The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 6 Outer Catacombs 1

The Maxima Guild had been tirelessly searching for the rumored hidden room for nearly an hour. What began with excitement and eagerness to claim a rare early-game advantage had gradually turned into a monotonous, methodical scouring of the chamber. Their initial thrill of discovery had faded, replaced by an almost robotic determination to find something—anything—that would justify their relentless search.

At first, the Maxima members had been animated, confident that they would find the hidden room before anyone else had even fought their first monster. It was supposed to be their secret triumph, a way to get ahead of the competition right from the start. But as the minutes dragged on and yielded no results, the mood had shifted. Despite the creeping frustration, however, one thing remained constant: the team captain, Tyler Evergreen, had yet to issue an order to stop.

For Tyler, failure wasn’t an option. His reputation, not only within Maxima but within the larger gaming world, was one of calculated success. If the hidden room existed, he would find it. He had to.

Another hour passed, and tension hung in the air like a heavy fog. But then, the silence was suddenly broken by a shout from one of the guild members.

"Quickly! Alert the captain. We’ve found something in the center of the chamber!"

A ripple of energy surged through the group. Tyler, along with the rest of the Maxima Guild, hurried to the center of the vast summoning chamber. There was a renewed sense of urgency now, a flicker of the old excitement that had dimmed during the search.

By this point, most other players had already moved on, exploring the various pathways and corridors that extended from the temple’s heart. Only Maxima’s members lingered in the summoning chamber, meaning they no longer needed to maintain their earlier discretion. They could move freely without the fear of being observed.

“Captain, take a look at this,” said the member who had made the discovery. He pointed to the floor at the center of the chamber. “It’s faint, but there’s definitely something here. It looks like some kind of engraving.”

Tyler crouched down to inspect the find. His sharp eyes traced the barely perceptible markings etched into the stone. At first glance, they appeared to be part of the natural wear and tear of the ancient temple, but upon closer inspection, they revealed a deliberate pattern—a hidden array.

“I figured you’d want to try activating it yourself, sir,” the member said, stepping back to give his captain room.

For the first time in what felt like hours, the mood among the group lightened. Smiles spread across their faces as they realized their efforts had not been in vain. Tyler wordlessly acknowledged the find, his mind already processing the next steps.

Without hesitation, Tyler pulled out a small dagger and sliced it across the palm of his hand. Blood welled up from the wound, and with a calm precision, he pressed his palm to the center of the engraving, as the intel he’d received from the Maxima Administration had instructed. The moment his blood made contact with the array, the lines carved into the stone floor began to glow.

The soft light grew in intensity, and a complex network of glowing patterns illuminated the floor. When Adam had activated the array, the light had been hidden by the disappearance of the totems. But now, the entire teleportation network revealed itself in full, intricate detail, casting eerie shadows across the chamber walls. It was a sight none of the players had ever seen before, and it only added to the growing anticipation.

[You have activated the teleportation array ‘The Hidden Room’ of The Forgotten Temple of Sacrifice.]

[Would you like to activate the teleportation array?]

Tyler paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he studied the shimmering array beneath his feet. This was it. The hidden room was within reach. But Tyler was not one to rush into things blindly, even now. Before confirming the activation, he turned to his guild members and issued a series of orders.

“Ninety of you will remain here and stand guard over the array,” Tyler commanded his voice firm and steady. “The rest of you—my inner circle—will come with me.”

Maxima moved like a well-oiled machine. The majority of the guild members quickly spread out around the chamber, taking up defensive positions to secure the area. Meanwhile, Tyler and his closest allies—the most trusted and experienced members of the guild—stepped into the teleportation array with him.

Tyler’s heart raced as the array began to hum with energy. This was the moment they had been waiting for. They had invested resources, time, and careful planning into uncovering this secret, and now, they were on the brink of a major discovery.

With a flash of light, the inner members of Maxima were transported to the hidden room. The transition was smooth, and as the glow of the array faded, the sight before them came into focus.


The room they found themselves in was vast, its stone walls lined with ancient relics and treasure. Piles of armor, weapons, and shimmering gold were scattered across the floor, and the air was thick with the tangible presence of magic. Maxima had struck gold—literally.

For a moment, the entire group stood in stunned silence, their eyes wide with disbelief at the sheer volume of loot surrounding them. Then, as the realization sank in, excitement surged through the room.

“This is it!” one of the members exclaimed, his voice shaking with elation. “We actually found it!”

Tyler, however, remained composed. While his inner circle celebrated around him, his mind was already racing ahead. They had found the room, yes, but something didn’t feel quite right. The treasure was here, of course, but the absence of other players was unsettling. This room should have been untouched, yet he couldn’t shake the feeling that someone had been here before them.

His eyes scanned the scattered loot more closely. The piles seemed curated—certain items left behind, others missing entirely. Whoever had been here had taken care not to make it obvious, but Tyler’s instincts were sharp. He had played this game long enough to know when something was off.

"Stay sharp," Tyler muttered under his breath, though the others were too busy celebrating to hear him.

The thrill of discovery still buzzed in the air, but Tyler couldn’t ignore the nagging thought that Maxima might not have been the first to uncover this room after all.

"Finally, some decent items!" Max Evergreen’s voice echoed through the room, filled with a mix of excitement and relief. His exclamation drew a few smiles from the group, breaking the tense concentration that had settled over the top members of the Maxima Guild.

Tyler Evergreen, Max’s older brother and the leader of Maxima, stood in the center of the room with his nine most trusted guild members, surveying the treasures before them. They had stumbled upon what seemed to be a treasure trove of weapons and armor—items far superior to the basic equipment the players had been given back in the summoning chamber. At a glance, it was clear that this cache of gear could equip nearly half of their guild members, a significant advantage that would set them ahead of the competition.

Each member began to sift through the equipment, inspecting swords, axes, bows, shields, and armor pieces with careful precision. The craftsmanship of the items was far beyond anything they’d encountered so far in Pangea, and Tyler could see the gleam of excitement in their eyes. For Maxima, this was the breakthrough they had been hoping for. The quality of these items was undeniable—they were leagues ahead of the starter gear most players were using.

“This will give us a huge advantage over the other players,” Tyler declared a confident edge to his voice. His words were met with nods of agreement from the others. He could already envision it: Maxima members, fully outfitted in superior gear, dominating the early stages of the game while other guilds were still struggling with their basic weapons.

Max, however, was quick to point out the one catch. “Such a shame that all of them need a stat level to equip, though,” he said with a tinge of regret, holding up a gleaming sword and examining its details. “Would’ve been nice if we could use it immediately.”

Tyler shared his brother’s disappointment but remained pragmatic. "Can’t be too picky. We just need to level up and invest our points in the right stats to wield them." He, too, wanted nothing more than to equip these items and start using them right away. Unfortunately, the game’s system wouldn’t allow it. Nearly every item in the room had stat requirements that none of them met yet.

Strength, dexterity, endurance—each piece of equipment demanded specific stats to be at a certain level before they could be used. The lowest requirement they found would still require each player to level up at least five times and allocate their points carefully before they could even consider using the gear.

The weight of that realization settled in the room. Despite the treasure trove they had uncovered, it wasn’t the immediate power boost they had hoped for. Still, it was only a matter of time. They knew that once they met the stat requirements, the weapons and armor would give them an undeniable edge over their rivals.

Tyler surveyed the room one last time, his mind already calculating their next move. “There’s not much more we can do here,” he said decisively. “Let’s head back.”

The group nodded in agreement, and soon, they were retracing their steps, returning to the summoning chamber where the bulk of the Maxima Guild was still stationed.

As they re-entered the summoning chamber, Tyler wasted no time in issuing orders. “We need to focus on leveling up,” he instructed, his voice sharp and authoritative. “The sooner we meet the stat requirements, the sooner we can equip these items.”

His words carried the weight of command, and the guild members listened intently. The excitement from discovering the hidden room still buzzed in the air, but Tyler knew better than to get swept up in the moment. He was already planning ahead and strategizing how best to leverage this advantage. Maxima needed to grow stronger and faster.

“There are a few pieces of equipment with lower requirements,” Tyler continued. He made a mental note of these items—small pieces of armor and weapons that only required a minor stat increase. “Whoever reaches the necessary stats first can claim them. Make sure you’re ready when the time comes.”

The members of Maxima murmured in agreement. They understood the importance of gearing up quickly. This treasure wasn’t just a find; it was a race. The sooner they could equip themselves, the sooner they could outpace the other players in the game. In a game like Pangea, where strength and strategy are everything, being fully equipped could make all the difference in the crucial early stages.

But there was a downside. Tyler had no choice but to leave a contingent of 20 members behind to guard the teleportation array that led to the hidden room. It was a precautionary measure, one that couldn’t be avoided. While the rest of Maxima focused on leveling up and gaining the stats needed to use the equipment, these 20 members would have to wait and ensure that no other players found the room and looted it before the guild could return.

The decision wasn’t an easy one. Tyler knew that leaving 20 members behind meant they wouldn’t be leveling up as quickly as the others. They would fall behind, and it would take time for them to catch up. But it was a necessary trade-off. Once the rest of the guild was properly equipped, those members could be carried and supported until they caught up in levels. It was a short-term setback for a long-term gain.

“It’s not the huge advantage we were hoping for,” Max admitted, echoing the thoughts of many in the group. “But once we get those weapons and armor equipped, the difference will be clear. No one else is going to have gear this good so early in the game.”

Tyler nodded in agreement. “Once we hit level 10 and above, that’s when the gap will start to show,” he said, his eyes narrowing in focus. “The difference between mediocre gear and superior equipment will be massive. And we’ll be the only ones who have it.”

The room fell into a comfortable silence, the members of Maxima already mentally preparing themselves for the grind ahead. Tyler’s confidence was infectious, and the group felt reinvigorated by the prospect of their impending advantage.

In the early stages of Pangea, the smallest edge could snowball into something much larger. Tyler knew this better than anyone. He wasn’t just playing for the present; he was setting the foundation for Maxima’s future dominance. The other players didn’t know it yet, but Maxima would soon be an unstoppable force—and it all started here, with these items.

With their next objective clear, the Maxima Guild members dispersed, ready to begin the next phase of their plan: leveling up and preparing for the battles that lay ahead. Tyler watched them go, his mind already turning over the next steps. He had no doubt that Maxima would rise to the top. It was only a matter of time.


Adam had been walking for over half an hour, yet the path ahead remained as monotonous as when he had first set foot in this section of the temple. The corridors stretched endlessly before him, a winding maze of stone walls and dimly lit passageways, offering nothing of interest—no monsters, treasure rooms, or even the faintest sign of traps. It was as though the temple itself was teasing him with its vast emptiness.

Each step echoed through the silent corridors, the rhythmic sound of his boots hitting the stone floor the only noise to accompany him. The maze-like structure seemed to twist and turn endlessly, and though Adam had yet to feel the wear of fatigue, the sheer monotony of the journey was beginning to weigh on him.

He hadn’t encountered a single other player, though this didn’t surprise him. The temple was vast, and while thousands of players had entered its halls, the size of the floor they were currently exploring made it easy to remain isolated. For now, each player had their own space to navigate, free from the chaos and competition that would inevitably arise once paths began to intersect.

Adam knew the objective. Every player did. The Chamber of Sacrifice was somewhere on this floor, and the key to progressing further in the game was locating a passage that would lead to it. However, the path to the chamber was no simple one. Hidden throughout the temple were traps, deadly monsters, and obstacles meant to slow down the players’ progress, turning the hunt into a test of endurance and wit.

In his first life, Adam remembered it had taken players nearly a week to finally reach the Chamber of Sacrifice. The early stages had been marked by uncertainty, confusion, and trial and error as players tried to navigate the sprawling labyrinth. Yet this time, Adam had the advantage of foresight. He wasn’t in a rush. The other players would wander blind, exploring every corner, searching for clues. Adam, however, was taking his time, methodically making his way through the temple with the intention of finding something—anything—that would serve as a point of reference.

His goal was simple: identify where he was. Whether by encountering monsters, discovering rooms, stumbling upon traps, or finding a recognizable landmark, he needed something to anchor his position in the maze. Once he had that, he could chart a course and move forward purposefully.

But for now, it was all more of the same—empty halls and dead ends.

After walking for what felt like an eternity, Adam’s mind began to wander. Despite his lack of impatience, the sheer emptiness was beginning to gnaw at him. The absence of any danger or reward, combined with the solitude, made the temple feel more like a tomb than a challenge. In his previous life, this exploration phase had been chaotic, filled with players banding together in parties, each corner potentially hiding a new enemy. Here, in this fresh start, the calm before the storm was almost unnerving.

An hour passed, and still, there was nothing. Adam’s fingers drummed idly against the hilt of his new longsword, the rhythmic tapping a small comfort in the silence. The sword was a reminder of the strength he now wielded—strength that remained unused for now but not for long.

Finally, just as he was beginning to wonder how much longer this uneventful stretch would last, something shifted in the air. The passage ahead began to narrow slightly, the stone walls closing in as the atmosphere grew darker. A faint, eerie chill swept through the corridor, pricking the back of Adam’s neck.

This wasn’t just another stretch of the maze.

It wasn’t the landmark he had been hoping for, but it was something even better. The narrow path opened up to reveal a large, looming archway at the end of the corridor, its surface covered in intricate, almost alien carvings. The heavy stone door stood ajar, revealing a shadowy staircase leading downward into darkness.

He had found the Catacombs.

Adam’s pulse quickened, not with fear but with the sharp thrill of recognition. This was exactly where he needed to be.

The Catacombs were a dangerous section of the temple, known for housing undead monsters, ancient traps, and hidden rooms that had claimed the lives of many players in his first life. More importantly, it was also home to treasures and secrets that could give anyone who dared to explore it a significant edge. It was a place that most players would avoid until they had gained more levels, but Adam wasn’t most players. He knew the layout, the dangers, and—most crucially—how to navigate the Catacombs without falling prey to its deadliest traps.

He stepped forward, his body instinctively tensing in anticipation. The Catacombs were a stark contrast to the endless, empty corridors he had just walked through. Here, danger was ever-present, lurking behind every corner, beneath every stone slab. This was the heart of the temple’s challenges—a gauntlet testing his newly acquired strength, knowledge, and patience.

With a steady breath, Adam descended the stone staircase, the cold air growing heavier with each step. The faint glow of his torch cast long shadows across the ancient stone walls, revealing more of the strange carvings that seemed to follow him as he moved deeper into the Catacombs.

His hand rested lightly on the hilt of his sword, ready for whatever might be waiting for him at the bottom. Here, there would be monsters to fight, traps to avoid, and loot to claim. Adam’s mind raced with the possibilities. He wasn’t interested in the common treasures that lay scattered throughout the temple; he wanted the rare finds, the secrets that others would overlook or be too afraid to claim.

His journey through the Catacombs was about to begin.

The Catacombs were known far and wide as the largest and most treacherous section within the temple. Players who ventured here too early would quickly learn the harsh truth: without the strength to back up their courage, the Catacombs would devour them whole. Its undead inhabitants were relentless, tireless, and came in overwhelming numbers. In the outermost sections alone, the average level of enemies ranged from 10 to 12—more than enough to pose a significant challenge to unprepared parties.

What made the Catacombs even more dangerous was the nature of its enemies. Undead creatures felt no fatigue, no fear, and had an almost infinite capacity for endurance. They would continue to fight with the same ferocity, whether it was the first minute of the battle or the last. In Adam’s first life, even pro gamers had warned against venturing into the Catacombs unless the party had an average level of 15. It was a hard rule that many had learned the hard way—those who ignored it often found themselves overwhelmed.

The advice was clear: Do not attempt the Catacombs unless you had a group of at least 10 skilled players and a well-balanced party. Anything less would likely end in disaster.

And disaster was exactly what the current party was about to face.

In the dim, claustrophobic halls of the Catacombs, a group of five players was in the midst of a desperate battle. Clang! The sharp sound of metal striking bone echoed through the dark corridors. Skeleton Soldiers, towering and armored in tattered remains of their former lives, pressed forward against the small group. The team’s weapons barely scratched them.

[You have dealt 2 damage to Skeleton Soldier Lvl. ?]

The message floated in the air, taunting the group with its grim implications. When a player couldn’t see the enemy’s level, it usually meant that the monster was at least five levels higher. If Adam had been there, he would have recognized the situation immediately: the Skeleton Soldiers were likely around level 9 or 10. Much too powerful for this party of level 3 and 4 players to handle.

A man clad in light armor, wielding a spear, was dodging the relentless strikes of one of the Skeleton Soldiers. His movements were agile, but each attack seemed to come faster than the last, pushing him further into a defensive position.

Meanwhile, a woman armed with two daggers danced around a second Skeleton Soldier, searching for an opening to land a critical hit. But no matter where she struck, her blades barely left a mark. The rest of the team fended off a third Skeleton Soldier, struggling to keep their balance as the undead monster pushed them back, one slow, deliberate strike at a time.

The spear-wielding man was Wei Cheng, captain of the team and leader of the Hao-Wei Guild’s US Branch. The woman with the daggers was Hao Li Xiang, his vice-captain and one of the guild’s most experienced players. The rest of the team consisted of professional Chinese gamers, including two younger sisters of Li Xiang. Like Maxima, the Hao-Wei Guild had established branches worldwide, seeking to dominate Pangea’s global landscape. Wei Cheng’s team had been tasked with establishing a guild base in the Lorikan Republic.

“Dammit,” Wei Cheng cursed under his breath as he narrowly avoided another strike from the skeleton. His spear lashed out, but the attack barely made a dent. “The enemy is too strong for us right now.”

They had entered the Catacombs after an uneventful exploration of the lower levels. Giant rats and mutated spiders had been their only opposition at first—monsters that, while dangerous, hadn’t posed a serious threat to their team. But the Skeleton Soldiers were a different story.

“They’re either immune to critical hits because they’re undead, or my level is too low to inflict any real damage,” Hao Li Xiang called out, her voice steady despite the growing danger. Her daggers flashed as she struck at the skeleton once more, but the results were the same—minimal damage.

“It’s probably the immunity,” her sister Hao Fang chimed in, her voice strained as she loosed another arrow. She had been firing skill shots since the start of the fight, but none of them had landed with the impact she’d hoped for. “I’ve been hitting them with everything I’ve got, but it’s not doing anything. My effort, arrows, and mana are being wasted.”

The situation was growing dire. Hao Ling, the youngest of the Hao sisters, added to the grim report. “I’m almost out of mana. I can cast one more fireball, and then I’m done.”

Chang Yichen, the cleric and the group’s only healer, spoke next. “I’m low, too. I can cast maybe two more heals, and that’s it.”

The team exchanged quick glances, silently acknowledging the inevitable. They had come to test the Catacombs to see if it offered a better grinding spot and potential loot, but the verdict was clear: they were outmatched. And with no mana left and no tank to absorb the damage, they didn’t stand a chance of winning this fight.

The decision to retreat was obvious.

“Alright,” Wei Cheng finally said, his tone clipped but calm. “We need to fall back. Yichen cast healing on both of us.”

As Yichen hurried to comply, casting his final heals on Wei Cheng and Li Xiang, the captain continued issuing orders. “Li Xiang, you and I will hold them off. Ling, save your last fireball for when all three skeletons are close. Once you cast it, we all run. Got it?”

“Understood,” the team responded in unison.

The group moved with the precision of professional gamers. Wei Cheng and Li Xiang took up defensive positions, fending off the skeletons with quick strikes and well-timed dodges. Ling waited for the perfect moment, her fingers glowing with the fiery energy of her last spell. As soon as the three Skeleton Soldiers grouped together, she unleashed her fireball.

The explosion of flames temporarily disoriented the skeletons, and in that moment, the team sprinted toward the exit. Their coordination was flawless—no one hesitated, no one lagged behind.

Luckily for them, the Skeleton Soldiers didn’t pursue them. Whether it was due to the distance they had covered or some hidden mechanic in the Catacombs, the undead monsters stopped at the boundary of the room, allowing the Hao-Wei team to escape.

Once they were a safe distance away, the group came to a halt. Their breathing was heavy, but there was no time to rest. They needed to regroup and reassess.

Wei Cheng glanced over at his team. They had escaped without any casualties, but it was clear they were out of their depth. “We need to head back and meet with the rest of the guild,” he said. “This place is beyond us right now.”

The others nodded. The rest of the Hao-Wei Guild was still back where they had first encountered the giant rats and mutated spiders. Wei Cheng’s team had split off to explore the Catacombs when one of their scouts had discovered the entrance. They had hoped it would be a better grinding spot or perhaps even a place to find rare loot. But now, they knew better.

“We’ll return when we’ve reached at least level 10,” Wei Cheng added, his tone decisive. “And next time, we’ll come with a full party.”

The rest of the team agreed. Their venture into the Catacombs had been a harsh lesson, but not one they couldn’t recover from. They would regroup, level up, and return better prepared. The Catacombs weren’t going anywhere, and neither were they.


As soon as Adam reached the outermost section of the Catacombs, the faint sound of clashing weapons and spells reached his ears. The echoes bounced off the cold stone walls, signaling the presence of players engaged in a fight.

“So, players found the Catacombs on day one?” Adam muttered to himself, mildly surprised by the early discovery. “It’s a little too early for you guys to be here. Go elsewhere and level up first.”

He paused, staying out of sight. While he wasn’t actively trying to hide, he didn’t want to unnecessarily draw attention to himself either. His goal was to explore the Catacombs alone, and the last thing he needed was to deal with other players tailing him. He listened intently, relying on his heightened perception to gauge the situation from a distance.

From what he could tell, the players were struggling. The sound of clashing metal, grunts of exertion, and the occasional spell-casting revealed the players' desperation. He could almost picture their situation—low on mana, fighting higher-level enemies, and realizing they were in over their heads.

Adam didn’t have to wait long for the outcome. As expected, the team soon retreated, their footsteps hurried and uneven as they fled from the undead forces lurking deeper in the Catacombs. The sounds of battle faded, replaced by the quiet stillness of the dungeon.

Satisfied that the area was clear, Adam stepped forward, preparing himself for the challenges ahead. Unlike the other players, he wasn’t entering the Catacombs blind. He knew exactly what kind of danger awaited him—undead creatures immune to fatigue, capable of overwhelming even experienced players with their sheer numbers.

But Adam had no intention of turning back.

Before descending into the depths, he paused to do something he had postponed for some time: use the Essence he had gathered and level up. Up until this point, Adam had avoided leveling for two reasons. First, he was confident in handling most monsters he encountered without needing stat boosts. Second, he hadn’t wanted to equip his new armor just yet, preferring to keep a low profile and avoid attracting unwanted attention from other players.

But now, standing on the threshold of the Catacombs, Adam knew the time for caution was over. This wasn’t a place for half-measures. If he wanted to clear the Catacombs and claim its treasures, he needed to be at his best.

With a calm breath, Adam tapped into the Essence he had absorbed from the two Chest Mimics earlier. In Pangea, leveling wasn’t just about gaining experience points—it was about absorbing Essence, a vital force that shaped the world and its players. The more Essence you absorbed, the stronger you became. And the fact that Adam had defeated the mimics on his own meant he didn’t have to share the Essence with anyone else, giving him a significant boost.

[You have reached Level 7.]

A familiar screen appeared before him, displaying his current stats and Essence requirements for the next level:

NAME: Adam


ESSENCE: 219 (758 essence to reach Level 8)

HP: 39/39

MP: 100/100


Vitality: 13

Endurance: 15

Willpower: 8

Strength: 15

Dexterity: 9

Perception: 10

Intelligence: 8

Clarity: 6

Harmony: 5

Mystery: 6

SKILLS (see more)

TRAITS (see more)

Adam considered his options carefully. For every level-up, a player received one stat point and one skill point, but he wasn’t in a rush to spend his skill points just yet. His focus was on preparing himself for the challenges of the Catacombs, and that meant prioritizing his physical stats.

The first stat he invested in was Endurance. He placed 2 points here, increasing his endurance to 17. In dungeon exploration, endurance was crucial for any player, regardless of class or role. Without a strong endurance stat, even the most talented party members would be exhausted before long, slowing their group down and becoming a liability. For Adam, who intended to solo most of the dungeons and quests he encountered, endurance was doubly important.

Next, Adam placed 3 points into Strength, bringing it up to 18. Strength would allow him to overpower many of the monsters in the Catacombs, giving him the edge in close combat encounters. He needed the physical power to hold his own against enemies that outnumbered him.

Finally, Adam used 2 points to boost his Dexterity. Coordination and speed were equally important, especially when facing agile or numerous foes. A higher dexterity would improve his ability to dodge attacks and land precise hits.

Despite having unlocked the Pyromancy class, Adam didn’t feel the need to focus on his magic just yet. His mana pool was still too small to rely on Pyromancy in long battles, and he preferred the versatility of his sword for now. As a result, he chose to save his skill points for later, when he might need to unlock new spells or enhance his existing abilities.

With his stats adjusted, Adam was now ready to equip the armor he had looted earlier. It was a light ranger’s set, offering a good balance between protection and mobility. Though he wasn’t a ranger, the gear was ideal for someone like Adam, who prioritized speed and efficiency over brute force.

Lorikan Ranger’s Leather Helmet (Common)

Type: Light Headpiece

Armor: 5

Weight: 1

Durability: 20/20

Requirements: END 14

Description: A standard helmet for rangers of the Lorik Kingdom. It is an ancient piece of equipment, magically preserved.

Lorikan Ranger’s Leather Armor (Common)

Type: Light Armor

Armor: 20

Weight: 3

Durability: 80/80

Requirements: END 14

Description: A standard armor for rangers of the Lorik Kingdom. It is an ancient piece of equipment, magically preserved.

Lorikan Ranger’s Leather Boots (Common)

Type: Light Boots

Armor: 10

Weight: 1

Durability: 50/50

Requirements: END 14

Description: A standard boots for rangers of the Lorik Kingdom. It is an ancient piece of equipment, magically preserved.

Lorik Ranger’s Stealth Cloak (Uncommon)

Type: Cloak

Armor: 0

Weight: 1

Durability: 10/10

Requirements: END 14

Description: A cloak enchanted to reduce the wearer’s noise by 50%. It also grants protection from basic identification and scouting skills. Magically preserved.

Adam admired the simplicity and effectiveness of the armor. Though it wasn’t the most powerful gear, it offered a great weight-to-armor ratio, allowing him to maintain his agility without sacrificing too much protection. The real prize, however, was the cloak. Its enchantment made him far harder to detect, masking 50% of the noise he made and protecting him from scouting attempts by other players.

After equipping the new gear, Adam carefully stowed away his previous equipment in his bag. He would find a use for it later. Now fully prepared, he stood at the entrance to the Catacombs, ready to face the challenges ahead.

With his increased stats, enhanced armor, and sharp instincts, Adam was more than ready to conquer the Catacombs.

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