The Outbreak

C.27 : Ungratefulness, The Truth

CW : Mind Control, Idiotic People

"You did this to my sister! You b*tch! You turned her into a monster, just like you!" Oliver yelled from the ground at Orissa who stared at him quietly, wanting nothing more than to break a few of his bones.

"She did this to save you and you're going to call her a monster? That's pretty messed up. You also wanted to become a vampire, so I guess you want to be a monster then?" Orissa smiled slightly at him.

"Who'd want to be something like you?! If I was chosen, I would have fought you and turned you over to the government!" Oliver no longer looked like the loving brother and instead looked like a smug self righteous lunatic.

"Sierra! Fight whatever it is controlling you, if you can beat them, we can get rich by selling them to the government!" Oliver yelled when Odelle and Orissa took a step closer to him with blank expressions.

"So we saved you, and you'd let us suffer and die? When even the government couldn't save your sister, you would turn on the people who would help you when no one else did?" Orissa asked with barely any fluctuations in her voice.

"People? What people? You are monsters! You drink blood and kill people! So what if I give you to the government? You aren't human so I'm doing the right thing!"

"What about your sister then? She is now a monster according to you and the government will no doubt want to study her too." Odelle asked Oliver, stopping a few feet away from him.

"She should know that it would help humans a lot if she helped so she should. Maybe there's even a way to help her! Something she won't get if she stayed with you! Sierra!"

"So anything other than humans are the enemy? We're evil soulless monsters?" Orissa crouched next to Oliver and looked him in the eyes, listening to his racing heart.

"You kill us! What's the difference between you and some dangerous animal?!" A low growl left Orissa's lips as she extended a hand to pat Oliver's head, only the amount of strength she'd use would crush it into a paste.

"Orissa! Please stop! He's just emotional from his sister stopping him!" Alice grabbed Orissa's hand and held it in her arms while pleading for her not to harm him which made Orissa stand and look at Alice with a smile that really wasn't one.

"And do you agree? With him I mean? That we're animals who should be put down?" Hearing Orissa, Alice shook her head quickly trying to deny it.

"I can hear your heart Alice, and you seem to be afraid? If you didn't agree with him, would you be afraid of me?" Hearing Orissa's words, she stiffened and tried to speak, but Orissa let out a piercing hiss as she slumped forward.

Sierra caught her, pushing Alice away and looking at the familiar silver knife lodged in her back, piercing her spine. Oliver stood behind her with a mad glint, but Odelle also acted, smacking him away and pulling the knife out quickly.

"You are truly an idiot." Odelle flipped the knife in her hand and threw it at Oliver as an almost afterthought, not bothering to watch because she had already appeared by the window, knocking it open.

"I'm okay. I can feel my limbs again." Orissa weakly tried to push Sierra away, but Sierra didn't allow her to, holding her in a princess carry and walking to the window.

"Sierra! Help me!" Oliver lay on the ground, the knife handle deep in his stomach as blood pooled beneath him. Odelle reappeared next to him and gave Sierra a look.

"You can drop Orissa and save him, who thinks your a monster, or you can stay with us, your kind." Odelle saw Sierra shake her head and continue to the window.

"Seems she isn't as 'righteous' as you." Odelle sneered as she pulled the knife free and sniffed the blade, smiling faintly because trace amounts of Orissa's blood was on the blade when Oliver was injured.

"I'd let you go with the possibility of you Turning just to make you despair, but that would be too good for someone like you. Sierra, can I kill him?" Odelle looked at Sierra who shrugged, holding Orissa's soft body closer to her with care.

"Please kill him. He hurt Orissa." Sierra didn't even turn back, stroking one of Orissa's raven black strands of hair with a gentle smile on her face.

"You damned b*tch! F*ck you Sierra! You're just like them, a damn monster! You'd let your only brother die!" Oliver screamed as Orissa's blood infected him.

"You would hand me to the government as if we were strangers, have me kill my saviors to satisfy your hero complex? Humans are ugly, because no matter what happened in our lives previously, it was humans who did it, not vampires!"

"So what? Humans are superior! We have the right to kill more than you monsters do-" Oliver started to cry tears of blood as his heart started to beat erratically.

"You call us monsters, but aren't humans the architect of all your problems? You are blinded by your so called superiority, so die as a human." Orissa spoke again, her voice indifferent as the infected blood in Oliver's body stopped infecting his human blood and died out.

"My blood was what kept you alive, but since humans are so superior, depend on what little you have of it left to survive." Orissa stood by herself and both Odelle and Sierra felt the blood in their body being agitated just by being in her presence.

"Orissa?" Odelle approached her cautiously, examining her crimson irises that seemed to be changing colors, approaching a purplish red. Even if she had met other vampires, this was unprecedented.

"I'm okay Odelle, don't worry. We should go." Orissa shook her limbs and turned to the window, followed by Sierra and Odelle. Just as they were about to jump down, a voice spoke.

"Please wait!" Alice was on the ground, her arm aching where Sierra pushed her previously, but Orissa half turned around and gave her a look of utter indifference.

"He was right you know? Humans will always see us as monsters, and hunt us until we can no longer resist." Orissa walked back to her and crouched in front of her.

"I will not kill you Alice, but you will not speak of any weaknesses of the vampires to anyone." Orissa's irises turned purple and she could feel her words taking binding Alice, so she stood up and walked to the window and jumped out, followed by Odelle and Sierra.

"Goodbye." A moment later, no sign of any of the three vampires could be seen, and aside from the dead bodies of Carl and his goons, the dying Oliver who took strained breaths, there was no one else.

"No! Please! Don't go!" Alice contorted herself into a ball and cried, wanting to run after the trio, but no matter how fast she was, she couldn't catch up and she knew it.

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