The Outbreak

C.26 : New Vampiress

Neither Odelle or Orissa moved very much, staying close to the chair so either could intercept Sierra should she try to attack someone when she awoke.

Recalling the hazy need driven state she was in when she first turned, Orissa glanced at Carl and inwardly sneered. Instead of getting to have his way with the girl, he'd end up dying in her hands.

"Do you regret it? Your choices that led to this moment?" Orissa smiled when Carl nodded his head rapidly, but she knew he only felt regret because he was going to suffer, and nothing else.

"Soon she'll wake up." Odelle looked at Oliver and Alice who looked intrigued by the changes, and even she clicked her tongue in shock when blood started crystallize similar to Orissa's and even her own transformation.

"Well, luck is indeed on your side." Odelle watched as the blood solidified into a layer around Sierra, not bothering to explain since there was an outsider present.

"Mhm. I guess she won the lottery of life." Orissa smiled faintly as the crystalline layer started to crack and shatter into nothingness. When Sierra was visible again, her appearance was a bit different.

Her long hair was fiery red and her skin pale as snow, with her eyes shining like glittering emeralds. Her nails were like Odelle's and Orissa's, being dark black and extremely sharp.

Her ears were pointed and her facial features were more defined and prominent, as if something had taken an enhancer to her face and made it so much more than it was.

She wasn't breathing, as neither of the vampires present could hear the tell-tale sound of air entering her lungs, but she was awake. They didn't need to breath and only did so to track scents and such.

"Sierra?" Odelle looked at her calmly, but Orissa could see the telltale signs of her muscles tensed, ready to leap into action. Sierra took a deep breath and her eyes slowly changed, the sclera turning black and her emerald irises turning red.

"Just throw Carl at her?" Orissa suggested to Odelle who shrugged but the previously still Sierra blurred into motion, launching herself at Oliver. Orissa stared as Odelle grabbed Sierra's foot and redirected her momentum downwards.

"That would not have felt good, even if we are really durable." Orissa appeared next to Alice and stood next to her in case Sierra tried to attack Alice in her blind frenzy stage.

Sierra flipped around, using the extra force to roll towards Carl, who realized about the same time as the other humans in the room he was f*cked.

"No! I'll give you mone-" His voice cut out because Sierra bit into his neck and drank his blood greedily, her fangs slicing and shredding his throat in her desire to consume blood.

"Why did he think money would help him in this situation? Do we look poor? Well, aside from Sierra?" Orissa gave Sierra a sh*t eating grin when her eyes lost the feral glint and she regained control.

"How do you feel?" Orissa stared at Sierra and felt that she was familiar for some reason, but she also felt a sense of closeness to her, nothing too drastic, just a connection between the two.

"I feel wonderful." Sierra appeared in front of Orissa who tilted her head curiously, unsure of what she wanted to do. Sierra saw her confusion and leaned forward and placed her fiery red hair on Orissa's shoulder and greedily inhaled her scent.

"Oh... Oh. Well. Oh well." Odelle felt like jumping off a cliff because she didn't account for such a situation. Normally, vampires who were the same as Odelle, Orissa, and Sierra wouldn't be bonded to another but it seemed Orissa's blood managed to maintain it's presence even after Sierra reached their level.

"We basically procreate doing what you just did, and before you say anything, I refuse to have a daughter like you! Anyway, normally blood ties will vanish when your turning, but it seems like it didn't so Sierra will always feel calm and at ease around you."

"So... I went ahead and got myself a daughter?" Orissa asked incredulously while Alice tried to slip in between the two vampires, but Sierra let out a low rumbling growl to warn her away.

"Technically? As I said, it doesn't work on those like us, but the regular vampires do have something similar. You used blood to Turn her, so she's all 'your' responsibility." Hearing Odelle place a lot of emphasis on the word 'your', Orissa wanted to cry.

"But you could have told me... Damn, you didn't think it would work..." Orissa gently tried to separate Sierra from herself, but the more she tried, the more the latter kept entangling her like an octopus.

"Okay, get off!" Orissa snarled at Sierra who stiffened and moved away, feeling wronged. If Orissa kept trying to keep her away, wouldn't she have ended up trying to entangle her again?

"She can't help it. You're basically the most important person in her world now." Alice furrowed her brows when she heard Odelle but before she could ask anything, Oliver spoke angrily.

"What do you mean she is the most important person to her?! She's my sister! What did you do!" The three vampires could hear even ants crawling on the ground, so having a human shout so loudly right next to them made them hiss.

"Nothing okay?! Look, you want her, by all means, she's yours. We should go Odelle." Orissa didn't want to be caught in whatever delusions Oliver had and walked to the door with Alice's warm hand in her cold ones. 

"Orissa? Please don't leave m-me alon-lone." Sierra mumbled shakily, which made Orissa double take because she knew Sierra had perfect control of her body, so how could she trip over her words so many times?

"She's afraid you'll leave her. Like I said, you're her most important person." Odelle shrugged helplessly when Orissa looked at her with an almost pleading look.

"Give me back my sister!" Oliver was apparently angry enough to forgo reason and charge at a vampire. Orissa looked at his slow approach and wanted to smack him away, but someone else acted and sent Oliver tumbling to the ground. 

"N-no... Why.... Sierra?" Oliver looked up at his sister who gave him a look of irritation, one that made him shiver because he knew that she was very capable of ending his life if she wished now.

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