The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 324: The Boat

Chapter 324

At dinnertime, Jian Jing saw all the members of the observation station: Professor Lao and his monkey, Mrs. Lao Herb, Professor Lao's daughter Fei Na, forest ranger Chen, Li Journalist, Cha Li Doctor.

Everyone enjoyed a sumptuous dinner prepared by Mrs. Lao.

Fried rice with chicken, satay skewers, cheese and potato curry, bone tea, steak, egg sandwiches, the drinks were freshly opened coconut juice.

People were undivided, sitting on both sides of the long table in the dining room, outside the window was the primeval forest from hundreds of millions of years ago.

During the meal, Fei Na mentioned the leopard feces she had discovered that afternoon and speculated on poaching.

At the same time, Li Journalist provided a new message: "Is it possible that there was a gunfight?"

Professor Lao was feeding the monkeys, glanced over at the words: "Who?"

"Our neighbors." Li Journalist cut the steak and said casually, "Didn't we say we signed an agreement, maybe it was a joint operation."

"It's possible." Professor Lao frowned, "That would be too bad."

This national wildlife park happened to be located at the junction of two countries. By comparison, public security was better in this country, and the tourism industry was also more developed. The neighboring country was not the case. That side was a chaotic area, with rampant smuggling and drug trafficking gangs.

Every time there was a cleanup operation, some cunning individuals escaped pursuit and dove into the forest. People unfamiliar with the forest didn't even dare to go in. After a few months, when the wind died down, they emerged again, one bunch after another, and could never be cleaned up completely.

Jian Jing glanced at Kang Mu Cheng and saw his expression solemn. He probably remembered the tragic trip to Paris again, and she couldn't help but feel very sympathetic.

"Chairman Kang, eat more." She handed over a skewer, "Calm down."

Kang Mu Cheng: "..."

"Don't worry, even if someone escapes here, we are not afraid." Fei Na pointed to the weapons hanging on the wall, "We have guns. Chen is a good shot, he even shot and injured a poaching bastard last year."

At the other end of the long table, the forest ranger bowed his head in embarrassment and stuffed a piece of steak into his mouth.

Jian Jing looked at the knight at her feet, pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "I have a dog."

"Yes, this is great." Fei Na laughed and teased the monkey, "More useful than Bolly."

Monkey: "Eek Eek!"

"Hey, don't bully your brother." Professor Lao glared at his daughter, and said to his wife, "Dear, get me some beer."

Mrs. Lao handed Professor Lao a can of beer, and poured Cha Li Doctor a cup of tea.

Bolly sneaked up and picked up a piece of steak bone, and when no one was paying attention, he raised his hand and smashed it at Jian Jing's forehead.

Danger came, intuition triggered, Jian Jing reacted instantly and dodged to the side.

Then the bone hit Kang Mu Cheng next to him.

Kang Mu Cheng's movements stopped, he looked down at the oily shirt collar, and his brows furrowed slightly.

"Why did you hit him?" Jian Jing was angry, immediately picked up a lychee from the table, weighed it, and threw it out violently.

Of course, the monkey's speed was not slow, but compared with the system's aiming rate, it was still too tender. As soon as the aiming card came out, whether it was an ordinary monkey or a mutant monkey, one hit one shot.

It hurt, and immediately jumped up.

Jian Jing's actions didn't stop, all the lychees on the table became her weapons, and each one accurately hit Bolly's forehead.

It covered its head, dodged left and right, but still couldn't escape the lychee net.

In no time at all, it was full of bumps.

Professor Lao wanted to say something but stopped. He naturally knew that it was his own monkey causing trouble, and the other party was just retaliating, but seeing it crying out in pain, he felt heartbroken.

"Come to me." He decided to protect his pet.

"That's enough, Jingjing." Chairman Kang said unhurriedly, "One smashed, ten compensated, we didn't lose out."

Jian Jing glared fiercely at the monkey.

Knowing the times makes a hero. Although Bolly was a monkey, he also knew he was formidable and didn't dare provoke her directly. He crawled behind Professor Lao and squeaked complaints.

"I still have some work to finish." Professor Lao put down his fork and fled with his pet.

Li gave Jian Jing a big thumbs up, full of admiration.

Dr. Cha smiled rarely.

Fei Na: "It should have been taught a lesson long ago."

Even the taciturn Chen nodded.

This monkey was so unpopular, tsk.

Jian Jing was very curious: "Why does Professor Lao dote on Bolly so much?"

"Bolly's mother was killed by poachers. He was raised by my dad." Fei Na explained, "Dad has always said that he is my little brother."

Mrs. Lao said: "It's not too much, it saved your dad."

"What happened?"

"Bolly is very smart, and spends all day in the trees, so he can see things we don't notice." Fei Na said, "Two months ago, when Dad was patrolling in the forest, someone shot him. Fortunately, Bolly alerted him and he discovered it in time."

Chairman Kang asked, "Was the person caught?"

Fei Na regretfully shook her head.

"Poachers?" Chairman Kang guessed casually.

But Mrs. Lao said, "Maybe locals."


"Not everyone agrees with animal protection. Hunting used to be a major source of income for locals." Dr. Cha Li said, "One kilogram of pangolin scales can sell for $10,000 US."

The first day of vacation was full of ups and downs, very exciting.

That night, Jian Jing had a strange dream, dreaming that she was tracking a big leopard in the forest. Chasing and chasing, the leopard suddenly turned into a monkey.

The monkey picked up a stick and struck a pose: "Eat my stick!"

Then she woke up.

She played with her cell phone for a while, urged by the knight to get out of bed to feed and walk the dog.

Breakfast was still prepared by Mrs. Lao, fresh sandwiches, fried eggs, bacon and cold drip coffee.

She asked Jian Jing: "Lei said she wanted to take a boat, would you like to go together?"


The observation station is located upstream of the river. Taking a small boat downstream is the most beautiful valley in the park, where you can see many wild animals.

Since Professor Lao and his daughter still had their own work, the leader was Mrs. Lao. She called Dr. Cha Li and took Jian Jing and the three of them, as well as Li Journalist, planning to take a round trip of four hours, and have lunch in the wild.

Considering the complexity of the terrain, the most lightweight and flexible speedboat was chosen. Of course, this was at the expense of some comfort.

However, Chairman Kang didn't mind at all: "I've been looking forward to taking this kind of small boat. Last time I toured the Amazon, I was always on big boats, which was boring."

Kang Mu Cheng was too lazy to mention her black history, and only advised: "It's dangerous on the side, you sit in the middle."

"Annoying, do I need to worry about your mom at this age?" Chairman Kang couldn't stand it, and simply sat with Mrs. Lao, "Jingjing, I'm giving you a task, keep an eye on Kang Mu Cheng, don't let him bother me."

Jian Jing was happy, pulled his arm to make him sit next to her, and put her other arm around the knight: "Is this okay?"

Kang Lei immediately took out her phone and took a group photo for them, quickly posting it to Moments.

Li assembled the lens and pointed it at the scenery by the river to start working.

The speedboat started up and entered the shimmering river.

A refreshing breeze from the primeval forest blew in.

Jian Jing saw monkeys peeking out in the jungle, saw little muntjacs drinking water by the river, and even had amazing luck. Using binoculars, she saw a rhino leading its young to drink water.

Li Journalist kept taking pictures. He had great eyesight, capturing many small animals hiding in the woods, and took many photos for Jian Jing and Chairman Kang.

At noon, the sunlight was too hot, so they went into the forest to rest.

They saw buffaloes covered in mud again, a little guy who looked a lot like a Zootopia actor. Mrs. Lao said it was a binturong.

There were also various birds, exotic orchids (said to be new species), and the most classic toxin in ancient detective novels.

The poison arrow tree.

Having experienced the giant trees, the mere poison arrow tree could not scare Jian Jing. She walked around the tree twice, terribly itchy: "Can I... get a... souvenir?"

Mrs. Lao: “That’s too dangerous.”

Jian Jing certainly knew that, but just thinking that if she could put poison arrow tree venom in that room, it would be such a great thing.

"Just a little bit, please."

"This can't get through customs." Chairman Kang laughed.

"I'll just look at it for two days, not take it back." She said.

Kang Mu Cheng: "It's very dangerous, what if you accidentally touch it?"

Dr. Cha Li also shook his head in disapproval.

Jian Jing didn't dare defy the anger of the crowd, so she could only regretfully give up—pretend to give up.

They returned by boat after 3pm.

Mrs. Lao had been a tour guide all day and had no time to prepare dinner, so she decided to have a barbecue. This required no preparation at all - just cut the meat into small pieces and skewer them, slice the vegetables, and catch the fish directly from the river.

Jian Jing and Knight cooperated seamlessly, one driving and one grabbing, and caught several fish.

When she turned around, she saw Kang Mu Cheng holding a fishing rod.

She said, "Hahahahaha."

Kang Mu Cheng said, "..."

She teased him further: "Mr. Kang, have you reached the age where you like fishing?"

"Shut up," he replied concisely.

"You weren't this grumpy before," she complained.

Kang Mu Cheng said, "You weren't this annoying before."

Jian Jing stepped out of the water onto the shore, slipped on her slippers, and asked, "So, did you prefer the original Jian Jing?"

"You're still great now," he said.

She smiled and called to Knight, "Let's go, time to eat grilled fish." She asked Kang Mu Cheng curiously, "When did you learn to fish?"

He replied calmly, "Naturally, when I reached this age."

Jian Jing said, "...That's such a cold joke."

"You said it," he responded.

"I didn't mean you were a middle-aged man," she clarified seriously. "Professor Lao would protest - he still plays with water guns."

Kang Mu Cheng: "..."

"You're just too serious," she said. "No sense of humor."

Kang Mu Cheng finally lost his patience and knocked on her forehead: "Miss Jian Jing, don't forget you still have a manuscript to submit." Jian Jing was shocked.

He laughed coldly.

"I was wrong," the pigeon had no dignity.

Kang Mu Cheng looked down at her for a moment, then couldn't help laughing out loud.

The barbecue that night was rustic and fun. They didn't use a metal grill at all. They chopped wood on the spot for a bonfire, stuck forked branches into the ground, and skewered the food directly over the flames.

As the oil dripped into the fire, amazing aromas drifted up.

After being teased by Jian Jing a couple times, Kang Mu Cheng also loosened up. He drank beer and grilled meat, chatting idly with everyone.

Jian Jing didn't just feed herself but took care of the dog too. Still, she kept an eye on her surroundings: "Where's Professor Lao?"

"Dad's working, don't worry about him," Fei Na answered.

But Jian Jing wasn't reassured. The one she was really guarding against was Bolly.

As the sky gradually darkened, the bonfire grew brighter. Just as everyone was eating, drinking, and chatting happily, Professor Lao suddenly appeared with a monkey perched on his shoulder. He held instruments and a gun, cursing as he walked out.

"Dad? What's going on?" Fei Na asked in surprise.

Professor Lao replied, "The monitoring of Number 21 is off. I suspect it's in danger."

Mrs. Lao looked up in shock: "Pseudoryxnghetinhensis?"

Professor Lao nodded.

"It's so dark out. I'll go with you," she said.

"Chen will come with me," Professor Lao replied.

Fei Na had already stood up: "I want to go too. Oh no, I hope it's not hurt!"

They strongly insisted on going together, so Professor Lao had no choice but to agree: "Alright, hopefully it's just an accident."

Jian Jing was totally confused, but still asked, "Do you have some trouble? Is there anything we can help with?"

Professor Lao said solemnly, "Please stay here in your rooms and don't wander around. If you hear any sounds, don't go outside. Stay quiet."

Jian Jing stared, dumbfounded.

But Professor Lao had no intention of explaining further. He called to the others, "Bring guns, we'll go and come back quickly."

The four guests were totally lost, only Bolly squatted and made a huge grimace at Knight.

Knight sneezed. His nose was so itchy.

The crescent moon shone in the night sky.

Author's note: It doesn't look like anything happened the next day.


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