The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 83 Fort Vindolanda 10

As Adam left the courtyard, the crowd buzzed with conversation, dissecting the stunning fights they had just witnessed.

“Did you see that? The way he used those spears to eliminate two of them instantly- he’s definitely a warrior,” one onlooker argued, their voice filled with awe.

“Warrior? Come on, look at his precision and speed. He’s clearly a hunter,” another countered. “That efficiency in taking down his opponents so quickly is a hallmark of a top-tier hunter.”

“No way. His fire spells were spectacular,” someone else chimed in. “The sheer power and frequency of those Fire Bullets suggest he’s a mage.”

Another voice joined in, trying to refute the claims. “A warrior couldn’t cast spells like that so efficiently. And if he were a hunter, he wouldn’t have used such intense magic. It’s clearly mage-like behavior.”

“True, but his ability to control the battlefield and his tactical approach aren’t typical of a mage either,” someone else reasoned. “A mage would likely focus on spellcasting rather than strategic positioning and quick eliminations in melee.”

“Okay, but if you think about his speed and combat style, it doesn’t fit a mage or a warrior. Maybe he’s some sort of hybrid class we haven’t seen before,” a skeptic suggested.

The crowd buzzed with speculation, each theory pulling in a different direction. Warriors, hunters, mages- no one could agree, but they all spoke with conviction, determined to unravel the mystery behind Adam’s abilities. Yet, for all their clever arguments, no one considered the truth lurking just beyond their understanding.

Yet, amidst all the debate and speculation, one possibility was conspicuously absent from the discussion.

Not a single person considered the idea that Adam might be a crafter. The notion of him being a crafter, someone whose expertise might lie in creating or enhancing items rather than traditional combat roles, was overlooked entirely. The crowd remained fixated on the more conventional classes, missing a crucial piece of the puzzle that could explain Adam’s extraordinary capabilities.

As the crowd continued to debate, the conversation gradually shifted toward a more unified theory.

“You know, thinking about it, maybe Adam isn’t just one class,” one spectator proposed, their voice thoughtful. “What if he’s some sort of unique class holder that combines elements of warrior, hunter, and mage?”

“That makes sense,” another agreed. “It would explain his ability to fight with such versatility. His melee skills, ruthless efficiency, and those incredible fire spells- it’s like he’s pulling the best from each class.”

“Yeah, no single class could handle all those aspects so effectively,” someone else added. “A warrior wouldn’t have the spellcasting prowess, a hunter wouldn’t have the same brute force, and a mage wouldn’t have the combat skills. Combining them seems to be the only logical explanation.”

“Exactly,” another observer chimed in. “Considering the meta right now, focusing on one or two classes is most efficient to maximize skill point investment. Having a character that combines elements from all three- warrior, hunter, and mage- would explain his unparalleled effectiveness in each fight.”

One skeptic nodded in agreement. “It’s not practical to spread skill points across several classes. It would dilute the effectiveness of each skill tree and make it harder to reach the top tier of any class. So, the most plausible explanation is a hybrid class that draws from warrior, hunter, and mage strengths.”

The crowd seemed to accept this theory as the most logical. It provided a way to justify Adam’s impressive performance without considering the impracticality of spreading skill points across multiple classes.

As Adam strolled through Fort Vindolanda, the crowd’s chatter about his class configuration echoed in his mind.

Adam listened to the crowd’s speculation with quiet amusement. They weren’t even close. He had four classes- an unthinkable spread by the current standards. Their understanding of builds and classes was rooted in logic, but Adam operated in an entirely different realm.

And for now, he was content to let everyone else remain in the dark.

“Yeah, no,” he mused, smirking beneath his mask. “I’ve got four classes right now.”

He considered the common wisdom that spreading points too thin could prevent specialization and proficiency. It was a well-known challenge: players who spread their points across too many classes in RPGs often struggled to excel in any single area. Beyond the standard Adept rank, advancing in proficiency demanded a focused approach, which is why many players wisely chose to limit themselves to just one or two classes. Having four unrelated classes is unthinkable for professional players.

Adam knew the arguments were valid. Mastery and progression in a single class often offered more powerful benefits than a diluted spread across multiple ones. He had seen players grapple with this challenge firsthand and understood the logic behind the one- or two-class build strategy.

But Adam wasn’t concerned. For now, he was content with his four classes. He focused on reaching level 200, where he could unlock a unique class. The time for refining his build and unlocking new potential would come soon enough.

In reality, Adam's prowess in battle was not the result of any single class or stat points. His level and stats, objectively speaking, were merely above average in terms of efficiency. Although he had consumed elixirs that granted him additional stats, they won’t account for much now that players have a much better understanding of their respective classes and mechanics. His level and stats alone did not account for his extraordinary performance.

What set Adam apart was not the accumulation of skill points or the diversity of his classes. Instead, his vast experience from his previous life truly defined his combat effectiveness. This experience shaped his understanding of tactics, timing, and strategy in ways that transcended conventional gameplay mechanics.

While many players relied solely on their class abilities and stat optimization to excel, Adam mastered the art of maximizing what he had at his disposal through countless life-or-death scenarios.

Adam’s combat instincts were sharper than any skill point allocation could ever make them. Years of life-or-death struggles had taught him to read opponents with ruthless precision, to predict their moves before they made them, and to exploit even the smallest weakness without hesitation. No amount of training in a safe environment could replicate the hard-won experience he carried when trying to survive through the apocalypse.

This depth of experience allowed him to use his current classes and resources to their fullest potential, elevating his combat skills to an impressive level far beyond what was typically achievable through class and stats alone.

Adam's true advantage lay in his experience, a hidden edge that no speculation about classes or skill points could fully explain.


As Adam made his way around the fort, a familiar figure approached him. Hao Ling of Hao Wei Guild, wearing white-and-gold crafting robes, moved gracefully through the crowd. Her radiant smile widened when she saw Adam, fully masked as always yet instantly recognizable. It was the same mask he'd worn the first time they met, during their ill-fated encounter at the Forgotten Temple. Despite their rocky start, time had softened the animosity between them.

"Adam!" Ling called out, her voice carrying a warmth that belied their competitive history. She crossed the distance quickly, her bright smile lighting up her face. She could sense his presence behind the mask—there was no mistaking him.

A few players around them turned their heads, watching the interaction with a mix of curiosity and envy. Whispers floated through the air as they noticed how comfortably Ling, known for her beauty and high standing in the guild, seemed to interact with the masked man.

"Isn't that Ling? The one from Hao Wei?" one player murmured to another. "She’s usually so serious."

"And who’s that guy? He's gotta be someone important if she's flirting with him," another player added, crossing his arms in clear jealousy.

Adam remained composed, giving a subtle nod as Ling approached, but before he could respond, she stopped before him, her smile as bright as ever. "Still wearing that mask, I see," she teased lightly, her voice playful. "You know, it’s not as intimidating as it used to be."

There was a spark in her eyes—an open friendliness that hadn’t been there in their earlier encounters. Some nearby players visibly bristled with envy as Ling casually tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear and smiled up at Adam, clearly enjoying the attention.

"Nice to see you too, Ling," Adam replied smoothly, his voice steady beneath the mask. "Keeping busy, I hope?"

Ling laughed softly, a sound that only seemed to draw more attention from the onlookers. "Busy? That’s one way to put it. My potion quota doubled this week, thanks to my new status as an alchemy senior in the guild. But I must admit, it’s been much more interesting since I joined your little alchemy class."

The crowd's whispers grew louder, but Adam barely acknowledged them. Instead, he focused on Ling, her words reminding him of how their dynamic had shifted from rivals to mentor-student in crafting. Though their past was marked by conflict, their new alliance was mutually beneficial. especially after Adam revealed to her grandfather, Hao Jun, who he is. Not long after that, Adam also did the same to Ling, and their alchemy sessions had been more natural and friendly.

"Glad you’re finding it worthwhile," Adam said, his tone neutral but with an edge of amusement.

Ling flashed him another brilliant smile before tilting her head slightly, her voice lowering just enough to make the moment feel more personal. "I’m just looking forward to seeing what you'll teach us next."

The players nearby exchanged glances, the envy in their eyes unmistakable as they watched the interaction unfold. Some looked visibly annoyed by Ling's obvious flirting, while others seemed resigned to the fact that Adam, whoever he was, had earned her attention.


After the brief encounter with Ling, he approached the goods trader. Adam pushed his thoughts aside and focused on his immediate goal. He needed to stock up on supplies and gear before leaving Fort Vindolanda. The trader’s shop was quiet and nearly deserted, contrasting the lively chatter and murmurs of speculation he had just left behind.

Before entering the shop, Adam pulled out a piece of parchment and quickly jotted down the needed items. The list was concise but covered everything he required. Adam carefully reviewed his list and made sure he had everything he needed. Once satisfied, he folded the parchment and tucked it securely into his pocket. Only then did he step into the shop, ready to hand over his list to the shop owner and gather the required materials.

Unlike the bustling shops that sell weapons, armor, and magical accessories, the store Adam entered specialized in raw materials. This specialty made it a quieter place, with far fewer adventurers frequenting it. Most of the adventurers at Fort Vindolanda were preoccupied with the ongoing quest to hunt trolls, leaving crafters as a minority in the fort at this time.

As a result, the shop had only a handful of players browsing the items. They were focused on finding materials for their respective teams or guilds, contrasting sharply with the crowded atmosphere of the more combat-focused shops. The shop's relative tranquility offered Adam a serene environment as he perused the goods, his mind focused on how he would approach the Troll Hunting Quest.

Adam approached the counter, where a young woman was quietly observing the few customers browsing the shelves. Her expression was indifferent, her posture relaxed.

"Excuse me," Adam said politely, "I have a list of items I'm looking for. Could you assist me in locating them?"

The woman glanced at him with an unimpressed look, her tone flat. "If you're looking for something, you can just search for it yourself. Everything's out on display."

Adam, unbothered by the cold response, reached into his pocket and placed three gold coins on the counter, the soft clink of metal immediately catching her attention. "I understand that’s usually the case in a shop," he said calmly, "but I was hoping you might be able to help me find the specific items I need."

The shift in Claudia’s demeanor was immediate. Her indifferent mask crumbled, replaced by a bright smile as her gaze lingered on the glittering gold. The earlier coldness in her voice vanished, replaced by an eager willingness to assist. Adam’s wealth had turned her from dismissive to attentive in an instant.

Her earlier indifference gave way to a bright smile, and she quickly straightened up. "Of course! I'd be happy to help you," she said eagerly. "I’m Claudia, by the way. Claudia, the shopkeeper's daughter."

She swiftly took the gold coins, slipping them into a pocket as her smile remained. "So, what items are you looking for?"

Adam handed her the list and explained, not knowing how familiar she was with these kinds of raw ingredients. "I’m looking for several materials. I want to buy in bulk, and rest assured, gold won’t be an issue."

Claudia then checked the items that Adam handed her.

Verdant Serpent's Scales

Scales extracted from Verdant Serpents are known for their natural resistance to toxins.

Moonshade Petals

Rare flowers that bloom under the full moon are known for their purifying properties.

Glimmering Toadstool

A bioluminescent mushroom found in enchanted forests, used for its detoxifying effects.

Eldertree Resin

Resin harvested from ancient, enchanted trees is believed to have strong restorative and protective properties.

Obsidian Lotus Extract

An extract from a rare, black lotus flower that grows in volcanic soil, valued for its potent antidotal properties.

Sapphire Dust

A shimmering dust from enchanted sapphires is used in alchemy for its purging and healing capabilities.

Claudia nodded eagerly as Adam listed the items, her excitement at the prospect of a large sale evident. "I can help you find all of these! We have all of these in stock. Let me just grab them from the back and make sure we’ve got everything you need," she said with newfound enthusiasm.

Before heading to the storage room, Claudia paused and asked, "How many are you looking to buy?"

Adam didn’t hesitate. "However many you can sell me," he said calmly. "As I mentioned, gold will not be an issue."

Claudia raised an eyebrow, a hint of doubt creeping into her expression. "The stock we have here could supply the entire fortress. I’m not sure you can buy that much, even if you look like you have gold to spare."

Gold was one of the few things Adam didn’t need to worry about in the World of Pangea. Adam's resources could rival what mid-sized guilds held, from his auction earnings- converted into gold rather than real-world currency—to the treasures he secured from the Mountain Top Crypt and the wealth he accumulated while perfecting his blacksmithing skills.

But what he lacked was time.

Deciding to be both patient and firm, Adam silently reached into his Spatial Ring.

In a single, fluid motion, Adam conjured several weighty bags of gold, the dull thud of metal against wood reverberating through the shop. Claudia’s eyes widened as the sheer volume of gold registered- a fortune that could rival the earnings of an entire guild. The power balance in the room shifted, and Adam, ever composed, watched her reaction with quiet satisfaction.

"This is 500 gold per bag," Adam said, his voice steady and composed. "Do you understand the bulk of items I will pay for now? You are free to check each bag to confirm its contents."

Claudia’s eyes widened as she stared at the gold, quickly realizing this was beyond a standard transaction. She composed herself and spoke, “For a purchase of this size, I’ll need to contact my father. He’s not just the shopkeeper owner- he’s also a requisitions officer for the Sanctus Lux Fortress. “This… isn’t something I can handle alone,” Claudia admitted, her voice carrying a note of caution. “For a large deal, I’ll need to contact my father. He’s the requisitions officer for the entire fortress. If anyone can approve a transaction of this magnitude, it’s him."

Adam waited, sensing that she had a solution.

“But don’t worry,” Claudia continued, her confidence returning. “I can reach him right away.”

She turned and pulled out a small, leather-bound enchanted journal from beneath the counter. Unlike typical books, this journal was imbued with powerful magic, functioning like a real phone. Claudia flipped it open to a blank page, grabbing a quill from her pocket. Then, she wrote what Adam assumed was her father's complete name, as well as a brief message explaining the situation.

Whatever she wrote on the page would be reflected in the journal of the person she intended to reach. The only requirement was that the recipient must have previously written their name in Claudia’s journal, and she had to have written her name in their journal.

The words she wrote shimmered on the page before disappearing, leaving the parchment blank again. "He’ll see it any second; if he's available, he can teleport here within moments." She looked up at Adam, her demeanor far more respectful than before. "It won't take long."

As Claudia sent the message, she turned to Adam with a gracious smile. “While we wait, would you like to join me for some tea?” she offered, her tone warm and inviting. Adam nodded, appreciating the momentary calm before his next move. It was an unexpected treat- it would grant him time to reflect, even briefly, before his time-sensitive quest resumed.

Adam accepted the offer, and before leading him to the staff room, Claudia declared the store closed for about an hour.

As the announcement echoed through the shop, a few adventurers were discontent.

“Wait, closed? I just got here!” one grumbled.

“Are you serious? I need those materials now!” another complained.

Claudia, maintaining her composure, offered a polite apology. “I’m very sorry for the inconvenience. It will just take an hour, and I assure you, we’ll reopen promptly.”

With the shop locked and the remaining adventurers ushered out, Adam removed his mask and let the hood of Novhekaar's Cloak down, savoring the fresh air. He only needed to conceal his face when dealing with other players, as nearly everyone constantly recorded their experience.

“Hello, Claudia,” he began, introducing himself. “I’m Adam, an adventurer.”

Claudia’s expression brightened upon seeing the face of the potential buyer. She smiled warmly and guided him toward the staff room. “Nice to meet you, Adam. Please follow me. We can enjoy tea while waiting for my father.”

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