The School Idol’s Obsession

Chapter 6: To Each Their Own Choice

◆Hasegawa Miya’s POV◆

Hasegawa’s introduction to her new classmates went on without any problem, but not before the teacher told her something she can’t ignore.

“Hasegawa-san, please take the open seat next to Inoue-san over there.” Hasegawa’s pupils turned small as she got shocked hearing that she would be seated besides Inoue.

Hesitatingly she went and took the open seat besides Inoue. After taking her seat, she looked beside her only to see Inoue looking at her with dead eyes. She was looking deeply on her with a really long stare of dead eyes.

“Let’s get along, Okay? Miya-san~~” Inoue’s eyes turned bright saying that as if having a 180 turn on her mood.

Seeing that changed in Inoue, Hasegawa couldn’t help but be scared at how Inoue acted to her. “Y-Yes, let’s get along.” She replied with a low voice, scared at Inoue’s behaviour towards her.

◆Inoue Aimi’s POV◆

“Let’s get along, Okay? Miya-san~~” She says cheerfully but not aligning with what she really is thinking inside her mind.

“Hands off my Itsuki-kun, bitch.” Inoue really seems to be wary of Hasegawa in her heart, though she is trying to act nice to her for consideration as she is a childhood friend of her beloved.

“Y-Yes, let’s get along.” Hasegawa replied to her with a really low voice.


Their classes went on as usual, Inoue having anticipations as she waits for lunch break to come. She had cooked a bento for her and Sano to eat, Inoue planned to ask Sano to eat lunch with her. She wanted to have alone time with him on lunch break.

Lunch break came, Inoue rushing to Sano to invite over for lunch. “Itsuki-kun♡! Let’s eat lunch together♡!!” Inoue was really excited about getting to eat with her lover at school.

“Huh?...Oh, sure…” Sano replied anxiously as all of the boys in his class were looking at him with harsh questioning eyes. Not wasting any moment, one boy from the class stood up and asked Sano “Sano!! Just what is your relationship with Inoue-san!!!” He yelled the question representing all of the students in the class.

“...Uhm...uhhh…” Sano couldn’t answer, he didn’t know what he should say as he is not sure himself what it is really the case.

“R-Relationship…” Inoue’s face was unexpectedly blushing at that moment. It was clearly shown in Inoue’s face that they are in some kind of relationship.

“Uhm, yeah...Inoue-san, What really is your relationship with Sano-kun?” One of the girls repeated the question trying to affirm Inoue’s relationship with Sano. “W-We are--” Before Sano could even finish what he was about to say, Inoue had declared their relationship with no hesitation.

“We are going out♡!!”

A silence filled the classroom, a moment later...

“”“WHAAATTTT!?!?””” All of their classmates simultaneously yelled their disbelief of what they just heard.

“N-No...this can’t be…”

“Our school idol is…”

“Our Inoue-sama is…”

Every boy in the class felt like they were having a nightmare, the girls were surprised and were all excited about Inoue's new relationship. Of course Inoue’s thought was, “Tsk. Annoying, these boys are annoying. I’m grateful that these girls are an “understanding” bunch though.”

“Huh? You’re seriously going out with a loser like him? Won’t it be better if you had gone out with me instead.” A narcissistic remark came from one of the boys in class, Adachi Touma. He was one of the guys at school who would always pester Inoue to the point that she would try to ignore his existence everytime he talks to her.

“Hah, who the hell would want to go out with you? Get lost, you narc!?” One of the girls in the class retorted.

“Yeah! Get lost, Narc!! Nobody even cares what you really think here!?” Another girl added, making Adachi pissed.

“What did you guys say!?” Adachi who couldn’t hold it shouted back to the girls but stopped on his tracks hearing the next words of Inoue.

“Like I would ever go out with someone like you. My Itsuki-kun is better than you!?” She told her true feelings with no hesitation. She was fed up with that boy’s persistence, every time he was talking to her he would only be a nuisance.

“I despise-- no, I abhor people like you.” A clear and harsh rejection, Adachi fell on all fours being rejected and harshly told off by the girl he liked.

Everyone in the class was all befuddled hearing such words by the girl they always admired. All the boys got scared seeing the dead eyes of Inoue looking at them as if they were all trash.

“You have no right to tell me who I should date. It’s my choice who I want to have a relationship with, not yours.” Inoue’s voice was cold, she didn’t spare any time at destroying the hope of all the boys in class.

“Let’s go, Itsuki-kun♡!!” Inoue had a 180 mood change, she didn’t waste time and pulled on Sano’s hand to make him follow her out of the classroom.

◆Sano Itsuki’s POV◆

Inoue had taken Sano into the school’s rooftop. Inoue decided to have their lunch there, wanting to be alone with Sano. Sano was having mixed feelings about how Inoue was cold to the other boys in class and her being sweet to him. He didn't know what to feel about that situation.

Should he be happy? Feel sorry? or just ignore it? Honestly he felt sorry for the guys that got their hopes crushed by Inoue.

“Uhm...was it really necessary to do that? I mean, wasn’t it kinda harsh what you said to them.” He couldn’t help but ask.

“Itsuki-kun, if I didn’t do that they would just keep pestering us. So it's better to just turn them all down.” Inoue answered him honestly, she only felt little of concern about the boys of the class.

“Besides,” Inoue continued “I only want to look at Itsuki-kun, nobody else.” Inoue’s words made Sano reminded just how this girl is looking at him. She tries her best just to make him look at her and acknowledge her feelings. Little by little Sano is starting to accept her, he’s starting to see her for what she really is.

Satisfied to hear the answer of Inoue, the both of them happily ate their lunch on the school rooftop. Engrossing themselves to their alone time together.

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