The School Idol’s Obsession

Chapter 5: The Childhood Friend

◆Sano Itsuki’s POV◆


After coming to an understanding with Inoue, Sano went home to prepare for school. It was Friday, the boy didn’t want to be absent and ruin his attendance. Reaching his house, Sano went in getting ambushed by his Mother as he entered his home.


“Where have you been?” His mother’s tone was serious and wanted an answer out of him. “...I stayed at a friends house…” Sano replied with a technical truth. 


Hearing her son's reply, the mother just gave him a reminder, “Just message me next time in case for things like this, Itsuki. You had made me worried, you know?”


“...Sorry, Kaa-san. I’ll be more careful next time.”


“Just go and prepare for school now. You still have classes, right?”


“Got it, Kaa-san.” Sano replied with a relieved expression. He was thankful that his mother was very understanding of him. Sano went to his room, to get a change of clothes and prepare for school.


Not after 30 minute had passed, Sano left his home to go to the station. He and Inoue had planned to meet there to go to school together. On his way to the station he was called out by someone, “Ah, you are...Itsuki, right?”. A girl around his age started talking to him, as if she knows him well.


“Uhm...Who are you?” Sano asked curiously as he had no idea who the girl was.


“Eh?...You forgot?...It’s me, Hasegawa Miya. We’ve once been together in kindergarten, you know?” The girl told Sano surprised as she can’t believe that Sano didn’t even recognize her.


“...Hasegawa Miya? Miya?...Wait!! Mi-chan!? Are you really Mi-chan?” Sano finally remembered, surprised that he got reunited with his childhood friend.


“Oh, you finally remembered. Yep yep, it’s me Mi-chan.” Hasegawa replied happily as Sano had finally remembered her. 


“...Itsuki-kun...Who is...she…?” A chilly voice interrupted the two’s sudden reunion. Looking behind him, Sano saw Inoue with a really dead eyes staring at them.

“...Uh, uhm...Aimi, t-this is…” Sano got frozen in place, getting afraid by Inoue’s behaviour.


“...Ah, oh..ehm, I’m Hasegawa Miya. I’m a childhood friend of Itsuki...err and you are…?” Hasegawa was caught off guard, she was befuddled seeing the odd behaviour of Inoue.


“I’m Itsuki-kun’s *Girlfriend*!? Inoue Aimi!!” Inoue introduced herself firmly and clearly to make a point. She specifically emphasized the world girlfriend more than her own name. She wanted to make sure to properly send the message to the girl in front of her.


Sano felt embarrassed at how Inoue was emphasizing that he belongs to her. Hasegawa got surprised by the sudden introduction given to her, she looked at Sano with a questioning gesture, “A girlfriend? What’s more, it’s a beautiful girl!? She feels like bad news though...”. Seeing that gesture Sano could only answer gesturing with a giving up expression, “...Yes, more or less.” 


“I see, I see. She’s your childhood friend, I thought you were starting to cheat on me, Itsuki-kun. I’m sorry.” Sano was perplexed at how Inoue could easily accuse him of something he didn’t even do.


“...Uhm...I think we should...go now. We can’t be late from school after all.” Sano could only try to run away at that moment. Realising his intentions, Hasegawa agreed with him “...Right, right. We should get going. It’s not good to be late, after all.”


“...Yes, we should get going.” Inoue added with her dead eyes.

◆Inoue Aimi’s POV◆


“...That girl, I need to keep an eye on her. She might steal Itsuki-kun from me…” Inoue was thinking such in her mind. She became wary of Hasegawa the moment she saw her. Hasegawa was to say a very cute gal, she had a good sense of style, good body proportions, and a very attractive aura. Inoue couldn’t help but be wary of such a girl, what’s more she is the childhood friend of Sano. 


Inoue kept clinging on Sano’s arms, clearly trying to show Hasegawa her intimacy with Sano. Sano felt troubled but still blushed from Inoue’s affectionate behavior. Inoue was by no means always acted oddly when it comes to him, Inoue had always tried to get his attention wanting him to acknowledge her feelings for him. The girl's obvious jealousy made the boy realise just how much Inoue really loved him.


“...Don’t you dare touch my Itsuki-kun, bitch!” Inoue’s eyes shows what she really thinks when it comes to her beloved. Inoue had dissed Hasegawa inside her mind as her eyes clearly showed a warning to Hasegawa.


“...Yep, she’s bad news...I offer my condolences to you, Itsuki.” Hasegawa decided in her heart to just support Itsuki’s relationship. She didn’t want to be at the receiving end of the girl’s odd behaviour.


“...By the way, you’re wearing the same uniforms as us. Did you transfer to our school?” Sano asked Hasegawa to end the awkward silence between them. Sano felt troubled by the awkwardness of the situation between them.


Hasegawa reading his intentions answered, “Eh? Oh, yes. I actually just moved back here in this town and transferred at your school. So I guess we would be seeing each other often.”


Hearing what she said Inoue thought to herself, “Tsk! So she’s going to be in the same school as us, huh. Better be careful with this woman.” Inoue made sure in her mind to be aware of Hasegawa.


Seeing the dead eyes of Inoue staring at her, Hasegawa turned  her head away feeling scared at Inoue’s odd actions to her. 


After what felt like an eternity, the three of them had finally reached the school. Hasegawa bidding them farewell to go meet with the teachers in the faculty and Sano with Inoue going to their classroom. 


The class went into pandemonium seeing the intimate Inoue clinging on Sano as they went into the classroom.


“O-Our SCHOOL IDOL IS CLINGING TO SANO!?” Shouted one boy as he couldn’t believe that Inoue, their most popular girl in school was being intimate with Sano.


“N-No...this...can’t be…” Others couldn’t take in reality seeing the sudden intimate relationship Inoue had with Sano.


Despite the commotion Inoue was thinking inside her mind, “Tsk. Annoying, a bunch of nuisances.” She felt annoyed by her classmates comments.


As that situation went on, the classroom’s door opened as their Homeroom Teacher went inside their class. “Everyone back to their seats now. Homeroom is starting.” This quieted down the situation but not before every boy in the class looked at Sano with questioning looks in their eyes, they all agreed unanimously to “question" Sano later.


“Everyone, before we start homeroom I’m going to introduce a new transfer student.” The homeroom teacher spoke, making Inoue to listen audibly.


“Don’t tell me…” 


“Please come in, and introduce yourself.” The door opened, a girl coming in front and introducing herself in the class.


“Hello to you all. I’m Hasegawa Miya, I’ll be in your care.”


“Why is she in this class!!” Inoue shouted in her mind as she looked at Hasegawa with questioning eyes.


Feeling a stare on her, Hasegawa glanced at a place in the classroom. What she saw was Inoue looking at her with dead eyes.

“Oh no.” She thought to herself as she is now going to see more of Inoue’s odd behaviours against her. “I smell trouble…” She felt troubled seeing that she would be in the same class as Inoue.

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