The Red Hand

Chapter 14 – The Predator Catches its Prey.

"Hey guys. Is it just me, or are we the only people on this street?" Mika asked out of the blue.

"What do you mean? Naomi turned from her conversation with Kana. "This is downtown Kyoto there's no way that-" Naomi looked around slightly startled.

The street which should have been filled with shoppers and commuters was empty. "What's going on? There were just people here a minute ago weren't there? How could there be an empty street at this hour, where did everyone go?" Downtown Kyoto was never this empty even at night.

"Did we maybe go onto a street that's supposed to be closed? I'll admit I wasn't exactly paying attention to where we were going." Kana said with a guilty look.

"I mean I guess it's possible, but I don't know. I feel like we would have noticed a sign that said Do Not Enter, especially if everyone else did," Mika responded. “It woulda been pretty obvious.”

"I don't like this. It's quiet, far too quiet for Kyoto in the middle of the day," Naomi said with a slight nervousness in her voice. "Let's pick up the pace a bit. If we aren't supposed to be here we should clear out ASAP." (Naomi)

“Right.” (Mika and Kana)

The three girls sped up their pace not wanting to be caught on the empty street if they weren't supposed to be here.. A strange sense of foreboding came over the three of them; as if they could almost sense what was about to happen.

Suddenly, a large black van pulled out from one of the streets in front of them blocking their path. The girls stumbled back almost falling over each other. A few moments later it's doors swung open and, in a flash, six armed men disembarked and surrounded the girls. Once they had gotten in position, an older gentleman disembarked from the van, someone that the girls had seen before.

He walked up to the girls, cigarette in hand, and said.

"My apologies for startling you three. You likely know who I am; but I will introduce myself anyway. My name is Todoroki Nakagumo I'm Kyoto's Chief of Police." He said while showing his ID badge.

Kana was the first to speak. "Y-yes. I recognize you. I've seen you on news conferences a few times. Can you explain exactly why you have us surrounded by armed officers? I don't think we did anything to warrant such force being used against us." The officers were armed but had yet to train their weapons on the girls.

"If this is about being on a street were not suppose to be, we're sorry, we must have missed the Do Not Enter sign." Mika said while shaking slightly.

"Do Not Enter sign?” Chief Nakagumo was confused for a moment. “I have no idea what you're talking about and that's not really important. The reason me and these men are here, is that we've been ordered to take you three into protective custody." He said as he dropped his cigarette and stamped it out.

"Protective custody!" Mika shouted. "Protection from what? Is someone after us?

Kana interjected. "No way, if there was, Onee-chan would have said something." She looked at Chief Nakagumo. "Who are we being protected from? I can't imagine that someone could be targeting us and evade Onee-chan's detection." Kana said with absolute certainty.

{I don't know everything about her abilities, but I know for a fact that she has eyes everywhere. If someone really was after us, she would have told us or even taken action herself.} (Kana)

"Yes well, I cannot give you details as most of it is classified, but I can tell you that this does involve that sister of yours. I ask that you make this easy on everyone and come with us." He said with a soft voice.

"And if we refuse?" Naomi asked.

"I don't think you're in a position to refuse." He gestured to the men surrounding them. "Listen, I've been ordered to take you in with or without your cooperation. But I can say if you come with me, willingly, things will be better for both you and your sister." He said with a dark look in his eye. "I don't want to get rough with children, honestly the very thought itself sickens me, but I have a job to do. Please understand." He was almost pleading with the girls.

Kana began sweating. He was right, there wasn't anything they could do. If they refused, these men would just take them anyway most likely after knocking them out; and who knew what else they would do to them. For now, the best that they could do was oblige Chief Nakagumo and hope their cooperation bought them some goodwill.

{They're after Onee-chan aren't they? They want to use me as a hostage against her. Dammnit, why am I so weak? Is that all I am? A burden? Something to be used against her? Someone she will have to be worried about protecting? I know she would tell me I'm wrong, but I hate the thought of dragging her down because I'm helpless. I've even dragged Mika and Naomi into this too...." (Kana)

Kana looked at Chief Nakagumo. "If I go with you willingly, can you let the two of them go? They have nothing to do with this." Kana pleaded for her two friends.

He thought for a moment before responding. "Sorry, but my orders are to bring all three of you in I can't do that." Chief Nakagumo gave a conflicted look.

Kana looked back at her friends. "I'm sorry, you got dragged into this because of me." She was distraught at the thought of her friends being harmed because of her.

"It's OK Kana, it's not your fault. It's theirs for resorting to such methods. You can't be blamed for the actions of these disgusting people." Naomi said with contempt.

"Yeah, what she said," Mika said while hiding behind Naomi.

She was happy her friends weren't angry with her, but it still didn't make her feel any better. "I see, Chief Nakagumo I guess we'll come with you." She looked him in the eye. "But just know, when Onee-chan finds out what you're doing....." She paused for a few seconds. "I hope you will be ready to face the consequences," Kana said with a fiery look in her eye.

"Ms. Kana, I prepared myself for that a long time ago when I joined the academy." He said while turning towards the van. "You heard them, boys. Treat them with care; they're under our protection after all." He said with a sigh.

The three girls were ushered into the back of the van. They weren't handcuffed or restrained but they did have their electronics confiscated. Much to Mika's displeasure, even her new AR system was taken. During the drive, the soldiers and Chief Nakagumo were silent, saying nothing about where they were headed or what would happen once they arrived. It was an awkward and uncomfortable experience for everyone.

{Where are they taking us? A police station or maybe a military base? I guess it doesn't really matter.} Kana.

After a twenty-minute ride, the van arrived at the gates of Camp Katsura. The guards let them inside and the large metal gates clanked as they closed behind the van. Once they were cleared for entry into the underground section of the base they came to a stop just in front of what looked like an entrance.

Chief Nakagumo stood up and looked at the girls.

"Alright, we're here. You girls are going to speak with the base's commander General Iseyama, per his request, before you're placed in holding cells. Don't do anything rash, there's no escape from this place, and I don't want to see you get hurt. Understand?" (Chief Nakagumo)

The three girls could only nod, but their eyes told him how they felt about him.

"Good, Captain could you please take it from here? I believe my job is done and I'm going to head back to my office, I have other work that needs to be done." Chief Nakgumo said while disembarking.

"Yes sir, I can take it from here." (Captain)

Chief Nakagumo walked away from the van, lighting another cigarette and headed towards his parked car. He intended to get as far away from this mess as possible; he couldn't bear be a part of this farce for a moment longer.

{I'm sorry girls, this is the best I could do. I don't expect to be forgiven for this by you or anyone else. Hopefully, General Iseyama defies my expectations and you actually get to go home when this is over.} (Chief Nakagumo)

A few minutes and one elevator ride later, Chief Nakagumo entered and started his car before letting out a deep sigh.

"Alright. I'm still Police Chief, I have work to do and I can't let others see me in such a sorry state." He took a minute to psych himself up. "Just a little bit more and I can bow out with honor.”

He drove out of the garage and left the base; heading towards his office. "I know.” he began to talk to himself. “We should go on a family trip to Hawaii to celebrate my retirement. I know Saiyori would like to go there again, and I'm sure Miyako and Kimiko would love it” He said as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Kimiko, next time I see you, grandpa's gonna give you the biggest hug in the world." Chief Nakagumo drove down Kyoto's main street before turning onto a road that took him straight into his building's parking garage.

As he turned down this road, he noticed something strange. A fog had suddenly covered the road obscuring most of his vision.

{A fog? At this time of day? In this part of Kyoto? That doesn't make any sense, what the hell is going on?} (Chief Nakagumo)

Chief Nakagumo was confused, he had never seen such a localized fog before, especially not in the city itself. Undeterred, he continued driving down the road, being especially careful to avoid pedestrians or other cars.

Eventually, he arrived at the entrance of his building's garage and drove inside, quickly reaching his private parking spot. However, not only did the fog persist within the garage, it got worse. The sun's light, which should illuminate the inside of the garage, was reduced to mere bands piercing through the fog.

Once he turned off the vehicle he had the strange feeling that he wasn't alone. His many years as a beat cop and a detective told him something was wrong.

{I don't like this. It feels like something's out there watching me; waiting for me.} (Chief Nakagumo)

He peered over his dashboard and looked into the foggy garage, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever was causing this feeling. He stared, and stared, and stared until he finally caught a glimpse of it. From within the fog, he saw a set of glowing Amber eyes peering back at him, staring at him, watching him. Chief Nakagumo felt his blood run cold and his hands started shaking. Whatever was watching him, was most certainly not human and its eyes told him it viewed him as prey.

He took a moment to calm himself before reaching for his holster. A few seconds later he drew his pistol while stepping out of the car, yelling.

"Who goes there?!” he yelled pointed his pistol at the eyes. “This is police property, no one may enter without permission! I do not know who you are or why you are here, but if you leave now I will overlook this trespass!" Chief Nakagumo's heart was racing as he looked into these Amber eyes in the fog. In all his years on the force, not once had something made him feel this afraid.

A few moments later, he repeated his declaration once more; but the eyes did not disappear. Instead, they proceeded to get closer and closer until Chief Nakagumo heard a familiar sound.

*Click* *Clock*

*Click* *Clock*

*Click* *Clock*

*Click* *Clock*

*Click* *Clock*

*Click* *Clock*

{I recognize that sound. That's the sound of geta sandles. Who on Earth is wearing something like tha-} Suddenly, it clicked, and Chief Nakagumo understood what, or rather who was approaching him.

{This terrifying aura, this feeling of dread, those eyes and that sound. If I put together all the information I have; it can only mean one thing, but that's that's-}

"That's impossible!” He screamed his thoughts aloud. “You can't be here; you're supposed to be near Enryakuji! We saw you there less than two hours ago, if you had made any moves we would have known!" He screamed in panic.

The clicking came closer until, from the fog, she appeared. In front of Chief Nakagumo was the one person he never wanted to meet, the one person he shouldn't be meeting, someone he was told couldn't be in Kyoto. But yet, here she was, standing before him in the garage of his own building with a smile that sent chills down his spine.

"Good Afternoon Chief Nakagumo. I believe you and I need to have a little chat." Akagi said playfully.



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Next Chapter: Chapter 15 - A Meeting Between Man and Monster.

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