lodging (must pay for inns or camp outside). First come, first serve and based on availability.

- No medical benefits (must purchase own potions or hire healers).

- Limited access to public markets and basic crafting shops.

- Access to public bounties and local contracts (modest rewards, higher risk).

- Contribution Points expire at normal intervals.

The comparison was clear. The privilege of being a 1st Class Auxiliary was leagues above the rest.

Adam did forget most of these benefits.

After hearing Gaius enumerate the benefits, Adam politely nodded and said, “Thank you. The most recent mission was heavily taxing- I forgot even the simple things like these benefits.”

Gaius smiled, pleased with himself. “I’m happy to serve such an esteemed friend of the Fortress.”

Privately, Adam couldn’t help but think that what Gaius means is being a valued friend of the nobles. He knew the officer's politeness was more about the connections Adam had secured through his noble rescue mission. But he decided to let it pass. For now, all he cared about was securing the deal.

In truth, the discount didn’t matter much to him. He had more gold than he needed. However, the other benefits Gaius had outlined did sound useful, particularly access to exclusive crafting materials and elite labs. But that could wait. He just wanted to finish this purchase and get to work before leaving the Fort.

Adam leaned forward slightly, his tone calm but authoritative. "Officer Gaius, I’m prepared to make the full purchase, 99 kilograms of each item, at full price. I will forgo the 30% discount."

Gaius blinked, momentarily stunned by the audacity of the offer.

"However," Adam continued, his voice taking on a sharper edge, "in return, I want priority access to all notable ingredients you receive. Notify me first, and I will purchase them at full price, plus 10%."

Gaius was momentarily stunned. This was no ordinary adventurer. Adam's sheer wealth, confidence, and foresight were far beyond what Gaius had expected. The offer on the table was too enticing to pass up both for the immediate profit and the promise of future transactions that would ensure Gaius access to more wealth than he could have imagined.

Most adventurers sought every opportunity to climb the Auxiliary ranks solely to take advantage of the discounts offered at each level. Yet here was Adam, standing before him, completely indifferent to the privilege of a 30% discount that most would covet.

This was no ordinary transaction. This was an opportunity of a lifetime.

Gaius quickly recovered, nodding enthusiastically as he extended his hand to Adam. "More than acceptable, Adam. You have a deal."

Adam extended his hand, his gaze locked with Gaius, fully aware of the impact of his proposal.

Without hesitating, Gaius reached out and firmly clasped Adam's hand. "It is more than acceptable, Adam. Consider it done." He wasn't about to let such an incredible opportunity slip by. Not when an adventurer of Adam's caliber offered such a lucrative arrangement.

As their hands shook, Adam smiled slightly. The deal was sealed, and his influence within the fortress had just expanded significantly.

For Adam, the agreement was a masterstroke. With the Requisitions Officer of Sanctus Lux Fortress as his business partner, he would no longer need to navigate complicated negotiations with various guilds for rare ingredients. Most guilds preferred to keep deals among themselves, leveraging real-life currency to offset the exorbitant cost of high-end materials. But for Adam, saving his real-life money was far more valuable. Instead, he could freely squander the gold he had at his disposal- gold that he could collect at hidden locations whenever he wanted, thanks to the knowledge from his previous life.

It was a massive advantage, one that no other adventurer could replicate. With Gaius by his side, he now had priority access to Sanctus Lux’s resources without the hassle of dealing with guilds while preserving his real-life savings. The extra 10% he agreed to pay on top of normal prices was negligible compared to what he stood to gain.

For Gaius, the prospect of a steady stream of high-priced transactions with one of the most well-connected adventurers in the region was far too enticing to ignore. The additional percentage Adam offered on top of full price would mean significant profit on every purchase—a fortune in the making, especially in a world where most haggled for every discount they could get.

As their handshake ended, both men realized the true potential of this alliance—each convinced that they had secured the better end of the deal. Adam, with his vast knowledge of hidden treasures, and Gaius, with his control over fortress resources, were now positioned to benefit greatly from each other.


When Ling logged back into the World of Pangea, the familiar rush of the magical world hit her—a surge of excitement she always craved. It was exhilarating. Or at least, it usually was. Today, however, she found herself in a quiet, dimly lit alchemy lab, a far cry from the battlefield chaos she longed for.

She had recently restarted her account, shifting from mage to crafter, all in a desperate attempt to get on her grandfather’s good side.

But now, sitting in the alchemy lab, Ling groaned in frustration. This was not what she had expected. Her hand slammed down on the table. “Alchemy? Really? I feel like a company employee.”

She flipped through the pages of a basic alchemy recipe book half-heartedly, every page duller than the last. She missed the thrill of casting powerful spells, of decimating enemies in the field. This? This was just... tedious.

"This isn't fighting monsters; it's stirring pots," Ling muttered, scowling.

Her grandfather, Hao Jun, had other ideas. His focus on alchemy wasn’t about adventure—it was about business and reputation. Ling knew that much. She wanted his approval, but this? This was not what she had in mind.

The door to the lab creaked open. Ling didn’t bother to look up, assuming it was just another assistant. But when she heard Hao Jun’s familiar, commanding voice, she snapped to attention.

“Ling, I’ve brought someone to help you get started,” he announced, amusement clear in his tone. “An expert.”

Ling’s eyes narrowed as she glanced over. “Grandpa, I don’t need—”

Her words froze when she saw him. The figure next to her grandfather wore a white mask and black cloak, but there was no mistaking him. The man who had wiped out her entire party during an ambush in the Forgotten Temple. The one who had single-handedly player-killed (PK’ed) her and her teammates without breaking a sweat.


Her jaw clenched. “Him?” she spat, her fingers tightening into fists.

Adam stood calmly, arms crossed, the picture of composure. He nodded slightly, acknowledging Ling’s hostility without a word.

Hao Jun chuckled, clearly enjoying the tension. “I’ve never seen you this animated before, Ling. It’s good for you to have a little fire in your belly.”

Ling glared at her grandfather, but he simply waved it off. “You’ll be working with Adam for now, learning the basics, just as I did a few weeks ago. He’s our guest, and I expect you to be civil. He’s a valuable ally, and he’s here to teach you alchemy. So, bury the hatchet.”

Ling crossed her arms, still fuming, but when Hao Jun gave an order, there was no arguing. “Fine,” she muttered.

Without a word, Adam stepped forward, retrieving a few basic ingredients from the nearby table. “Let’s start with something simple,” he said, his voice calm and direct. He placed mushrooms and a vial of water in front of Ling. “We’ll craft a basic healing potion. It’s simple, but it’ll be better than anything else you can make at your level.”

Ling scoffed. “Basic healing potions? This is what I’m wasting my time on?”

Adam didn’t react. He calmly prepared the ingredients, explaining the process as if her sarcasm didn’t exist. “Alchemy isn’t about excitement, Ling. It’s about precision, patience, and producing something reliable for the guild.”

“Sounds boring,” Ling shot back. “Fighting monsters is way more interesting than mixing potions.”

Adam raised an eyebrow, meeting her gaze. “You’re right. However, for a guild like Hao Wei, crafters are as important as fighters. Isn’t that why you restarted? To get your grandfather’s approval?”

Ling hesitated. He wasn’t wrong. Deep down, she had hoped this would make her stand out to her grandfather, to be like him in some way. Still, it was just... crafting.

“Fine,” she muttered. “Show me how to do it.”

Despite her agreement, Ling was determined to do things her own way. She pushed aside Adam’s precise instructions, muttering, “I don’t need to follow a recipe exactly. I’ll just mix these a little differently.”

Adam stood back, observing quietly, knowing that experience would be a better teacher than his words.

Ling finished her concoction with a self-satisfied smirk, but the notification that popped up on her interface was far from what she’d hoped.

[System Notification: You have created a Mediocre Health Potion.]

Her smile faded, and she glared at the glowing potion vial on the table. “Mediocre? Seriously?”

Adam’s silence spoke volumes. He gave her a knowing glance and simply said, “The balance of ingredients matters. Precision does, too.”

Ling’s frustration was palpable, but she grumbled something under her breath, refusing to ask for help. “I’ll get it right next time.”

Adam simply nodded, stepping back to let her stew in her own thoughts. He knew better than to press when she was in this mood.

By the second session, Ling’s irritation had simmered down slightly, though she still held onto her stubbornness. This time, however, she glanced at Adam before starting, a hint of reluctance in her voice. “I just need a hint,” she said, sounding nonchalant. “Just one hint, and I’ll figure it out.”

Adam raised an eyebrow, the faintest trace of amusement playing at the corners of his mouth. “A hint, huh? Alright. Be mindful of the temperature. Too hot, and you’ll ruin the balance of the potion.”

Ling nodded confidently, as if all she needed, and set to work again, carefully managing the cauldron’s heat as she mixed the ingredients. But when she finished and saw the system notification, her confidence wavered.

[System Notification: You have created a Poor Health Potion.]

“Poor-grade?” she groaned. “It’s still a failure!”

Adam chuckled softly, stepping closer to examine her work. “Alchemy isn’t something you can rush. You’ll get better with time.”

Ling huffed, frustrated but unable to argue with him. Her pride stung, but she could sense Adam’s patience. She could tell he wasn’t mocking her, even though he had every reason to. Instead, his calm demeanor only encouraged her to try harder.

By the third lesson, Adam had removed his mask, fully revealing himself to both Ling and Hao Jun. The tension between Ling and Adam had significantly eased since that first hostile encounter. Now, without the mask, Adam seemed more approachable, more human, and Ling was beginning to see him as someone with real skills rather than just the guy who PK’ed her.

She was notably more focused this time, asking questions eagerly as she mixed the ingredients. “So, should I use the Resentful Dindles or the Bleedwort Mushrooms? And what’s the best ratio for this potion?”

Adam guided her through the process, his tone more relaxed now that they had found common ground. “Start with the Bleedwort Mushrooms. It’ll enhance the healing properties before you balance it with the Dindle.”

Ling followed his instructions precisely this time, her movements careful and deliberate. When she saw the system notification this time, her face lit up.

[System Notification: You have created an Average Health Potion.]

“Finally!” she exclaimed, proudly holding up the glowing potion.

Adam nodded in approval. “You’re getting the hang of it.”

Ling felt a surge of satisfaction. Alchemy still wasn’t as thrilling as slaying monsters, but she could finally see its value. There was a strange sense of accomplishment in crafting something from nothing, a kind of creation she hadn’t expected to appreciate.

Since then, Adam’s sessions with Ling have grown more pleasant. She was still fiercely competitive, still stubborn at times, but her resistance had lessened, and her curiosity about alchemy was beginning to show. She started asking more questions, listening carefully, and applying his advice with greater attention to detail.

Meanwhile, Adam continued teaching both Ling and her grandfather, Hao Jun. The elderly guild leader, eager to expand his own knowledge, requested more advanced recipes, and Adam, always willing to share his expertise, was paid handsomely for his lessons. His role within the Hao Wei guild grew, and so did his closeness to Hao Ling.

Ling’s respect for Adam deepened over time, not just because of his skill but because of his calm, measured teaching style. He was patient, never condescending, and always encouraging, even when she made mistakes. She looked forward to their sessions, each bringing her closer to mastering the craft she once despised- and being more friendly with her mentor.

Though their relationship had started with hostility, it had evolved into something more—an unexpected camaraderie grounded in respect and a shared goal.

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