The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 5 Second Class

Adam turned his attention back to the two imposing iron chests—no, the two mimics. Their stillness was an illusion, a trap set for unsuspecting adventurers. He had encountered mimics before- both in the World of Pangea and in real life. Each encounter left scars on the unsuspecting, but Adam, now with his second chance, was far more prepared.

The Chest Mimic posed a serious threat to a level 1 adventurer. Its strength and sudden attacks were enough to overwhelm most beginners. But Adam wasn’t like most beginners; he had an edge- Stun Powder.

Stun Powder

Description: Originally crafted by a novice alchemist during a failed attempt to create a recreational substance, this powder’s true potential was accidentally discovered. When the alchemist’s father—a master in the craft—unexpectedly entered the room, the panicked apprentice hurled the powder into his face, only to witness its remarkable stunning effect. What was once a mistake became the father’s proudest moment, never suspecting his son’s actual intent.

Details: It comes in small, breakable glass orbs and is often used against groups of beasts. Its effects can also incapacitate humanoid enemies, though nothing specific about mimics is mentioned in the typical descriptions. However, in Adam’s experience, Chest Mimics reacted differently. Rather than being stunned, they would sneeze violently, spewing the items they had devoured—a peculiar but effective way to claim loot without unnecessary risk.

Adam had prepared several dozen orbs of Stun Powder for this exact moment. He eyed the mimic that appeared slightly weaker than the other and threw one of the glass orbs at it.

The effect was immediate.


What was once a solid, iron chest twisted into a grotesque, monstrous mouth. It exhaled a rasping, human-like wheeze as though suffering from a severe asthma attack. The sight was as disturbing as the sound: jagged, rusty teeth lined its gaping maw, where worms wriggled through the decay of its fangs. A long, black tongue protruded, dripping with yellow pus.

Adam, unfazed, waited for the mimic to sneeze again. This was a game he had played before.


Another violent sneeze shook the mimic; this time, treasures began to fly out of its mouth. Coins, trinkets, and potions spilled onto the stone floor, shimmering in the torchlight.

“This is far too few for a mimic this large,” Adam muttered. He knew it was holding more.

Without hesitation, he hurled another Stun Powder.


And another.


Each sneeze brought more items, gold, and rare artifacts that spilled from the mimic’s bloated stomach. He continued the process until he was certain the creature had nothing left to offer. By the end, it took twelve Stun Powders to coax all the treasures from both mimics. Adam smiled, satisfied with his plunder.

Among the items was precisely what he had been seeking—Bags of Holding.

Bag of Holding (Uncommon) x3:

A simple-looking bag with the capacity to hold items up to 100 times its size. The bag reduces weight by 50%, but care must be taken when fully packed, as strength is still required to carry the load.

Shrinking Bag of Holding (Rare):

A rare variant of the Bag of Holding, capable of holding up to 500 times its size and shrinking to a more portable size. It shares the same weight-reducing feature but can store far more than its common counterparts.

It was no wonder the Maxima Guild, who once controlled this treasure room, had been so dominant in the rankings. With such powerful items at their disposal, they could carry vast amounts of loot unnoticed by rivals. Yet, this was not the most valuable discovery. Adam’s eyes gleamed as he unearthed a far more precious find—the elixirs.

Elixir of Bear’s Vigor (Rare) x3:

Increases VITALITY and ENDURANCE by 5 permanently.

1 VITALITY: 3 HP is applied.

Elixir of Lion’s Strength (Rare) x3:

Increases STRENGTH by 5 permanently. This effect ceases once STRENGTH reaches 15.

Elixir of Eagle’s Vision (Rare) x3:

Increases PERCEPTION by 3 permanently.

These elixirs, each worth a small fortune, were game-changers. Drinking just one of each would give Adam an advantage equivalent to leveling up eighteen times. The stat boosts were enough to turn a novice adventurer into a formidable fighter. He smiled at the thought.

“Such a shame I can only drink each elixir once,” Adam mused. While the game did not explicitly state this limitation, he knew from experience that consuming more than one of the same elixir wouldn’t yield additional benefits. The extras, however, would fetch an excellent price in the marketplace.

Without hesitation, Adam consumed one of each.

[Your VITALITY has permanently increased by 5.]

[Your ENDURANCE has permanently increased by 5.]

[Your STRENGTH has permanently increased by 5.]

[Your PERCEPTION has permanently increased by 3.]

With an 18-stat boost at level 1, Adam now had the edge he needed to advance faster than the competition. Most players would take days to level up this much, but Adam had done it within moments. This would give him ample time to strategize, solo enemies, and accumulate more resources while others lagged behind.

He glanced at the superior longsword he had found earlier. Its weight had been beyond his abilities, but with his newly increased strength, he could now wield it easily.

Superior Longsword (Common)

Type: Longsword

Damage: 70

Weight: 5

Durability: 50/50

Requirements: 10 Strength

The sword felt light in his hand, a perfect balance between power and precision. His confidence grew as he packed the remaining loot. However, even with his newfound strength and the benefits of the Bags of Holding, Adam faced two problems.

First, the sheer volume of the items exceeded what he could carry, even with the weight reduction of the bags. And second, there simply wasn’t enough space to store everything.

To solve the weight issue, Adam retrieved one of the utility scrolls he had found earlier.

Scroll of Reduce Weight (Rare)

Description: Reduces the weight of an item by 50% for 24 hours. The effect cannot be stacked.

Tearing the scroll, he activated it on one of his Bags of Holding filled with essential items. Two more scrolls were used on the remaining bags, lightening his burden further.

Fortunately, the rarity of the Shrinking Bag of Holding allowed for a creative workaround. Typically, one could not place a Bag of Holding within another. However, since the Shrinking Bag was of a higher rank, it could contain the three uncommon bags without consequence. The size-shifting ability of the rare bag shrank it down to the size of a backpack—solving the bulkiness issue.

Yet, space remained a problem. Despite carefully sorting items into those for personal use and those for sale, he couldn’t carry everything. Adam sighed, realizing he would have to leave some of the less valuable items behind.

Adam carefully examined the pile of loot spread before him, his eyes sweeping over each piece with an analytical gaze. He had to leave some items behind—there was no avoiding it. He meticulously sorted the items into two categories: those for personal use and those for sale. His priority was clear—leave behind armor pieces that were not part of a set and weapons of lower quality. Anything that might give away the fact that someone had looted this room before the Maxima Guild arrived needed to be concealed.

Adam worked efficiently but deliberately, making sure not to arouse suspicion when the room was inevitably discovered by the guild. He knew the Maxima Guild would eventually stumble upon the treasure trove, but he intended to leave behind just enough to make them believe they were the first to find it.

“You originally claimed the loot equipped 50 members of Maxima,” Adam smirked as he surveyed the discarded items. “I guess this time, it will come true.”

“Can’t take it all,” he concluded, glancing at the discarded items before heading toward the exit. His pack, now considerably lighter, contained enough riches and resources to propel him far ahead of the others.

Even though he left a substantial amount of gear behind, Adam was satisfied. His bags were still filled with enough high-quality loot to yield a decent profit. He had been careful to leave space for future discoveries as he continued his exploration. With the sorting completed, Adam allowed himself a moment of satisfaction before addressing the final task: the Chest Mimics.

He glanced at the two now motionless mimics, recalling their earlier sneezes. “Let’s get some Essence,” he muttered, retrieving two more bottles of Stun Powder from his belt.

In a matter of moments, the powder was in the air, and the familiar wheezing began again. With his newfound strength, superior longsword, and the mimic’s incapacitated state, the fight barely counted as one. Within seconds, both Chest Mimics were slain, their massive, grotesque bodies finally still.

[You have slain Chest Mimic Lvl. 10. You have absorbed 2500 Essence.]

[You have slain Chest Mimic Lvl. 12. You have absorbed 3000 Essence.]

Essence flowed through Adam, a reminder that Pangea operated differently than other games. In most games, such gains would be termed EXP or experience points, but Pangea's world was built around Essence, a primal force with countless applications. Beyond merely leveling up, Essence could be used to enhance items, cast spells, and even serve as a special currency. In fact, rich guilds, individuals, and certain Pangean figures preferred Essence over gold.

“This room just keeps on giving,” Adam said with a satisfied grin. But his smile widened further when he noticed two new items lying next to the fallen mimics—a skill tome and a pair of gloves.

Pyromancy Class Tome (Rare)

Description: Unlocks the Pyromancy class regardless of one’s current paradigm.

Details: Grants access to fire-based spells. The Harmony stat boosts spell power. With increased proficiency, more spells become available. Stat conversion of 1 WILLPOWER: 10 MP applies.

Ignition Gloves Lvl. 1 (Rare)

Restriction: Elemental Mage/Pyromancer

Description: A medium for enhancing fire magic abilities. It can be upgraded using Essence. The user must be at least Level 10 for upgrades.

Details: Increases fire spell damage by 10%. Reduces casting cost by 10%.

A rush of excitement surged through Adam. He couldn’t believe his luck. Pyromancy was not just a powerful class in Pangea but a personal favorite in many other games. Dealing massive damage with explosive fire spells suited his playstyle perfectly, especially for soloing. More importantly, Pyromancy had significant real-world utility, particularly for someone like Adam, who specialized in alchemy. On Earth, where magic was scarce, having a reliable source of magical fire would be crucial for brewing high-grade potions- especially in the early stages of the apocalypse.

The class tome was a rare find, and the stat conversion of 1:10 was practically unheard of at the novice level. Most classes offered a much lower conversion ratio at this stage—typically 1:3—and even advanced paradigms like Arcane offered nothing close to this for Pyromancy. Adam had stumbled upon a rare gem of a class tome that gave him a powerful edge.

There was no need to hesitate. Adam activated the class tome immediately, adding Pyromancy as his second class. A surge of warmth spread through his body as the system messages flashed before him.

[You have acquired the Pyromancy class.]

[You are now a Novice Pyromancer.]

[Willpower stat conversion of 1:10 MP has been applied.]

[Willpower stat conversion increased by 1.]

[Novice-tier spells are now available.]

[Trait "Flame Resistance" has been added. You now have 10% resistance to fire and heat.]

[Trait "Frost Resistance" has been added. You now have 10% resistance to cold.]

Adam grinned as the power settled within him. With his new abilities, he was becoming even more formidable. He quickly donned the Ignition Gloves, feeling the slight hum of magical energy coursing through them. The gloves fit perfectly as if made for him, and the boost to his fire spells would make a significant difference in upcoming battles.

Now, it was time to select his first Pyromancy spell. Adam had saved one skill point earlier, allowing him to choose immediately rather than waiting to level up.

[Please choose one skill: Fire Breath, Fireball, Firebolt]

Fire Breath

Description: Produces a continuous burst of flame that deals 10 points of damage per second.

Cost: 15 MP/second

Cooldown: 5 seconds


Description: Hurls an explosive ball of flame, dealing 50 points of damage in a 5-foot radius upon impact.

Cost: 40 MP

Cooldown: 20 seconds


Description: Shoots a concentrated bolt of fire, dealing 20 points of damage to a single target.

Cost: 30 MP

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Adam analyzed the options carefully. Fire Breath was an intriguing choice for close-range combat, but its high mana cost and short range made it less appealing at this stage. With only 7 to 8 seconds of continuous flame before his mana was depleted, it wasn’t worth the investment, especially since he could deal more consistent damage with his sword.

That left two choices: Fireball and Firebolt. Fireball’s area-of-effect (AoE) damage was enticing, but the many narrow corridors of the temple made it a risky option. A misfire or poorly aimed spell could block his own escape or cause unnecessary destruction. Moreover, he already had several Fire Grenades, which achieved similar results without depleting his mana.

Firebolt, on the other hand, provided a long-range, single-target option, ideal for picking off enemies from a distance. The 10% reduction in mana cost and cooldown granted by the Ignition Gloves also made it a more efficient spell. It offered versatility in combat, allowing Adam to engage foes without getting too close and allowing him to retreat if necessary.

The decision was clear.

[You have selected Firebolt.]

With that, Adam was truly done with the treasure room. He could level up now, given the ample Essence he had acquired, but there was no rush. Adam preferred leveling up in bulk during the early stages, and with his already formidable stats, there was no immediate need. He didn’t want to draw attention by wearing high-level gear too early, though the longsword he’d found would be his new companion. It wasn’t too flashy, and anyone who noticed it would likely attribute it to a beginner’s luck in finding good gear in the pile of junk equipment earlier.

After performing a final check on his inventory, Adam was pleased with his organization. About 60% of the items were designated for sale, while the remaining 40% would serve his personal use. He estimated that most players would struggle to find gear as good as his within the first few days, given the limited resources available in this phase of the game.

Satisfied, Adam strapped on one of the utility belts he had found, filling it with essential items: potions, oil flasks, fire grenades, and more Stun Powder. He was prepared for the challenges ahead, but before leaving the room, he downed an invisibility potion.

[You drank an invisibility potion. You will be invisible for 30 seconds. The status will be broken if you attack or use a skill.]

[Would you like to return to the Forgotten Chamber of Sacrifice?]


In an instant, Adam vanished, and with a brief flash of light, he was back in the temple's main chamber.

Still invisible, he made his way toward the nearest exit. As the potion's effect wore off, Adam blended seamlessly into the crowd of adventurers who were too busy with their own tasks to notice him. Some scrutinized the chamber, their eyes filled with excitement and apprehension as if searching for something elusive.

Adam paid them no mind. His focus was clear—find a landmark, orient himself, and start grinding. He had a lot to do, and with the treasures he now possessed, he was ready to take the next steps in his journey.

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