The Red Hand

Chapter 13 – Alea iacta est.


"Alright, it's finally the weekend!" Mika said jumping out of her seat. The girls had planned on spending the weekend at Akagi's new home, ostensibly to study, but also because they were genuinely curious.

Kana walked over to her. "I know you're excited, but don't forget we're going to Onee-chan's new house to study, not just play."Mika had been excited about this trip all week.

"I know, I know. But it's pretty exciting; is it? After all, your sister's house is like some crazy Yokai mansion! She even told me I could meet a Yuki Onna!" Mika had been really looking forward to this weekend. "A real Yuki Onna Kana! You know how much I love them."

Akagi had spent most of these last two weeks at her new house near Enryakuji Temple. Kana was surprised that her sister was moving out, but ultimately thought it was for the best. Her parents had become much more uncomfortable with Akagi living in the house recently and she could feel the tension between them and her sister. She knew their relationship was irrevocably broken, but could only feel sadness seeing how they acted towards Akagi. However, when her sister told her she was moving out, she expected an apartment not a historical estate! One that belonged to Naomi no less!

When questioned, Akagi told her that she purchased it using the funds she acquired in FWO, but Kana felt something was off about the whole situation. Naomi had known Akagi for less than a month, so it was quite strange that she would just sell a family property to someone she had only just met. Nevertheless, she refrained from prying too deeply out of respect for her sister and her friend.

"Yes, Yes, I know just how much you love the stories about Yuki Onna, you have countless plushies of them in your room after all, "Kana said while shaking her head. "I won't deny that I'm also interested in meeting more of Onee-chan's friends, but don't forget that prepping for exams comes first." (Kana)

“Booooooo I don't wanna study.” Mika complained.

Naomi walked over to the two of them and asked. "We're going to your house first, right Kana?" (Naomi)

"Yeah, Onee-chan said she would come to pick us up when she was ready, so we should have a few hours." Kana nodded. “And Mika, need I remind you that you only barely passed the practice exam? Do you really want to have to take make-ups again?”

{What am I going to do with this girl?} Kana sighed internally.

Mika responded by puffing out her cheeks.

"It still baffles me that your sister can move between such faraway places so quickly. On top of that, she can hide in plain sight, fly and even teleport. Is there anything your sister can't do?" Naomi said while rubbing her temples.

"If it has anything to do with gaming I would say no, and since this does...." Kana gave a defeated look. “I think we should just give up on trying to maintain our normal common sense when it comes to Onee-chan and her abilities.”

{At this point I don't think anything Onee-chan could do would shock me} (Kana)

The girls were shown of some of Akagi's more advanced powers and abilities. Needless to say, they were both impressed and astonished by what she could do. It gave the impression that she was the most powerful of all FWO's players; a notion that Akagi quickly shut down. Akagi said while that she was the best at subterfuge, stealth and likely had the highest speed of any player, Hishya packed the most firepower.

"Then does that mean we'll have some time before we leave? I would like to do a little shopping downtown if that's alright." Mika perking back up.

"I don't mind. Naomi is that fine with you?" Kana turned to Naomi.

"Sure.Who knows, maybe I'll come across something neat." The girl said with a smile.

"Then what are we waiting for; let's GO!" Mika said while taking off down the hallway.

Kana sighed."Where does she get all that energy from?"

"Who knows, if she would only put half of that towards her studies, she might actually be a good student," Naomi said while shaking her head.

The three girls then left school together and headed into downtown Kyoto to do some shopping. Things were quite busy around the Shijō Kawaramachi as always, but the girls were used to it. The three of them spent about an hour hitting up different stores and did some light window shopping. Mika bought a new AR system, apparently to help her study, but the girls knew it was unlikely to be used for such purposes.

The girls exited the tech store and Mika immediately got to work assembling and activating her new AR gear. "Oh man, this thing is so cool," Mika said while turning it on. "The quality of the images is so much better than my old one, it feels like these screens are really here." (Mika)

"Yeah, AR tech has advanced so much recently, at this point, I'm wondering if VR might actually be unnecessary," Naomi commented. "You know, now that I think about it. Kana, has your sister used AR or VR since she returned from FWO? I've only ever seen her use that old smartphone she has." She look at her friend, curious to see if she knew.

Akagi was quite a big gamer before FWO and Kana knew she had many different types of tech ranging from PCs to VR, but she hadn't seemed to use any of it recently. In fact, she intentionally went out of her way to acquire a smartphone, something that most people wouldn't use anymore.

"Now that you mention it, I don't think so. It's strange, she used to play games all the time in the past, but she's only really used her PC recently." Kana said while in thought. "Part of it might have to do with her body being changed. She said that all of her implants disappeared when she woke up." Kana said while thinking.

"That would explain why she's so low-tech. It's almost impossible to use most computers or systems without implants nowadays." Naomi nodded her head. "Is she not going to replace them?" (Naomi)

"I'm not sure, she hasn't mentioned anything about it. I'll ask her about it later," Kana said looking unsure. “It's definitely strange now that you mention it.”

Mika chimed in with an interesting point. "Maybe it has something to do with being stuck in FWO? I wouldn't be shocked if she was put off by technology after an experience like that. I know I would be." Mika theorized. “She might even be afraid of being trapped again.”

"That could be it, but for someone like Onee-chan to suddenly be uneasy with technology would be.... very ironic. After all, her entire life was basically online." The thought of Akagi rejecting technology was something Kana never considered. “But maybe you're right, I mean after such an experience there would have to be some mental side effects.”

"No point speculating about it when we can just ask her about it later and she'd probably answer us if we did." Naomi pointed out.

“True.” Kana nodded.

The girls proceeded down the main road deciding to take one of the many side streets to avoid heavy traffic before heading towards Kana's house.


<General Iseyama POV>

"Actual, this is overwatch 3; be advised targets have left the main road and are heading towards grid point six-four-nine. Over." A soldier's voice can be heard over a speaker.

The JSDF had been preparing for this day for weeks. General Iseyama headed this operation from his HQ at JGSDF Camp Katsura in Kyoto. "Operation Broken Blade" involved hundreds of personnel from several branches of the military as well as civilian law enforcement. Soldiers and police have been deployed throughout downtown Kyoto to observe the girls and determine the precise moment to strike, and that moment had come.

"I hear you overwatch 3. Keep eyes on the targets at all times. I want to know if anything changes." General Iseyama said through folded hands.

"Rodger that actual. Over and out." the soldier replied.

General Iseyama leaned over his desk and opened up an AR screen pressing on the call sign "Spider."

"Spider this is actual. Overwatch 3 has reported that the targets are on the move. Proceed to point six-four-nine and prepare for interception and seizure." He says while looking at the screen.

He continued, addressing Chief Nakagumo directly."Chief Nakagumo, my men will give you one chance to bring the targets in peacefully. If they resist, they are authorized and ordered to bring them in by whatever means necessary." Iseyama says with a sharp voice. “There will be zero tolerance for failure and I won't let your weak stomach ruin weeks of planning.”


<Chief Nakagumo's POV>

"I understand sir. I will do whatever I can to ensure that your men don't need to do anything drastic." Chief Nakagumo was currently sitting within a large black van heading towards the girl's location. In a few minutes this whole thing would be over.

"Good, if you succeed I imagine your retirement will go through with the honor that someone with your record deserves." General Iseyama dropped the connection.

Of course, this was a threat. Iseyama knew he wanted to retire and was not so subtly hinting at causing him some sort of last minute issue if he stood in the way of this operation.

{Yeah, this has to be the absolute worst day of my life. I think I would take a repeat of 47's arsons than have to kidnap children.} The old police chief put his hands together in prayer. {I know I don't pray too often, but please if the gods are listening, please let these girls get through this unharmed. I'm about to betray the very oath I swore when I graduated from the police academy all those years ago. Saiyori, please forgive your fool of a husband. Miyako, I'm sorry your father is such a worthless man. Kimiko, I hope you can still call me grandpa after this.} (Nakgumo)

Chief Nakagumo spent the next ten minutes sitting in complete silence among the armed soldiers until the van stopped. Time seemed to slow down for him as his thoughts drifted through the forty plus years he had spent on the force.

He had apprehended criminals, saved lives, and generally lead a life that he was proud of. He considered himself a lucky man, blessed with a family that loved him more than he believed he deserved. Both his daughter and granddaughter grew up believing him to be a hero of justice. A man who worked to keep bad guys off the streets and keep Kyoto safe. While he would never admit it, he enjoyed their idolized view of him and strove to live up to their expectations.

He knew what he was about to do was wrong, and that these girls would likely never be seen again, but there was nothing he could do. He considered resigning in protest, but he feared the girl's treatment under his replacement and he couldn't risk his family being harmed by his actions. So he decided to stay, in hopes that he could help these girls even a little bit. At the very least, he would do whatever he could to help him sleep better at night.

"Sir, we have eyes on the targets requesting permission to begin the operation." one of the soldiers asked him.

Chief Nakagumo reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a cigarette.

"You got a lite?" He asked.

"Um.... yes I do." the soldier pulled out a lighter and obliged.

Chief Nakagumo took in a deep breath, let out one big puff of smoke, and said.

"Let's do this."

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Next Chapter: Chapter 14 -The Predator Catches its Prey.

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